Philip of Swabia, King of Germany
(aft.1177 - 1208)
Philipp von Schwaben
The Peerage
King of Germany(formally King of the Romans): Reign: 1198–1208 (contested by Otto IV)
Predecessor: Henry VI Successor: Otto IV
Knud IV "the Holy" Svendson, King of Danmark
(c.1042 - 1086)
Fyens.dk * Ing.dk * Den Store Danske * Danishnet * Archive.org
Konge av Danmark Eric I "the Good" Estridson
(c.1050 - 1103)
Erik Ejegod var konge af Danmark fra 1095 - 1103.Gift med drottning Bodil Thrugotsdatter.==Children:==* Knut Lavard* Harald Kesja* Erik Emune* Benedict* Bodil* Ragnhild==Links:==*
George III, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
(1738 - 1820)
Predecessor: George II Successor: George IV ==================================================================================George III (George William Frederick; 4 June 1738– 29 January 1820) was Kin...
Rabbi Abraham Gershon Ashkenazi, [of Kitov]
(bef.1675 - 1771)
Rabbi Abraham Gershon of Kitov (Kuty), also known as Rabbi Gershon of Brody was probably born in or near Kuty, Poland around 1701 and died in Jerusalem in 1761. He is best known as the Baal Shem Tov's ...
Reverend Yelles "Julius" Kassel, I
(c.1590 - 1681)
Reverend Yelles "Julius" Cassel, I
Yelles the Mennonite Preacher at Kriesheim Germany between Manheim and Worms, in the Palatinate (Pfalz). His grandsons Johan (Johannes), Hupert, and Yelles (Julius)...
Roman the Great, Prince of Novgorod, Rex Rusiae
(1153 - 1205)
: English , Polski , Русский Roman Mstislavich (Russian and Ukrainian: Роман Мстиславич ), also Roman Mstyslavych or Roman the Great , born sometime after 1160, died at Zawichost, October 14, 1205
Lambert II 'the Belted', Count of Leuven and Brussels
(c.992 - 1054)
LAMBERT [Baldric] de Louvain, son of LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain & his wife Gerberge of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] (-after 21 Sep 1062, bur Nivelles). The Vita Sanctæ Gudi...
Martti Ahtisaari, 10th President of Finland
(1937 - 2023)
Suomen 10. Presidentti. Nobelin rauhanpalkinto 2008. '10th President of Finland. Nobel Peace Prize 2008. a Finnish politician, the tenth President of Finland (1994–2000), Nobel Peace Prize laureate and...
Arnulf, Duke of Bavaria
(c.886 - 937)
Additional Curator's Notes:===Medieval Scholar Wegener speculates that the wife of Arnulf Duke of Bavaria was the daughter of Eberhard, Duke of the March of Friulia, of the Unruochingi line, on the bas...
Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portugal
(c.1069 - 1112)
Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portugal=* Son of Henri le Damoiseau, duc de Bourgogne and Sibylle de Barcelone, duchesse consort de Bourgogne * Henry (Portuguese: Henrique, French: Henri; c. 1066 – 111...
Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne
(c.347 - c.404)
Marcomir De Cologne
Marcomer (or Marcomir , Marcomeres , Marchomer , Marchomir ) (late 4th century), Frankish chief.
In later legend he was the son of Chlodio IV , ... from the kings of Troy.
Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt.
(b. - c.1076)
Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt.
Son of Esiko, count of Ballenstedt and Matilda of Swabia
Adalbert II of Ballenstedt (c. 1030 – 1076/1083), an early member of the House of Ascania, was Graf (coun...
Märta Klasdotter Djäkn
(c.1407 - bef.1477)
Vuonna 1439 Turun piispa Maunu Tavast lahjoitti kartano veljelleen Jöns Olofinpojalle sekä tämän vaimolle Marta Klauntyttärelle, joka oli Turun linnan päällikön Klaus Lydekenpoika Djäknin tytär. Joachi...
Christopher II, King of Denmark
(1276 - 1332)
Please do not make picture copy s
1300-tallet er borgenes århundrede. I de urolige borgerkrigsår under Christoffer (uden land) 2. synes Lolland-Falster at være kongens sidste bastion.
Her døde h...
William "The Lion", King of Scots
(c.1143 - 1214)
Wikipedia "William the Lion" updated 6 March 2022
Some information previously entered below may ow be amended or edited,
William 'the Lion'
King of the Scots
Reign: 9 December 1165 – 4 December ...
Eleanor of England, Queen consort of Castile
(1162 - 1214)
FMG ( 7 Sep 2022 ) "England, Kings 1066-1603"
Princess Eleanor Plantagenet of England and Aquitaine (later Leonora; 13 October 1162 – 31 October 1214) was Queen of Castile ...
Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile
(1155 - 1214)
Alfonso VIII de Castilla, llamado «el de Las Navas» o «el Noble» (Soria, 11 de noviembre de 1155 – Gutierre-Muñoz, del domingo 5 al lunes 6 de octubre de 1214), fue rey de Castilla entre 1158 y 1214. H...
Liudolf I "the Great", Duke of Saxony
(b. - 866)
Ben M. Angel's summary:Relationships:Known Parents: Graf Brunhart von Engern/Angaria (Mittelalter Genealogie), all other information unknown or unconfirmed (spouse unknown)Siblings: UnknownSpouse: Oda ...
Otto I the Illustrious, Duke of Saxony
(836 - 912)
the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony: "der Erlauchte", son of Graf LIUDOLF & his wife Oda [Billung] (-30 Nov 912, bur Gandersheim Stiftskirche). The Annalista Saxo records "Otto" as "fi...
Heinrich I von Schweinfurt, Markgraf im Nordgau
(aft.970 - 1017)
BERTHOLD , son of --- (-15 Jan 980). m ([970]%29 EILIKA [Eiliswintha or Eila] von Walbeck, daughter of LOTHAR [II] Graf von Walbeck [Nordmark] & his wife Mathilde von Arneburg (-19 Aug 1015). Markgraf ...
Adelheid of Holland
(974 - c.1045)
first married Baudouin II, Count of Boulogne, who mas killed in battle by Enguerrand I, Count of Ponthieu. Adelaide was then married to Enguerrand.Adelaide van Hollandb. circa 985Also called Adele of G...
Augustus, 1st Roman Emperor
(-63 - 14)
He is known as: * Gaius Octavius / or / Octavianus /his original praenomen (~ first) and Cognomen (~ family) name/ * Augustus (granted the title of Augustus by the Roman Senate, becoming the first empe...
Garsende de Sabran, comtesse de Forcalquier
(c.1181 - c.1257)
Garsenda or Garsende (II) de Sabran (c. 1180 – c. 1242) was the Countess of Provence as the wife of Alfonso II from 1193 and the Countess of Forcalquier in her own right from 1209. She brought Forcalqu...
Aleksander I Pavlovich Romanov, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias
(1777 - 1825)
Alexander I of Russia (Russian: Александр I Павлович), also known as Alexander the Blessed (Russian: Александр Благословенный).==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #806 * Wikipedia * ...
Polina Gribanova
Ulf Thorgilsson, Jarl of Denmark
(c.993 - 1027)
Ulf Torgilsson, Ulf Jarl. Jarl av Danmark
f. ca 993 Han var sønn av Torgil Sprakling
ca 1015 Ulf var gift med Estrid Sveindsdatter av Danmark Datter av Svend Tveskjegg og Sigrid Storråde De hadde b...
Alfonso VII the Emperor, King of Castile and Leon
(1105 - 1157)
ALFONSO VII “el Emperador” King of Castile, León & Toledo ([Grajal], Galicia 1 Mar 1105-Fresneda 21 Aug 1157, bur Toledo, Cathedral Santa María)
s/o URRACA & Raymond de Bourgogne
Brother of Infanta do...
Odo I, count of Blois
(950 - 996)
Eudes I (Odo), Comte de BloisSon of Thibaut 'le Tricheur' and Luitgarde de VermandoisLINKS* LANDS EUDES de Blois (-Châteaudun [12 Feb/4 Jul][47] 995, bur Tours, Abbaye de Saint-Martin, Marmoutier). "Od...
Eilika of Schweinfurt
(c.1000 - 1059)
BERTHOLD , son of --- (-15 Jan 980). m ([970]%29 EILIKA [Eiliswintha or Eila] von Walbeck, daughter of LOTHAR [II] Graf von Walbeck [Nordmark] & his wife Mathilde von Arneburg (-19 Aug 1015). Markgraf ...
Cacht O'More
(1082 - c.1149)
King Haakon Sigurdsson
(937 - 995)
Haakon II Sigurdsson Jarl (Old Norse: Hákon Sigurðsson, Norwegian: Håkon Sigurdsson), (died 995) was the son of Sigurd Haakonsson, Earl of Lade, and thus Trøndelag. Haakon claimed descent from the divi...
Rabbi David HaLevi Segal, "Turei Zahavf" (TuZ/TaZ)
(1586 - 1667)
David haLevi Segal , the famous author of Turei Zahav (TaZ/TuZ) דוד הלוי סגל David HaLevi Segal, דוד הלוי סגל ,wrote a commentary on Joseph Caro's Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh De'ah), which he published in Lu...
 Photo by Studio Publicity. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:JUDYGarland.jpg
Judy Garland
(1922 - 1969)
Judy Garland was an American actor, singer, and dancer. She attained international stardom and critical acclaim as an actor in both musical and dramatic roles, as a recording artist, and on the concert...
Albrecht II, Margrave of Meissen
(1240 - 1314)
> Wikipedia: English Deutsch * Margrave of Meissen Reign: 1288–1292> Predecessor: Henry III Successor: Frederick Tuta
Béatrice de Vermandois
(c.880 - c.931)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on France Capetian Kings :The name of Robert's first wife is not known. However, as King Robert's known wife Béatrix de Vermandois could not have been th...
Princess Anne Of Denmark and Norway Of Oldenburg, Queen consort of Scotland, England and Ireland
(1574 - 1619)
Anne of Denmark and Norway von Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark and Norway *By marriage Queen Consort of Scotland on 17 May 1590 and Queen Consort of Great Britain on 25 July 1603.==Links:==* The Peerage...
Cynric, king of Wessex
(525 - 560)
Cynric ruled as king of Wessex from 534 to 560. He was either the son or grandson of Cerdic. Among the few statements made about his life were that he captured Searobyrig or Old Sarum, near Salisbur...
Johann "der Beständige" von Sachsen, Kurfürst
(1468 - 1532)
Johann der Beständige von Sachsen Royal house House of Wettin
Born in Meissen, John was the fifth of the seven children of Ernest, Elector of Saxony and Elisabeth of Bavaria. From 1486 onward he was ...
 Photographer unknown. http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/photos/1357064113p8/657359.jpgia No known copyright issues
Henry Sinclair, 1st Earl of Orkney
(c.1345 - c.1400)
HENRY ST. CLAIR, on the death of Malise, Earl of Stratherne, Orkney, and Caithness, before 1358, became one of the competitors for the earldom of Orkney through his moth...
Penda "the Strong", king of Mercia
(575 - 655)
Penda (died 15 November 655) was a 7th-century King of Mercia, the Anglo-Saxon kingdom in what is today the English Midlands. A pagan at a time when Christianity was taking hold in many of the Anglo-Sa...
Gwrddwfin ap Cwrrig
(c.160 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Duncan I, King of Scots
(1001 - 1040)
Donnchad mac Crínáin (Modern Gaelic: Donnchadh mac Crìonain) anglicised as Duncan I, (died 14 August 1040) was king of Scotland (Alba).
Parents: Crínán 'the Thane', Mormaer of Atholl and Bethóc of...
Alfonso XI the Just, King of Castile and León
(1311 - 1350)
XI of CastileFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Status of Alfonso XI is in AlgecirasAlfonso XI (Salamanca, August 13, 1311 – March 26/27, 1350 in Gibraltar) was the king of Castile and León, the s...
Attila the Hun, "Scourge of God", King of the Huns
(c.395 - 453)
Attila ( fl. c. 406–453), frequently called Attila the Hun , was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in March 453. He was also the leader of a tribal empire consisting of Huns, Ostrogoth...
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Head, Cracow Yeshiva
(1596 - 1663)
הרב הגאון רשכבה"ג מו"ה יהושע העשיל זצ״ל אבדק קראקא הנודע בשם קדשו רבי ר׳ העשיל Hebrew Books* Abraham Joshua Heschel Biography . Click on and Read Document: Abraham Joshua Heschel of Cracow (Chanikas Ha...
Maria Komnene, queen of Jerusalem
(c.1154 - 1217)
MARIA Komnene (1154-<Oct 1217)
d/o IOANNES Doukas Komnenos ([1128]-killed in battle Myriokephalon c17 Sep 1176) & NN Taronitissa
x (Tyre 29 Aug 1167) AMAURY I King of Jerusalem ,s/o FOULQUES King of Je...
Olav III, King of Norway
(c.1050 - 1093)
Olav Haraldsson, III Olaf III (Old Norse: Óláfr Haraldsson, Norwegian: Olav Haraldsson; c. 1050 – 22 September 1093), known as Olaf Kyrre (Old Norse: kyrri, English: Peaceful), was king of Norway from ...
Monica Lewinsky
Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973) is an American woman with whom United States President Bill Clinton admitted to having had an "improper relationship" while she worked at the White House in 1995 a...
Shlomo Zabludowicz
(1915 - 1994)
Shlomo Zabludowicz Birth & Early Life Shlomo Zabludowicz was born on April 15, 1915 (or 1916) in Łódź, Poland , to Chaim and Rivka Zabludowicz . His exact birthdate is uncertain, but he celebrated Apri...
Konrad von Öhningen, Duke of Swabia
(c.925 - 997)
KONRAD [Kuno] von Öhningen, Duke of Swabia.(-20 Aug 997)
x c968 RICHLIND d/o OTTO I King of Germany & Adelais of Burgundy] (->1 Nov 1007)
Hinda Halevi Katzenellenbogen
(bef.1570 - c.1617)
1913--1996- The Eger Family Association- pg.391913--1990- The Eger Family Association-אילן יח-
Odo, count of Penthièvre
(c.1001 - 1079)
Medilands ( 16 Nov 2021 ) Brittany Nobility: Cournouaille, Panthièvre Comtes de Panthièvre
EUDES de Bretagne , son of GEOFFROY I Duke of Brittany & his wife Havise de Normandie (-Cesson 1079, bur Sai...
Cunigunda, countess of Trèves & Ardennes
(c.895 - bef.940)
King Louis II & his second wife [ADELAIS, daughter of ADALHARD Comte Palatin [Angoulême] & his wife --- ([855/60]-18 Nov [901], bur Compiègne, église abbatiale Saint-Corneille).] had two children:
Richard of York, 3rd Duke of York
(1411 - 1460)
"Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, 6th Earl of March, 4th Earl of Cambridge, and 7th Earl of Ulster, conventionally called Richard of York (21 September 1411 – 30 December 1460) was a leading Engl...
Anders Olofsson
(c.1425 - 1470)
Underlagman i Västerbotten enligt Johan Bure.
Anders Olofsson i Bure kan betraktas som den äldsta, historiskt säkerställda medlemmen av Bureätten. Samtida skriflig källa saknas visserligen, men samstä...
Saint Jean de Lalande, S.J.
(c.1610 - 1646)
Overview=Jean de Lalande was a Jesuit missionary at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons. He was a member of the party led by Isaac Jogues as an envoy to the Mohawk to protect the precarious peace. However, M...
... von Sulzbach
(c.1030 - 1091)
Gilbert Talbot, 3rd Lord of Talbot
(1332 - 1386)
Sir Gilbert Talbot, 3rd Lord Talbot1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14* M, #11092, b. circa 1332, d. 24 April 1387*Father Sir Richard Talbot, 2nd Lord Talbot & Lord of Mar, Justice of the Peace for Glouce...
Sir William Norreys, of Speke
(1386 - 1453)
Biography B111.137.111.13. William Norreys of Speke, Lancashire, died after 1453. He was the son of Sir Henry Norreys of Speke and his 2nd wife.
William Norreys married around 1416 to Elizabeth [Perce...
Valborg Jönsdotter Tavast
(c.1427 - bef.1477)
Asemies Henrik Klasson Flemingin I vaimo, Vanhakartano, Arvassalon saari, Uusikirkko TL. Väpnare Henrik Klasson Flemings I hustru. Gamlagård på Arvassalo ö, Nykyrko, ÅL, Finland. 'Squire Henrik Klasson...
Blanche of Lancaster
(1342 - 1368)
"Blanche of Lancaster, Duchess of Lancaster (25 March 1345 – 12 September 1368) was an English noblewoman and heiress, daughter of England's wealthiest and most powerful peer, Henry of Grosmont, 1s...
Nicéphore Niépce
(1765 - 1833)
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce était un ingénieur français, considéré comme étant l'inventeur de la photographie, appelée alors « procédé héliographique ».
JOSEPH NICEPHORE NIEPCE 1765-1833 While many inven...
Ira Drukier
Ira Drukier is an American hotelier and philanthropist. He co-owns BD Hotels, a hotel chain in New York City.
Early life
Ira Drukier grew up in Rego Park, a neighborhood of Queens in New ...
(b. - aft.1270)
Erich Gritzner in Steglitz.
I m 32nd volume of the yearbooks has the Geh. Archivist Dr. Lisch occasionally undertook other research on the basis of the four first volumes of the Mekl...
William Longespée, 3rd Earl of Salisbury
(c.1176 - 1226)
FMG: England, Kings 1066-1837 :—
11. WILLIAM Longespee (1176-Salisbury 7 Mar 1226, bur Salisbury Cathedral).
The Continuator of Florence of Worcester records that Richard I King of England arrang...
Anita Pallenberg
(1942 - 2017)
Pallenberg (6 April 1942 – 13 June 2017) was an Italian actress, artist, and model. A style icon and "It Girl" of the 1960s and 1970s, Pallenberg was credited as the muse of the Rolling Stones; she was...
Prinses Beatrix der Nederlanden
Lage Vuursche, Baarn, Utrecht, Netherlands
Beatrix (Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard, born 31 January 1938) is the former queen regnant of the Kingdom of the Netherlands comprising the Netherlands, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, and Aruba. Following her abdi...
Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.
(1888 - 1969)
When Jack recovered from Scarlet Fever, Joe gave a check to the guild of St. Apollonia, providing dental care to children in Catholic schools.
In 1927, Joe Kennedy moved his family from B...
Elizabeth Douglas
(1398 - 1458)
Only daughter of George Douglas, 1st Earl of Angus (1370-1402) by Princess Mary (d. before 1458), daughter of Robert III, King of Scots.
Widow of 1st Lord Forbes
From Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on ...
This zite is not ok and needs to be fixed.
Stamtavlan ger Cerdics far som Elesa, som har identifierats av några forskare med romano-briten Elasius, "regionens chef", träffad av Germanus av Auxerre....
Richeza of Poland, Queen of Castile and León
(c.1140 - 1185)
Richeza of Poland (c. 1140 – June 16, 1185), was the daughter of King Wladislaus II the Exile of Poland, and Agnes of Babenberg. She accompanied her father into exile in 1146. Her name is also sp...
Tom Hanks
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Tom Hanks is an American actor and filmmaker. Known for both his comedic and dramatic roles, Hanks is one of the most popular and recognizable film stars worldwide, and is widely regarded as an America...
Henry IX the black, duke of Bavaria
(c.1074 - 1126)
Welfe der jüngeren schwäbischen Linie
H. „der Schwarze“ (der Beiname erst Ende 13. Jahrhundert belegt, ungewiß, ob wegen seiner Haarfarbe oder wegen der schwarzen Trac...
Huoching of the Alemannians
(c.675 - c.744)
Houching, Duke of Alamannia
d. before 709
Father Godefroy, Duke of d. 709
Huoching (c675-c744), an Alemannian nobleman, and a brother of Dukes Lantfrid and Theutbald .
Biography Huoching of A...
Ermengarde of Hesbaye
(c.778 - 818)
FMG Franks, Carolingian Nobility (28 Nov 2020) Family of Enguerrand Comte de Paris
m LANDRADA , daughter of ---.
Leutharis III, duke of the Alemannians
(c.600 - 675)
from Medlands ( 3 Feb 2019 ) Dukes of Alemannia
"The territory of Alemannia was invaded by the Merovingian Franks but was able to preserve semi-autonomy. The dukes of Alemannia were finally vanquishe...
(c.315 - d.)
There are many legends and stories of St. Patrick, but this is his story.
Patrick was born around 385 in Scotland, probably Kilpatrick. His parents were Calpurnius and Conchessa, who were Romans ...
Tapio Rautavaara
(1915 - 1979)
Kaj Tapio Rautavaara was a Finnish athlete, singer (bass-baritone) and film actor.===Early years=== Tapio Rautavaara was born in the municipality of Pirkkala (now Nokia), a suburb of Tampere. Just thre...
Sir William ap Thomas, The Blue Knight of Gwent
(c.1380 - 1446)
See Peter Bartrum, (January 31, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)See Peter Bartrum, (December 7, 2017; Anne Brannen, curator) William ap Thomas (died 1445) was a member of the Welsh gentry family that came ...
Judith von Schweinfurt
(b. - 1058)
HEINRICH von Schweinfurt ([970/75]-18 Sep 1017, bur Schweinfurt). m (before 1003) GERBERGA [von Hammerstein], daughter of HERIBERT Pfalzgraf Graf im Kinziggau & his wife Imiza --- ([975/80]-after 1036)...
Carl Thomas Dean
(1942 - 2025)
Dolly Parton, age 78, is the queen of country whose career shows no signs of slowing down after all these years (she released her first-ever rock album, Rockstar, in November 2023). Carl Dean, age 82, ...
Immilla Schweinfurt, di Torino
(c.1020 - 1078)
- Schweinfurt (degli Arduinici), di Torino Auch bekannt als: Englisch (Voreinstellung): Emilia, Immula, Ermengarda, Irmgard * Geburtstag und -ort: etwa 1020 Turin, Piedmont, Italy (Italien) * Verstorbe...
Halfdan "the Tall" Frodasson, King of Denmark
(c.503 - 580)
(Old Norse) or Healfdene (Beowulf) or Haldan (Danish Latin sources) (late 5th century, early 6th century) was a legendary Danish king of the Scylding (Skjöldung) lineage, the son of king named Fróði in...
Jane Seymour, Queen consort of England
(1508 - 1537)
a short summary from WikipediaJane SeymourQueen consort of EnglandTenure 30 May 1536 – 24 October 1537Proclamation 4 June 1536Spouse Henry VIII of England (1536-1537)IssueEdward VI of EnglandFather ...
Baldwin II, count of Boulogne
(963 - 1032)
II of Boulogne (ca. 990 - 1027/1033) was a son of Arnulf III, Count of Boulogne, who he succeeded as count of Boulogne from 990- 1027/1033.During his father's and grandfather'sreigns as Counts, they ha...
Baron Klaus Eriksson Fleming 1st Governor-General of Finland
(c.1535 - 1597)
Baron Klaus Fleming (Swedish: Clas Eriksson Fleming; 1535 in Parainen – 13 April 1597 in Pohja) was a Finnish-born member of the Swedish nobility and admiral, who played an important role in Finnish an...
Yrjö Artturi Lindholm
(1900 - 1958)
Avioliittoon vihitty sähköteknikko Yrjö Artturi Lindholm Viialan Srk ja neiti Esteri Armiida Koivulehto Harlun Srk Hämekoskelta.
Toijalan Sanomat, 08.02.1930, nro 6, s. 4
Kansalliskirjaston digitaali...
Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark
(1131 - 1182)
Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark Product MedLands, Denmark Kings VALDEMAR Knudsen, son of KNUT "Lavard" Duke of South Jutland/Sønderjylland [Schleswig] and King of the Obotriten & his wif...
William I, count of Ponthieu
(920 - 980)
The PEDIGREE ofWilliam (Guillaume) I de PONTHIEU 3rd Count of MONTREUILBorn: abt. 890 Died: abt. 965 HM George I's 23-Great Uncle. Geo Washington's 24-Great Uncle. Poss. Louis XVII's 24-Great Grandfath...
Aube Ermengarde d'Auvergne, Abbess of Sauxillanges
(c.865 - c.893)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Carolingian Nobility:The precise relationship between the following family sub-group and Hugues [Duke of Burgundy] (their "propinquus", see below) has...
Leopold I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau
(c.1676 - 1747)
Der Alte Dessauer== Links: * The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Prince of Anhalt-Dessau: Reign 1693-1747 > Predecessor: John George II Successor Leopold II
Miriam Beila Horowitz (Isserles), REMA's sister
(c.1530 - 1617)
Miriam Bella Horowitz was the sister of the "holy REMA" - הרמ"א הקדוש - (Rabbi Moshe Isserlis) Miriam Beila Isserles, the sister of Rema, was born in Krakow in 1530. She died in 1617.
William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas & Mar
(c.1323 - 1384)
BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas
Born 1327 Scotland
Died May 1384 Douglas, South Lanarkshire
Buried 1384 Melrose Abbey[1]
Father Sir Archibald Douglas
Mother Beatr...
Petteri Orpo
Antti Petteri Orpo (Finnish pronunciation: [ ˈɑntːi ˈpetːeri ˈorpo ]; born 3 November 1969) is a Finnish politician serving as the Prime Minister of Finland since 2023 and as the leader of the National...
Frellav Hakonson Frille
(c.1312 - aft.1363)
Frille , den äldre släkten . Dansk medeltidsätt , hvars stamfader Freilav Hakonsen år 1334 blef adlad af hertig Valdemar. Utgången på svärdssidan i Danmark liksom i Finland under början af 1500 talet. ...
Richeza of Lotharingia "The Blessed of Ezzon" Queen-Consort of Poland
(c.993 - 1063)
Links:==* Wikipedia * Holbek Rycheza Lotaryńska , Ryksa (także Richeza , Richenza , Rixa ) (ur. ok. 993, zm. 21 marca 1063 w Saalfeld/Saale) – żona Mieszka II, polska królowa , zwana błogosławioną (nie...
Joseph F Gauthier, Jr.
(1847 - 1911)
(The Joseph Gauthier who married Sophia was white! Nothing in the census about marrying Ms. Lafrombois)
1870 Jun 28 - "United States, Census, 1870", , FamilySearch ( : Sun Jan 05 09:42:59 UTC 2025), ...
Władysław I Herman
(1043 - 1102)
Władysław I Herman (b. ca. 1044[1] - d. 4 June 1102), was a Duke of Poland from 1079 until his death.
He was the second son of Casimir I the Restorer by his wife Maria Dobroniega, daug...
Lady Margaret Jane Stewart
(c.1497 - 1578)
Kilmarnock, industrial town, East Ayrshire council area, historic county of Ayrshire, southwestern Scotland.
MARGARET STEWART Margaret Stewart is the bastard daughter of James IV, King of Scots, and...