Richeza of Poland, Queen of Castile and León

Richeza of Poland, Queen of Castile and León

German: Richeza von Everstein, Queen of Castile and León, Spanish: Riquilda de Polonia, Queen of Castile and León, Polish: Ryksa śląska, Queen of Castile and León
Also Known As: "Ryksa", "Ricca", "Riche", "Richildis", "Richza", "Rikinsa"
Birthplace: Wroslaw, Breslau, Nieder Schlesien, Poland
Death: June 16, 1185 (45-54)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Władysław II the Exile, High Duke of Poland and Agnes of Babenberg
Wife of Raimundo V de Tolosa; Raimond-Bérenger II, comte de Provence; Alfonso VII the Emperor, King of Castile and Leon and Adelbert II von Everstein, Graf von Everstein
Mother of Douce, comtesse de Provence; Fernando de Castilla, infante de León; Sancha of Castile; Albert III von Everstein, Graf von Everstein and Konrad II, Graf von Everstein
Sister of Duke Bolesław I "The Tall" Liegnitz; Mieszko I Tanglefoot, High Duke of Poland; Konrad Spindleshanks, Duke of Głogów and Albert

Occupation: księcia śląskiego i zwierzchniego księcia Polski (Princesa Silesiana y Princesa Soberana de Polonia); Reina Consorte de Castilla, León y Galicia (1152-117) ; Condesa Consorte de Provenza (1161-1166) ; Condesa Consorte de Tolosa (1166-1183)
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Richeza of Poland, Queen of Castile and León

Richeza of Poland (c. 1140 – June 16, 1185), was the daughter of King Wladislaus II the Exile of Poland, and Agnes of Babenberg. She accompanied her father into exile in 1146. Her name is also spelled Ryksa, Rixa, and Richilda.

She married King Alfonso VII of Castile and León in 1152. Their only surviving child, Infanta Sancha of Castile, was born 1155. In Spain she was known as "Queen Ricca".

When Alphonso died in 1157, Richeza remarried to Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Provence, in 1162. Their daughter was Douce (died 1172). Ramon Berengar died in 1166, and she remarried once more to Count Raymond V of Toulouse.

Her daughter, Sancha of Castile, married King Alfonso II of Aragon in 1174. Sancha's daughter, Eleanor married Count Raymond VI of Toulouse in 1202.

Richeza of Poland also known as of Silesia (Polish: Ryksa Polska or Śląska; b. ca. 1140 - d. 16 June 1185), was a Polish princess member of the House of Piast in the Silesian branch and by her marriages Queen of León and Castile, Countess of Provence and Countess of Everstein.

She was the third child and only daughter of King Władysław II the Exile, High Duke of Poland and ruler of Silesia, by his wife Agnes of Babenberg, daughter of Margrave Leopold III of Austria and half-sister of King Conrad III of Germany.[1]

Contents [hide]

1 Life

1.1 Queen of Castile and León

1.2 Countess of Provence

1.3 Countess of Everstein

2 References

[edit] Life

[edit] Queen of Castile and León

Born and raised for the first years of her life in Poland, Richeza accompanied her parents and brothers into exile in 1146. They established themselves firstly in Bohemia and later in Germany, under the care of King Conrad III, who give his deposed brother-in-law the Saxon district of Altenburg as his residence.

In 1151 came the news that the King Alfonso VII of León and Castile wanted to make an alliance with the Kingdom of Germany through a wedding. Richenza, niece of King Conrad III, was the most appropriate candidate to be the wife of the Iberian ruler. Between October and December 1152 Richeza and King Alfonso VII were married. In Castile she was known as Queen Riquilda (Spanish: Reina Riquilda). Her first child, Infante Ferdinand of Castile, was born in the city of Toledo one year later, in 1153. Two years later, in 1155, Richeza gave birth to her second child, Infanta Sancha of Castile. King Alfonso VII died suddenly in the middle of the war against the Moors in Sierra Morena on 21 August 1157. Apparently, Infante Ferdinand died soon before his father.[2]

[edit] Countess of Provence

The late King divided his domains between his two surviving sons born from his first marriage to Berenguela of Barcelona: Sancho III obtained Castile and Ferdinand II received León. The relationship between Richeza and her stepsons wasn't good, especially after King Sancho III declared war on Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, father of Alfonso (later King of Aragon), who was betrothed to Richeza's daughter Sancha. The unstable relations of King Ferdinand II with the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (cousin of Richeza) and the Antipope Victor IV added further difficulties to the Dowager Queen, who finally decided to move to the Kingdom of Aragon in 1159.

In the Aragonese court, Richeza met Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Provence, nephew of Count of Barcelona. Although they soon fell in love, their union would be clearly political. Ramon Berenguer II supported Victor IV against Pope Alexander III, who, in turn, supported King Louis VII of France. The county of Provence was in a strategic location, between France and the Italian Peninsula. Frederick Barbarossa also wanted to win to his side to Count Ramon Berenguer IV, who entered in an alliance with the Kings of France, Castile and León. In contrast, Ramon Berenguer II, soon cousin by marriage of the Emperor gained prestige and could face the pretentions of Count Hugh of Baux, who had just received the Imperial Provence as a fief.

Premarital negotiations lasted almost a year and a half. Between January and October 1161 Richeza and Count Ramon Berenguer II were finally married. They had only one daughter, Douce of Provence, born ca. 1162. Ramon Berenguer II was killed during the siege of Nice in 1166.

Soon after her second husband's death, plans for a new marriage for Richeza began. Apparently, she was betrothed to Raymond V, Count of Toulouse by her cousin the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa around 1166; at the same time, the now Countess Douce II of Provence was engaged to the future Raymond VI. Count Raymond V wanted with this engagement to become more closely to the Hohenstaufen dynasty and took full control over the County of Provence. However, the firm opposition of King Alfonso II of Aragon (future Richeza's son-in-law) soon cancelled both betrothals, and with the help of the Genoese, began the war against Raymond V, who lasted eight years.

Some sources stated that in fact Richeza and Raymond V were married; however, this event is refuted by the majority of modern historians.

[edit] Countess of Everstein

By 1167, Richeza married her third and last husband, Count Albert III of Everstein (b. ca. 1135 - d. ca. 1202) (who fought at the side of Frederick Barbarossa in his wars against the Guelphs) and moved to Germany with her new husband. After that, she was known as Countess Richeza of Everstein (German: Gräfin Richeza von Everstein). From this union were certainly born two sons, Counts Albert IV and Konrad II of Everstein, although in some sources the existence of other three sons called Otto, Louis and Hermann of Everstein was stated.[3]

Little is known about the later life of Richeza. She died in 1185.

[edit] References

1.^ Allstrom, Carl Magnus. Dictionary of Royal Lineage (Poland), 1902.



Preceded by

Berenguela of Barcelona Queen Consort of Galicia

1152-1157 Succeeded by

Urraca of Portugal

Queen Consort of León


Queen Consort of Castile

1152-1157 Succeeded by

Leonor of England

Empress of All Spains

1152-1157 Succeeded by


Retrieved from ",_Queen_of_Castile"

Categories: 1140s births | 1185 deaths | Hispanic empresses and queens | Castilian queen consorts | Leonese queen consorts | Medieval women | Polish princesses

Richeza of Poland

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Richeza of Poland (c. 1140 – June 16, 1185), was the daughter of King Wladislaus II the Exile of Poland, and Agnes of Babenberg. She accompanied her father into exile in 1146. Her name is also spelled Ryksa, Rixa, and Richilda.

She married King Alfonso VII of Castile and León in 1152. Their only surviving child, Infanta Sancha of Castile, was born 1155. In Spain she was known as "Queen Ricca".

When Alphonso died in 1157, Richeza remarried to Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Provence, in 1162. Their daughter was Douce (died 1172). Ramon Berengar died in 1166, and she remarried once more to Count Raymond V of Toulouse.

Her daughter, Sancha of Castile, married King Alfonso II of Aragon in 1174. Sancha's daughter, Eleanor married Count Raymond VI of Toulouse in 1202.

Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Provence

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There he met Richeza of Poland, the daughter of the exiled Polish high duke, Ladislaus II. He married her on 17 November and on the return journey, his uncle died.

He resumed the war with Genoa, but died trying to take Nice in the spring of 1166. His daughter, Douce, succeeded him, while widow Richeza married Raymond V of Toulouse.

Richeza of Poland (c. 1140 – June 16, 1185), was the daughter of King Wladislaus II the Exile of Poland, and Agnes of Babenberg. She accompanied her father into exile in 1146. Her name is also spelled Ryksa, Rixa, and Richilda.

She married King Alfonso VII of Castile and León in 1152. Their only surviving child, Infanta Sancha of Castile, was born 1155. In Spain she was known as "Queen Ricca".

When Alphonso died in 1157, Richeza remarried to Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Provence, in 1162. Their daughter was Douce (died 1172). Ramon Berengar died in 1166, and she remarried once more to Count Raymond V of Toulouse.

Her daughter, Sancha of Castile, married King Alfonso II of Aragon in 1174. Sancha's daughter, Eleanor married Count Raymond VI of Toulouse in 1202.


Richeza von Everstein

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

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Richeza von Everstein (auch: Ryksa, Ricca, Riche, Richildis, Richza, Rikinsa) (* um 1135; † 16. Juni 1185) war eine Tochter von Wladyslaw II. von Polen und dessen Frau Agnes, einer Tochter des Markgrafen Leopold III von Österreich. Sie war somit eine Cousine des Kaisers Friedrich Barbarossa.

Leben [Bearbeiten]

Richeza heiratete mehrfach:

   * 1152 Alfons VII. von León und Kastilien († 21. August 1157). Ihr Sohn Ferdinand starb vor 1157, ihre Tochter Sancha von Kastilien heiratete Alfons II. von Aragonien. Nach dem Tod ihres Mannes verließ sie um 1159 Kastilien und ging an den Hof von Raimund Berengar IV., dem Vater von Alfons II. von Aragonien.

* 1161 Raimund Berengar III., Graf der Provence († 1166). Sie hatten eine Tochter Dulcia II. (* 1165; † 1172).
* _??_ Raimund V., Graf von Toulouse (* 1134; † 1194)?
* 1167 Albrecht II. von Everstein (1135-1197/1202). Albrecht war ein Parteigänger Barbarossas in dessen Streit mit Heinrich dem Löwen. Er war der Sohn von Albrecht I. von Everstein und Judith von Schwalenberg sowie ein Enkel von Konrad Everstein). Sie hatten einen Sohn Albert (oder Albrecht) III. (* 1170).
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]


Literatur [Bearbeiten]

   * Hans Dobbertin, Die Piastin Richeza von Everstein und ihre Verwandtschaft, Schriftenreihe der Genealogischen Gesellschaft Hameln 14, 1957

Richeza of Poland also known as of Silesia (Polish: Ryksa Polska or Śląska; b. ca. 1140 - d. 16 June 1185), was a Polish princess member of the House of Piast in the Silesian branch and by her marriages Queen of León and Castile, Countess of Provence and Countess of Everstein.

She was the third child and only daughter of King Władysław II the Exile, High Duke of Poland and ruler of Silesia, by his wife Agnes of Babenberg, daughter of Margrave Leopold III of Austria and half-sister of King Conrad III of Germany.


Queen of Castile and León

Born and raised for the first years of her life in Poland, Richeza accompanied her parents and brothers into exile in 1146. They established themselves firstly in Bohemia and later in Germany, under the care of King Conrad III, who give his deposed brother-in-law the Saxon district of Altenburg as his residence.

In 1151 came the news that the King Alfonso VII of León and Castile wanted to make an alliance with the Kingdom of Germany through a wedding. Richenza, niece of King Conrad III, was the most appropriate candidate to be the wife of the Iberian ruler. Between October and December 1152 Richeza and King Alfonso VII were married. In Castile she was known as Queen Riquilda (Spanish: Reina Riquilda). Her first child, Infante Ferdinand of Castile, was born in the city of Toledo one year later, in 1153. Two years later, in 1155, Richeza gave birth to her second child, Infanta Sancha of Castile. King Alfonso VII died suddenly in the middle of the war against the Moors in Sierra Morena on 21 August 1157. Apparently, Infante Ferdinand died soon before his father.

Countess of Provence

The late King divided his domains between his two surviving sons born from his first marriage to Berenguela of Barcelona: Sancho III obtained Castile and Ferdinand II received León. The relationship between Richeza and her stepsons wasn't good, especially after King Sancho III declared war on Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, father of Alfonso (later King of Aragon), who was betrothed to Richeza's daughter Sancha. The unstable relations of King Ferdinand II with the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (cousin of Richeza) and the Antipope Victor IV added further difficulties to the Dowager Queen, who finally decided to move to the Kingdom of Aragon in 1159.

In the Aragonese court, Richeza met Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Provence, nephew of Count of Barcelona. Although they soon fell in love, their union would be clearly political. Ramon Berenguer II supported Victor IV against Pope Alexander III, who, in turn, supported King Louis VII of France. The county of Provence was in a strategic location, between France and the Italian Peninsula. Frederick Barbarossa also wanted to win to his side to Count Ramon Berenguer IV, who entered in an alliance with the Kings of France, Castile and León. In contrast, Ramon Berenguer II, soon cousin by marriage of the Emperor gained prestige and could face the pretentions of Count Hugh of Baux, who had just received the Imperial Provence as a fief.

Premarital negotiations lasted almost a year and a half. Between January and October 1161 Richeza and Count Ramon Berenguer II were finally married. They had only one daughter, Douce of Provence, born ca. 1162. Ramon Berenguer II was killed during the siege of Nice in 1166.

Soon after her second husband's death, plans for a new marriage for Richeza began. Apparently, she was betrothed to Raymond V, Count of Toulouse by her cousin the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa around 1166; at the same time, the now Countess Douce II of Provence was engaged to the future Raymond VI. Count Raymond V wanted with this engagement to become more closely to the Hohenstaufen dynasty and took full control over the County of Provence. However, the firm opposition of King Alfonso II of Aragon (future Richeza's son-in-law) soon cancelled both betrothals, and with the help of the Genoese, began the war against Raymond V, who lasted eight years.

Some sources stated that in fact Richeza and Raymond V were married; however, this event is refuted by the majority of modern historians.

Countess of Everstein

By 1167, Richeza married her third and last husband, Count Albert III of Everstein (b. ca. 1135 - d. ca. 1202) (who fought at the side of Frederick Barbarossa in his wars against the Guelphs) and moved to Germany with her new husband. After that, she was known as Countess Richeza of Everstein (German: Gräfin Richeza von Everstein). From this union were certainly born two sons, Counts Albert IV and Konrad II of Everstein, although in some sources the existence of other three sons called Otto, Louis and Hermann of Everstein was stated.

Little is known about the later life of Richeza. She died in 1185.

Richeza of Poland accompanied her father into exile in 1146. Her name is also spelled Ryksa, Rixa, and Riquilda. In Spain she was known as "Queen Riquilda.".

When Alphonso died in 1157, Richeza remarried to Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Provence, in 1162. Their daughter was Douce (died 1172). Ramon Berengar died in 1166, and she remarried once more to Count Albert of Eberstein.

Richeza of Poland (c. 1140 – June 16, 1185), was the daughter of King Wladislaus II the Exile of Poland, and Agnes of Babenberg. She accompanied her father into exile in 1146. Her name is also spelled Ryksa, Rixa, and Richilda.

She married King Alfonso VII of Castile and León in 1152. Their only surviving child, Infanta Sancha of Castile, was born 1155. In Spain she was known as "Queen Ricca".

When Alphonso died in 1157, Richeza remarried to Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Provence, in 1162. Their daughter was Douce (died 1172). Ramon Berengar died in 1166, and she remarried once more to Count Raymond V of Toulouse.

Her daughter, Sancha of Castile, married King Alfonso II of Aragon in 1174. Sancha's daughter, Eleanor married Count Raymond VI of Toulouse in 1202.

The senior branch inherited Silesia, which they subdivided relentlessly until it comprised several small states. Within a couple generations the Silesians drifted away from their Polish loyalties and came under the Bohemian (and, more generally, the German) ambit.

Wladislaw II "Wygnaniec", Pr of Cracow and Silesia (1139-45), *1105, +Altenburg 30.5.1159, bur Pegau nr Altenburg; m.1125/27Agnes of Austria (+1160/63); they had issue:

  • ...
  • A5. Richeza, *1130/40, +1185; 1m: 1152 King Alfonso VII of Castile and Leon (+1157); 2m: 1161 Ct Ramon Berenguer V of Provence (+1166); 3m: after 1166 Ct Albrecht von Everstein

En mi nuevo libro LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS, encontrarán a este y muchos otros de sus ancestros con un resumen biográfico de cada uno. El libro está disponible en: Les será de mucha utilidad y diversión. Ramón Rionda

In my new book LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS, you will find this and many other of your ancestors, with a biography summary of each of them. The book is now available at: Check it up, it’s worth it. Ramón Rionda

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