Immediate Family
About Huoching of the Alemannians
Houching, Duke of Alamannia
- d. before 709
- Father Godefroy, Duke of d. 709
Huoching (c675-c744), an Alemannian nobleman, and a brother of Dukes Lantfrid and Theutbald.
Huoching of Alamannia (c. 675–744) was an Alemannic nobleman. According to the 9th century Vita Hiudowici by Thegan, he was the son of Gotfrid Agilolfing (c. 650–709). Huoching's son Hnabi (Nebi) was the founder of the Ahalolfings dynasty which rose to prominence in Alamannia in the Carolingian period. The Agilofing descent has been doubted in scholarship. Wenskus (:497–500) has suggested a connection of Huoching and Hnabi to the historical Nibelungs. Jänichen (1976) compares the father-and-son pair Hoc and Hnaef in Old English heroic poetry (Beowulf, Finnsburgh fragment, Widsith) suggesting that Huoching and Hnabi are the historical template for these names in later heroic poetry. In this, Jänichen is following a suggestion made as early as 1849 by John Mitchell Kemble in History of the Saxons in England (p. 419)
Houching, Duke of Alamannia married Berthe of Neustria, daughter of Theuderic III, King of Neustria, King of the Franks and Saint Amalaberga.1 UNPROVEN
Houching, Duke of Alamannia died before 709.
Family Berthe of Neustria
Children Nebi, Duke of Alamania+2 d. a 724 Rolinde d' Aquitaine+3
Citations [S54] Middle & Far East Families, Merovingian. [S54] Middle & Far East Families, Swabia. [S59] GeneaNet, Généalogie Wailly: Rolinde d'Aquitaine.
Ben M. Angel's summary
Father: Gottfrid, Duke of Alamannia (d. 709)
Mother: Unknown
1. Lantfrid, Duke of Alamannia (ruled 709-730)
2. Teotbald, Duke of Alamannia (ruled 730-745)
(Oatillo is asserted on several online trees, etc., but haven't seen source associating this person as his brother. This may be the assertion that Odilo, Duke of Bavaria 739-748, was one of their brothers. However, there is nothing that I've seen that supports this; still, certainly, Odilo's parents haven't been identified as yet.)
Spouse: Unknown
(Spouse has been asserted as Regine, but again, without backing.)
1. Hnabi (Nebe)
Basic information and justifications:
Birth: c.675 - this is likely an estimate. Location could be asserted as Canstatt, or present Stuttgart, as the difficulties associated with the Alamannian push for independence (against Pepin of Herstal) hadn't begun yet at that time.
Death: 744 - asserted by English Wikipedia. Location unknown. This would be during the time frame in which Charles Martel would have invaded Alamannia.
Occupation: Not Duke of Alamannia. His brother Theotbald was Duke of Alamannia following the death of their older brother, Lantpert in 730, remaining so until 745, when he was deposed and fled to Odilo's Bavaria. This may be an indication that Theotbald was the elder brother of Huoching.
Alternate names: Huocin, Houchi, and Hug have been asserted, but I've not seen any sources backing this. Still, it's possible.
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
- MedLands, Swabia
Duke of Alamannia. "Godafridus dux" donated "Biberburg um vicum ad Neccarum" to the monastery of St Gallen by charter dated 708[15].
The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Gotefrid" in 709[16].
m ---. The name of Gottfried's wife is not known.
Gottfried & his wife had three children:
a) LANTFRID (-730, 741 or 751).
The Annales Petaviani record that Charles "Martel" travelled to "Suavis contra Lantfridum" in 730[17]. "Lanfrido filio Godofrido" produced the first recorded Swabian Law code[18].
Duke of Alamannia.
The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Lantfridus" in 730[19]. The Annales Moselleni record the death in 751 of "Lantfridus"[20].
Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Gotefridus dux" as father of "Huochingus"[21].
m ---. The name of Huoching's wife is not known.
Huoching & his wife had one child:
i) NEBE [Hnabi] .
"Nebe" son of "Huochingus" is named by Thegan[22].
m HERESWINT, daughter of --- & his wife [Williswint] ---. Hereswint is named as wife of Nebe[23].
Nebe & his wife had two children: Ruodpert (father of Erbio) and Imma (mother of Erbio's cousin, Hildegard - wife of Charlemagne)
c) THEOTBALD (-after 745).
The Annales Metenses names "Teobaldo, filio Godefridi ducis Alamannorum" when recording his 745 rebellion which was suppressed by Pepin, and his seeking refuge the following year with "Odilonis" [Duke of Bavaria][30].
The Annales Nazariani record "Theotbaldus in Alsacian" in 745[31].
[15] Württembergisches Urkundenbuch I, 2, p. 2.
[16] Annales Alammanici 709 (710), MGH SS I, p. 22.
[17] Annales Petaviani 730, MGH SS I, p. 9.
[18] Lex Alamannorum temporibus Lantfridi renovata, MGH LL 3, V, p. 85. .
[19] Annales Alammanici 730, MGH SS I, p. 24.
[20] Annales Moselleni 751, MGH SS XVI, p. 495.
[21] Thegani, Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 590.
[22] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 2, MGH SS II, p. 591.
[23] Codex Laureshamensis, no. 2101, cited in Jackman, p. 128.
[30] Annales Metenses 745 and 746, MGH SS I, pp. 328 and 329.
[31] Annales Nazariani 745, MGH SS I, p. 27.
Wikipedia (Ahalolfings)
- Wikipedia Ahalolfings
The Ahalolfings or Alaholfings were a noble family of Alemannia in the Early Middle Ages.
The family rose in the Carolingian Empire to possess lands in not only Alemannia, but Bavaria, Franconia, and Italy. Their original power base was around the upper Neckar and Danube rivers.
The Ahalolfings are divided into two groups, the older and the younger. It is not certain how the two groups are related.
The older group descends from a Berthold who was the joint founder, with Hnabi, of Reichenau Abbey in 724. His most famous descendant was Cadolah, Duke of Friuli, who defended the Pannonian plains into Italy from the Avars.
The younger branch of the family itself contains two branches. Richardis, the empress of Charles the Fat, descends from Erchanger. Her sister married Berthold I and was the mother of the other branch of the family, which included the famous Erchanger, Duke of Swabia, and his brother Berthold II. The Ahalolfings died out when Berthold III died in 973, though the Zähringen may be descended from them.
Reuter, Timothy. Germany in the Early Middle Ages 800–1056. New York: Longman, 1991.
- Wikipeia, Huoching
Huoching of Alamannia (ca. 675-744) was an Alamannic nobleman. According to the 9th century Vita Hiudowici by Thegan, he was the son of Gotfrid Agilolfing (ca. 650-709).
Huoching's son Hnabi (Nebi) was the founder of the Ahalolfings dynasty which rose to prominence in Alamannia in the Carolingian period.
The Agilofing descent has been doubted in scholarship. Wenskus ([year needed]:497-500) has suggested a connection of Huoching and Hnabi to the historical Nibelungs. Jänichen (1976) compares the father-and-son pair Hoc and Hnaef in Old English heroic poetry (Beowulf, Finnsburgh fragment, Widsith) suggesting that Huoching and Hnabi are the historical template for these names in later heroic poetry. In this, Jäching is following a suggestion made as early as 1849 by John Mitchell Kemble in History of the Saxons in England (p. 419).
Michael Borgolte, Die Grafen Alemanniens (1986), p. 184.
Hans Jänichen Die alemannischen Fürsten Nebi und Berthold und ihre Beziehungen zu den Klöstern St. Gallen und Reichenau, Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte (1976), pp. 30-40.[1]
Huoching was also known as Huocin, Houchi, or Hug.
From Mark K. Holmes' personal family tree research:
Name Houching (Theutbold), Duke of Allemania
Death: 727
Father: Godefroy Duke of Alamannia (-<709)
Mother: Regine de Bavaria
Misc. Notes
Houching is "brother of Lentfroy, Duke of Alamannia, 726, of Thibaud, Duke of Alamannia, 727-744, and of Oatillo, Count of Thurgau" (- "Ancestral Roots... [Balt., 1992] 182-2).
References: [AR7] (Not linked from this page, and references not defined on index page, either)
1. Hersuinda
Hnabi "Dux" (~715-788)
Not to be confused with:
Hnabi or Nebi (c. 710 – c. 788) was an Alemannic duke in the eighth century. He was a son of Huoching and perhaps a grandson of the duke Gotfrid, which would make him a scion of the Agilolfing dynasty of Bavaria. He himself was the founder of the "old" line of the Ahalolfings.
From the Wikipedia for Hnabi, father of Imma mother of Hildegard, wife of Charlemagne.
was an Alamannic nobleman. According to the 9th century Vita Hiudowici by Thegan, he was the son of Gotfrid Agilolfing (ca. 650-709). Huoching's son Hnabi (Nebi) was the founder of the Ahalolfings dynasty which rose to prominence in Alamannia in the Carolingian period. The Agilofing descent has been doubted in scholarship. Wenskus ([year needed]:497-500) has suggested a connection of Huoching and Hnabi to the historical Nibelungs. Jänichen (1976) compares the father-and-son pair Hoc and Hnaef in Old English heroic poetry (Beowulf, Finnsburgh fragment, Widsith) suggesting that Huoching and Hnabi are the historical template for these names in later heroic poetry. In this, Jäching is following a suggestion made as early as 1849 by John Mitchell Kemble in History of the Saxons in England (p. 419).
[edit] References
* Michael Borgolte, Die Grafen Alemanniens (1986), p. 184.
* Hans Jänichen Die alemannischen Fürsten Nebi und Berthold und ihre Beziehungen zu den Klöstern St. Gallen und Reichenau, Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte (1976), pp. 30-40.
Huoching (c675-c744), an Alemannian nobleman, and a brother of Dukes Lantfrid and Theutbald.
Ben M. Angel's summary
Father: Gottfrid, Duke of Alamannia (d. 709)
Mother: Unknown
1. Lantfrid, Duke of Alamannia (ruled 709-730)
2. Teotbald, Duke of Alamannia (ruled 730-745)
(Oatillo is asserted on several online trees, etc., but haven't seen source associating this person as his brother. This may be the assertion that Odilo, Duke of Bavaria 739-748, was one of their brothers. However, there is nothing that I've seen that supports this; still, certainly, Odilo's parents haven't been identified as yet.)
Spouse: Unknown
(Spouse has been asserted as Regine, but again, without backing.)
1. Hnabi (Nebe)
Basic information and justifications:
Birth: c.675 - this is likely an estimate. Location could be asserted as Canstatt, or present Stuttgart, as the difficulties associated with the Alamannian push for independence (against Pepin of Herstal) hadn't begun yet at that time.
Death: 744 - asserted by English Wikipedia. Location unknown. This would be during the time frame in which Charles Martel would have invaded Alamannia.
Occupation: Not Duke of Alamannia. His brother Theotbald was Duke of Alamannia following the death of their older brother, Lantpert in 730, remaining so until 745, when he was deposed and fled to Odilo's Bavaria. This may be an indication that Theotbald was the elder brother of Huoching.
Alternate names: Huocin, Houchi, and Hug have been asserted, but I've not seen any sources backing this. Still, it's possible.
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
MedLands, Swabia
Duke of Alamannia. "Godafridus dux" donated "Biberburg um vicum ad Neccarum" to the monastery of St Gallen by charter dated 708[15].
The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Gotefrid" in 709[16].
m ---. The name of Gottfried's wife is not known.
Gottfried & his wife had three children:
a) LANTFRID (-730, 741 or 751).
The Annales Petaviani record that Charles "Martel" travelled to "Suavis contra Lantfridum" in 730[17]. "Lanfrido filio Godofrido" produced the first recorded Swabian Law code[18].
Duke of Alamannia.
The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Lantfridus" in 730[19]. The Annales Moselleni record the death in 751 of "Lantfridus"[20].
From “The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England”
Alemannian noble, ca. 700?
In the genealogy of Charlemagne's wife Hildegarde, as given by Thegan in the ninth century, Huoching is given as the son of duke Gottfried and the father of Nebi.
Probable father: Gottfried, d. 709, duke of the Alemannians.
Mother: Unknown.
See the page of Gottfried for conjectures regarding his wife.
Spouse: Unknown.
Probable child:
MALE Nebi, d. bef. 9 August 773, Alemannian count. Some authors have expressed doubt about Thegan's account that Nebi was a son of Huoching. See the page of Nebi for details.
- https://www.werelate.org/wiki/Person:Huoching_von_Alamannia_(1) cites
- Huoching, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Huoching of Alamannia (ca. 675-744) was an Alamannic nobleman. According to the 9th century Vita Hiudowici by Thegan, he was the son of Gotfrid Agilolfing (ca. 650-709). The Agilofing descent has been doubted in scholarship.
- HUOCHING, in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.
- Huoching, in Baldwin, Stewart, and Todd Farmerie. The Henry Project (King Henry II ): Ancestors of King Henry II. < link >
Huoching of the Alemannians's Timeline
675 |
Alemannia (Present Baden-Württemberg), Frankish Empire (Present Germany)
710 |
Alemannia (present Baden-Württemberg), Frankish Empire (present Germany)
723 |
Swabia, Germany
744 |
Age 69
Alemannia (Present Baden-Württemberg), Frankish Empire (Present Germany)
Age 69
???? | |||
???? |