Historical records matching Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt.
Immediate Family
half sister
half sister
half brother
half brother
About Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt.
Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt.
- Son of Esiko, count of Ballenstedt and Matilda of Swabia
- Adalbert II of Ballenstedt (c. 1030 – 1076/1083), an early member of the House of Ascania, was Graf (count) in Saxony and Vogt of Nienburg Abbey.
- Acceded: Count of Ballenstedt, 1060.
Project MedLands, SAXON NOBILITY
ADALBERT von Ballenstedt, son of ESIKO von Ballenstedt & his wife Mathilde of Swabia (-murdered [1076/83]). "Adalbertum seniorem" is named, and his parentage given, in the Annalista Saxo[1082]. Graf im Nordthuringgau 1063. Graf von Ballenstedt. The Annalista Saxo records that he was killed by "Egeno iunior de Conradesburch, filius Burchardi, nepos Egenonis senioris"[1083]. married (before 28 Oct 1074) as her first husband, ADELHEID von Weimar, daughter of OTTO Graf von Weimar Markgraf of Meissen & his wife Adela de Louvain ([1060/65]-28 Mar 1100). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Odam, Cunigundam, Adelheidam" as the three daughters of Markgraf Otto & his wife, specifying that Adelheid married "Adalberto comiti de Ballenstide"[1084]. Heiress of Orlamünde. The primary source which confirms her second and third marriages has not yet been identified. She married secondly Hermann Pfalzgraf von Lotharingen and thirdly ([1089]%29 [as his second wife,] Heinrich von Laach Pfalzgraf von Lotharingen. In a later passage, the Annalista Saxo records the death of "Adhela sive Adelheit palatina" in 1100 en route to Rome, repeating her parentage[1085].
Graf Adalbert & his wife ADELHEID von Weimar had two children:
- 1. OTTO von Ballenstedt (-9 Feb 1123). "Adalbertum seniorem" is named as father of "comitis Ottonis" in the Annalista Saxo, which in a later passage also names his mother[1086]. His father is also named in the charter dated 13 Apr 1083 under which "Herimannus…rex" donated property "quod Thiedericus hereditario iure possedit et eo sine heredibus defuncto in regium potestam iuste devenit…in villa Hathisleuo in pago Sueuico in comitatu Ottonis filii Adalberti comitis" to the church of Halberstadt[1087]. He succeeded his father in [1078] as OTTO "der Reiche" Graf von Ballenstedt. He acquired the county of Ascania in [1100][1088]. He was appointed Duke of Saxony in 1112 by Emperor Heinrich V in opposition to Lothar von Süpplingenberg, who had rebelled against the emperor. He and his son Albrecht converted the abbey of Ballenstedt into a Benedictine monastery in 1123[1089]. The Annales Rosenveldenses records the death in 1123 of "Otto comes…pater Adalberti marchione"[1090]. married (before [1096/1100]%29 EILIKA of Saxony, daughter of MAGNUS Duke of Saxony & his wife Zsófia of Hungary ([1075/80]-16 Jan 1143). The Annalista Saxo names "Wifhildem et Eilicam" as the two daughters of Duke Magnus & his wife, specifying in a later passage that Eilika married "Ottoni comiti de Ballenstide"[1091]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "16 Jan" of "Eilika Magni ducis filia"[1092].
Graf Otto & his wife EILIKA of Saxony had two children:
- a) ALBRECHT von Ballenstedt ([1096/1100]-18 Nov 1170, bur Ballenstedt). The Annalista Saxo names "Adelbertum marchionem et filiam Adelheidem" as children of "Ottoni comiti de Ballenstidi" and his wife Eilika[1093]. He succeeded his father as ALBRECHT "der Bäre" Graf von Ballenstedt. He was installed in 1138 as ALBRECHT Duke of Saxony and in 1140 as ALBRECHT Markgraf von Brandenburg.
- b) ADELHEID von Ballenstedt ([1100]-). The Annalista Saxo names "Adelbertum marchionem et filiam Adelheidem" as children of "Ottoni comiti de Ballenstidi" and his wife Eilika, specifying that Adelheid married "Heinrico marchioni de Stathen"[1094]. The Annales Stadenses name "Adelheithem sororem marchionis Alberti" as wife of "Heinricum" and specify that she married secondly "vasallus suus Wernerus de Velthem" by whom she had "Albertum de Asterburg et reliquam prolem"[1095]. married firstly HEINRICH Graf von Stade Markgraf der Nordmark, son of LOTHAR UDO [III] Graf von Stade, Markgraf der Nordmark & his wife Irmgard von Plötzkau ([1102]-4 Dec 1128). married secondly WERNER [III] Graf von Veltheim, son of WERNER [II] von Veltheim & his wife Mathilde von Krosigk (-1170 or after).
- 2. SIEGFRIED von Ballenstedt ([1075]-killed in battle 3 Sep 1113, bur Springirsbach). The Annalista Saxo names "Ottonem comitem et Sigefridum palatinum comitem" as sons of Adalbert and his wife Adelheid[1096]. He was adopted by his stepfather Pfalzgraf Heinrich von Laach[1097], whom he succeeded in 1095 as SIEGFRIED Pfalzgraf von Lothringen. "Sygefridus privignus meus…" subscribed the charter dated 1093 under which "Heinricus…comes palatinus Rheni et dominus de Lacu…uxore mei Adleide" founded the abbey of Laach[1098]. Vogt of Trier Cathedral in 1097. Vogt of Springirsbach and Maria Laach. He founded Kloster Herrenbreitungen in 1112[1099]. He succeeded as Graf von Orlamünde, presumably on the death of his mother in 1100. The Annales Corbeienses record that "Sifridus palatinus" was killed in 1113[1100]. The Annales Rodenses record the death in 1113 of “Sigefridus comes palatinus” and the succession of “Wilhelmus”[1101].
Adalbert II, Count of Ballenstedt, by Wikipedia
Adelbert, first mentioned in a 1033 deed, was born at Ballenstedt Castle in the Saxon Schwabengau, the son of Count Esico of Ballenstedt (d. about 1060) and his wife Matilda, probably a daughter of Duke Herman II of Swabia.[1] About 1068 he married Adelaide of Weimar-Orlamünde, a daughter of Margrave Otto I of Meissen and his wife, Adela of Louvain.[2] Their two sons were:
- Otto the Rich (c. 1070 – 1123), Count of Ballenstedt[1]
- Siegfried (c. 1075 – 1113), Count of Weimar-Orlamünde, Count Palatine of the Rhine from 1095/97.[1]
Adalbert was the heir to extended possessions and rose to one of the leading Saxon nobles. In 1069 he was appointed count in Nordthüringgau, later also in the Saxon Eastern March. According to the chronicler Lambert of Hersfeld, Adalbert supported Margrave Dedi I in his 1069 conflict with King Henry IV. Dedi, a member of the House of Wettin, had married Adalbert's mother-in-law Adela of Louvain, widow since 1067, and claimed the Thuringian possessions of her deceased husband Margrave Otto of Meissen. Their revolt found little support; both had to surrender in short order and were pardoned in 1070, Adalbert however remained a fierce opponent of the king.
From 1072 on he participated in the Saxon Rebellion led by Count Otto of Nordheim and Bishop Burchard II of Halberstadt,[3] for which he was arrested after King Henry's victory in the 1075 Battle of Langensalza. Even after his release about two years later, he backed the German anti-king Rudolf of Rheinfelden until he was finally killed, possibly in a feud, at Westdorf near Aschersleben by the Saxon noble Egeno II of Konradsburg.[4]
Adalbert's widow Adelaide married Count Palatine Hermann II of Lotharingia from the Ezzonid dynasty and – in her third marriage – Count Palatine Henry of Laach from the House of Luxembourg, father of her son Siegfried.
- Loud & Schenk 2017, p. xxvi.
- Jackman 2012, p. 33.
- Eldevik 2012, p. 241.
- Reuter 2010, p. 364.
- Eldevik, John (2012). Episcopal Power and Ecclesiastical Reform in the German Empire. Cambridge University Press.
- Jackman, Donald C. (2012). The Kleeberg Fragment of the Gleiberg County. Editions Enlaplage.
- Reuter, Timothy (2010). Nelson, Janet L. (ed.). Medieval Polities and Modern Mentalities. Cambridge University Press.
- Loud, Graham A.; Schenk, Jochen, eds. (2017). The Origins of the German Principalities, 1100-1350: Essays by German Historians. Routledge.
Om Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt. (svenska)
Adalbert II, född omkring 1030, död 1077/1083 (mördades av Egino d y von Konradsburg), troligen begravd i Kloster Ballenstedt, greve av Askanien-Ballenstedt, fogde av Kloster Nienburg och Hagenrode, tysk rebell. Son till greve Esiko av Ballenstedt (död 1059/1060) och Mathilda.
Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt.'s Timeline
1075 |
Lothringen, Germany
1076 |
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