public profile
EUDES de Bretagne, son of GEOFFROY I Duke of Brittany & his wife Havise de Normandie (-Cesson 1079, bur Saint-Brieuc).
Guillaume of Jumièges names “Emma...secunda Hadvis...tertia Mathildis” as the three daughters of Richard and his wife “Gunnor ex nobilissima Danorum prosapia ortam”, adding that Havise married “Goiffredo Britannorum comiti” by whom she had “Alanum et Eudonem duces”[322].
A charter dated 1008 records that, after the death of "Gaufrido comite Britanniæ", "filii eius Alanus et Eudo cum matre eorum Hadeguisia" restored the abbey of Saint-Méen[323]. "Alanus et Egio Britannorum monarchi" founded the priory of Livré "in pago Redonensi" by charter dated to [1013/22], signed by "…Aduise matre eorum comitum, Rivalloni vicarii, Triscanni…"[324].
A charter dated 1026 recalls that "Gaufridus, Conani Curvi filius" was killed "apud Concuruz prelium", recalling that "quo defuncto, Alanus filius eius…renum patris suscipiens", witnessed by "Alanus comes…Heudo frater eius"[325].
He appears to have ruled Brittany jointly with his brother until the death of their mother in 1034. Following disputes with his brother, a division of territories was agreed, Eudes taking the dioceses of Dol, Saint Malo, Saint Brieuc and Tréguier, at which time he can be said to have become Comte de Penthièvre.
"Manigenius…miles" founded the priory of Saint-Cyr-lès-Rennes and donated it to Tours Saint-Julien by charter dated 23 May 1037, subscribed by "Alanus dux…Eudonis fratris Alani ducis Britannorum, Gotzelini vicecomitis, Rualentis domini Doli…"[326].
After the death of his brother in 1040, Eudes seized Brittany and excluded his nephew, succeeding as EUDES I Duke of Brittany. According to Orderic Vitalis, Eudes ruled the country "freely without acknowledging any lord for 15 years"[327]. However, his nephew retaliated, captured Eudes and imprisoned him in chains[328].
"Comes Eudo et nepos eius Gaufridus, Robertus vicecomes et frater eius Eudo…Guichomarus filius Alani vicecomitis…" witnessed a charter dated to 1050 relating to the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes[329].
"Comes Eudo, uxor eius Orguen et filii eorum Gausfridus, Alanus, Willelmus, Rotbertus, Ricardus…" witnessed the charter dated to [1056/60] records the history of the acquisition by Angers Saint-Aubin of property "in pago Belvacensi", finally donated by "comiti Britannie Eudoni"[330].
The Chronicon Britannico records the death in 1079 of "Eudo Dux Britanniæ"[331].
m ORGUEN [Agnes] de Cornouaïlle, daughter of ALAIN "Caignard" Comte de Cornouaïlle & his wife Judith de Nantes . "Comes Eudo, uxor eius Orguen et filii eorum Gausfridus, Alanus, Willelmus, Rotbertus, Ricardus…" witnessed the charter dated to [1056/60] records the history of the acquisition by Angers Saint-Aubin of property "in pago Belvacensi", finally donated by "comiti Britannie Eudoni"[332]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified.
Mistresses (1) - (x): ---. The names of Eudes's mistresses are not known.
Comte Eudes & his wife had six children:
1. GEOFFROY "Boterel" de Bretagne (-killed in battle Dol 24 Aug [1091/93], bur Saint-Brieuc)....
2. ALAIN "Rufus/the Red" de Bretagne (-4 Aug 1093, bur Bury St Edmunds)....
3. GUILLAUME de Bretagne....
4. ROBERT de Bretagne (-after 1083)....
5. RICHARD de Bretagne....
6. ÉTIENNE de Bretagne....Comte Eudes had [eight] illegitimate children by Mistresses (1) - (x):
1. BRIEN [Brient] de Bretagne (-maybe 14 Feb ---).
2. ALAIN "Niger/the Black" de Bretagne (-1098)
3. [DERIEN . Seigneur de la Roche-Derien.]
4. BODIN (-after 1086).
8. daughter
Odo of Rennes (Medieval Breton: Eudon Pentevr, Modern Breton: Eozen Penteur, Latin: Eudo, French: Eudes/Éon de Penthièvre) [a] (c. 999–1079), Count of Penthièvre, was the youngest of the three sons of Duke Geoffrey I of Brittany and Hawise of Normandy, daughter of Richard I of Normandy. Eudon married Agnes of Cornouaille (Orguen Kernev), the daughter of Alan Canhiart, Count of Cornouaille and sister of Hoel II, Duke of Brittany who was married in 1066 to Eudon's niece Hawise, Duchess of Brittany.
When Eudon's father Duke[b] Geoffrey I died on 20 November 1008, both Eudon and his older brother Alan were minors.
Duke Geoffrey had initiated a dynastic double marriage with Richard II, Duke of Normandy by marrying Hawise of Normandy, one of Richard's sisters, in 996; this was followed by the marriage of Geoffrey's sister Judith of Brittany to Richard around the year 1000. Alan and Eudon were thus double-first cousins of Duke Richard II's children, including Richard III, Duke of Normandy and Robert I, Duke of Normandy (William the Conqueror's father), nephews of Emma of Normandy, and first cousins of Emma's children Edward the Confessor, Harthacnut, Goda of England, Gunhilda of Denmark and Alfred Aetheling.
At Geoffrey's death, Alan became de jure Duke, as Alan III, Duke of Brittany,[c] Hawise took on the role of Regent, and Richard asserted the role of Guardian of Brittany, an arrangement reciprocated on the death of Robert I, Duke of Normandy in 1035.
Also in 1035, after a dispute between Eudon and Duke Alan III, their uncle Judicaël Bishop of Vannes arbitrated, and Alan III gave Eudon the bishoprics of Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Malo, Tréguier and Dol-de-Bretagne, as well as the counties and baronies of Penthièvre, Goëlo, Avaugour and Lamballe. Eudon placed his capital at Lamballe, where he began issuing coins in his own name.
Following the death of his brother Duke Alan III in 1040, Eudon ruled as regent of Brittany in the name of his nephew Conan II, holding Conan in custody. Conan was freed by his supporters in 1047. Eudon's regency should have ended when Conan reached his majority (circa 1054), but Eudon refused to relinquish control of the Duchy.
In 1054 Geoffrey, Viscount of Mayenne in Maine, affronted by William of Normandy's new fortifications at Ambrières, "appealed to Geoffrey, Count of Anjou" who "called to his assistance Guy-William of Aquitaine and Count Eudo of Brittany"[1]
In a charter dated to 1056/1060, Eudon ("Eudo") granted land "in pago Belvacensi" (Beauvais, Picardy) to the Abbey of Angers Saint-Aubin (q.v. Albinus of Angers). Witnesses included his wife Orguen and their sons Gausfridus, Alanus Rufus, Willelmus, Rotbertus and Ricardus (Geoffrey, Alan Rufus, William, Robert and Richard).
By 1056 Conan gained the upper hand in Brittany, and in 1057 he captured his uncle Eudon and chained him in a prison cell. Eudon's eldest son Geoffrey Boterel continued to fight against Conan.
In 1062, peace was concluded between Conan and Geoffrey. Eudon, who was now free, continued the fight alone.
In histories favourable to the house of Penthièvre, Eudon is shown as effectively ruling Brittany between 1040 and 1062. In other histories his rule is shown as ending with his capture in 1057.
Conan was a legitimate contender for the title of Duke of Normandy, so he became a serious rival to Duke William.
In 1064, Eudon's liegeman Rivallon I of Dol invited Duke William to join him against Conan, thus initiating the Breton-Norman War of 1064–1065 in which Normandy, Anjou, Dol de Bretagne and the captive Harold Godwinson combined against Conan II, as depicted in three panels of the Bayeux Tapestry. Historians differ on whether William or Conan should be considered the victor in this conflict.
Eudon provided, trained and equipped 5,000 Breton soldiers for William the Conqueror's army. Of these, 4,000 were professionals, comprising light cavalry, heavy cavalry, archers, crossbowmen and axemen; he also trained 1,000 levied (conscripted) spearmen. Eudon put these troops on 100 ships under the command of his sons Count Alan Rufus and Count Brian, and they sailed from Brittany to join the Norman forces gathering at Barfleur then on to William's staging point at Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, in readiness to cross the Channel.
Despite his advanced years, Eudon was involved in the failed 1075/1076 rebellion against Hoel II, Duke of Brittany, by Geoffrey Grenonat of Rennes and Ralph de Gael (fresh from his 1075 rebellion against King William). Hoel II was supported by William the Conqueror, briefly placing Eudon and William on opposing sides once again, a situation that was soon resolved when, to William's disappointment, Hoel came to terms with the rebels.
On 7 January 1079, at about 80 years of age, Eudon died in Cesson-Sévigné, an eastern suburb of Rennes. He was buried in Saint-Brieuc Cathedral.
In his memory, "Comes Alanus Rufus" (Count Alan Rufus), his second son, donated property to Swavesey Abbey in Cambridgeshire, for the soul of "patris sui Eudonis comitis" (his father Count Eudon), by an undated charter witnessed by "...Ribaldus et Bardulfus fratres comitis..." (Ribald and Bardulf, brothers of Count Alan).
Orderic Vitalis stated:[2] "God also gave him [Count Eudon] seven sons, who became remarkable for the singular and changeable events of their lives. The studious might compose a long and pleasing history, from true accounts of their various fortunes."
At least two of Eudon's sons (Alan Rufus and Brian) were early participants in the Norman conquest of England.[9]
Eudon's children with Agnes include:
Adèle (born c. 1035, died after 1056/57).[3]
Geoffrey Boterel I, Count of Penthièvre (d. 24 August 1093).
Brian, Earl of Cornwall (d. after 1084) (possibly illegitimate).[d]
Alan Rufus (Latin; alternatively Alain Le Roux in French, or Alan Ar Rouz in Breton, called Count Alan in the Domesday Book, his name means "Red Deer" or "Hart") (d. 1093–98). He promoted trade at Boston, Lincolnshire, built St Mary's Abbey, York, Richmond Castle and the first castle at Middleham, and was effectively the first Earl of Richmond, though the majority of his manors were in East Anglia. Richmondshire in North Yorkshire is described in the Domesday Book as "Terra Alani Comitis" ("The Land of Count Alan") in "Eborakscire" (Yorkshire).[7] In the Rebellion of 1088, he was the first of the great magnates to support William II of England against Odo, Earl of Kent and his allies.
Alan the Black (alternatively Alain Niger, or Alan Ar Du in Breton, his name means "Black Deer") (d. 1094–98), inherited from Alan Rufus.[e]
Stephen, Count of Tréguier married Havise of Guingamp, and succeeded Alan Rufus and Alan the Black as de facto Earl of Richmond. Stephen and Havise had a number of legitimate children and grandchildren, all of whom are ancestors of the current British royal family.
Robert, a priest in Yorkshire (d. after 1083).
Richard, a canon of Bayeux at the time when Thomas of Bayeux, Thomas's brother Samson and William de Saint-Calais were also canons there.
Guillaume or William, who came to Switzerland, entering the service of the Holy Roman Emperor; he was the suppressor of the revolt of Agaunum (today Saint-Maurice-en-Valais), and received a castle in his honour.
Unnamed daughter, who married Enisandus Musardus de Pleveno who was the Lord of Cheveley in Cambridgeshire (under Alan Rufus as tenant-in-chief), first Constable of Richmond Castle.Sons of Eudon who were probably illegitimate include:
Ribald, who received the Lordship of Middleham from Alan Rufus, was a male-line ancestor of the Ancient House of Neville.[f]
Bardolf lord of Ravensworth, who moved to England where he held the lordship of Ravensworth and became the ancestor of the Fitzhugh family.
Bodin, Lord of Bedale and Didderston and brother of Bardolf.
(Possibly) Derrien, Lord of La Roche-Derrien in Brittany.
Eudon's descendants formed the junior branch of the Breton ducal family, which gained control of the duchy in 1156 under his great-grandson Conan IV of Brittany.
Eudes Ier de Penthièvre (souvent Éon ou Eudon), né en 999 et mort le 7 janvier 1079, fut comte de Penthièvre de 1035 à 1079. En 1040, il s'empare de son neveu Conan II, successeur désigné à la tête du duché de Bretagne, puis après sa libération en 1047, il continue de régner sur une grande partie du territoire jusqu'à sa capture en 1056.
Eudes est le premier des Eudonides, prestigieux lignage des Comtes de Penthièvre, branche cadette des Comtes de Rennes et des Ducs de Bretagne1.
Du XVIe au début du XXe siècle, les historiens, s'appuyant en partie sur la Chronique de Saint-Brieuc (datée d'une période comprise entre 1394 et 1416)2, ont écrit un récit de la vie d'Eudes dont la véracité est remise en cause par les historiens du XXe siècle et du XXIe siècle. A l'époque où a été rédigée la Chronique de Saint-Brieuc, plusieurs documents ont en effet été inventés pour justifier la légitimité des Montfort face aux Eudonides3.
Bertrand d'Argentré4 en 1588, Augustin du Paz5 en 1619, Pierre Le Baud6 en 1638, puis Arthur de la Borderie en 18997 rapportent tous les mêmes faits :
En 1987, Noël-Yves Tonnerre8 considère que cette narration n'est pas crédible, Eudes et Alain auraient gouverné le duché en bonne entente, aucune source ne mentionne un éventuel conflit entre les deux frères à propos de l'apanage de la Domnonée. De plus, selon Stéphane Morin9, en 2009, Eudes aurait honoré honnêtement son tutorat envers Conan et lui aurait laissé la première place dans la signature des actes du Duché jusqu'en 1047.
Selon Noël-Yves Tonnerre, Conan serait devenu duc en 1047, et Eudes se serait replié dans son apanage à partir de 1047.
Plus récemment, Stéphane Morin, s'appuyant sur des écrits d'Orderic Vital et du pape Léon IX, estime que le pouvoir ducal est resté entre les mains d'Eudes jusqu'en 1057, Conan II le combattant de 1047 à 1057. En 1057, Eudes est capturé par Conan qui l'emmène à Chartres. Au-delà de cette date, Eudes semble s'être rapproché de Guillaume le Conquérant, ses fils participeront activement à la conquête de l'Angleterre.
Eon ou Eudes est le fils cadet du duc de Bretagne Geoffroi Ier et d'Havoise de Normandie, fille du duc de Normandie Richard Ier. Son frère aîné est Alain III de Bretagne. Alain et Eudes sont élevés ensemble par leur mère, régente du duché après la mort de Geoffroi Ier en 1008. Richard II de Normandie est leur tuteur10.
Certains faits et textes pourraient laisser supposer qu'Eudes et Alain étaient jumeaux11.Comte de Bretagne
De 1024 à 1030, Alain et Eudes semblent gouverner le duché ensemble, ils sont tous deux qualifiés de Brittanorum monarchi ou de Principes Brittaniae12.
En 1031, Eudes est présent avec son frère le duc Alain III de Bretagne, lors d'une donation faite à l'Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel et l'année suivante lors de la fondation de l'abbaye Saint-Georges de Rennes dont leur sœur Adèle devient la première abbesse13.
Vers 1035-1040, la protection de Guillaume, bâtard de Robert Ier de Normandie, est confiée aux deux frères1.
Après un conflit avec son frère et l'arbitrage de leur oncle Judicaël évêque de Vannes (version démentie par les études historiques récentes8,9), il obtient d'Alain III en 1035 l'apanage de la Domnonée constitué des évêchés de Saint Brieuc, Tréguier, Alet et Dol-de-Bretagne, et qui comprend les comtés et baronnies de Penthièvre, Goëlo et Lamballe.
Dans un article de 2017, André-Yves Bourgès s'interroge sur une éventuelle gémellité d'Alain et Eudes, l'attribution de l'apanage de la Domnonée à Eudes pourrait alors être envisagée comme un partage du royaume11.
La Domnonée pourrait correspondre à l'ancien pagus d'Alet. Ce pagus n'appartenait pas à la marche carolingienne de Bretagne et aurait donc pu avoir un mode d'organisation différent de celui du reste du Duché1. Il fut démembré successivement par la création de l'évêché de Dol au IXe siècle puis par celle des évêchés de Tréguier et de Saint-Brieuc au Xe siècle (André-Yves Bourgés émet une hypothèse légèrement différente : les évêchés de Tréguier et de Saint-Brieuc auraient pu être érigés au 1er tiers du XIe siècle dans le contexte de l'obtention de l'apanage par Eudes14,15).
Eudes devient alors Comte de Bretagne.
Après la disparition prématurée de son frère Alain III, en 1040 et le remariage de Berthe de Blois, épouse d'Alain III, il s'empare de la garde de son neveu Conan II de Bretagne et se proclame « comte de Bretagne ». Le jeune duc ne sera libéré par ses fidèles qu'en 1047.
L'historien Stéphane Morin analyse les relations entre Eudes, Alain III et Conan II d'une façon différente : Eudes aurait assuré un réel tutorat de Conan et aurait géré honnêtement le Duché après la mort de son frère, laissant toujours la première place au futur duc dans la signature des actes. La rupture entre Eudes et Conan II ne serait survenue qu'en 10471,16.
Vers 1045-1047, Berthe de Blois, mère de Conan, quitte la Bretagne pour se marier avec Hugues V, Comte du Mans17.
De 1040 à 1047, Eudes se rapproche du comte d'Anjou Geoffroy II à qui il donne sa fille Adèle en épouse1. Il rompt ainsi avec la tradition qui alliait les Comtes de Rennes aux Comtes de Blois. Allié du roi de France, le >>Comte d'Anjou était alors en conflit ouvert avec le Comte de Blois.
Après le départ de Conan, Eudes assure seul la direction du duché de 1047 à 1057. En 1049, il est qualifié de "Princes des Bretons" par le pape Léon IX qui lui reconnaît sa prééminence sur la noblesse bretonne1. Les deniers émis à cette époque par l'atelier monétaire de Rennes qualifie Eudes de dux Britanniae1,18.
En 1052, Eudes participe à une coalition réunissant le roi de France Henri Ier et le Comte d'Anjou pour combattre Guillaume de Normandie19. La coalition est battue à la bataille de Mortemer en 1054.
Lors d'une nouvelle offensive franco-angevine contre le duc de Normandie, Eudes est capturé puis emmené à Chartres par Conan II en 105720.
En 1062 la paix est conclue entre le duc et Geoffroy Boterel, fils aîné d'Éon qui continuait seul le combat.
Les enfants d'Eudes se rapprochent alors de Guillaume de Normandie et participeront avec beaucoup de succès à la conquête de l'Angleterre, cinq de ses fils y prennent part : Alain le Roux, Alain le Noir, Etienne, Brient, et Ribaud21.
Des années plus tard, bien que très âgé, Eudes participe encore en 1075 aux soulèvements des féodaux contre Hoël II de Bretagne, le successeur de Conan II il laisse toutefois la conduite des opérations à son fils aîné Geoffroy Boterel.
Il meurt le 7 janvier 1079 et est inhumé dans la cathédrale de Saint-Brieuc22
De son union vers 1035 avec Orguen/Agnès, fille du comte de Cornouaille Alain Canhiart, il a neuf enfants 23
1. Adèle (vers 1035 - † après 1056-1057) ;
2. Geoffroy Ier de Penthièvre, dit Boterel († 1093) ;
3. Brian († 1084), participe à la conquête de l'Angleterre et reçoit l'Honneur de Richmond ou plutôt Richemont, mort sans postérité ;
4. Alain le Roux († 1093), qui tient l'Honneur de Richemont de 1070 à 1093, sans postérité ;
5. Guillaume † après 1055-1057 ;
6. Robert † après 1055-1057 ;
7. Richard † après 1056-1057 ;
8. Alain le Noir († 1098), qui tient l'Honneur de Richemont peu de temps après la mort de son frère en 1093, sans postérité ;
9. Étienne († 1137), comte de Guingamp de Trégor et seigneur de Goëlo, puis comte de Penthièvre, et qui tient l'Honneur de Richemont à partir de 1098.Il avait par ailleurs au moins cinq enfants illégitimes24 :
1. une fille épouse d'Enisan de Pléven
2. Bodin (frère de Bardulf) moine à l'Abbaye Notre-Dame d'York
3. Bardulf de Ravensworth
4. Ribald de middleham épouse Béatrice Taillebois
5. Arnold
L'historiographie traditionnelle le considère en outre comme le père de 25: Derrien bastardus à qui l'on attribue la fondation du château de La Roche-Derrien.
Pour les notes, bibliographi, et les sources, cliquez sur cet hyperlien.
Other names for EUDO: Eude, Eudes, Eudon, Odo.
Duke of Brittany, Count of Penthievre.
Eudo is in the ancestral line of the Fitz Randolph family; he is said to have outfitted 100 ships and recruited nearly 1/4 of a body of 5,000 Bretons in William's army of the Invasion. His son Alan Rufus was placed in command of that division. Alan Rufus became a close associate of William.
He joined hands and forces with his kinsman (Eudo's 1st cousin once removed on his mother's side, and his 1st cousin once removed on his father's side), William I, and sent his son Alan Rufus to assist William with a body of 5,000 Bretons in William's invasion of England.
Alan Rufus received a huge gift of at least 440 manors and 140 knight's fees (more than 100,000 acres.
He began to build a Castle at Richmond. All of this eventually devolved to Eudo's son, Ribald.
The sons of Eudo and those who inherited from them were benefactors to the church and to the monasteries, among them St. Mary's Abbey at York, the Gray Friars at Richmond, and Jeraulx, Eastby and Coverham Abbeys, and Thoralby and Spennithorne churches.
Information Source:
1. Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, Third Series, Vol. II, 1897.
Eudes of Rennes (999 – 1079), (Breton: Eozen Penteur) count of Penthievre, was the youngest son of Duke Geoffrey I of Brittany. Following the death of his brother Duke Alan III, Eudes ruled as regent of Brittany in the name of his nephew Conan II, between 1040 and 1062. Eudes married Agnes of Cornwall, sister of Hoel II of Brittany. At least two of Eudes' sons participated in the Norman conquest of England.[1]
* Geoffrey I, count of Penthièvre
* Alain Le Roux
* Stephen, Count of Tréguier married Havise of Guingamp
* Brian, who defeated a second raid in the southwest of England, launched from Ireland by Harold's sons in 1069.
His descendants became the junior branch of the Breton ducal family, which assumed control of the duchy in 1156 under Conan IV of Brittany.
Counts and dukes of Penthièvre
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the 11th and 12th centuries the countship of Penthièvre (Breton: Penteur) in Brittany (now in the department of Côtes-d'Armor) belonged to a branch of the sovereign house of Brittany. Geoffrey I, Duke of Brittany, gave it to his brother Eudes in 1035, and the line formed a cadet branch of the ducal house of Britanny. Henry d'Avaugour, heir of this dynasty, was dispossessed of the countship in 1235 by the Duke of Brittany, Pierre Mauclerc, who gave it as dowry to his daughter, Yolande, on her marriage in 1238 to Hugh XI of Lusignan, Count of La Marche. John I, Duke of Brittany, Yolande's brother, seized the countship on her death in 1272.
Note: In the chart on X:781, CP notes that it is unsure ifOrguen was mother of Stephen, although CP mentions no otherwife. AR does indicate that Stephen was son of Agnes, probablydaughter of Alan Canhiart.
Note: According to the chart on CP:781, Geoffrey had twodifferent sons named Alan, Count of Brittany, Lord of Richmond:Alan 'The Red', dsp. 4 Aug 1089 and Alan 'The Black', dsp. 1093.He also had possibly elder sons (Geoffrey, d. 24 Aug 1093, &Brian, Count of Brittany, held Cornwall, living 1069) andyounger sons (William, Robert, & Richard).
GEOFFREY, DUKE OF BRITTANY, married Hawise, daughter of Ric hard I, DUKE OFNORMANDY, and died in 1008, leaving two sons , Alan and Eudon. During their mother's lifetime the two br others seem to have been joint rulers of Brittany, but on h er death, on 21 February 1034, dissensions broke out betwee n them; peace was restored by a settlement under which Eudo n received a territory corresponding roughly to the diocese s of Dol, St. Mialo, St. Brieuc and Tréguier, reduced in th e hands of his successors to the two last-named dioceses, w hile Alan retained the rest of Brittany. After the death o f Alan in 1040 Eudon seized the government of Brittany to t he exclusion of his nephew Conan, who recovered it in 1057 . Eudon died 7 January 1079. He married Orguen, whose paren tage is unknown. [Complete Peerage X:779-81, (transcribed b y Dave Utzinger)]
Note: In the chart on X:781, CP notes that it is unsure i f Orguen was mother of Stephen, although CP mentions no oth er wife. AR does indicate that Stephen was son of Agnes, p robably daughter of Alan Canhiart.
Note: According to the chart on CP:781, Geoffrey had two di fferent sons named Alan, Count of Brittany, Lord of Richmon d: Alan "The Red", dsp. 4 Aug 1089 and Alan "The Black", ds p. 1093. He also had possibly elder sons (Geoffrey, d. 2 4 Aug 1093, & Brian, Count of Brittany, held Cornwall, livi ng 1069) and younger sons (William, Robert, & Richard).
Eudes DE BRETAGNE Comte de Penthievre et de Bretagne was born: Abt 999, Penthièvre, Morbihan, Bretagne, France and Died: 7 Jan 1078-1079.
Marriage Information:
Eudes married Agnes DE CORNOUAILLE, daughter of Alain Cagniart DE BRETAGNE Comte de Cornouaille and Judith DE NANTES. (Agnes DE CORNOUAILLE was born in 1024 in Bretagne, France.)
Marriage Information:
Eudes also married Orguen DE BRETAGNE. (Orguen DE BRETAGNE was born about 1000 in France 5235 and died after 1056 5235.)
Marriage Information:
Eudes also married Unnamed Mistress. (Unnamed Mistress was born about 1000 in France.)
SON: Étienne (Stephen) DE BRETAGNE Comte de Penthièvre, Baron of Richmond+
SON:Robert D' IVRY Seigneur d' Ivry+ SON: William DE RAMSEY of Brittany+ DAUGHTER: Maud (Matilda) DE PENTHIÈVRE+
3. Unnamed Mistress
SON: Bardolf DE BRETAGNE of Ravensworth+ SON: Ribald DE PENTHIÈVRE Lord of Middleham+
1001 |
Saint-Pierre-Quiberon [Penthièvre], Morbihan, Brittany, France
1035 |
Age 34
became count of Penthierve
1042 |
Normandy, France
1044 |
Brittany, France
1049 |
Penthièvre, Morbihan, Bretagne, France
1050 |
Penthièvre, Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, Bretagne, France
Penthièvre, France
1052 |
Bretagne, France