Immediate Family
About Leutharis III, duke of the Alemannians
from Medlands (3 Feb 2019) Dukes of Alemannia
"The territory of Alemannia was invaded by the Merovingian Franks but was able to preserve semi-autonomy. The dukes of Alemannia were finally vanquished by maior domus Pepin [III] (later Pepin King of the Franks) who placed Alemannia in the hands of Counts Ruthard and Warin[6]. After the death of Charles "Martel", the territory rebelled against the Franks, but maior domus Carloman laid waste to Alemannia in 742[7]. The family relationship between the early dukes of Alemannia has not been confirmed by the primary sources so far consulted. The Alemannian dukes are frequently referred to as "Etichonen". Any famly connection between them and the Etichonen noble family in Alsace has not yet been identified.
4. LIUTHAR (-after [643]). Duke of Alemannia. Fredegar records that "Leuthario duci Alamannorum" killed "Otto quidam filius Urones domestici", who who had rebelled against maiordomus Grimoald, in the 10th year of the reign of King Sigebert[11].
The British Chronicles, Vol. 2 @Google Books.
Leutharis III, duke of the Alemannians's Timeline
600 |
Alamannia, East Francia
651 |
Canstatt, Alemmania, Frankish Empire
675 |
Age 75