Historical records matching Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark
Immediate Family
About Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark
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Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark
Product MedLands, Denmark Kings
VALDEMAR Knudsen, son of KNUT "Lavard" Duke of South Jutland/Sønderjylland [Schleswig] and King of the Obotriten & his wife Ingeborg Mstislavna of Kiev (14 Jan 1131-Vordingborg 12 May 1182, bur Ringsted). Snorre names (in order) "the Danish king Valdemar…and daughters Margaret, Christina and Catherine" as the children of "Canute Lavard" & his wife. Fagrskinna names (in order) “Valdimarr konungr ok Kristin ok Katerin or Margareta” as children of “Knútr lávardr, bródir Eiriks eimuna” and his wife. He attended the diet of Merseburg, called in 1152 by Friedrich I "Barbarossa" King of Germany to resolve the disputed succession in Denmark, and was awarded a Danish province, probably Schleswig. He joined Knud Magnusson against King Svend, together with Eskil Archbsihop of Lunc, and expelled the king from Denmark in 1154. Svend invaded Denmark with a Wendish fleet and murdered King Knud at a meeting of the three rival claimants at Roskilde. Valdemar Knudsson defeated Svend at Gradeheide, near Viborg, his opponent being killed fleeing from the battle[593], when he succeeded as VALDEMAR I "den Store/the Great" King of Denmark, finally resolving the disputed succession. The Chronicon Roskildense records that "Valdemarus filius sancti Kanuti ducis et martyris, filii Herici regis Boni" succeeded after "Kanutus et Constantinus cognatus eius" were killed. In 1159, he concluded a treaty of friendship with Heinrich "dem Löwen" Duke of Saxony, with whom he campaigned against the Obotrites in 1160. He attacked the island of Rügen in 1168, conquered the fortified shrine of Arkona, destroyed the statue of the heathen god Svantevit, and added the whole island to the diocese of Absalon Bishop of Roskilde who accompanied the expedition. His relations with Duke Heinrich cooled after King Valdemar refused to surrender half the Rügen hostages and share the tribute paid, although they made peace 24 Jun 1171 on a bridge over the River Eider when Rügen accepted Saxon suzerainty, the alliance being sealed by the betrothal of their children. The Icelandic Annals record the death 12 May 1182 at "Ringstadis" of "Valdemarus Canuti filius rex Danorum".
m (Viborg 1157) as her first husband, SOFIA, daughter of VOLODAR --- & his wife Ryksa [Swantos%C5%82awa] of Poland ([1141]-5 May 1198, bur Ringsted). A genealogy written in [1193] by Vilhelm Abbot of Æbelholt records that “Valdemarus” married “Sophia...filia...Waledar Ruthenorum regis” and that “Sophie mater filia fuit Bolezlaui ducis Polonie”, adding that “fratres...Sophie regine, matris Ingeburgis, in Russia usque hodi regni gubernacula...amministrant”[599]. Fagrskinna records that “Valdimarr Danakonungr” married “Suffiu dóttur Valads konungs á Pulinalandi ok Rikizu dróttningar”[600]. Saxo Grammaticus records that “arbitri quoque Kanuti [=Knud III King of Denmark], prius sodalem regi...rati” advised Valdemar to marry “uterinam Kanuti sororem Sophiam”, that Valdemar objected, considering that she was “patre Ruteno procreata” and because she was “nullorum in Dania bonorum heres”, but eventually agreed because King Knud promised “tocius patrimonii sui parte tercia” and because “matrone cuidam Botilde” [King Valdemar’s possible sister?] agreed to educate her until she reached marriageable age (“adusque maturam thoro etatem educandam committit”)[601]. Helmold’s Chronica Slavorum records that “Kanutus”, opposing “Suein” [Svend III King of Denmark], promised “sorore sua in coniugio” to “Waldemarum...patruelis et adiutor Suein” [to guarantee his alliance][602]. Svend Aggesen’s Brevis Historia Regum Dacie records that “Valdemarus” married “reginam Canuti regis Roschildensis germanam Sophiam”[603]. Knytlíngasaga records that “Valdimar” married ”dóttir Valadars konúngs af Polína landi”[604]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Sophiam de Russia" as wife of "Waldemarum II"[605]. She married secondly ([1184], divorced 1187) as his second wife, Ludwig III "der Milde" Landgraf of Thuringia. Her second marriage is confirmed by Arnold's Chronica Slavorum which states that "Lothewigus lantgravius de Thuringia, filius sororis imperatoris" repudiated his first wife on the grounds of consanguinity to marry "matrem Kanuti regis Danorum"[606]. The primary source which confirms her divorce from her second husband has not been identified. "Kanutum regem" donated property to Ringsted with "fratrem regis, ducem Waldemarum, dnam Sophiam matrem regis", by charter dated 1197[607]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "6 May" of "Sophia regine Dacie"[608]. The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1199 of "Sophia Danorum Regina"[609]. The burial records of Ringsted record "sanctus Kanutus dux Dacie…filius suus Waldemarus primus, ampliator huius ecclesia" and the burial next to him of "regina Sophia uxor sua filia Swerchonis regis Suetie" who died "III Id Mai" in 1198[610].
Mistress (1): TOVE, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her relationship with King Valdemar has not yet been identified.
King Valdemar I & his wife Sofia had eight children:
- 1. SOPHIE ([1159]-1208). Her origin is confirmed by the Chronica Godefridi Coloniensis which names "Albertus comes de Urlemunde, filius sororis…regis [Dacie]"[611]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. She became a nun after her husband died. m (Lübeck 1181) SIEGFRIED [III] Graf von Orlamünde, son of HERMANN [I] Graf von Orlamünde [Askanier] & his wife Ermgard --- (-1206).
- 2. KNUD Valdemarsen ([1162]-2 Nov 1202, bur Ringsted). Fagrskinna names “Knútr konungr ok Valdimarr konungr ok Rikiza dróttning” as children of King Valdemar I and his wife[612]. “Waldemarus…Rex Danorum” confirmed a donation to “Esrom” by charter dated 25 Feb 1174, witnessed by “Kanutus filius meus…”[613]. He succeeded his father in 1182 as KNUD IV King of Denmark. He continued his father's campaigns along the southern Baltic coast, subjugating Mecklenburg in 1184 and Pomerania in 1185, after which he adopted the title "King of the Danes and the Slavs"[614]. "Canuti regis, Waldemari filii" confirmed the possessions of "ecclesiæ Lundensi", by charter dated 12 May 1186[615]. He refused to do homage to Emperor Friedrich I "Barbarossa" and withheld part of the dowry promised to his sister, who was betrothed to the emperor's son. Jordan says that the emperor repudiated the betrothal and sent the princess back to Denmark. It is not known which of King Knud's sisters this was[616]. “Kanutis…Danorum Slavvorumque Rex” emancipated monks of “Esrom” by charter dated 22 Oct 1194, which names “Waldemarus pater noster et Kanutus avunculus noster Danorum Reges”, and is witnessed by “Christoforus frater Kanuti regis, Waldemarus Dux”[617]. "Kanutum regem" donated property to Ringsted with "fratrem regis, ducem Waldemarum, dnam Sophiam matrem regis", by charter dated 1197[618]. The Saga of King Sverre records the death of "Knut King of the Danes" in the same year as Sverre King of Norway[619]. The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1202 of "Canutus, Valdemari filius, rex Danorum" and the succession of "Valdemarus frater eius"[620]. The burial records of Ringsted record the burial of "Kanutus filius Waldemari primi rex Danorum ac Sclavorum Pomeraneorum ac totius Holtzatie, sed et dux Estonie" who died "III Id Nov" in 1210[621]. Betrothed ([1167/68]%29 to RICHENZA von Sachsen, daughter of HEINRICH "dem Löwen" Duke of Saxony [Welfen] & his first wife Klementia von Zähringen (-before 1 Feb 1168). Her betrothal is referred to by Jordan[622], but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. m (betrothed 24 Jun 1171, Lund Feb 1177) as her second husband, GERTRUD von Sachsen, widow of FRIEDRICH [IV] [von Staufen] Duke of Swabia, daughter of HEINRICH "dem Löwen" Duke of Saxony [Welfen] & his first wife Klementia von Zähringen ([1154]-1 Jun 1197, bur Wå Gårds Harde). Helmold records the marriage of "Heinricus dux Bawarie et Saxonie…[et] domna Clementia…filiam" and "filio Conradi regis"[623]. Helmold records the marriage of "[Heinricus dux Bawarie et Saxonie] filiam suam, viduam Fretherici…principis de Rodenburg" and "rex Danorum…filio suo…designatus…rex" as part of the peace process between Saxony and Denmark[624]. The Annales Stadenses refers to the betrothal of "Heinricus dux filiam suam" and "Daciæ regi" in 1171[625]. This marriage was arranged to seal the renewed peace agreed between her father and King Valdemar I in 1171[626]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified.
Knud & his wife had [one possible child]:
a) [627][INGERD [Ingeborg] (-before 1236). "M[yroszlava] et Hyn[gardis]…ductrices Slavie…cum filiis nostris et ducibus Barnym et Wartizlao" donated property to Kloster Mogilno in Colberg by charter dated to [1223/24][628]. Her Danish royal origin is indicated by the charter dated 1225 under which her son "Wartislaus…dux Pomeranorum et Diminensium" donated property to Kloster Dargun, sealed by "ducis Worzlai e sanguine regis Danor"[629]. From a chronological point of view, it seems likely that Ingerd was the daughter of King Knud IV: the children of Knud´s brother King Valdemar II were born too late for one of them to have been the mother of Wartislaw Duke of Pomerania, and King Knud´s father, King Valdemar I, is already recorded with a daughter named Ingebjörg. Another possibility is that she was descended from the Danish royal family in the female line. The date of her marriage is estimated assuming that the date of birth of her son Wartislaw is correctly estimated as shown in the document POMERANIA. "M[yroszlava] et Hyn[gardis]…ductrices Slavie…cum filiis nostris et ducibus Barnym et Wartizlao" donated property to Kloster Mogilno in Colberg by charter dated to [1223/24][630]. "Anastasia…ducissa Pomeranorum" donated property to Kloster Belbog, with the consent of "dominarum relicte…filii mei Bugzlai et alterius filii Kazemari relicte" by charter dated 7 Jul 1224 witnessed by "…Barnota filius domini Jaromiri de Ruia…"[631]. "Dominus Barnym…dux Slauorum…et…fratre meo germano domino dice Wartislao" renewed the donations to Kloster Mogilno made by "mater nostra domina Myroslaua…post mortem domini mei Boguslai…[et] mee matertere…Hyngardis domina terre Slauie relicta ducis Kazimari" by charter dated 1236[632]. m (before [1208/10]%29 KASIMIR II Duke of Pomerania, son of BOGISLAW I Duke of Pomerania & his second wife Anastasia of Poland ([1180]-before 20 Jun 1219).]
- 3. MARGRETE. Nun at St Maria's Convent, Roskilde [1188].
- 4. 'MARIA. Nun at St Maria's Convent, Roskilde [1188].
- 5. VALDEMAR ([28 Jun] 1170-Vordingborg 28 Mar 1241, bur Ringsted Church). "Kanutum regem" donated property to Ringsted with "fratrem regis, ducem Waldemarum, dnam Sophiam matrem regis", by charter dated 1197[633]. He succeeded his brother in 1202 as VALDEMAR II "Sejr/the Conqueror" King of Denmark.
- 6. INGEBJÖRG (1174-Priory of Saint-Jean-en-l’Ile, near Corbeil, Essonne 29 Jul 1236, bur Saint Jean-en-l'Ile). The Chronicle of Ralph of Coggeshall records the marriage of King Philippe in 1193 and "sororem regis Daciæ…Ingelburgh" and his repudiation of her after the wedding[634]. The Balduini Ninovensis Chronicon records the marriage of "Philippus [rex]" and "filiam…regis Dano", recording that he repudiated her after 8 days and imprisoned her[635]. She was known as ISAMBOUR in France. She was consecrated Queen of France 15 Aug 1193, but during the ceremony King Philippe "by the devil's suggestion, began to be horrified, to tremble and turn pale at the sight of her"[636]. The chronicler William of Newburgh reported that the king's aversion to Isambour was reported to be due to the fetid smell of her breath or to some hidden deformity[637]. King Philippe disavowed her, imprisoned her at Cysoing and procured an annulment from prelates at the synod of Compiègne, although this was not recognised by the Pope[638]. A charter dated 1193 records that Etienne Bishop of Tournai requested Guillaume Archbishop of Reims to protect "Reginam" who had sought protection in Cysoing abbey[639]. Protracted correspondence with successive Popes ensued, the dispute being complicated by the king's bigamous third marriage. King Philippe's refusal to restore Isambour eventually resulted in Pope Innocent III's interdict on France 13 Jan 1200. The king restored Isambour as queen from Apr 1213, although it is likely that the couple did not live together, Isambour living on her dower lands near Orléans[640]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the death in 1237 of "senior regina Francie…Guineburgis sive Indeburgis de Dacia" specifying that she was "domna Aurelianensis"[641]. The necrology of the Eglise Cathédrale de Paris records the death "IV Kal Aug" of "regina Ysenburgis…uxor regis Francorum Philippi"[642]. m (Notre-Dame d’Amiens, Somme 14 Aug 1193, repudiated later that year, annulled 5 Nov 1193, annulment declared illegal 13 Mar 1195, remarried 1200) as his second wife, PHILIPPE II “Auguste” King of France, son of LOUIS VII King of France & his third wife Alix de Champagne (Château de Gonesse, Val d’Oise 21 Aug 1165-Mantes, Yvelines 14 Jul 1223, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis).
- 7. HELENA (-Lüneburg [22 Nov] 1223, bur Lüneburg Michaeliskirche). The Annales Stadenses records the betrothal in Hamburg in 1202 of "sororem ducis [Danorum] Helenam" and "fratri suo [=regis Otto] Willehelmo"[643]. “Willelmus de Luneburch...coniuge nostra Helena et filio nostro Ottone” granted freedoms to the town of Löwenstadt by charter dated 28 Aug 1209[644]. Iso Bishop of Verden confirmed that “domina de Luneborch...conmater nostra” had granted property, including “advocacia Walefrode” granted to “nepoti nostro filio comitis Bernardi de Wilpa”, to “filio eius domino de Luneborch”, then in prison, by charter dated 10 May 1228[645]. m (Hamburg Summer 1202) WILHELM "der Dicke" Herzog von Lüneburg, son of HEINRICH "der Löwe" Duke of Saxony and Bavaria & his second wife Matilda of England (Winchester [Jul] 1184-12 Dec 1213, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis).
- 8. RIKISSA (-8 May 1220, bur Ringsted Church). Fagrskinna names “Knútr konungr ok Valdimarr konungr ok Rikiza dróttning” as children of King Valdemar I and his wife, adding that “Rikizu dróttning” married “Eirikr konungr i SviÞjód Knútssunr”[646]. The Icelandic Annals record the marriage in 1210 of "Ericus Canuti filius rex Suecorum" and "Richizzam filiam Valdemari, sororem Valdemari senioris Danorum regis"[647]. The Annales Ryenses record the death in 1221 of "Rikæcæ regina"[648]. The burial records of Ringsted record the burial of "Kanutus filius Waldemari primi rex Danorum ac Sclavorum Pomeraneorum ac totius Holtzatie, sed et dux Estonie" and "soror sua Rikizæ regina uxor Erici regis Suetie" who died "VIII Id Mai" in 1210[649]. m (1210) ERIK Knutson King of Sweden, son of KNUT Eriksson King of Sweden & his wife Cecilia Johansdottir of Sweden (-Visingsö 10 Apr 1216).
King Valdemar I had one illegitimate son by Mistress (1):
- 9. CHRISTOFFER Valdemarsen [1150]-11 Apr 1166, or 15 Jun 1173, or after 22 Oct 1194, bur Ringsted). Duke of Sønderjylland. “Kanutis…Danorum Slavvorumque Rex” emancipated monks of “Esrom” by charter dated 22 Oct 1194, which names “Waldemarus pater noster et Kanutus avunculus noster Danorum Reges”, and is witnessed by “Christoforus frater Kanuti regis, Waldemarus Dux”[650]. The burial records of Ringsted record the burial at Ringsted of "sanctus Kanutus dux Dacie…filius suus Waldemarus primus, ampliator huius ecclesia" and the burial next to him of "regina Sophia uxor sua filia Swerchonis regis Suetie" and of "filius ipsorum Cristoferus dux Jutie" who died "III Id Apr" in in 1166[651]. This last source indicates that Christoffer was his father´s legitimate son.
Source. Project MedLand, Denmark Kings - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/DENMARK.htm#ValdemarIdied1182A
Horne kirke på Fyn blev bygget som privat kapel for Valdemar den store. Det er en rundkirke efter samme grundplan som på Bornholm.
Valdemar den Store - dansk medkonge fra 1154 og enekonge fra 1157-1182. Wikipedia DA
Valdemar, som blev født blot 8 dage efter at faderen, Knud Lavard, var blevet myrdet, voksede op hos Asser Rig sammen med dennes sønner Absalon og Esbern Snare. Under stridighederne om retten til tronen mellem Svend 3. Grathe og Knud 5., sluttede han sig til Svend, som i 1147 gjorde ham til hertug af Slesvig. I 1154 skiftede Valdemar over på Knuds side og forlovede sig med hans halvsøster Sofie. Han blev konge i Jylland 1157 ved rigets deling mellem Svend, Knud og Valdemar og enekonge samme år, efter at Knud blev dræbt under det såkaldte "blodgilde i Roskilde". Det lykkedes Valdemar at undslippe, og efter at have samlet en hær slog han Svend på Grathe Hede og var nu enekonge.
Valdemar opbyggede en stærk kongemagt og rettede flere slag mod venderne, støttet af vennen Absalon, som han i 1158 udnævnte til biskop i Roskilde. I 1159 samlede Valdemar en sjællandsk ledingsflåde og gennemførte et togt mod venderne. I de følgende år gennemførtes en række togter, der kulminerede med indtagelsen af Rügen i 1169. I den forbindelse omstyrtedes de kendte gudebilleder. Valdemar gik i gang med at sikre rigets grænse mod syd dels ved at opføre Valdemarsmuren i tilknytning til Dannevirke, dels ved at bygge fæstningsanlæg flere steder i landet, bl.a. ved Korsør og Nyborg. Absalon byggede som bekendt en fæstning på en lille ø ud for handelspladsen Havn (senere København) ved Øresund.
Den europæiske magtkamp mellem paven og kejseren nåede Danmark i 1160, da de fleste bisper med Absalon i spidsen støttede kongen, og ærkebiskop Eskil måtte drage i landflygtighed i Frankrig. Kronen og kirken forsonedes dog, og det markeredes med, at Valdemars fader, Knud Lavard, blev helgenkåret af pave Alexander III og gravsat i Skt Bendts Kirke i Ringsted. Samtidig fik Valdemar sin 7-årige søn, Knud 6. kronet og salvet som medkonge for at sikre arvefølgen. I 1177 trak Eskil sig tilbage, og Absalon udnævntes til ærkebiskop i Lund. Absalon indsatte flere venner på ledende poster, og i 1180 udbrød der åbent oprør, og Absalon måtte flygte. Valdemar og Absalon vendte tilbage i 1181 med en hær og nedkæmpede oprøret.
Under Valdemars regeringstid skete der store forandringer i det danske samfund. Ledingspligten blev afløst af en ledingsskat, og frem for at skulle huse kongen, når han rejste rundt i landet, skulle bønderne nu betale en skat til kongens ombudsmænd (hele apparatet med ombudsmænd blev udbygget og væsentlig forbedret under Valdemar 1. den Store). Kongen fik også flere indtægter i form af kongens overtagelse af ingenmandsland - hvad ingen ejer, ejer kongen. Valdemar tjente også godt på afgifter på sildemarkedet i Skåne.
Valdemar døde den 12. maj 1182 på Vordingborg Slot. Hans lig blev af bønder båret til Skt. Bendts Kirke, hvor han blev begravet. Han har med rette fortjent tilnavnet "den Store", og der skete store fremskridt for landet i hans regeringstid. Sammen med sin hustru Sofie fik han sønnerne Knud (6.) og Valdemar 2. Sejr foruden seks døtre.
- Kings of Denmark
- Wikipedia: Dansk English
- Danmarkshistorien In danish
- King of Denmark Reign 1157–1182
Predecessor Sweyn III Successor Canute VI
Notes : Valdemar 'the Great' was allied to Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa of Germany. He defeated the heathen Wends in Estonia and on the island of Ruegen (the destruction of the city-fortress of Arkona and the four-faced god Svantevit in 1169) and gained for Denmark her first Baltic possessions. His foster brother, Bishop Absalon, was also a field marshal during the campaigns against the Wends. Around his castle at the small fishing village of Havn, the future city of Copenhagen (Koebenhavn, i.e. Merchants' Harbor) grew. During Absalon's time, the chief clerk at his office in Lund (Sweden), Saxo called 'Grammaticus' wrote 'Gesta Danorum' (the deeds of the Danes) tracing the royal house of Denmark back to the semi-mythical King Dan and some say to the Tribes of Israel.
Valdemar I of Denmark (1131-1182), also known as Valdemar the Great, was King of Denmark from 1157 until 1182.
He was the son of Canute Lavard, a chivalrous and popular Danish prince, who was the eldest son of Eric I of Denmark. His father was murdered days before his birth; his mother, Ingeborg, daughter of Mstislav I of Kiev, named him after her grandfather, Vladimir Monomakh of Kiev. As an heir to the throne, and with his rivals quickly gaining power, he was raised in the court of Asser Rig of Fjenneslev, together with Asser's son, Absalon, who would become his trusted friend and minister. When Valdemar was sixteen years old, King Erik III abdicated and a civil war erupted. The pretenders to the throne were: Sweyn III Grathe, son of Eric II Emune; Canute (Knud V Magnussen), son of Prince Magnus who was the son of King Niels; and Valdemar himself (he was holding Jutland, at least southern Jutland, as his possession). The civil war lasted the better part of ten years. In 1157 King Sweyn hosted a great banquet for Canute, Absalon and Valdemar during which he planned to dispose of all his rivals. King Canute was killed, but Absalon and Valdemar escaped. Valdemar returned to Jutland. Sweyn quickly launched an invasion, only to be defeated by Valdemar at Grathe Hede. He was killed during flight, supposedly by a group of peasants who stumbled upon him as he was fleeing from the battlefield. Valdemar, having outlived all his rival pretenders, became the sole King of Denmark. In 1158 Absalon was elected Bishop of Roskilde, and Valdemar made him his chief friend and advisor. He reorganized and rebuilt war-torn Denmark. At Absalon's instigation he declared war upon the Wends who inhabited Pomerania and the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea. In 1168 the Wendish capital, Arkona, was taken, and the Wends became Christians and subject to Danish suzerainty. Danish influence reached into Pomerania. Valdemar's reign saw the rise of Denmark, which reached its zenith under his second son Valdemar. Valdemar I died in 1182 and was succeeded by his eldest son Canute VI. Valdemar married Sofia of Minsk (c 1141-1198), half-sister of Canute V of Denmark and daughter of Dowager Queen Rikissa of Sweden from her marriage with Volodar of Minsk (Vladimir or Volodar Glebovich of the Rurikids, died 1167), ruling Prince of Principality of Minsk, and they had the following children: • King Canute VI of Denmark (1163-1202) • King Valdemar II of Denmark (1170-1241) • Sophie, (1159 –1208), married Siegfried III, Count of Orlamünde • Margareta and Maria, a nuns at Roskilde • Rixa/Richeza (died 1220), married King Eric X of Sweden • Helen (died 1233), married William of Lüneburg • Ingeborg (1175-1236), married King Philip II of France His widow Sofia married then Louis III, Landgrave of Thuringia.
Storhertug av Sønderjylland, Konge av Danmark
1154-82 talet. De fick 8 barn
har fundet en mere. så de er 9 børn. kilde . se link . http://niels.dybdahl.dk/aner/gorm/GGtextGC.htm#I1924 . Margrete Valdemarsdatter. Maria Valdemarsdatter . Estrid Valdemarsdatter . Sofie Valdemarsdatter . Knud Valdemarsen . Valdemar Sejr . Ingeborg Valdemarsdatter . Helene Valdemarsdatter . Regitse Valdemarsdatter .
KING OF DENMARK (1157–82).
Waldemar I (Waldemar the Great)wälˈdəmär, 1131–82, In 1147, Waldemar, Sweyn III, and Canute (son of Magnus the Strong and grandson of King Niels) each claimed the Danish throne. After a war Waldemar received Jutland as his share of Danish territory. When Canute was assassinated (probably on Sweyn's orders), Waldemar conducted a campaign against King Sweyn, whom he defeated (1157) in a great battle near Viborg. Although now supreme in Denmark, Waldemar found his country overrun by the Wends. With Henry the Lion of Saxony and Albert the Bear of Brandenburg he subjugated the Wends and forced them to accept Christianity. He became the vassal of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I in order to gain German support, but was later powerful enough to free himself from that control. Waldemar codified the laws and gained Norwegian territory. The marriages of his daughters to the sons of Frederick I, Eric X of Sweden, and Philip II of France increased his prestige. Archbishop Absalon was his adviser in ecclesiastical, political, and military affairs. Waldemar was succeeded by his son, Canute VI (reigned 1182–1202).
- http://www.friesian.com/perifran.htm#scandinavia
- http://www.genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00029923&tree=LEO
- http://www.altomhistorie.dk/artikler/knud-lavard/
- https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LZF8-9QB
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valdemar_I_of_Denmark
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Knudsen-111
- https://www.britannica.com/biography/Valdemar-I
- https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/10598576/valdemar_i_the_great
Danish Monarch. He reigned as King of Denmark from 1154 to 1182. The grandchild of King Erik I of Denmark, his parents were Duke Sct. Knud Lavard and Duchess Ingeborg of Russia. His father was murdered a few months after his birth and he was brought up in the noble Hvide-family together with his later companion Archbishop Absalon of Lund and Roskilde. In 1154 he was made Co-king of the kings Svend III and Knud III. The 3 kings ruled different parts of the country, which was divided by civil-war. His co-kings were out maneuvered and eventually killed in battle. By 1157 he was the sole ruler of the kingdom. Now he and Absalon started a crusade against the pagan Wends, who lived in the Pomerania and Mecklenburg area in Northern Germany. They were defeated and christened by the sword in 1159. Valdemar I was a great church and castle-builder. He raised the Skt. Bendt's Church in Ringsted as the burial church for the royal family and as a shrine for the Saintly remains of his murdered father.1157 he married the Russian princess Sofia of Novgorod, and among his 9 children were the Danish kings Knud IV and Valdemar II. His daughter Ingeborg or Isembourg was unhappily married to the French king Philippe II Auguste.
Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark's Timeline
1131 |
January 14, 1131
Schleswig, Denmark
Valdemar DEN STORE
Död: 1182 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Årtal Ålder Händelse
Skapad av MinSläkt 3,6, Programmet Tillhör: Roland Knutsson |
1146 |
- 1182
Age 14
1150 |
Roskilde, Kobenhavn, Denmark
1152 |
- 1154
Age 20
1157 |
- 1182
Age 25
1161 |
Roskilde, Sømme herred, Roskilde amt, Danmark (Denmark)
1163 |
January 14, 1163
Danmark (Denmark)
1168 |
Roskilde ,Kobenhavn, Denmark
1170 |
May 9, 1170
Ribe, Danmark (Denmark)