Adelheid of Holland

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Adelheid of Holland van Gent (974 - 1045)

French: Adélaïde de Boulogne (van Friesland)
Birthplace: Ghent, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
Death: circa 1045 (66-76)
Boulogne Sur Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
Place of Burial: Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Arnulf I van Masaland and Lutgardis of Luxemburg
Wife of Enguerrand I, "Isembart" comte de Ponthieu and Baldwin II, count of Boulogne
Mother of Hugh II, comte de Ponthieu; Guy de Ponthieu, évêque d'Amiens; Aélixe de Ponthieu; Foulques de Ponthieu; Eustace I, count of Boulogne and 1 other
Sister of Burggraaf Adelbert I van Gent; Dirk III, graaf van Masaland, Kinhem en Texla and Gertrude van Friesland

Occupation: Comtesse de Boulogne et de Ponthieu
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:

About Adelheid of Holland

Adelaide first married Baudouin II, Count of Boulogne, who mas killed in battle by Enguerrand I, Count of Ponthieu. Adelaide was then married to Enguerrand.

Adelaide van Holland

b. circa 985

Also called Adele of Ghent van Holland. Adelaide van Holland was born circa 985. She was the daughter of Arnulf, Graaf van Holland and Luitgard von Lothringen. Adelaide van Holland married Baudouin II, comte de Boulogne, son of Arnulf II, comte de Boulogne and N. N. de Lens, before 1004; Her 1st.1 Adelaide van Holland married Enguerand I, comte de Ponthieu, son of Hugues I, comte de Montreüil and Gisle de France; Her 2nd.2,1

Family 1

Baudouin II, comte de Boulogne b. circa 976, d. 1024


   * Eustache I, comte de Boulogne+ b. c 1004, d. 1049

Family 2

Enguerand I, comte de Ponthieu b. after 987, d. circa 1045


   * Hugues II, comte de Ponthieu+ b. c 1008, d. 20 Nov 1052


Adele (Adeline) of (GHENT) HOLLAND

  aka Adelaide (Aleida) de GAND; aka Adelvie of GUINES; of LORRAINE ?

Husbands/Partners: Baldwin (Baudouin Ernicule) II (Count) of BOULOGNE ; Enguerrand (Count) de MONTREUIL

Children:         Eustace (Eustache) I (Count) of BOULOGNE   ;   Hugh II (Count) de PONTHIEU   ;   Mahaut (Maud Matildis Matilda) de BOULOGNE 

Aleina of Holland (c 990 - c 1045) was a daughter of Arnulf, Count of Holland and Lutgardis of Luxemburg. She first married to Baldwin II, Count of Boulogne (with whom she had Eustace I of Boulogne) and then to Enguerrand I of Ponthieu.

Aleina of Holland (c 990 - c 1045) was a daughter of Arnulf, Count of Holland and Lutgardis of Luxemburg. She first married to Baldwin II, Count of Boulogne (with whom she had Eustace I of Boulogne) and then to Enguerrand I of Ponthieu.

Aleina of Holland (c 990 - c 1045) was a daughter of Arnulf, Count of Holland and Lutgardis of Luxemburg. She first married to Baldwin II, Count of Boulogne (with whom she had Eustace I of Boulogne) and then to Enguerrand I of Ponthieu.

Many sources have Adele as mother of Hugues/Hugh II Comte de Ponthieu. However this is impossible if she married Enguerrand in or after 1033 when her first husband Baudouin Comte de Boulogne died. There is some doubt as to the sequence of events as the following excerpt of a post to SGM, 14 Nov 1998, by Leo van de Pas, illustrates:

According to Genealogie der Graven van Holland, by Dr. AWE Dek, page 12. Arnulf 'may' have had a daughter named Aleida,and this Aleida was married to Engelram I Count of Pontieu who died circa 1045. As footnote this books refers to: For this family see C. Brunel, Recueil des Actes des comtes de Ponthieu, Paris 1930.

Now comes the interesting bit, Schwennicke Volume III/4 page 635. Enguerrand I de Ponthieu married Adeliva, widow of Baudouin Comte de Boulogne, and Adeliva is POSSIBLY daughter of Arnulf van Friesland. That sounds positive until you get hold of page 621 of the same book, the page covering the Counts of Boulogne. There is no mention of a Baudouin/Balduin who married an Adeliva........

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Adelheid of Holland's Timeline

Ghent, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
August 11, 989
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Age 71
Boulogne Sur Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
Age 71
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France