Historical records matching Shlomo Zabludowicz
Immediate Family
About Shlomo Zabludowicz
Shlomo Zabludowicz
Birth & Early Life
Shlomo Zabludowicz was born on April 15, 1915 (or 1916) in Łódź, Poland, to Chaim and Rivka Zabludowicz. His exact birthdate is uncertain, but he celebrated April 15 as his birthday.
He was born into a Jewish family, where his father Chaim was a rabbi. He had seven siblings, though their names are currently unknown.
The Holocaust & Family Tragedy
During World War II, the Zabludowicz family was forced into the Łódź Ghetto. Eventually, they were deported to Auschwitz, where his parents and all of his siblings perished.
Shlomo was the sole survivor of his immediate family.
After the war, he emigrated to Sweden before arriving in Finland in the late 1940s.
Marriage & Children
Shlomo married Pola Zabludowicz, also a Holocaust survivor. They had two children:
- Chaim “Poju” Zabludowicz – A businessman and real estate investor based in London, known for his holdings in Las Vegas, New York, and Finland. He is also the owner of the Tappara hockey team.
- Rebecka Belldegrun (née Zabludowicz) – An ophthalmologist, currently residing in the United States.
Life in Finland & Arms Dealing
After settling in Tampere, Finland, Shlomo played a key role in international arms deals.
He became a crucial figure in establishing weapons trade between Finland and Israel, particularly through Tampella, a Finnish arms manufacturer.
His work eventually led to the creation of Soltam, an Israeli defense company.
Despite his significant influence in military procurement, he remained out of the public eye for over 20 years.
His involvement only became widely known in 1983, when his name appeared in news reports about Finnish arms deals.
Later Years & Death
In the 1970s, Shlomo and Pola applied for Finnish citizenship, though their children had already become Finnish citizens.
Eventually, the couple moved to Caesarea, Israel, where Shlomo passed away on August 8, 1994.
He was buried in Israel.
Shlomo's son, Poju Zabludowicz, continues the family's business and financial empire, while Rebecka Belldegrun has built a career in medicine.
His contributions to Israel’s military strength, Finland’s arms industry, and international weapons trade remain an integral part of Cold War history.
- https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shlomo_Zabludowicz
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shlomo_Zabludowicz
- Helsingin Sanomat - Kulttuuri 14.9.2021 Matti Mörttinen:: "Shlomo Zabludowicz - Holokaustin kauhuista salaperäiseksi suomalaismiljardööriksi.
- Kun holokausti on ohi, puolanjuutalainen mies painaa 35 kiloa. Kaikki omaiset on tapettu, mies itse on nääntynyt kasa luuta, nahkaa ja sairaita keuhkoja.
- 1950-luvulla samainen mies päätyy kaikista maailman paikoista Tampereelle, kallioon piilotetun asetehtaan kaupunkiin. Käynnistyy huippusalainen bisnes Tampellan kehittämillä tykeillä ja kranaatinheittimillä.
- Shlomo Zabludowiczin elämäntarina natsien orjatyöläisestä miljardööriksi pysyi pitkään piilossa. Toimittaja Matti Mörttinen kasasi tiedon muruset yhteen ja sai aikaan täyteläisen elämäkertakirjan.
- Shlomo Zabludowiczista on jäänyt arkistoihin niukasti jälkiä. Vuonna 1961 hän asui Suomessa ja oli jo luonut asekauppiaana laajan kontaktiverkoston ympäri Eurooppaa. Viisumianomus on säilynyt Ruotsin valtionarkistossa.
- Simopekka Virkkula Aamulehti 13.9.2021
Shlomo Zabludowicz's Timeline
1915 |
April 16, 1915
Łódź, Poland
1994 |
August 8, 1994
Age 79
Kesarea, Israel