Jean de Lalande was a Jesuit missionary at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons. He was a member of the party led by Isaac Jogues as an envoy to the Mohawk to protect the precarious peace. However, Mohawks attacked the party en route. They were taken to a village where they were decreed set free by the moderate Mohawk clans. Angered by this, the Bear clan killed Lalande and Jogues on 18 October, 1646.
Les martyrs canadiens étaient huit missionnaires jésuites à Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons, qui furent tués au XVIIe siècle au Canada. Ils furent tués lors des guerres entre les Hurons et les Iroquois. Ces saints catholiques sont liturgiquement commémorés le 19 octobre par l'Église catholique, ou le 26 septembre au Canada. Les huit martyrs canadiens sont : Jean de Brébeuf, Noël Chabanel, Antoine Daniel, Charles Garnier, René Goupil, Jean de Lalande, Gabriel Lalemant et Isaac Jogues. Les martyrs canadiens furent canonisés par le pape Pie XI en 1930.
Ils sont collectivement des saints patrons secondaires du Canada. La paroisse francophone de Saskatoon en Saskatchewan est également placée sous la protection des saints martyrs canadiens, tout comme celle de Pont-Landry (Nouveau-Brunswick).
The Canadian Martyrs, also known as the North American Martyrs or the Martyrs of New France, were eight Jesuit missionaries from Sainte-Marie among the Hurons, who were tortured and martyred on various dates in the mid-17th century in New France, in what are now southern Ontario and upstate New York, during the warfare between the Iroquois and the Huron. They are Jean de Brébeuf, Noël Chabanel, Antoine Daniel, Charles Garnier, René Goupil, Isaac Jogues, Jean de Lalande and Gabriel Lalemant. They were all canonized as saints in the Roman Catholic Church in 1930.
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1610 |
Dieppe, Normandie, France
1646 |
October 16, 1646
Age 36
Territoires Iroquois, Québec, Canada