Joan de Mortimer
(c.1194 - 1225)
The Annals of Worcester record the death in 1225 of “Johanna de Mortuo Mari uxor Willelmi de Bello Campo”[957].
This means she can only have been responsible for William (IV) and perhaps James.
Charles Calvert
(1662 - 1733)
Charles Calvert, b. 1662; d. 1733; *m. (1) 1690, Mary Howson, granddaughter and co-heir of Robert Howson (or Howison) of Stafford County, Va., where he (Charles Calvert) resided for a time; *m. (2) Bar...
Mafalda de Saboia, rainha consorte de Portugal
(c.1125 - 1157)
Mafalda de Saboia, rainha consorte de Portugal=* Daughter of Amadeus III, count of Savoy "the crusader" and Adelaide* Mafalda of Savoy ( Savoie , c. 1125 [ 1 ] - Coimbra , 3 of December of 1157 , [ 2 ]...
(-2204 - d.)
Genesis 5:32 * Genesis 9:18-29 respectfully covers his drunk father, Noah, with his brother Japheth.* Genesis 10:21-31 lists his descendants, the Semitic races, named for him (Shem = Sem).* Genesis 11:...
Ranulph III de Bayeux, 3rd earl of Chester, vicomte of Bayeux
(1070 - 1129)
Ranulph III "le Briquessart" de Bayeux, Earl of Chester (1121-1129: First Earl, Second creation) and Vicomte de Bayeux=also known as Ranulph "le Meschin"'[Note on Earldom of Chester: A first creation o...
Antônio Carlos Ribeiro de Andrada, III
(1836 - 1893)
Antônio Carlos Ribeiro de Andrada, "o senador", (Santos, 3 de março de 1835 — Barbacena, 26 de dezembro de 1893) foi um político brasileiro, juiz, deputado geral no Império e senador constituinte estad...
Fulcuin de Belleme, Count Of Cordoba
(c.900 - 940)
From Medlands:
Fulcoin "Ivo" FULCOIN . "Ivo" founded the chapel of l'Abbayette for the souls of "patris mei Fulconii et matris meæ Rothais" by charter dated 12 Oct 997[4].
m ROTHAIS, daughter of -...
Yves de Creil
(c.855 - 938)
Yves de Creil in Wikipedia * Yves de Creil in RootsWeb ==============================1. Yves of Belleme of Creil { Yves de Creil } was born ABT 855 in France. He married (unknown). Child of Yves of B...
Robert I, Count of Flanders
(aft.1029 - 1093)
From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia. See alternate language tabs.Robert I of Flanders (c. 1035–1093), known as Robert the Frisian , was count of Flanders from 1071 to his death in 1093.He was the yo...
 Unknown artist. Copyright issues unknown.
Ivarr Gudrodson, king of Dublin
(c.815 - bef.874)
Ívarr Gudrødsson , Viking king of Dublin and perhaps also of York. He sacked Dumbarton in 870.* Father: King Godhfraidh (Gudrød)* Mother: Unknown* Children:** Baird (died 881)** Sigfrith (died 888)** S...
 Andrea di Bonaiuto 1319-1377
Bernabò Visconti, signore di Milano
(1323 - 1385)
info ENG+ITA:
Bernabò or Barnabò Visconti (1323 – 19 December 1385) was an Italian soldier and statesman who was Lord of Milan.
He was born in Milan, the son of Stefano Visconti and Valentina Dor...
Basinus II, king of the Thüringians
(b. - 506)
Bisinus (sometimes shortened to Bisin) was the king of Thuringia in the 5th century AD or around 500. He is the earliest historically attested ruler of the Thuringians. Almost nothing more about hi...
(c.910 - 990)
Gräfin von Arneburg -Nach Lex. MA und H. Ludat Tochter des Harzgrafen Volkmar I.Hirsch Siegfried: Band I Seite 456************** "Jahrbücher des Deutschen Reiches unter Heinrich II." Excurs VDes Bruno ...
Dreizel (Therese) Bunim-Meisels
(c.1551 - 1601)
Rabbi Simcha & Dreizel Meisels
Meisels Family Genealogy
Wife of Rabbi Simcha Bunim Meiseles (d.9 Adar 1624), died 2 Tevet 5362 = 26/12/1601 -
Margaret Holland, Duchess of Clarence
(c.1386 - 1439)
"Margaret Holland, Countess of Somerset (1385 – 31 December 1439) was the daughter of Thomas Holland, 2nd Earl of Kent, who was the son of Joan "the Fair Maid of Kent" (granddaughter of Edward I of Eng...
John Kerry, 68th U.S. Secretary of State
Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
John Forbes Kerry (born December 11, 1943) is an American politician and diplomat who served as the 68th United States Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017. An attorney and former naval officer, Kerry ...
Geoffroy I, duke of Brittany
(c.980 - 1008)
Geoffroy de Bretagne=From Medlands: de Bretagne, son of CONAN I "le Tort" Duke of Brittany & his wife Ermengarde d'Anjou ([980]-20 Nov 1008). His parentage is confirmed by the Chronico Sancti Michaelis...
Robert de Condet (Cundy), Lord of Thorngate
(c.1106 - 1141)
Robert de CONDET [Parents] 1, 2 was born 1106 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. He died 10 Oct 1141 in South Carlton, Lincolnshire, England. Robert married Adeliza la MESCHIN on 1137 in South Carlton, Li...
 Artist Unknown. Held at Longleat House, Wiltshire, Marquess of Bath Collection.
Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset
(1500 - 1552)
"Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset, KG, (c. 1500 – 22 January 1552) was Lord Protector of England during the minority of his nephew King Edward VI (1547–1553), in the period between the death of Hen...
Andrew Hampton, of Granville County
(1713 - 1805)
Andrew Hampton
Born 30 Jun 1713 in Freehold, Monmouth County, East Jerseymap
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling%28s%29 unknown]
Husband of Sarah (Van Kuykendall) Hampton ...
Sarah Bryant
(1653 - 1742)
Sarah Bonham
10 December 1653–10 January 1742
The Life Summary of Sarah
When Sarah Bonham was born on 10 December 1653, in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America, her father, George ...
William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke
(1423 - 1469)
See Peter Bartrum, (October 2, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 1, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (January 9, 2017; Anne Brannen, curator)
Lembit Ulfsak
(1947 - 2017)
Lembit Ulfsak oli eesti näitleja ja lavastaja. Ta on laulnud ansamblis Amor Trio.
Lembit Ulfsak - эстонский актер и режиссер
Piast the Wheelwright
(c.820 - c.875)
Piast w Wikipedii po Polsku Piast on Wikipedia in English Piast Kołodziej (kołodziej means wheelwright) is a semi-legendary figure from the prehistory of Poland (8th or 9th century AD), reputed founder...
Toomas Uba
(1943 - 2000)
Toomas Uba (2. november 1943 Tallinn – 31. detsember 2000 Tallinn) oli eesti spordireporter. Tema isa oli keskmaajooksja Reginald Uba. Enne 30-aastatel toimunud nimevahetust oli nende perekonnanimi Sub...
Olof Mattsson Hornin isä. Tuntematon. Olof Mattsson Horns fader. Okänd. 'Olof Mattsson Horn's father. Unknown. HUOM! Ragnar Rosén on Vehkaladen pitäjän historia ssa pitänyt Olof Mattsson Hornin isänä M...
Gregers Andersson Garp
(1360 - bef.1450)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s.148-153. Andersson Garp. Vehmaan Kosken herra, tarkastusmies Vehmaalla 9.6.1417; sinettivahvistaja Turussa 1421; maaoikeuden jäsen Turussa 1438; kihlakunnan tuomari V...
Alexander Forbes, 2nd of Pitsligo
(c.1428 - 1477)
Sir Alexander Forbes, 2nd of Pitsligo
Gender: Male
Born: Født 1423?? Place:
Christened: Place:Lived In: Place: Scotland
Died: Mar 1477 Place:
Buried: Place:
Father: Sir William Forbes, of K...
King Ouraquero, George Skipper, Jr / Cheroenhaka Nottoway Iroquois
(1700 - 1780)
Avatar: Named among the Chief Men of the Nottoway = Cheroenhaka Iroquois on a Tripartite Indenture. Land records: 1. unfinished record of the 1748; viz. 1668 deed.
Possible children: Isom Clemonds Ur...
Engeltrude of Paris
(b. - 869)
The oldest successor of Eberhard of Friuli. Married Ava, a daughter of Liutfrid of Monza, and left a son Eberhard of Sulichgau who married Ermentrude of France, granddaughter of Charles the Bald, but w...
Sir Duncan Campbell of Lochow, 1st Lord Campbell
(1364 - 1453)
SIR DUNCAN CAMPBELL, who served as his majesty’s justice general, one of his privy counsel, and lieutenant with the shire of Argyll during the reigns of James I and James II. By the latter he was made ...
Julia, Princess of Battenberg
(1825 - 1895)
Lestek, Duke of the Polans
(c.870 - c.920)
Legendarni władcy Polski
Leszek w Wikipedii po Polsku
Leszek on Wikipedia in English
Lestko (also Lestek, Leszek) is the second legendary duke of Poland, and son of Siemowit, born circa 870–88...
Paul Stanley
Harvey Eisen (born January 20, 1952), better known by his stage name Paul Stanley, is an American hard rock guitarist, actor, and singer, who is one of the two lead vocalists for the rock band Kiss. He...
Rabbi Zvi Hirsch "Charif" Heller, A.B.D. Alt-Oben
(c.1770 - 1834)
(1) Sources for biography:
The famous Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Heller (1776-1834, Encyclopedia L'Chachmei Galicia, Vol. 2 pp. 665-671), leading Hungarian Rabbi, called "Rabbi Hirsh Charif" ...
Emund the Old, king of Sweden
(c.1005 - c.1060)
fifth child, Homfrid (married to Sven Ladejarl), is sometimes mentioned as daughter of Edla and sometimes as the sister to Olof. She can of course be both….Olof Skötkonung: : : Ladejarl:
Blessed Humbert III, count of Savoy
(1136 - 1189)
- (ENG draft, IT & FR better)
- III (1136, Avigliana, Piedmont – 4 March 1189, Chambéry, Savoy), surnamed the Blessed, was Count of Savoy from 1148 to 1188. His parents were Amadeus III of Savoy ...
 Seal from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Muntinlupa_City.svg
This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.
Andres Muhlach
Muntinlupa, Metro Manila, Philippines
Andres Muhlach is a Filipino actor, and model. He is the son of Aga Muhlach and Charlene Gonzales and the twin brother of Atasha Muhlach. He is best known for his role as Mark Keifer Watson in the web ...
Charles IX, king of Sweden
(1550 - 1611)
Biografisk leksikon
Adelsvapen slekten Vasa
Wikipedia: English Swedish
Translated by Google: Duke Karl made three long journeys to Germany and Switzerland during the sec...
Bernard I, duke of Saxony
(aft.940 - 1011)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony (covering his birth family):
HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael).
The Cronica Principum S...
Grand princess Sophia (Zoe) Fominichna Palaiologina
(c.1455 - 1503)
Descendant of kings William the Conqueror , Stephen I of England , Louis VII of France and Manuel II byzantine emperor
Hendrik Toompere, II, Sen
(1946 - 2008)
Hendrik Toompere ( 17. juuli 1946 Mustla , Pärnumaa – 13. oktoober 2008 ) oli eesti näitleja ja lavastaja.
Mikael Agricola
(c.1507 - 1557)
Olavi Agricola, född cirka 1507[1] i Torsby i Pernå socken i östra Nyland, död 9 april 1557 i Nykyrka socken nära Viborg, var reformator för Finland, biskop i Åbo stift (då halva Finland), rektor för Å...
Rabbi Samuel Schmelke Winograd
(1829 - 1909)
Grandfather of the Abramsky brothers of Przerosl, Suwalki, Poland (Joseph Aviram, Shmuel Abramsky, and Mordechai Abramsky). This Overview adds considerably to what Neil Rosenstein has in The Unbroken C...
Pierre du Toit
(1630 - 1670)
See FFY !
Any valid sources here?
Pierre du Toit is getroud met Marie Rousselle (onbevestig), en het volgens familie-oorlewering met vier of vyf kinders uit Frankryk gevlug. Guillaume en Francois he...
Rabbi Moses Isaac Horowitz-Winograd
(1810 - 1863)
Unbroken Chain, Vol I, page 504 where it says he is a fourth generation descendant from R. Samuel Shmelke Horowitz of Nikolsburg and adopted the name Winograd. Footnote 20: S. Yevnin, Nachalat Olamim (...
Megingoz, Graf im Avalgau
(c.920 - aft.989)
See also Megingoz IV van Avalgau
MEGINGOZ (-after 29 Sep 989). "Otto…rex" granted property "predium quale Lantberto atque Megingozzo per Emichonem comitem" to the church of Mainz by charter dated 29...
Saint Dewi Brevi ap Sandde, Archbishop of Wales
(c.510 - 589)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Early Ceredigion and its Rulers; . (Steven Ferry, September 11, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Foundations...
Countesse Ida Dithmarschen
(c.1025 - c.1085)
Joanna Douglas, Lady Yester
(c.1325 - aft.1400)
In Summary: Hugh Giffard III ( c. 1322-1365) married Joanna Douglas in 1345/46. After the death of Hugh Giffard, Joanna Douglas married Sir Nigel Cunningham as her second husband in 1366. Joanna Dougla...
Doug Burgum, U.S. Secretary of the Interior
Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, United States
Doug Burgum is an American businessman and politician serving since 2016 as the 33rd governor of North Dakota. He is among the wealthiest governors in the United States and has an estimated net worth o...
Richard Talbot, II
(c.1122 - 1174)
The History of the County of Dublin by John D'Alton (Dublin, 1838, pp. 191-2):In 1174 Richard de Talbot, having accompanied Henry the Second to Ireland, obtained a grant of Malahide, part of which, Mal...
Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg
Keith Kellogg Jr. (born May 12, 1944), known as Keith Kellogg, is a retired officer in the United States Army. President-elect Donald J. Trump put Kellogg in charge of the presidential transition agenc...
Saint Canute Lavard, duke of Schleswig
(c.1096 - 1131)
Svend Estridsens arvingerDet hele begyndte da Svend Estridsen døde i 1076. I stedet for en legitim arving efterlod han sig et mindre hav af uægte børn. I løbet af de næste 60 år efterfulgte fem af dem ...
Robert (Pincerna) le Boteler
(c.1100 - 1169)
Son and heir of the founder, Ralph Le Boteler. Living at 1225. Robert's son and heir was Ralph II. Boteler1M, #14646Father Ralph Boteler1Family Child Ralph BotelerLast Edited 8 Feb 2005Citations [S342]...
Jon Olofsson
(c.1460 - c.1530)
DNA-verifierad Bureättling på faderslinjen. Se .
Daeng Selili
(b. - 1766)
Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
President of Iceland 1980-1996 - the first elected female head of state in the world.Wikipedia:
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, First Lady of the United States
(1929 - 1994)
Jacqueline Lee "Jackie" Kennedy Onassis (née Bouvier ; July 28, 1929 – May 19, 1994) was the wife of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy , and First Lady of the United States from ...
Sir, Vice Admiral Francis Drake
(1540 - 1596)
Alternate date: He his said to have died in January 1596, but his will is dated April 10, 1661.
His great nephew also named Sir Francis Drake died in 1661.
Sir Francis Drake, Vice Admi...
Nathaniel Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild
Klosters Serneus, Prättigau/Davos, Graubünden/Grigioni/Grischun, Switzerland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild (born 12 July 1971), is a British-born financier who settled in Switzerland and is a member of the...
Adèle de Vermandois, comtesse de Vermandois et Valois
(c.1057 - 1120)
Adelais (Adele) de Vermandois (1065-28 Sept 1120/24) was suo jure Countess of Vermandois and Valois and the last member of the Carolingian dynasty. Daughter of Heribert IV de Vermandois; married Hugues...
Oda von Sachsen, Queen of Lorraine and East Francia
(877 - aft.952)
Oda of Saxony (877 – aft. 952) was a Saxon princess. She was the daughter of Otto I, Duke of Saxony (880 – 912) and Hedwiga of Babenberg. She married King Zwentibold of Lotharingia[1] and at his death ...
Berchtold I, Margrave in the Bavarian Nordgau
(c.920 - 980)
BERTHOLD , son of --- (-15 Jan 980). According to Wegener[1078], Berthold was the son of Arnulf Duke of Bavaria [Luitpoldinger] although he cites no primary source to support this. From a chronological...
Sir Guy Warin de Metz, The Bold
(c.1079 - 1115)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Welsh Origins of the Peverel Family; . (Steven Ferry, April 15, 2020.) Norman Sheriff of Shropshire
Queen Rikissa av Danmark Valdemarsdotter of Sweden
(c.1178 - 1220)
Rikissa of Denmark, Queen of Sweden and Duchess of Poland=* Daughter of Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark and Sophia of Minsk == Project MedLands, Sweden Kings ERIK Knutson (-Visingsö 10 Apr 1216). T...
Clint Eastwood
San Franciso, California, United States
Clinton Eastwood Jr. (born May 31, 1930) is an American film actor, director, producer, composer, and politician. Eastwood first came to prominence as a supporting cast member in the TV series Rawh...
Mary Hughes - Futcher - Bentley
(1828 - 1907)
Biography Mary PATRICK was born on May 9, 1828 in Dog Trap Road, Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia and was baptized on June 22, 1828 in St John's Church of England, Parramatta, New South Wales, Au...
 By AlexD. By AlexD. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Via Wikimedia Commons at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welsh_heraldry#/media/File:Coat_of_arms_of_Powys_Fadog.svg
Gruffudd Maelor II ap Madog, arglwydd Dinas Bran
(c.1195 - 1269)
See Peter Bartrum, (December 26, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Ancestry of Owain Glyndwr; . (Steven Ferry, September 13, 2020.)-----------------------------------------Tow...
Louis I le Boiteux, duc de Bourbon
(1279 - 1342)
Louis was born in Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, the son of Robert, Count of Clermont, and a grandson of King Louis IX of France. Louis' mother was Beatrix of Burgundy, heiress of Bourbon and a granddaughter ...
 Unknown photographer. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Shirleytemple.jpg
Shirley Temple
(1928 - 2014)
Shirley Jane Temple Black (born Shirley Jane Temple ; April 23, 1928 – February 10, 2014) was an American film and television actress, singer, dancer, and one-time U.S. ambassador to Ghana and Czechosl...
Thomas de Berkeley, 3rd Baron Berkeley
(1293 - 1361)
There are two Sir Thomas deBerkleys buried at St. Mary the Virgin Churchyard in Berkley, England. Birth dates are 1293 and 1296 but the death dates 10-27-1361 are the same.
Thomas de Berkeley, 3r...
Randver Rádbardsson, {Mythical King of Sweden and Denmark}
(670 - 730)
Father: Radbart of Gardarike
Mother: Aud the Deep-minded
Wife: Inghild, daugher of an unnamed Swedish king
Sigurd Ring, king in Denmark
Sources Followed sou...
Juho Juhonpoika Seppänen
(c.1670 - 1764)
Talollinen. Näljänkä Kerälä, Suomussalmi, Paltamo ja Pesiö 21 Kerälä Vasikkavaara, Suomussalmi, Paltamo. HUOM! Älä yhdistä Juho Juhonpoika Seppäsen s.n. 1670 vaimoa Riitta Torvista v. 1760 kuolleeseen ...
Ermentrude of France
(c.875 - d.)
This states that Ermentrude is the daughter of Louis II the Stammerer and his first wife, Ansgarde of Burgundy.
This also states that Ermentrude is from his first wife, Ansgarde of Burgundy.
Adélaïs of Paris
(853 - 901)
Traditionally, she is said to have been the daughter of Begue II of Paris . However, there is some reason to believe that she might have been a daughter of Count-Palatine Adalhard .
Richard FitzAlan, 1st/6th/8th Earl of Arundel
(1267 - 1302)
On the matter of the various numbering systems for the Earls of Arundel, Wikipedia remarks, “ The Earls of Arundel have been numbered differently depending on whether the claims of the first seven to h...
Richilde of Arles
(c.822 - 883)
Richilde (?) (c825-893), possible daughter of Boso and Engeltrude , married (1) Bouin, King of Provence; and (2) Eckhard, seigneur de Perracy. She held Jully-les-Buxy in the Chaunois after the death of...
King Harald "Goldbeard", of Sogn
(c.810 - d.)
Harald Gullskjegg ('Haraldr gullskeggr) Småkonge i Sogn (Sygnafylke) 'Harald bodde på den gamle kongsgården Husabø - gnr 15 ? Leikanger * f. ca 800 Haralds foreldre er ukjente * Harald Gullskjegg var g...
King Solomon
(c.-1024 - c.-975)
2 Samuel 12:24-25 Named Solomon by his father, and Jedidya by G-d (via Nathan the Prophet).
1 Chronicles 3:5.
Was the ninth son of King David.
Wikipedia: Solomon and שלמה
Adils "The Mighty" Ottarsin, King of Uppsala {Semi-Legendary}
(c.572 - c.663)
concerns== This Adils is the same as King of Sweden Eadgils and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be circa 480 at Västerås, Västmanland County, Sweden.Date and place of death hav...
Christoffel Botha
(bef.1713 - 1764)
Baptism Notice of Christoffel Botha
Christoffel Bota
Baptism 11 Feb 1713
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Teunis Bota
Maria Snymans
Note - Christoffel was marri...
Golda Meir, 4th Prime Minister of Israel
(1898 - 1978)
" I have seen my five grandchildren grow up as Jews, in a country that is their own. Let no one have any doubts about this. Our children and our children's children will never settle for anything less....
Orabella de Mar, heiress of Leuchars, Countess of Mar
(c.1135 - 1203)
From is also known as Arabella, and Oribilis. At her father's death, she brought to Roger de Quincy "Leuchers" in Fife and "Duglyn" among the Ochils. References: [RoyalAAF],[AR7] -=-=-=-=-=-=-She separ...
James Forbes, 2nd Lord of Forbes
(1424 - c.1460)
Conan I 'le Tort’ de Rennes, duc de Bretagne
(c.940 - 992)
from FMG : Brittany, Dukes of Brittany: 970-1066 (Family of Comtes de Rennes)
CONAN de Rennes , son of JUDICAËL [Juhael] Comte de Rennes & his wife Gerberge --- (-killed in battle Conquereil 27 Jun ...
William V, duke of Aquitaine
(c.969 - 1030)
GUILLAUME V "le Grand" Duke of Aquitaine, GUILLAUME III Comte de Poitou
Son of Guillaume 'Fier-à-Bras' de Poitiers, IV duc d'Aquitaine et II comte de Poitou and Emma of Blois
William the Great (Fre...
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise made a strong impression in the teen comedy Risky Business (1983) and then had his first box-office smash as the fighter jock Maverick in Top Gun (1986). Cruise and his cocky grin were prope...
Honfroi, seigneur de Vieilles
(980 - 1044)
Please see Medland's 7 Sep 2022 update: Normandy Nobility: Arques, Aumâle, Caux, Rouen, EU: "Seigneurs de Pont-Audemer, Seigneur de Vieilles ." — Note: Cawley and his cohorts prefer that people not cop...
Hester Rous
(1589 - 1620)
Eurgain of Britain
Sancho Garcés, 1er. Rey de Pamplona
(865 - 925)
Sancho Garcés I (Basque: Antso Ia. Gartzez; c. 860 – 10 December 925),[1] also known as Sancho I, was king of Pamplona from 905 until 925. He was the son of García Jiménez and was the first king of P...
Drogo, duc de Champagne et Bourgogne
(673 - 708)
(c.673–708), son of Pepin the Middle and Plectrude, was the duke of Champagne by appointment of his father in 690 and duke of Burgundy from the death of Nordebert in 697. He was the mayor of the palace...
Mary Patton
(1791 - 1838)
Mary Horine is belived to be the wife of Thomas Patton. 8 children were born to this union. I believe that Mary had to have passed away in Carroll County Indiana her last daughter was born in Indiana a...
King Jörund Yngvesson
(c.487 - c.548)
Jorund eller Eorund var en sveakung av Ynglingaätten, enligt Heimskringla. Han var son till Yngve och hämnades sin far genom att dräpa Hake och återvann så den svenska tronen.Jorund tillbringade somrar...
John Lennon
(1940 - 1980)
Family Search
Wikipedia: John Lennon
John Lennon achieved worldwide fame in the 1960s as a singer, songwriter and guitarist in one of the most successful bands of all time - The Beatl...
Lazarus Stewart, Sr.
(1683 - 1744)
Origins Lazarus Stewart Sr. by his Ydna R-FT74278 is now found in the Sheriff of Bute Stewart FtDNA Project. He is found among several groups all with descent from Sir John Stewart, Sheriff of Bute and...
Robert de Vaux, of Treyermayne
(c.1030 - 1086)
The Norman Castle of Vaux or De Vallibus is mentioned by Orderic Vitalis: and then Terra di Vallibus continued in the possession of the family to which it gave their name until the time of King John. T...
Katharina von Kleve, Duchess of Guelders
(1417 - 1479)
-- English version
Katharina van Kleef ( May 25, 1417 - Lobith , February 20, 1476 ) was the wife of Arnold van Egmont , duke of Gelre . She was a daughter of Adolf IV van Kleef-Mark and Maria van Bou...
Paavo Nurmi
(1897 - 1973)
Paavo Nurmi one of the original Flying Finns is, arguably, the greatest track & field athlete of all times.
Nurmi was a Finnish middle-distance and long-distance runner. He dominated distance running...