Rabbi Samuel Schmelke Winograd

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Rabbi Samuel Schmelke Winograd, of Lida

Birthplace: Dresden, Germany
Death: February 12, 1909 (79-80)
Lida, Belarus
Immediate Family:

Son of Rabbi Moses Isaac Horowitz-Winograd and Iteh Horowitz-Winograd
Husband of Khennia Winograd and Sheina Genia Winograd
Father of Mashke Abramsky; Private; Chana Dvora (Deborah) Epstein (Winograd); Joel Winograd of New York and Itel Spokoyny
Brother of Leah Epstein; Jenta Chaja Kagan and Rabbi Elijah Solomon Horowitz-Winograd, of Lida

Occupation: Merchant
Managed by: Randy Schoenberg
Last Updated:

About Rabbi Samuel Schmelke Winograd

Grandfather of the Abramsky brothers of Przerosl, Suwalki, Poland (Joseph Aviram, Shmuel Abramsky, and Mordechai Abramsky). This Overview adds considerably to what Neil Rosenstein has in The Unbroken Chain because there are very good records online in Jewish Gen about this family from Lida which I (Hatte Blejer) have been using to give my cousin Joseph Aviram, age 102 in 2018, a fuller picture of his ancestry. Joseph's mother, Mashke Abramsky, was adopted by my great great aunt and raised as a Frankel family member by her adoptive mother, Rocha Leah Frankel, husband Mordechai Bryman. Masha visited her family in Lida, but the full story was not known to her children, so there are holes that I am trying to fill in.

One hole is the relationship of Rocha Leah Frankel to Masha. The family story is that they were cousins and indeed, I believe that the first wife of Shmuel Shmelke Winograd (Gurvitch-Winograd in many records) was Sheina Genia Frankel. Rocha Leah and Masha would have been 1st cousins once removed, which fits the family story that Masha was adopted by her cousin.

1905 Revision List from Lida

Shmuel Winograd lived a long life. He had more sons than Rosenstein was aware of and in 1905, a few years before his death, he was living in a household which listed many people.

His sons were Aizik (also have seen Anchik in the marriage record) who is JOEL Winograd and Girsh (he's not listed in this household but his children are),

I guess his daughter, Chana Devora, is listed in her husband's household.

Joel was living in Lida in another residence. Joel and Eidlia or Adela (born Soloveytchik) had two daughters living in 1905 -- Ester Khiena and Braine.

Masia (Masha) was listed in Shmuel Shmelke's household but noted to be married to ABRAMSKII. She was 19 in 1905. She had been adopted years earlier and lived in Przerosl, Suwalki, Poland.

Shmuel is 84 in 1905. His SECOND wife, Khienna is 62. A granddaughter age 18 in 1905 is apparently named for Shmuel's first wife, Sheina Genia, so we know that Sheina Genia died in or before 1887. Masia was born circa 1886 coincidentally or not.

Rosenstein has the given name of the second wife of Shmuel as Chana Deborah whereas the name in the records is Khienna (nickname for Chana).

Revision List (The All Lithuanian Revision List Database, Jewish Gen)

  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Shmuilo (Shmuel) age 84 head of household
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Aizik age 35, son of Shmuel (THIS IS JOEL who also went by Anchik acc. to the records) Notes: Residence: Lida, house of Kasriel KAGAN
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Iosel age 22, grandson of Shmuel and son of Girsh Notes: Residence: In America. Military: in 1902 enlisted in the militia
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Girsh Leib age 2, grandson of Shmuel and son of Girsh Notes: Born October 10, 1900
  • GURVITCHV-INOGRAD Itskhak Elkhonon age 19, grandson of Shmuel, son of Girsh Notes Added August 20, 1915. Born July 1, 1896
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Khiena age 62 wife of Shmuel
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Masia age 19 daughter of Shmuel Notes: Married ABRAMSKII
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Eidlia, age 31 wife of Aizik
  • GURVITCH VINOGRADEster Khiena age 3 granddaughter of Shmuel daughter of Aizik
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Braine age 1 granddaughter of Shmuel daughter of Aizik
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Nekhama Beilia age 40 mother of Iosel, Girsh Leiba and Itskhak Elkhonon
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Sheina Genia age 18 granddaughter of Shmuel daughter of Girsh (Hatte Blejer comment - probably named for the first wife of Shmuel, who would have died at least 18 years earlier)
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Khaia age 11 granddaughter of Shmuel daughter of Girsh
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Eta Feiga age 8 granddaughter of Shmuel daughter of Girsh
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Iakha age 6 granddaughter of Shmuel daughter of Girsh
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Tamara age 28 daughter of Movsha wife of Iosel
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Khana age 4 great granddaughter of Shmuel daughter of Iosel

Previous death date was c. 1913. However his grandson, Joseph Aviram, says (2019) that Joseph's brother Shmuel Abramsky was born in 1912 and named after his grandfather, Shmuel Shmelke Winograd, so 1913 was incorrect and the 1909 date below makes good sense.

Belarus database (Jewish Gen) Deaths. This may be him

  • GURVICH-VINOGRAD, Shmuel father Movsha mother - - spouse - - residence Lida comments: deceased is a petty bourgeois from Lida Died 12/2/1909 (Feb. 2, 1909) Hebrew date - Age 80 Cause of Death - Location Lida Lida Vilna

Record Lida 1909 M8 Not Microfilmed Frame - Image -

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Rabbi Samuel Schmelke Winograd's Timeline

Dresden, Germany
Lida, Lida District, Grodno Region, Belarus
Lida, Lida District, Grodno Region, Belarus
Lida, Lida District, Grodno Region, Belarus
Lida, Lida District, Hrodna Region, Belarus
February 12, 1909
Age 80
Lida, Belarus