Immediate Family
About Engeltrude of Paris
The oldest successor of Eberhard of Friuli. Married Ava, a daughter of Liutfrid of Monza, and left a son Eberhard of Sulichgau who married Ermentrude of France, granddaughter of Charles the Bald, but was succeeded by his brother Berengar. He left a daughter who became a nun in Brescia and was abducted by men of Liutward of Vercelli in 887 and forced to marry one of his relatives.
Curator please check: See: https://nl/wikipedia.org/wiki/Bego.
Before the marriage with Alpaise Bego had two daughters Egeltrude and Susanna.
Her ancestry is disputed. Many authorities believe that she was the daughter of Begue, Count of Paris, and his wife Alpaïs de France. However, Recker asserts the only daughter of that marriage was Susanna, who married Wulfhard, brother of Wulfgrim, Count of Angoulême. He suggests instead that she was daughter of Audran, Count of Friuli and Ansperga of the Lombards (Recker, Review of ancestral roots, Volume: 9 (1988)).
UNRUOCH, son of --- (-13 Nov before 853). A list of Saxons in Westphalia dated Jan/Feb 802 records that "Adalgaudum filium Suigaut habuit Unrocus comis", presumably indicating that the last named had responsibility for the allegiance sworn to the emperor by the first-named[604]. "Comiti Hadalhardus, Fulradus, Unrocus seu Hrocculfus" are named as imperial missi in a document of Emperor Charlemagne dated 806[605]. Einhard names "Unruochus comes" as one of the 15 witnesses of the testament of Emperor Charlemagne dated 811[606]. Einhard's Annales record "Unrochus comes" as one of the signatories of peace with the Vikings in 811[607]. Comte en Ternois 839. "Unrici comitis" signed a charter dated 20 Jun 839 issued by "Folquinus…Morinorum episcopus"[608]. "Undrici comitis" signed a charter dated 29 Jun 839 issued by "Hugo abbas…Sithiensis"[609]. Monk at St Bertin[610]. m ENGELTRUDE, daughter of ---. The primary source which names Engeltrude as wife of Unruoch and mother of his children has not yet been identified. Unruoch & his wife had three children:
a) BERENGER ([790/95]-killed in battle [836/37]). The original manuscript of Thegan’s Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Beringarii, Hunroci quondam comitis filii"[611]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "…Berengarium sapientem, propinquum suum" as missus of Emperor Louis[612]. The precise family relationship between Berengar and Emperor Louis I to which this refers is not known. It is possible that it refers to the marriage, which took place shortly before the events recorded in this passage in the Vita, between Berengar's younger brother Eberhard and the emperor's daughter Gisela, although this is remote. No indication has yet been found of any possible Carolingian ancestry of either of Berengar's parents. Berengar's birth date is estimated on the assumption that he was adult when he was recorded as count in 819, but also bearing in mind the estimated birth date range of his younger brother Eberhard. Comte de Toulouse 819. Einhard's Annales name "Berengario Tolosæ et Warino Arverni comite" as fighting "Lupus Centulli Wasco" in 819[613]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the rebellion of "Wasco, Lupus Centulli cognomento" and fighting "Werinum Arvernorum comitem et Berengarium Tholosanum"[614]. Duke of Septimania. "Ragnarius episcopus et Berengarius comes" are named as imperial missi in "sex…comitatus…Remis, Catolonis, Suessionis, Silvanectis, Belvacus et Laudunum…[et] quatuor…episcopatus …Noviomacensem, Ambianensem, Tervanensem et Camaracensem" in documents of Emperor Louis dated May 825 and 827[615]. Emperor Louis I granted "comitatum Brivatensem" to "fideli nostro Berengario…comiti" by charter dated 825[616]. “Berengarius...chomis” donated property to “abbate...Teuderedo” at the monastery of Alaon, as his predecessor “Crischonius abba” had received, by charter dated to [816/33][617]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Badaradum episcopum Saxonicum et Gerhardum…ducem et Berengarium sapientem, propinquum suum" as missi of Emperor Louis[618], the passage being undated but included among text which records events in the first half of the 830s. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the death in 836 of "Berengarius dux fidelius et sapiens" whom Emperor Louis and his sons "luxit multo tempore"[619].
b) EBERHARD ([805/10]-in Italy 16 Dec 866, bur Cysoing, Abbey of St Calixtus). His origin is stated in the poem by Sedulius addressed to "Everhardum comitem…Hunroci proles"[620]. His birth date is estimated on the basis of his marriage in [836]. He stopped the invasion of the Slavs and received the March of Friulia from Emperor Lothaire I, becoming EBERHARD Duke of the March of Friulia.
c) ADALHARD (-Saint-Amand 3 Feb 864, bur Saint-Amand). The cartulaire of Saint-Bertin records that "Adalardus" succeeded Hugues as Abbé de Saint-Bertin, adding that he had been offered to the monastery "a patre Hunroco"[621]. Abbé de Saint Bertin et de Saint Amand. The cartulaire of Saint-Bertin records the death "III Non Feb apud sancti Amandi monasterium" in 864 of "Adalardo" only three years after he was installed as abbot, and his burial "in eodem monasterio", adding that "hujus…pater Hunrocus" had introduced him to Saint-Bertin as a monk[622].
d) daughter . The wife of Suppo III is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[623] as the daughter of Unruoch but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. It is probably speculative, based on the name of his son who was called "consanguineus" of Berengar I King of Italy in the latter’s charter dated 12 May 890. m SUPPO III Marchese di Spoleto, son of --- (-[878/79]).]
e) --- . The exact relationship of Adalric to Graf Eberhard is not known, but assuming that nepos in the latter’s testament should be translated by nephew, one of Adalric’s parents was Eberhard’s sibling. m ---.] One child:i) ADALRIC [Udalrich] (-after 866). The Historia Ecclesiæ Cisoniensis records the testament of “Evrardus comes cum coniuge mea Gisla”, dated “Hludovico Augusto anno regni eius XXIV” and witnessed by “Adalroch nepos noster”[624]. This may be the same person as “Odelrici Comitis” who signed the charter dated “Kal Jul anno XXXV regnante Carolo Rege” under which “Gisla” donated property to Cysoing abbey for her burial next to “coniugis mei dulcis memoriæ Evrardi”, recorded in the Historia Ecclesiæ Cisoniensis[625].
GISELA ([819/822]-after 1 Jul 874, bur Cysoing, Abbey of St Calixtus). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Karolum et Gislam" children of "Hludovicus ymperator…ex Iudith ymperatrice"[222]. Her marriage is deduced from a charter in which Gisela states that their eldest son Unruoch brought back the body of Eberhard from Italy[223]. She founded the abbey of St Calixtus at Cysoing, Flanders, where she lived as a widow. "Gisle" granted "le fisc de Somain en Ostrevant" to "filii…Adelarde" by charter dated 14 Apr 869, which names "rex Karolus meus…germanus…senioris mei dulcis memorie Evrardi…tres infantes meos Rodulfum…et Berengarium…et…Adelarde"[224]. The Historia Ecclesiæ Cisoniensis records that “Gisla” donated property to Cysoing abbey for her burial next to “coniugis mei dulcis memoriæ Evrardi”, by charter dated 2 Apr 870 which names “filiæ meæ Ingiltrudis…filius meus Rodulfus”, and by charter dated “Kal Jul anno XXXV regnante Carolo Rege”, naming “filii mei Unroch…filiorum meorum Adalardo atque Rodulfo” and signed by “Odelrici Comitis”[225]. "Gisle" donated property to Cysoing for the anniversaries of "Ludovico imperatore patre meo et…Judith imperatrice matre mea et…rege Karolo…germano et…prole mea…Hengeltrude, Hunroc, Berengario, Adelardo, Rodulpho, Hellwich, Gilla, Judith" by charter dated to [874][226]. m ([836]%29 EBERHARD Marchese di Friulia, son of UNRUOCH Comte [en Ternois] & his wife Engeltrude (-in Italy 16 Dec 866, bur Cysoing, Abbey of St Calixtus). http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CAROLINGIANS.htm#LouisIEmperorB
Engeltrude of Paris's Timeline
790 |
815 |
829 |
869 |
October 6, 869
Friuli, Italy
1993 |
June 12, 1993
September 16, 1993
October 13, 1993
1994 |
October 20, 1994
1995 |
January 14, 1995