Immediate Family
half brother
half sister
half brother
half sister
About Ermentrude of France
This states that Ermentrude is the daughter of Louis II the Stammerer and his first wife, Ansgarde of Burgundy.
This also states that Ermentrude is from his first wife, Ansgarde of Burgundy.
Ermentrude must have been born à little before 875 in order not to become a mother too young.
[...Carl, the dating - tight- is that because of the parameters of the dates of ALL of the other people in this line. The grandmother etcs poss. birthdate / marriage date etc appear to factor in here too. SD]
Ermentrude of France is our 31st great grandmother.
Janet Milburn
MedLands says:
LOUIS, son of CHARLES II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks & his first wife Ermentrudis [d'Orl%C3%A9ans] (1 Nov 846-Compiègne 11 Apr 879, bur Compiègne, église collégiale Saint-Corneille). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hludovicum Karolum Karlomannum et Hlotharium" as the four sons of "Karolus imperator…ex Hyrmentrudi regina"[288]. His father awarded him the duchy of Mans and part of Neustria and arranged his betrothal in Feb 856, from which time he seems to have received the title king. He was expelled from Brittany after the rebellion which followed the murder of King Erispoé, and sought refuge with his father. He was suspected of having helped his sister Judith elope with Comte Baudouin and was obliged to flee in 861. He revolted against his father in 862, the revolt being instigated by the Rorgonid family[289]. He was pardoned by his father, given the county of Meaux in 862, and entrusted with the governorship of the whole of Neustria with the title king in 865. The latter appointment was removed from him in the following year[290]. His father invested him as Comte d'Autun in 866. He was installed as King of Aquitaine in Mar 867, following the death of his brother Charles[291]. He succeeded his father in 877 as LOUIS II "le Bègue" King of the West Franks, and LUDWIG III King of West Lotharingia, crowned at Compiègne 8 Dec 877 and at Troyes 7 Sep 878 by Pope John VIII. The Gesta Francorum records the death "879 III Id Apr…apud Compendium…palatium" of "Hludowicus Karoli regis filius" and his burial in the same place[292]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death "879 III Id Apr apud Compendium" of "Hludowicus, Karoli regis filius" and his burial in the same place[293]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "III Id Apr" of "Ludovicus rex"[294]. The necrology of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death [879] “III Kal Apr” of “domni Luduvici regis”[295].
Betrothed (Feb 856, contract broken end 857) to ---[de Bretagne], daughter of ERISPOE King of Brittany & his wife ---. The Annales Bertiniani record the betrothal of "Respogio Brittone…filiam eius" and "Karlus rex…filio suo Ludoico" in early 856[296].
m firstly (Mar 862, repudiated [876/77]%29 ANSGARDIS, daughter of comte HARDUIN & his wife --- (-2 Nov [880/82]). The Annales Bertiniani record the marriage in 862 of "Hludowicus frater Karoli [regis Aquitannorum, Karoli regis filius]" and "filiam Harduini…sororem…Odonis", against the will of his father[297]. Regino names "Ansgard" wife of "Hludowicus rex filius Caroli" without giving her origin, specifying that they married without the consent of his father who obliged his son to repudiate his wife[298]. The necrology of Reims Cathedral records the death "IV Non Nov" of "Ansgardis regina"[299].
m secondly ([875][300]%29 ADELAIS, daughter of ADALHARD Comte Palatin [Angoul%C3%AAme] & his wife --- ([855/60]-18 Nov [901], bur Compiègne, église abbatiale Saint-Corneille). Regino names "Adalheidis" second wife of "Hludowicus rex filius Caroli", married after he repudiated his first wife[301]. Her paternity is indicated by Wulfhard (who would have been the brother of Adelais) being named sororius of King Louis II[302]. Her marriage was not recognised by the church which did not accept her husband's separation from his first wife. The Pope refused to crown her with her husband at Troyes 878, considering that she was not his legitimate wife[303]. Her children were considered illegitimate by the church.
King Louis II & his first wife had four children:
1. LOUIS ([863/65]-Saint Denis 5 Aug 882, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis).
2. GISELA (-[11 Apr 879/12 Dec 884]).
3. CARLOMAN ([866/68]-killed accidentally Bézu-la-Forêt, near Andelys, Eure 6 Dec 884, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis).
4. HILDEGARD (-after 896). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hludovicum et Karlomannum et Hildegardim" as the children of "Hlodovicus rex…ex Ansgardi vocata regina"[319].
King Louis II & his second wife had two children:
5. ERMENTRUD ([875/78][320]-). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Karolum quoque postumum et Irmintrudim" as children of "Hlodovicus rex…ex Adelheidi regina"[321]. According to Settipani, Ermentrudis was the daughter of King Louis by his first marriage[322], although he cites no primary source on which this is based. It is certainly correct that the chronology is tight for Ermentrud to have been the daughter of her father's second marriage, assuming that the affiliation of her supposed daughter Kunegund is correct as shown here. m ---. Nothing is known about the husband of Ermentrud. Ermentrud & her husband had one child:
a) CUNIGONDE ([895]-after [930/40]).
6. CHARLES (posthumously 17 Sep 879-Péronne 7 Oct 929, bur Péronne St Fursy).
The identity of her husband is uncertain. He was possibly Regnier I. See Stewart Baldwin's analysis at http://sbaldw.home.mindspring.com/hproject/prov/kunig000.htm (visited June 23, 2011).
Ermentrude Princess of West Franks
Female, (about 870 - )
Ermentrude Princess of West Franks|b. a 870|p39902.htm|Louis II "the Stammerer" Holy Roman Emperor|b. 1 Sep 846\nd. 10 Apr 879|p30251.htm|Adelaide of Paris|b. bt 855 - 860\nd. a 10 Nov 901|p30252.htm|Charles II "the Bald" King of France|b. 13 Jun 828\nd. 6 Oct 877|p30183.htm|Ermentrude o. O.|b. 27 Sep 830\nd. 6 Oct 869|p30248.htm|Bègue I. Count of Paris|d. a 23 Apr 861|p39888.htm||||
Ermentrude Princess of West Franks was born about 870.1 She was the daughter of Louis II "the Stammerer" Holy Roman Emperor and Adelaide of Paris.1
Ancestry of Edward III
Child of Ermentrude Princess of West Franks
Kunigunde+ (a 890 - a 923)1
Stuart, Roderick W. Royalty for Commoners, The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa. Fourth Edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002.
Ermentrude of France's Timeline
875 |
895 |
Aachen, Cologne, NRW, Germany
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Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France
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