FULCOIN . "Ivo" founded the chapel of l'Abbayette for the souls of "patris mei Fulconii et matris meæ Rothais" by charter dated 12 Oct 997[4].
m ROTHAIS, daughter of ---. "Ivo" founded the chapel of l'Abbayette, with the consent of "duarum…sororum mearum Billehendis atque Eremburgis…duorum avunculorum, Seinfredi episcopi et Guillelmi, atque cognatorum Guillelmi clerici, Roberti, Sutsardi, rursusque Guillelmi laïci", for the souls of "patris mei Fulconii et matris meæ Rothais" by charter dated 12 Oct 997[5]. If “avunculorum” in this charter can be interpreted in its strict sense of maternal uncles, Rothais, mother of the donor Ives, was the sister of the brothers Seinfred Bishop of Le Mans and Guillaume.
Fulcoin & his wife had three children: Eaaaaarl of Shrewsbury.
a) IVES (-after 12 Oct 997). "Ivo" founded the chapel of l'Abbayette, with the consent of "duarum…sororum mearum Billehendis atque Eremburgis…duorum avunculorum, Seinfredi episcopi et Guillelmi, atque cognatorum Guillelmi clerici, Roberti, Sutsardi, rursusque Guillelmi laïci", for the souls of "patris mei Fulconii et matris meæ Rothais" by charter dated 12 Oct 997, witnessed by "Hugonis comitis, Radulfi vicecomitis"[6].
b) BILEHENDIS (-after 12 Oct 997). "Ivo" founded the chapel of l'Abbayette, with the consent of "duarum…sororum mearum Billehendis atque Eremburgis…" by charter dated 12 Oct 997[7].
c) EREMBURGIS (-after 12 Oct 997). "Ivo" founded the chapel of l'Abbayette, with the consent of "duarum…sororum mearum Billehendis atque Eremburgis…" by charter dated 12 Oct 997[8]. Depoin suggests that Eremburgis married Raoul [III] Vicomte du Maine (see the document MAINE & VENDÔME)[9]. This suggestion appears to be pure speculation.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p264.htm#i30342 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
was born between 827 and 983, and died between 887 and 1093.
He married ROLAIS. [3]
Child: + 2 i. IVRES I2 DE BELESME, d. in 997; m. GODCHILDE.
Section KC: Descendants of Count Fulk de Corbonais
David Thaler
18043 NE 132nd St, Redmond WA 98052
Send questions and corrections to: dthaler@microsoft.com
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Generation One
1. COUNT FULK1 DE CORBONAIS was born between 827 and 983, and died between 887 and 1093. He married ROLAIS. [3]
Child: + 2 i. IVRES I2 DE BELESME, d. in 997; m. GODCHILDE.
Generation Two
2. IVRES I2 DE BELESME (Fulk de CORBONAIS1), son of (1) Count Fulk1 and Rolais, was born between 887 and 983, and died in 997[3]. He married GODCHILDE. [3]
Child: + 3 i. COUNT GUILLAUME I3 DE ALENCON, d. in 1028; m. MAUD.
Generation Three
3. COUNT GUILLAUME I3 DE ALENCON (Ivres I de BELESME2, Fulk de CORBONAIS1), son of (2) Ivres I2 and Godchilde BELESME, was born between 918 and 998, and died in 1028[3]. He married MAUD. [3]
Child: + 4 i. WILLIAM4 TALVAS, d. in 1070; m. HILDEBURGE.
Generation Four
4. WILLIAM4 TALVAS (Guillaume I de ALENCON3, Ivres I de BELESME2, Fulk de CORBONAIS1), son of (3) Count Guillaume I3 and Maud, was born between 966 and 1012, and died in 1070[1]. He married HILDEBURGE. [3, 2]
Child: + 5 i. MABEL5 of Alencon, Eure, France, b. circa 1026, d. in 1079; m. (AAL-5) ROGER DE MONTGOMERY, EARL OF SHREWSBURY in 1048.
1. Yves of Belleme of Creil { Yves de Creil} was born ABT 855 in France. He married (unknown).
Child of Yves of Belleme of Creil and (unknown) is:
2. Foulques Fulcuin of Creil {Fulcuin de Belleme, Count Of Cordoba} (Yves of Belleme of Creil1) was born ABT 880 in France, and died 940
He married He married Rothaide. { https://www.geni.com/people/Rothaïde/6000000003828018688 } She was born ABT 880 in France.
Child of Foulques Fulcuin of Creil and Rothaide is:
3. Yves of Creil {Yves de Creil} (Foulques Fulcuin of Creil2, Yves of Belleme of Creil1) was born 905 in Creil, Oise, Picardie, and died 938 in Creil, Oise, Picardie, France.
He married Greil Geile The Venerable' Creil of Ponthieu. {Greil} She was born ABT 895 in Belleme, Perche, France, and died 981 in France.
Child of Yves of Creil and Greil Geile `The Venerable' Creil of Ponthieu is:
4. Fulcoin of Creil , Sir {Fulcuin de Belleme, Count Of Cordoba } (Yves of Creil3, Foulques Fulcuin of Creil2, Yves of Belleme of Creil1) was born ABT 900 in Creil, Oise, Picardie, France, and died 940 in Creil, Oise, Picardie, France.
He married Rothais of Corbonais {Rothais de Corbonais } She was born ABT 924 in Creil, Oise, Picardie, France, and died 952 in Y, Somme, Picardie, France.
Child of Fulcoin of Creil , Sir and Rothais of Corbonais is:
5. Yves of Creil - Lord of Belleme (Fulcoin of Creil , Sir4, Yves of Creil3, Foulques Fulcuin of Creil2, Yves of Belleme of Creil1) was born ABT 940 in Creil, Oise, Picardie, France, and died 1005 in Alencon, Orne, Normandy, France.
He married Godehildis - Lady of Beaumont-au-Maine. She was born ABT 930 in Ponthieu, Ain, Rhone-Alpes, France, and died 1004 in Normandy, France. She was buried in Notre-Dame-de-, Belleme.
Child of Yves of Creil - Lord of Belleme and Godehildis - Lady of Beaumont-au-Maine is:
+ 6 i. Guillaume I Talvas of Belleme , Siegnor d'Alencon was born ABT 965 in Route de Belleme, Berd'Huis, Basse-Normandie, France, and died 1031 in Domfront, Orne, Basse-Normandie, France.
900 |
Creil, Oise, Picardie, France
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Creil, Oise, Picardie, France
Age 40
Creil, Oise, Picardie, France
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