Immediate Family
About King Ouraquero, George Skipper, Jr / Cheroenhaka Nottoway Iroquois
Avatar: Named among the Chief Men of the Nottoway = Cheroenhaka Iroquois on a Tripartite Indenture. Land records: 1. unfinished record of the 1748; viz. 1668 deed.
Possible children: Isom Clemonds Urias Scipper Isaac Scipper Jesse Scipper James Scipper Abram Scipper John Skipper, Jr Nancy Skipper
Ref, [http://www.freeafricanamericans.com/Scott_Skipper.htm] - From https://sites.google.com/site/skippergenealogyresources/george-skipper-chief-man''' (page is down Family trees submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=108223660&pi...
George2 Skiper, born say 1720, was one of the "Chief men of the Nottoway Indian Nation" who sold their land in Southampton County on 2 February 1749 [DB 1:98, 131, 144]. He may have been the George Skipper who the previous day, 1 February 1749/50, purchased 200 acres in Anson County, North Carolina, on the north side of the Pee Dee River [DB A:92]. He sold 50 acres of this land and eight horses to (his son?) Barnabas Skipper on 15 February 1765 [DB 3:188, 192]. He was called George Skipper, Sr., in the 1763 list of taxables for Anson County where he was taxable on 5 tithes [SS 837.1]. His sons were most likely
i. Barnabas, born say 1744, taxable on 1 tithe in Anson County in 1763 [SS 837.1]. He received voucher no. 253 on 9 July 1782 in the Auditors Office for the counties of Anson, Montgomery and Richmond for 22 pounds specie for military service [North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782, Skipper, Barnabe http://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2WT-5C9H].
ii. Benjamin, born say 1745, taxable on 1 tithe in Anson County in 1763 [SS 837.1]. He received voucher no. 247 on 9 July 1782 in the Auditors Office for the counties of Anson, Montgomery and Richmond for 14 pounds specie for military service [North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782, http://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2WT-GD89].
Some of their likely descendants were
i. Moses Skipper/ Scipper, received voucher no. 4726 in Wilmington District on 20 September 1783 for 14 pounds specie for his service in the militia pay roll no. 2733 [North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782, Skipir, Moses http://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2WT-GCSH]. He was a "Mulato" taxable in Bladen County in 1768 [Byrd, Bladen County Tax Lists, I:9] and taxable in Brunswick County on 1 white (free) poll in 1772 and 1782 [GA 11.1, GA 46.1], head of a Brunswick County, Wilmington District household of 4 males and 2 females in 1790 [NC:189] and 5 "other free" in 1800 [NC:14]. He left an 18 December 1809 Brunswick County will, proved January 1811, by which he left half his real and personal estate to his underage daughter Soctey Jane and the other half to his wife Kizzia during her lifetime, and then to his two unnamed sons [WB B:85].
ii. Isom, a "Mulato" taxable in Bladen County in 1768 [Byrd, Bladen County Tax Lists, I:4], head of a Brunswick County household of 3 white males in 1790 (abstracted as Supper).
iii. Clemonds, taxed in Brunswick County on 1 white (free) poll in 1772 and 1784 [GA 11.1, GA 64.1], head of a Brunswick County household of 3 white males and 3 white famales in 1790 (abstracted as "Supper").
iv. Urias Scipper, head of a Brunswick County household of 8 "other free" in 1800 [NC:14].
v. Isaac Scipper, entered 100 acres on the east side of the Waccamaw River in Brunswick County on 25 January 1781 and received a grant for this land on 1 December 1797 [Entry no. 216; 92:378]. He was taxable on 100 acres in Brunswick County in 1784 [GA 64.1]. He was head of a Brunswick County household of 3 white males in 1790 (abstracted as Supper) [NC:189] and 8 "other free" in 1800 [NC:14].
vi. Jesse Scipper, head of a Brunswick County household of 2 males and a female in 1790 (abstracted as Supper) [NC:189] and 3 "other free" in 1800 [NC:14].
vii. John Scipper, head of a Brunswick County household of 1 male and 3 females in 1790 [NC:189] and 5 whites in 1800 [NC:14]. He entered 50 acres in Brunswick County on 13 December 1800 [Pruitt, Land Entries: Brunswick County, 67].
viii. Abram Scipper, taxable on 1 white (free) poll in Brunswick County in 1782 and 1784 [GA 46.1, 64.1], head of a Brunswick County household of 3 males and 3 females in 1790 [NC:189] and 6 "other free" and a slave in 1800 [NC:14]. He entered 100 acres bordering his land and John Hogg's on Town Creek on 24 September 1807 [Pruitt, Land Entries: Brunswick County, 106].
ix. John Skipper, Jr., head of a Brunswick County household of 3 "other free" in 1810 [NC:228].
x. Nancy Skipper, married John Tann, 3 October 1756 Chowan County bond, Joseph Price bondsman.
1. Only the index entry has survived for George Skipper's Johnston County deed.
2. There were no persons counted as "other free" in the 1790 census for Brunswick County. The Skipper family, John Hays, and James Potter were counted as white in 1790 [NC:189] and "other free" in 1800 [NC:14].
King Ouraquero, George Skipper, Jr / Cheroenhaka Nottoway Iroquois's Timeline
1700 |
Cheroenhake Tribal Lands, North Carolina
1720 |
Brunswick Co., North Carolina
1733 |
Urasweep, Va.
1750 |
1780 |
Age 80
Anson County, North Carolina