Dreizel (Therese) Bunim-Meisels

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Dreizel (Therese) Bunim-Meisels (dau. RAMA Isserles) (1551 - 1601)

Hebrew: דרזל תרזה בונם מייזלס (איסרלש)
Also Known As: "[KREIS-38]"
Death: December 26, 1601 (45-53)
Krakow, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland (Died beth d-rosh chodesh Teveth 5362)
Place of Burial: Krakow, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Rabbi Moses ben Israel Isserles, "RaMA" and Golda Isserles, [ReMa #2 wife]
Wife of Simcha Bunim Meisels [ABD Krakow, ReMA s-in-law]
Mother of Leah Bunim Meisels; Moshe Eliezer Meisels; Shulem Meisels; Miriam Meisels; Shimon Wulfe Meisels and 1 other
Sister of Hendele Malka? Günsburg; wife of Hirsh Leib Bienenfeld and . dau. RAMA Isserles
Half sister of Sara Luria; Simcha Luria; wife, Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen; Miryam? Menkes; wife, Zvi Hirsh Zausmer and 2 others

תאריך פטירה עברי: יום שני דר"ח טבת שס"ב
Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
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About Dreizel (Therese) Bunim-Meisels

Wife of Rabbi Simcha Bunim Meiseles (d.9 Adar 1624), died 2 Tevet 5362 = 26/12/1601 -


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Dreizel (Therese) Bunim-Meisels's Timeline

December 9, 1551
Pinsk, Poland
December 26, 1601
Age 50
Krakow, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
December 1601
Age 49
Krakow, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland