Immediate Family
half brother
half sister
half brother
About Randver Rádbardsson, {Mythical King of Sweden and Denmark}
- Father: Radbart of Gardarike
- Mother: Aud the Deep-minded
- Wife: Inghild, daugher of an unnamed Swedish king
- Children:
- Sigurd Ring, king in Denmark
Followed sources
Randvér or Randver was, according to Sögubrot and the Lay of Hyndla, the son of Ráðbarðr the king of Garðaríki and Auðr the Deep-Minded, the daughter of Ivar Vidfamne. In these two sources, Auðr had Randver's brother, Harald Wartooth, in a previous marriage.
Randver was married to Ingild, the daughter of an unknown Swedish king, he was succeeded by his son Sigurd Ring.
Alternative sources
Hversu Noregr Byggðist says he is the son of Hrœrekr slöngvanbaugi and the brother of Harald Wartooth.
According to Hervarar saga both Randver and Harald Wartooth were the sons of Valdar and Alfhild, the daughter of Ivar Vidfamne. This saga relates that Ivar appointed Valdar the king of Denmark, and when Valdar died, he was succeeded by Randver. When his brother Harald, had reclaimed Götaland (or Gotland depending on the manuscript), Randver died hastily in England, and was succeeded by Sigurd Hring as the king of Denmark (probably as Harald's viceroy in Sweden ).
Randver Rádbardsson, {Mythical King of Sweden and Denmark}'s Timeline
670 |
Rusland (Russian Federation)
724 |
Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden
----------------------------- Gifte och barn
barn: Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson.
730 |
Age 60
England (United Kingdom)
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line of, Kings of Danes, Odin, Denmark