Immediate Family
half brother
half sister
half sister
About Basinus II, king of the Thüringians
Bisinus (sometimes shortened to Bisin) was the king of Thuringia in the 5th century AD or around 500. He is the earliest historically attested ruler of the Thuringians. Almost nothing more about him can be said with certainty, including whether all the variations on his name in the sources refer to one or two different persons. His name is given as Bysinus, Bessinus or Bissinus in Frankish sources, and as Pissa, Pisen, Fisud or Fisut in Lombard ones.[1]
Bisinus was the first husband of Menia,[2] a fact attested only in the 9th-century Historia Langobardorum codicis Gothani.[3][4] He had a daughter, Raicunda, who became the first wife of the Lombard king Wacho (c. 510–540),[5] a fact attested in all three of the main Lombard chronicles (two of which specify that he was king of the Thuringians).[6][7][8] Menia later married a man (unnamed in the sources) of the Gausus family and became the mother of Audoin, who in 540 became the regent of Wacho's son by his third wife, Walthari, and then succeeded him to the throne in 546.[2]
Bisinus was also the father of the three brothers who ruled Thuringia in the 520s and 530s: Hermanafrid, Bertachar and Baderich.[9] Bertachar had a daughter, Radegund, who founded Holy Cross Abbey in Poitiers and was recognised as a saint. She died in 587. Two hagiographies of her were produced by her friends Baudovinia and Venantius Fortunatus.[10][11] Fortunatus specifies that she was "from the Thuringian region", a daughter of King Bertachar and granddaughter of King Bisinus.[12]
While most scholars accept that the Thuringian kings called Bisinus in the Frankish sources and Pissa in the Lombard ones are one and the same, Martina Hartmann rejects the identification and points out that the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire makes no such identification either.[13] This would not be possible as Menia is the documented mother of Audoin who was born long after the death of Basinus. so he was the child of her 2nd husband, Pissae.- prospography of the Later Roman Empire notwithstanding. - She returned to the Kingdom of the Lombards with her daughter after Basinus' death so she was in the Eastern Roman Empire at the time.
20. Mladjov, Ian (2014). "Barbarian Genealogies". In H. B. Dewing (trans.); Anthony Kaldellis (eds.). The Wars of Justinian by Prokopios. Hackett. pp. 560–566. p. 564, presents a genealogical reconstruction in which Bisinus married first Basina and had his sons by her before marrying Menia, by whom he had Radegund, who is presented as his daughter rather than granddaughter.
[---] . King of the Pissa.
m MENIA ---. The Historia Langobardorum names "mater…Audoin…Menia uxor fuit Pissæ regis"[149]. If the word regis should have been "regni" the meaning would have been "someone from Pissae- the area or territory. This wording suggests that "Pissæ regis" was not the father of Audoin, presumably Menia's second husband.
It is assumed that "Pissæ" indicates that he was king of a tribe of that name. NOTE: There is good reason to believe that Count Pissae was the husband of Menia and the father of Audoin - He was a Count under Theodoric "the Great" of Italy whose niece, Amalaberga was married to Hermanfrid. The Thuringian royal house was related to the Ostrogothic King of Italy so the association would have been close. Count Pissae was ultimately executed by Theodoric who "lived to regret it...." -Herwig Wolfram,- "The History of the Goths:
/!\ [Pissa] & his wife had one child:
- 1. AUDOIN (-in Pannonia 560). ... ... ... ....
m firstly RODELINDA [Roddenda], daughter of ---. ... ...
m secondly --- of the Thuringians, daughter of HERMINAFRID King of the Thuringians & his wife Amalaberga the Ostrogoth. ... ...
King Audoin & his first wife had [two] children:- a) ALBOIN (-murdered 28 Jun 572). ... ... ... ... ... ... - KINGS of ITALY.
- b) [ ---. m ---. ] One child:
- i) GISULF . ... ... "Gisulfum…suum nepotem" as "ducem…[in] Foroiulanæ civitati" [163]
"nepoti sui Gisolfi" [164] ... ... - DUKES of FRIULIA.
- i) GISULF . ... ... "Gisulfum…suum nepotem" as "ducem…[in] Foroiulanæ civitati" [163]
Ben M. Angel notes: A user proposed Zülpich as the death location. This apparently was the location of a major battle in either 496 or 506 between the Franks and the Alemannii (the Battle of Tolbiac), in which the Alemannii were defeated. However, there was no participation by the Thuringii, a barbarian people that had Basinus as their king. As this appears to be a mix-up between barbarian people histories, I've deleted the reference on his death location, and placed it within the confines of his kingdom - more likely to be accurate.
NOTE:- It was Hermanfried who died in Zulpich, pushed off a wall by Merovingian King Theodoric when he failed to keep his promise of sharing the kingdom, it really wasn't an accident, it was murder. Basinus probably did die in his kingdom as he died before his sons.
According to Gregory of Tours, he supplied refuge to Childeric I, the Frankish king who was exiled by his own people. His wife, Basina, left him for Childeric and the two returned to Tournai together, after eight years.
The historical Bisinus bears some resemblance to the Bisinus of Gregory, but the details are different. Bisinus was the leader of a Thuringian confederation on the Rhine and his wife was a Lombard named Menia. He left three sons, Baderic, Hermanfrid, and Berthachar, who inherited the throne from him. His daughter Radegund married the Lombard king Wacho.
Bisinus was our ancestor through two distinct lines of descent--through his son Baderic and his son Hermanafrid, each of whom was independently our ancestor.
ID: I5448Ba08a
Name: Basinus Thuringians,king-of
- Given Name: Basinus
- Surname: Thuringians,king-of
- Sex: M
- Basinus [Gregory0594] - Bisinus|Basinus|Besinus|Bisin|Pisen [wWikipedia]
TITLES: - king of Thuringians
SOURCES: Wikipedia "Bisinus" Gregory0594 Marriage 1 Basina -
- 1. Baderic Thuringia,king-of b: abt 0480A -
- 2. Herminafred Thuringia,king-of -3
- 3. Berthachar Thuringia,king-of -
- 4. Radegund Thuringia,of Forrás
Source: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=pkd&id=I5...
After a vicious battle near Tournai, he and Childeric, went into seclusion. It's here that his wife Basina leaves him and returns to Belgium with Childeric.
Bisinus, Basinus, Besinus, or Bisin (Lombardic: Pisen) was the king of the Thuringii (fl. c. 460 – 506/510).
According to Gregory of Tours, he supplied refuge to Childeric I, the Frankish king who was exiled by his own people. Bisinus's wife, Basina, left him for Childeric and the two returned to Tournai together, after eight years.
The historical Bisinus bears some resemblance to the Bisinus described by Gregory of Tours, but the details are different: Bisinus was the leader of a Thuringian confederation on the Rhine and his wife was a Lombard named Menia. He left three sons, Baderic, Herminafred, and Berthachar, who inherited the throne from him. His daughter Radegund married the Lombard king Wacho.
Bisinus van Thüringen
- MyHeritage Family Trees
- Stamboom van Tweel 6 september 2015 in van Tweel Web Site, managed by J.J. van Tweel
- Birth: 454
- Father: Merwig Ii Van Thüringen
- Wife: Menia Van Thüringen (geboren Van Lombardije)
- Son: Balderic (Berthar) (Baderich) Van Thüringen
Bisinus van Thüringen
- MyHeritage Family Trees
- Linsen Web Site, managed by Danny Linsen
- Birth: Circa 460
- Death: Between 506 and 510
- Father: Berthaire Van Thüringen
- Wife: Menia Van Thüringen (geboren Van Thuringen)
- Wife: Basina Andovera Der Franken (geboren Van Thuringen)
- Children: Berthachar Van Thuringen, Balderic Van Thüringe
Bisinus Ii. van Thüringen
- MyHeritage Family Trees
- EDWARD LUKAS in KLEIN, REE, de BREED, de VRIES Web Site, managed by Marthan Klein
- Birth: 430
- Death: 491
- Wife: Basina Van Keulen
- Wife: Menia Van Thüringen (geboren Der Logobarden)
- Children: Hermenfried Herminafried Van Thüringen, Baderik Balderic Van Thüringen, Radegund Austrigusa Der Longobarden (geboren Van Thuringen), Berthachar Van Thüringen
Bisinus van Thüringen
- MyHeritage Family Trees
- van Beek Family Tree in van Beek Web Site, managed by Jeen van Beek
- Birth: 430
- Death: 491
- Parents: Banin Chlodwig Van Thüringen, Basina Van Saksen
- Siblings: Arnegonde Der Franken (born Van Basinden), Basina Der Merovingen (born Van Thüringen (Van Keulen)), Menia Van Thüringen
- Wife: Menia Van Thüringen
- Children: Balderic Van Thüringen, Berthachar Van Thüringen, Hermenfried Van Thüringen, Bertaire Van Thüringen, Radegonde Van Thüringen
Bisinus van Thüringen
- MyHeritage Family Trees
- Stamboom van Tweel 6 september 2015 in van Tweel Web Site, managed by J.J. van Tweel
- Birth: 454
- Father: Merwig Ii Van Thüringen
- Wife: Menia Van Thüringen (geboren Van Lombardije)
- Son: Balderic (Berthar) (Baderich) Van Thüringen
- Bisinus van Thüringe n
MyHeritage Family Trees
- Roeleveld Horzelenberg Web Site, managed by Erna Roeleveld
- Birth: Circa 440
- Father: Chlodwig I Banin Van Thüringen
- Siblings: Arnegonde Der Franken (geboren Van Basinden), Bisina Der Franken (geboren Van Thüringen), Menia Van Thüringen
- Wife: Menia Van Thüringen
- Children: Balderic Mede Van Thüringen, Berthachar Van Thüringen
PLZ sources or calculation for born c.451
( the system is perfectly capable of offering generic missing dates, wandering around antiquity and assigning randomly suggested dates is not welcome TNX:)
Om Basinus II, king of the Thüringians (Norsk)
Bisin II , konge av Thuringen - ca 460- ca 510
Bison (Basinus f. ca 440- 506/510).
Bisinus II som er beskrevet av Gregory var leder for en Thüringer konføderasjon på Rhinen og hans kone var en Lombard kalt Menia. Han og Menia etterlot tre sønner, Baderic, Herminafred og Berthachar, som arvet tronen fra ham. De hadde og en datter Radegund som var gift med langobard kongen Wacho
Basinus II, king of the Thüringians's Timeline
480 |
Kingdom of the Thuringi, (Present Germany)
490 |
502 |
Thuringia, Germany
506 |
Kingdom of Thuringia, (Present Germany)
???? |
Kingdom of Thuringia, (Present Germany)
???? |
Thuringia, Germany
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |