Freddie Mercury
(1946 - 1991)
Freddie Mercury (born Farrokh Bulsara ; 5 September 1946 – 24 November 1991) was a British singer, songwriter, record producer, and lead vocalist of the rock band Queen. Regarded as one of the gr...
Temperance West, Lady Yeardley
(1586 - 1628)
Temperance (Flowerdew) Yeardley West died intestate in December 1628 (per Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers, 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary, by Martha W. McCartney).
The three children of Geor...
Cadwallon Crisban ap Cyngen
(c.575 - c.616)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #12 Braint Hir; . (Steven Ferry, September 13, 2019.)
Hild Eiriksdotter
(c.725 - aft.762)
"The Ynglinga Saga":"51. OF KING EYSTEIN'S DEATH.Eystein, Halfdan Hvitbein's son, became king after in Raumarike and Westfold. He was married to Hild, a daughter of Eric Agnarsson, who was king in West...
Domenico Nino Ravasini
(1900 - 1980)
Domenico Nino Ravasini, conosciuto come Nino Ravasini (Como, 10 agosto 1900 – Milano, 12 settembre 1980), è stato un compositore italiano.
Isabel de Vipont
(c.1233 - 1274)
Isabel Fitz John was born in Shere, Surrey, England to John Fitz Geoffrey, Lord Kirtling, Justicar of England and Isabel Bigod. Her five siblings were: Richard FitzJohn of Shere (died 1297, married Emm...
Henry de Percy, 3rd Baron Percy
(c.1320 - c.1368)
another possible death date is 17 June 1368================================================================================="Henry Percy, 3rd Baron Percy of Alnwick (c. 1321–1368), was the eldest son o...
Vilho (Vasili) Suonmaa
(1935 - 2004)
Rakennusarkkitehti. Joensuu.Syntyisin: Jehkilä, Suojärvi. Nimenmuutos 10.6.1947: Vasili Surma > Vilho Suonmaa. Syntymä / Birth / Рождение: Vasili Surma syntyi Suojärven Jehkilässä 24.04.1935. Avioliitt...
Peter ll de Brus, Baron of Skelton
(c.1185 - 1241)
Sir Peter II de Brus, Baron Skelton1,2,3,4,5,6,7* M, #12988, b. before 1201, d. between 7 September 1240 and 7 September 1247*Father Peter I de Brus, Baron Skelton & Danby8 d. 12 Feb 1222*Mother Johann...
Major John Kennon Bolling, II
(1700 - 1757)
He had two wifes named Elizabeth mentioned on page 5 on this book
Additional Curator's Notes: PLEASE read the notes below about the many supposed descendants of John and Mary Bolling. The so-called B...
Walter Leake, Governor, U.S. Senator
(1762 - 1825)
Leake (May 25, 1762 – November 17, 1825) served as a United States Senator from Mississippi (1817–1820) and as third Governor of Mississippi (1822–1825).He was the first Governor of Mississippi to die ...
Tamar, Queen of Georgia
(c.1160 - c.1213)
Tamar had also married and was the widower of the Sultan of Ardebil, an ancestor of Shah Ismail SAFAVI. ref: page 103 of
Tamar (Georgian: თამარი, also transliterated as T'amar, Thamar or Tamari[1]...
Rydeyrn ap Deheuwant
(c.155 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Beli Mawr "The Great", {Fictitious, Mabinogion}
Beli Mawr (translated into English as Beli the Great) was an ancestor figure in medieval Welsh literature and genealogies. He is the father of Caswallawn, Arianrhod, Lludd Llaw Eraint, Llefelys, and Af...
Sir Thomas de Clinton, of Coleshill
(c.1206 - 1278)
Thomas de CLINTON was born ABT 1206 in Amington, Warwickshire, England, and died BEF 12 JAN 1277/78. He was the son of Osbert de CLINTON , of Coleshill and Elysont. ===Family From married #Mazera de BI...
Ryan Thomas Gosling
From Wikipedia (English) :=Ryan Thomas Gosling (born November 12, 1980) is a Canadian actor, director, writer and musician. He began his career as a child star on the Disney Channel's Mickey Mouse Club...
Tim Kaine, Governor, U.S. Senator
2016 Democratic Nominee for Vice President (CNN) Hillary Clinton has chosen Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine to be her running mate, turning to a steady and seasoned hand in government to fill out the Democrati...
(c.726 - 753)
Source image: Griffon, younger son of Charles Martel, advised by his mother declares war on his brothers Charles
Grifo (726–753) was the son of the Frankish major domo Charles Martel and his sec...
Thomas Warren, Gent.
(1604 - 1677)
Not the husband of Susan Markham or of Elizabeth Warren
Not the same as Capt. Thomas Warren
Thomas Warren was born to Sir Edward Warren, Knight and Susan Boothe Warren Fitton.
Sources: 1. Jane Ma...
Rorico, Bishop of Laon
(922 - 976)
Rorico de Laon (1)M, #104883Last Edited=31 Oct 2004 Rorico de Laon is the son of Charles III, Roi de France and Eadgifu (?). (1) Rorico de Laon held the office of Bishop of Laon.Forrás / Source:
Agnes Gordon of Huntly
(1472 - 1525)
6. Lady Agnes Gordon, mar. James Ogilvy, Yr of Deskford and Findlater (dvp. 1 Feb 1505/6), 1st son and heir ap. of Sir James Ogilvy of Deskford and Findlater by his first wife Margaret Innes, dau. of S...
Osbert de Clinton, I
(c.1126 - 1162)
Laurel Logan:from tudorplace.com.arThe family of Clinton is of Norman origin, and settled in England at the Conquest. They took their names from the lordship of Climpton, in Oxfordshire. Roger Climpton...
 Philippine House of Representatives Member Representative Hon. Dante S. Garcia of La Union's 2nd (second) congressional district official portrait during the 19th Congress of the Philippines
Source: https://www.congress.gov.ph/house-members/view/?member=K036&name=Garcia%2C+Dante+S
Author: House of Representatives of the Philippines
This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.
Dante Garcia
Dante S. Garcia is a Filipino nurse and politician. He is currently serving as congressman of the second legislative district of La Union since 2022.
Certificate of candidacy (2025)
Danuta Elizabeth of Lithuania
(bef.1302 - 1364)
Elžbieta Gediminaitė (gimė - apie 1302 m.; mirė - 1364 m. Plockas) - Ldk Gedimino vyriausioji duktė. Biografija Be krikšto vardo, Elžbieta manoma, turėjo Danutės ir, spėjama Danmilės vardus. 1316 m. iš...
 Photo by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Via Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ben_Shapiro_(42913418281)_(cropped).jpg
Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro is an American lawyer, columnist, author, and conservative political commentator. Shapiro writes columns for Creators Syndicate, Newsweek , and Ami Magazine , and serves as editor emeritus ...
Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence
(1338 - 1368)
"Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence, jure uxoris 4th Earl of Ulster and 5th Baron of Connaught, KG (29 November 1338 – 7 October 1368) was the third son, but the second son to survive infancy, of ...
Kit Harington
Catesby Harington (born 26 December 1986), known professionally as Kit Harington , is an English actor and producer. Born in Acton, Greater London, Harington graduated from the Royal Central School of ...
R' Abraham Horowitz, Admur Sedziszow (Shendishov)
(1823 - 1905)
רבי אברהם אבא, בנו השלישי של רבי יעקב נולד באדר תקפ"ג. היה חתנו של רבי שמואל מפשעווארסק (חתנו של הרב אברהם זאב פרנקל בעל ה"משיב כהלכה") ובזיווג שני חתנו של הרב מנחם מנדל וינברגר מדוקלה ממנה נולדו לו יל...
Rowan Atkinson
Rowan Sebastian Atkinson (born 6 January 1955) is an English actor, comedian and screenwriter. He is well known for his work on the satirical sketch comedy show Not the Nine O'Clock News, and the sitco...
 Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections AWNS-19150624-38-02.
Lieut. Charles Watt
(1880 - 1915)
Lieutenant Charles Watt served for Aotearoa New Zealand during the South African War (Boer War) (1899-1902). During World War I (1914-1918) he served with the the 6th (Manawatū) Squadron. Charles was k...
Adelaide de Angers (Possibly Empress Mathilda)
(1112 - 1169)
Matilda was born AdelaideThere is confusion about who Adelaide de Angers was. It is possible that it was Mathilda. From Medlands According to Weir[144], she (Matilda) was christened Adelaide but adopte...
Rabbi Shmuel haLevi Brandeis, Maharal Gd.son
(1580 - 1628)
51 Shmuel bn Simon seGal Brandeis zTs”l 1627/28 (Footnote: he was grandson of the Maharal m’Prag, son of his daughter Gitele as is known from the megillah of his jichus)Rabbi Samuel BRANDEIS (d. 1628 P...
Agnes de Clare
(c.1091 - 1163)
According to Medlands (see below) Gilbert de Clare and Isabel had only two children and Agnes fitzgilbert de Clare was NOT one of them I am therefore detaching this relationship:GILBERT de Clare "Stron...
Marianne Faithfull
(1946 - 2025)
Marianne Evelyn Gabriel Faithfull (born 29 December 1946-died 30 January 2025) was an English singer, songwriter, and actress. She achieved popularity in the 1960s with the release of her hit single "A...
Anna Andersdotter
(1499 - bef.1559)
Anna Andersdotter. Född i Grubbe, Umeå lfs. [16] Död 1559. Gift. med Lars Olofsson. Ståthållare. Död 1572. Gubernatoris i Nordlanden, som sal. k. Göstaf emoot Juten, Lagman i Westerbotten år 1560. (Joh...
James Tate, III, Planter
(1662 - 1727)
James Tate born about 1662 in New Kent Co. VA and married Anne Upham.
Child of JAMES II TATE and ANNE UPHAM(UFAN) is:. . 4. i. JAMES4 TAm. h. Abt. 1662, New~t County, VA; d. 1727, Sl Peters Parish,Ne...
James Cottrell
(1835 - 1919)
Husband of Sophia Jane Cottrell (Kennedy).
Yves de Creil, seigneur de Bellême
(c.940 - c.1005)
From MedlandsIVES de Creil (-1005 or after). [Guillaume of Jumièges records that Louis IV King of the West Franks, after the death of Richard´s father, marched on Rouen, was received by “Rodulphus et B...
 Photo by Georges Biard. CC BY-SA 3.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leonardo_Dicaprio_Cannes_2019.jpg
Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio is an American actor and film producer. Known for his work in biographical and period films, he is the recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award, a British Academy F...
Aubry II, comte de Mâcon
(c.932 - c.982)
- II Count of Macon, & Salins 1 2 3 3* Born: ABT 949 in Macon, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France* Died: 978 in Salins, Seine-et-Marne, Ile-de-France, France 1* Died: ABT 980 3* Father: Letalde (Lietaud...
Adam Friedrich von Knorring, a. Kaltenborn
(1713 - 1761)
VI.1 ex II. 2. Gustav* Reinhold * 1738 + 1804 not in Geni
Eleanor de Neville, Baroness Lumley
(c.1365 - aft.1441)
Eleanor Neville1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
F, #16739, b. circa 1365, d. after 16 July 1447
Father Sir John de Neville, 3rd Baron Neville, Ambassador to France, Admiral of the Fleet Northwards, Lt. of Aquitai...
Roch Manitouabeouich
(1596 - 1644)
Sources=* Location info: Huronie, Pays des Hurons =Notes=* Note about "also known as": Manitouabe8ich: Le chiffre 8 inséré dans le nom peut étonner : il ne s’agit pas d’une faute de frappe. Pendant la ...
Jeanne Trahan
(1629 - c.1699)
1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 40 years old which estimates her birth to be 1631.
Matriarch of Bourgeois family in America, 1636 Came with father, mother and 1 sibling aboard ship...
John Drummond
(c.1395 - c.1465)
João Drummond (* Reino Unido, Escócia c. 1400 + Portugal, Madeira c. 1465)Pai: Sir John Drummond (* c. 1350 ) Mãe: Elizabeth SinclairCasamento I: Catarina Vaz (* c. 1430 )Filhos:#Catarina Escórcio (* c...
Talesa d'Aragon, Vescomtesssa consort de Bearn
(c.1085 - d.)
Skelfi Halfdansson
(c.480 - 579)
Skelfi Konge på Voss Han var sønn av Halvdan den gamle og kona Almveig Hans kone er ukjent, De hadde sønnen Skjold Skelfi var konge på Voss. Hans sønn var Skjøld, far til Eirek, far til Alrek, far til ...
Aldonça Martins da Silva, Countess of Cifuentes
(c.1175 - 1266)
Alfonso IX of León From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , father of 3 kids from his first void marriage and father of another 5 from his second void marriage, also fathered many illegitimate children,...
Maud de Mortimer
(c.1286 - 1312)
'Maud de Mortimer1,2,3,4,5
'F, #11063, b. circa 1286, d. 17 September 1312
Father Sir Edmund Mortimer, 1st Lord Mortimer2,3,4,5 b. c 1252, d. 17 Jul 1304
Mother Margaret de Fiennes2,3,4,5 b. c 12...
Pascweten de Rennes
(c.882 - 936)
Count Pascweten de Rennus de Bayeau==* Pascweten (Paskwitan) de Rennes* Parents: Alain & his wife Oreguen==LINKS==* LANDS==PASCWETHEN 874-876, ALAIN I 876-907Two brothers, parents not known:1. PASCWETH...
Archibald L Armstrong
(1695 - aft.1767)
Family named in 1667 Will*wife, Ann*sons, William and John (both were the only executors to the will)*grandsons, Archibald, Jr. and James [sons of son John]*daughters, Rebecca Armstrong and Margret Duf...
Blanche de Arderne, of Alvanley
(c.1376 - aft.1430)
Parents “there also seems confusion regarding the Margery or Blanche who married William Stanley of Hooton. We hope to investigate these matters further in due course.” Detached as daughter of Sir Pete...
William Early, of Chowan County
(aft.1634 - 1706)
Evidence needed to support William Early, of Chowan County as child of William Early & Elizabeth? Early .
William Early
Birth: 1634 / June 1 1650
Death: 1706 - Craven, NC
Spouses: Elinor
Einion ab Idgwyn
(c.640 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (April 30, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #12 Braint Hir; . (Steven Ferry, September 13, 2019.)
Eiríkr Skjoldarson, II
(c.544 - 580)
illustrasjonen her er misvisende. "Den norske Løve" med krone og øks kom til lenge etter 1030, og er først kjent som riksvåpen under kong Erik omkring 1225(?)
Nadine Sylvia Ada Romanova
(1908 - 2000)
Juha Tapio
Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova
(1901 - 1918)
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia (Russian: Великая Княжна Анастасия Николаевна Романова, Velikaya Knyazhna Anastasiya Nikolayevna Romanov...
Benia . ingen Crimthainn, {Legendary, Foras Feasa ar Éirinn}
(c.-205 - d.)
Susan Rogers
(1824 - 1890)
New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters, 1806-1849
Name Susan Mullan
Arrival Date 1843
Vessel East London
Province Tasmania
Title Ledger Returns S - Z
Year(s) 1846
Place of Conviction ...
Hunald, Duke of Aquitaine & Toulouse
(c.705 - c.756)
Hunald of AquitaineFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHunald (also known as Hunoald, Hunuald, Chunoald, Chunold, Hunold, or Hunaud), Duke of Aquitaine (735-744 or 748), succeeded his father Odo the G...
Kong/King Vikar Alreksson av Agder
(618 - 670)
Vikar Haraldsson (Alreksson) var en legendekonge fra Norge. Forskjellige sagn har forskjellige aner for denne figuren.* Vikar var sønn av Harald eller Alrek * Han var gift med Signe ? De hadde sønnen V...
Kälug NN
(c.1452 - c.1529)
" En mäkta dejelig människa." Kälug (Kålug/Kjellög/Käluf/Kalug/Kallog) föddes enl. olika uppgifter i Nedertorneå eller Umeå. Hon är omnänd som "en mäkta dejelig människa" i anteckningarn från 1600-tale...
Dubchoblaig of the Uí Cheinnselaig Dubchoblaig Kinsella of Leinster
(c.1030 - c.1066)
Dubchoblaig of Leinster of the Uí Cheinnselaig (Kinsella) * 1030–1088* BIRTH ABT. 1030 • Kingdom of Leinster, Ireland* DEATH 1088 • Killaloe, Clare, Kingdom of Munster, Ireland OF KINSELLA The Uí Ceinn...
Rabbi Moshe Chayes?, of Z'virsh
José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, o Embaixador
(1871 - 1954)
José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, o embaixador, (Barbacena, 29 de setembro de 1871 — Rio de Janeiro, 24 de fevereiro de 1954) foi um diplomata, professor, jurista e político brasileiro.==Biografia====...
Edward Loftus
(1500 - 1541)
Not the husband of Alice Radcliffe
Edward Loftus, of Swineshead, County York, England, whose sons settled in Ireland in the sixteenth century, where they obtained extensive grants of forfeited land ...
Adélaïde-Wera de Bourgogne, Chalon et Troyes
(c.915 - bef.967)
Adelais (de Chalon, de Vergy, d'Autun, de Bourgogne) was the daughter of Giselbert Duke of Burgundy (Duc des Bourguignons, Comte de Chalon-sur-Saône et de Troyes) and Ermengarde de Dijon (de Bourgogne)...
Sir John Stewart of Innermeath, Kt.
(1350 - 1421)
SIR JOHN STEWART OF INVERMEATH AND LORN Sir Robert Stewart of Innermeath and Lorn is the son of Sir Robert Stewart, of Shambothy & Innermeath The Scots Peerage V: 1
Biographical Summary from the The...
Captain John Rolfe, Ancient Planter
(bef.1585 - bef.1622)
John Rolfe , born in 1585 in England and died in 1622 in Jamestown Settlement, Virginia. Married (1) Sarah Hacker, died in Bermuda; (2) Pocahontas, died in England; (3) Jane Pierce, who survived him. O...
Caradoc de la Boussac
(b. - 1070)
' Name: Caradoc de la Boussac ' • Birth: 1035 in Boussac near Dol, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France • Death: 1070 (35) Ile de Vilaine, Bretagne, (Britney), France • Origin: Breton Descent • Occupation...
Berthe I de Boulogne
(c.805 - 859)
James K. Polk, 11th President of the USA
(1795 - 1849)
Knox Polk (pronounced /ˈpoʊk/ POKE; November 2, 1795 – June 15, 1849) was the 11th President of the United States (1845–1849). Polk was born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. He later lived in and...
Sir John Maxwell, Kt.
(1315 - 1373)
Lord of CaelaverockSummoned to Parliament 1373Present at coronation of Robert IIThe progenitor of the Maxwell family was Undewyn, or Undwain, a Saxon lord, who lived in the area of Kelso by the River T...
Aaron ., High Priest
(-1396 - c.-1274)
Exodus 6:16-23. * 1 Chronicles 23:13. * Aaron In the Hebrew Bible and the Qur'an, Aaron (Hebrew: אַהֲרֹן Ahărōn, Arabic: هارون Hārūn, Greek (Septuagint): Ααρών ), who is often called "'Aaron the Prie...
Princess Holmfrid Eriksdotter, of Sweden
(c.972 - c.1016)
Holmfrid, syster till Olof Skötkonung, gift med Svein Håkonsson. the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Sweden: [HOLMFRID. Snorre records the betrothal of "Svein, a son of Earl Hakon, and Earl E...
Angilbert "the Saint" de Ponthieu, abbot of Saint-Riquier
(c.775 - c.813)
Temporary Note to Curators: Possible Main Profile?Nome: ou Angilberk, ou de Centula, ou de Viena. Nascimento: ou c. 740, ou c. 775, ou 776, ou em local indeterminado. Relação com Berta: talvez casament...
Joseph Estrada
Jose Marcelo Ejercito, or Joseph "Erap" Estrada, is a multi-awarded actor and long-time politician. He was mayor of San Juan, a senator, a Vice President and the 13th President of the Philippines. He w...
Leod, 1st Chief of Clan MacLeod
Biography== Leòd , the progenitor of the MacLeods, was 1st Lord of the Lewes, 1st Chief of Clan MacLeod, and founder of the MacLeod family of the Lewes and Raasay.Traditionally, Leòd was said to have b...
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II, Pharaoh of Egypt
(-182 - -116)
VIII Euergetes II (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Εὐεργέτης, Ptolemaĩos Euergétēs) (c. 182 BC – June 26, 116 BC), nicknamed Φύσκων, Phúskōn, Physcon ("Sausage", "Potbelly" or "Bladder") for his obesity, was a king ...
Marko Reikop
Marko Reikop (sündinud 19. juunil 1969 ) on eesti tele- ja raadioajakirjanik.
Casnar Wledig
(c.440 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 22, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 7, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Catel Durnluc aka Cadell Ddyrnllwg; . (Steven Fe...
Gebhard III, Graf von Sulzbach
(c.1105 - 1188)
GEBHARD [III] (-28 Oct [1188], bur Kastl). Wegener cites a source dated early Dec 1125 which names Graf Peringar, his wife Adelheid and son Gebehard[1676], presumably relating to the death of his fathe...
John Wesley White, Sr.
(1736 - 1781)
John Wesley “I” White
Birth 1736 Washington County, Virginia, USA
Death 1781 (aged 44–45) Washington County, Virginia, USA
William White 1718–1766
Sarah Pugh White 1715–1781
Earl Gospatric
(c.1045 - 1075)
Earl Gospatric fitz Arkill
Son of Arkil Morel and Sigrida
His mother was Sigfrida, daughter of the Yorkshire thane Kilvert son of Ligulf. Gospatric fitz Arkill married a daughter of Dolfin son of...
Maria de Montgomery de Carew
(c.1110 - 1150)
Sancho I Ramírez, rey de Aragón
(c.1042 - 1094)
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSancho Ramírez (c. 1042 – 4 June 1094) was King of Aragon (1063–1094, not formally until 1076) and King of Navarre (from 1076, as Sancho V). He was the son of Ramiro I o...
Máel Fithrich mac Aedo Uaridnaig
(560 - 630)
áel Fithrich macAedo Uaridnaig O'Néill=== Máel Fithrich MacAedo Uaridnaig O'néill*, King of Ailech ==*died 0630*children:* Máel Dúin macMáel Fithrich O'Néill died 0681 Lived in Ailreach, but did not be...
Marie de Châtillon sur Marne
(c.1345 - bef.1415)
'Marie de Chatillon1,2,3 * 'F, d. between 7 May 1412 and 25 October 1415*Father Sir Gaucher de Chatillon, Seigneur de Rozoy & Clancey, Vidame de Laonnois1,2 d. bt 23 Aug 1350 - 11 Dec 1355*Mother Marie...
Lucius Julius Jullus, I
(c.-700 - d.)
James Alexander
(1726 - 1791)
JAMES ALEXANDER was born Abt. 1726, and died 1791 in Kishacoquillas Valley, Armagh Township, Mifflin County. He married ROSANNAH REED Abt. 1762 near Chambersburg, daughter of ROBERT REED and SARAH OSCE...
Serug .
(-1941 - -1711)
Genesis 11:20-23
Jubilees 11:1-2 States that his original name was Seroh, but that it was changed to Serug in the time when Noah's children began to fight wars, and the city of Ur was built, where Se...
Liv Ullmann
Oslo, Norway
Liv Johanne Ullmann (born 16 December 1938) is a Norwegian actress and film director, as well as one of the muses of the Swedish director Ingmar Bergman. A winner of the Golden Globe, Ullmann has also ...
Nachor .
(-1911 - -1763)
Genesis 11:22-25
Jubilees 11:6-11
Wikipedia: Nahor and נחור.
Nacor tenía veintinueve años cuando nació su hijo Taré. Después de esto, Nacor vivió ciento diecinueve años más, y tuvo otros hijo...
 Source: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/12675634/joshua-knapp
Shubael Knapp
(1757 - 1831)
U.S., Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783
Name Shubel Knapp
Gender Male
Military Date 5 Nov 1776
Military Place Connecticut, USA
State or Army Served Connecticut
Regiment Mead's Regiment of Militia
Fergal mac Maele Duin, Ard-rí na h'Éireann
(c.660 - 722)
Called Fearghall The White Gale; he was beheaded in battle King Aileach and Prince of Ulster, Ireland.
 Photo by Rich Esteban. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:JanetJacksonUnbreakableTourSanFran2015_(cropped).jpg
Janet Jackson
London, England, United Kingdom
Janet Jackson is an American singer, songwriter, actor, and dancer. She is noted for her innovative, socially conscious and sexually provocative records, as well as elaborate stage shows. Her sound and...
Kersti Kaljulaid
Kersti Kaljulaid (Estonian pronunciation: [%CB%88kersti ˈkɑljuˈlɑi̯d]; born 30 December 1969) is an Estonian politician who served as the fifth president of Estonia, from 2016 to 2021. She was the firs...
García Galíndez de Salcedo, V señor de Ayala
(c.1096 - c.1160)
Garcia Galindez De Salzedoborn Abt 1096 Of Ayala, New Castile, Spainfather:*Galindo Velasquez De Ayalaborn Abt 1064 Of New Castile, Spainmother:*Maria De Salzedoborn Abt 1068 Of New Castile, Spainmarri...
Lucy Maud Montgomery
(1874 - 1942)
author of "Anne of Green Gables" and many more* Ref: Wikipedia: Lucy Maud Montgomery From Wikipedia: Lucy Maud Montgomery, (always called "Maud" by family and friends) and publicly known as L. M. Montg...