public profile
GEBHARD [III] (-28 Oct [1188], bur Kastl). Wegener cites a source dated early Dec 1125 which names Graf Peringar, his wife Adelheid and son Gebehard[1676], presumably relating to the death of his father although Wegener does not specify this. Graf von Sulzbach. Markgraf 1148. The document dated 17 Sep 1156 established the duchy of Austria is witnessed by "…Gebehardus comes de Sulzbach…"[1677]. The necrology of Baumburg records the death "V Kal Nov" of "Gebhardus com de Sultzpach"[1678]. m (contract 24 Oct 1129) as her second husband, MATHILDE of Bavaria, widow of DIEPOLD [IV] Markgraf von Vohburg, daughter of HEINRICH IX "dem Schwarzen" Duke of Bavaria [Welf] & his wife Wulfhild of Saxony (-16 Feb or 16 Mar [1183], bur Kastl). The Historia Welforum names (in order) "Iuditham, Sophiam, Mahtildem, Wulfildem" as the four daughters of "Heinricus dux ex Wulfilde", specifying that Mathilde married firstly "Theopaldo filio Theopaldi marchionis de Voheburch" and secondly "Gebehardo de Sulzbach"[1679]. The Annalista Saxo names "Heinricum inclitum ducem Saxonie et Bawarie et Welfonem et quatuor filias" children of Duke Heinrich & his wife Wulfhild, specifying that "Quarta Machtildis nomine" married firstly "Thieppoldo iuniori, filio Thieppoldi marchionis senioris" and secondly "Gebehardus filius Beringeri comitis de Sulzbach"[1680]. Graf Gebhard [III] & his wife had five children:
a) BERENGAR [II] (-Italy 21 Aug 1167, bur Kastl). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1190] under which "Elizabeth Comitissa de Ortenberch" donated property to St Nikolas, for the soul of "patris mei Comitis Gebehardi et mariti mei Comitis Rapotonis et matris mee Mahtildis et fratris mei Comitis Beringeri"[1681]. Graf von Sulzbach. He died of plague. The Hugonis Ratisponensis Cronica records the death in 1167 of "Peringerus comes de Swzpach" during the emperor's Italian campaign[1682].
b) ADELHEID (-10 Sep 1189). "Theodericus comes in Cleue et Aleidis uxor mea" donated property to Kloster Bedburg, for the anniversaries "X Kal Mar…patris mei Arnoldi comitis et VI Kal Aug matris mee Ide comitisse", by charter dated 1162[1683]. "Theodericus…comes de Cliuo" donated the island between Wissel and Rees on the river Rhine to Kloster Camp, with the consent of "matre nostra comitissa Aleide et fratre nostro Arnoldo", by charter dated 1188[1684]. Gerhard Abbot of Camp confirmed the donation of property made by "comitissa Aleidis de Cliuo", for "defunctis patris eius comitis Geuehardi et comitis Theoderici", by charter dated to [1188][1685]. m DIETRICH [II] Graf von Kleve, son of ARNOLD I Graf von Kleve & his wife Ida de Louvain (-[27 Apr] 1172).
c) SOPHIE (-after 11 Aug 1227). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Wegener cites a source dated 1 Aug 1227 which names "Gebehardus comes de Hirzberc filius Sophie, Gebehardus comes de Sulzbach fratruelis eius"[1686]. m ([1160]%29 [as his second wife,] GEBHARD [I] Graf von Grögling und Dollnstein, son of [HARTWIG [III] Graf von Grögling & his wife --- von Mainz] (-[1170]).
d) ELISABETH (-23 Jan [1206]). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated to [1190] under which "Elizabeth Comitissa de Ortenberch" donated property to St Nikolas, for the soul of "patris mei Comitis Gebehardi et mariti mei Comitis Rapotonis et matris mee Mahtildis et fratris mei Comitis Beringeri"[1687]. "Elisabeth cometissa in Ortenberc" donated property to Bamburg, for the soul of "mariti sui Rapotonis", by charter dated 1194, witnessed by "Comes Rapoto et frater eius Heinricus in Ortinberch…"[1688]. The necrology of Baumburg records the death "X Kal Feb" of "Elizabeth com cv sor na de Ortenburg"[1689]. The necrology of Aldersbach records the death "XI Kal Feb" of "Elisabet coma de Ortenberg"[1690]. The necrology of Asbach records the death "IX Kal Feb" of "Elisabetha com de Orttenburg"[1691]. m (1163) RAPOTO [I] Graf von Ortenburg und Kraiburg, son of ENGELBERT Duke of Carinthia, Marchese of Istria & his wife Uta von Passau [Ratpotonen] (-26 Aug 1186).
e) BERTHA (-22 Dec after 1200). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m HEINRICH [II] von Altendorf (-6 Dec [1194]).
1105 |
Sulzbach, Amberg, Bayern, Germany
1136 |
Sulzbach, Germany
1140 |
Sulzbach, Germany
Sulzbach, Germany
1141 |
Sulzbach Oberpfalz, Sulzbach Rosenberg, Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany
1146 |
Sulzbach, Amberg, Oberpfalz, Germany
1188 |
October 23, 1188
Age 83
Kastl, Altotting, Bayern, Germany