Matching family tree profiles for James Tate, III, Planter
Immediate Family
About James Tate, III, Planter
James Tate born about 1662 in New Kent Co. VA and married Anne Upham. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59c69c542278e73c826f3226/t/5...
Child of JAMES II TATE and ANNE UPHAM(UFAN) is:. . 4. i. JAMES4 TAm. h. Abt. 1662, New~t County, VA; d. 1727, Sl Peters Parish,NeWK.ent, VA
Generation No.4
4. JAMES4 TATE (JAMESlf3, JAMES2, WiLLAM1) was born Abt. 1662 in New Kent County, VA, and died 1727 in St. Peters Parish,New Kent, VA
He married ANNE WADDY Abt. 1685, daughter of SAMUEL WADDY and ANN CRAIGHILL~ She was born, Abt. 1662 in New Kent County, VA, and died Aft. 1743 in Hanover County, VIrginia. .
Notes for JAMES TATE:
Judge Charles Tate ,. called James the Scotsman, emmigrant, who settled near Page's Ware
House, Hanover Co. Va. Hanover Co. was formed from New Kent Co. in 1720. On 4 May
1689 St. Paul'sParish, New Kent Co. Va. James Tate's name was listed as a land owner and as
having his holdings .processio~ and in 1704 bis name appeared on the rent rolls for 160 a. He
was a hatter by trade as well as a tailor who in 1708 made clothes for Anne Burriss,alsoin 1711
clothes for Anthony. Wmston. On 14 Mar. ,1708 he was appointed overseer of processioning for
his dist., until 1727 when he died intestate, when the widow Tate, William Winston and widow
Waddy's land ordered into one precinct. A widowTate was there in 1743. Anne, whose maiden
name is unknown to me, however she may have been nee Upham or Waddy since those names
were used as Christian names, in the families of descendents for several generations thereafter.
The name Upham is of very ancient Irish origin, and was anglicised from the ancient Irish
Uppain: a family descended from Ireland, one of the sons ofMilesius of Spain, a quo the
Milesian Irish Nation.Upham, Uphan, or Ufan is invariably called "Fam.ty." ref. Rent Rolls, St.
Peter's Parish by C. G. Chamberlayne p. 379, 396, 397, St. Paul's Parish, p. 13, 29,. 49, 244,
257, Pat. book. 5 p. 518, Judge· Charles Tate Diary, Lineage Book of National Daughters' of
Founders and Patriots of America Vol.5 p. 41.
Above information from ftTate and Allied Families oftbe South" by Ethel S. Updike, 1972.
Children of JAMES TATE and ANNE WADDY are:
i. JomP TATE, b. Abt 1687, New Kent County, VA; d. 1769, Louisia County, Virginia; m. MARy (DoAK?),
Abt. 1736.
11. ANNE TATE, b. February 27, 1689, New Kent County, Virginia; d. November 03, 1702, New Kent County,
Notes for ANNE TATE:
Baptized: August 29, 1689, Register ofSt Petds Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, page 37.
Death: November 3, 1702, Register of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, page 70.
5. iii. ROBERT TATE, b. February 27, 1691, St. PetersParisb,NewKent, VA; d. November 19,1759.
iv. MARy TATE, b. April 20, 1694, New Kent County, Virginia.
Notes for MARY TATE:
Baptized: April 20, 1694, Register of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, page 38.
v. JAMES TATE,'b. November 11, 1698.
vi. UFAN(UPHAM) TATE, b. December 1700, New KentCounty, Virginia; d. April 13, 1703, New Kent CO\Dlty,
Baptized: January 1701,R.egister of ST. Peter's Parish, New Kent COlmty, Virginia, page 38.
Death: April 13, 1703, Register of St. PeteI's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, page 70.
vii. WIWAM TATE, b. April 12, 1702, New Kent County, VA; d. 1751, Lunenbmg County, Virginia; m.
SARAH, Abt 1722.
Baptized: April 12, 1702, Register of8t. Peters Parish, New Kent, Virginia, page 38.
Tate and Allied Families of the South by Ethel S. Updike, 1972. Child of JAMES II TATE and '''ANNE UPHAM(UFAN''''''''''') is:. . 4. i. JAMES4 TAm. h. Abt. 1662, New~t County, VA; d. 1727, St Peters Parish,New Kent, VA *
: http://grundycountyhistory.org/04_Coll/Schild/Tate_Family_RCS.pdf
http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/25746468/person/1705802949TATE, TAIT, TEATE Judith H. Martin (View posts) Posted: 14 Dec 1998 06:00AM Surnames: TATE, EDWARDS, POOR
John Tate born 1687 in New Kent Co. VA and married Lucy Waddy (1) then Mary Waddy (Tithable at New Kent St Peter's Parish , based on mother's FPOC status That means the mother who married Evans was a person of color. Evans and Gibsons were known Paspagehe who lived in Jamestown area. There was an attempted genicide of their group but Jane The Elder's line made it to survive. The attempt was a little talked about attempt by drowning by throwing them over board. If the tithe on this James Tate was due to his mother's legal status, which is how the British determined who was free and if of color, had to pay a poll tax called a tithe once turning 16 if a male and there were occasions that it was charged to females, then that would explain why this James was paying taxes.
JAMES TATE OF NEW KENT CO., VA. James Tate, a planter, is found in the records of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Va. (formed from York Co. in 1654) from about 1689 to perhaps 1727 (one of his contemporaries there was Capt. Robert Napier. On May 4, 1689 James Tate was listed as a landowner and processioner in St. Peter's, and in 1704 he was listed as holding 160 acres there. On March 14, 1708 he was appointed overseer of processioning for his district and continued as such until his death. Each parish in colonial Virginia appointed parishioners to process boundary lines periodically to confirm land ownership. James Tate was also said to be a hatter and tailor. There are records that he made clothes for Anne Burris in 1708 and for Anthony Winston in 1711. He married Anne and they had the following children in St. Peter's (where I read the lesson at Sunday Holy Communion in September 1994): Anne, b. Aug. 29, 1689, d. Nov. 13, 1702;Robert, b. Feb. 27, 1691, m. Anne ___ ;Mary, b. Apr. 20, 1694. ;James, b. Nov. 11, 1698.;Ufan (dau.), b. Jan. 15, 1700, d. Apr. 13, 1703. ;William, b. Apr. 12, 1702--see below. ;James Tate died intestate in 1727. His Widow Tate's land, that of the Widow Waddy and that of William Winston were ordered put into one precinct. .
Notes for JAMES TATE: Judge Charles Tate ,. called James the Scotsman, emigrant, who settled near Page's Ware House, Hanover Co. Va. Hanover Co. was formed from New Kent Co. in 1720. On 4 May1689 St. Paul's Parish, New Kent Co. Va. James Tate's name was listed as a land owner and as having his holdings .~ and in 1704 bis name appeared on the rent rolls for 160 a. He was a hatter by trade as well as a tailor who in 1708 made clothes for Anne Burriss,also in 1711clothes for Anthony Winston. On 14 Mar. ,1708 he was appointed overseer of processioning for his dist., until 1727 when he died intestate, when the widow Tate, William Winston and widowWaddy's land ordered into one precinct. A widow Tate was there in 1743. Anne, whose maidenname is unknown to me, however she may have been nee Upham or Waddy since those nameswere used as Christian names, in the families of descendents for several generations thereafter. The name Upham is of very ancient Irish origin, and was anglicised from the ancient Irish Uppain: a family descended from Ireland, one of the sons of Milesius of Spain, a quo the Milesian Irish Nation. Upham, Uphan, or Ufan is invariably called "Fam.ty." ref. Rent Rolls, St. Peter's Parish by C. G. Chamberlayne p. 379, 396, 397, St. Paul's Parish, p. 13, 29,. 49, 244, 257, Pat. book. 5 p. 518, Judge· Charles Tate Diary, Lineage Book of National Daughters' ofFounders and Patriots of America Vol.5 p. 41 Above information from Tate and Allied Families oftbe South" by Ethel S. Updike, 1972. 2 Children of JAMES TATE and ANNE WADDY are: i. JomP TATE, b. Abt 1687, New Kent County, VA; d. 1769, Louisa Co, Va; m. Mary (Doak), Abt. 1736. 11. ANNE TATE, b. February 27, 1689, New Kent Co, Virginia Colony; d. Nov 03, 1702, New Kent Island, MD. Notes for ANNE TATE: Baptized: August 29, 1689, Register of St Peters Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, page 37. Death: November 3, 1702, Register of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, page 70. 5. iii. ROBERT TATE, b. February 27, 1691, St. Peters Paris b,New Kent, VA; d. November 19,1759. iv. Mary TATE, b. April 20, 1694, New Kent County, Virginia. Notes for MARY TATE: Baptized: April 20, 1694, Register of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, page 38. v. JAMES TATE,'b. November 11, 1698. vi. UFAN(UPHAM) TATE, b. December 1700, New Kent County, Virginia; d. April 13, 1703, New Kent CO\Dlty, VA Notes for UFAN{UPHAM) TATE: Baptized: January 1701,Register of ST. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, page 38. Death: April 13, 1703, Register of St. PeteI's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, page 70. vii. WIlliaM TATE, b. April 12, 1702, New Kent County, VA; d. 1751, Lunenbmg County, Virginia; m. SARAH, Abt 1722. Notes for WILLIAM TATE: Baptized: April 12, 1702, Register of8t. Peters Parish, New Kent, Virginia, page 38. Source: http://grundycountyhistory.org/04_Coll/Schild/Tate_Family_RCS.pdf
JAMES II3 TATE (J~, WILLIAM l) was born Abt. 1638 in York County, VA. He married (1) ANNE UPHAM(UFAN) Abt. 1660 in York 'county, VA.
He married (2) ANNE WADDY Abt. 1685 in St. Peters Parish, New Kent, VA. Notes for JAMES II TATE: JAMES TATE, b. 1638 York County Virginia Probably son of James Tate b. 1618 ,England. York County was taken from Chades River County Virginia 1642 and New Kent County formed from York County in 1654. New Kent County Virginia is the locality of our earliest known TATE families. JAMES TATE, married before bis father James Tate executed his will 18 June 1664 hence was not named in his estate.
From: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=fredch3%5...
Not a definite line of the family
From: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=fredch3%5...
He was called the Scotsman emigrant and settled near Page's Ware House, Hanover Co., VA. Hanover Co. was formed from New Kent in 1720. He was a tailor and hatter by trade. He made clothes for Anne Burriss in 1708 and Anthony Winston in 1711. On 14 March, 1708, he was appointed overseer of processioning for his district. He died intestate He was a Hatter by trade, and a Tailor.
From: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ann%5Fblo...
James Tate was probably born about 1662. His parents, exact date of birth and place are not currently known. About 1686 in his twenties, James married. There is no documentary evidence of the first name or surname of James' wife. Some researchers have stated that her first name was Anne, but I believe this is unlikely since no known granddaughters were named Anne. It has also been speculated that her surname was Upham or Waddy, but the Waddy name came into the family when son John married Mary Waddy and the only descendents named Waddy are in John's line. The surname Upham has also been mentioned, but this was an very unusual name and was found mostly in Massachusetts.
James and his wife had 7 children with 2 daughters dying young: Anne died on Nov 30 1702 at age 13; Upham died on Apr 13 1703 at age 2. Except for the oldest son, the children's births were recorded in St. Peter's Parish of New Kent Co VA.
St. Peter's Church is still standing in New Kent Co near Talleysville. It is a quaint, brick, English-looking building in the beautiful Virginia countryside with a historic graveyard. The present building was erected in 1701-1703. When visiting the restored church in the 1990s, it is easy to imagine the Tates attending services there 300 years earlier. The church has claim to an important event in American history because it was the parish of Martha Dandridge Custis who married George Washington. Whether they married in the church building or at her plantation home of "White House" is uncertain, but their marriage in 1759 was performed by the parish minister, Rev. David Mossom, and it remains an important event in the parish history.
On May 4 1689 in St. Peter's Parish, James was named as a landowner and as having his holdings processioned. Processioning of lands was required by the royal government of England and meant that periodically the bounds of every person's land "shall be gone around and the land marks renewed." In 1704 James' name appeared on the rent rolls, showing that he owned 160 acres. He was a hatter and tailor, making clothes for Anthony Burroughs in 1700 and 1708, and for Anthony Winston in 1711.
Unfortunately, there are very few records existing from the 2 counties where James lived. New Kent Co VA had been formed in 1654, but few records remain. The first records of James are found in the church records of St. Peter's Parish.
In 1704, St. Peter's Parish was divided, and the new parish of St. Paul's for New Kent Co was formed. James was listed in the records for St. Paul's Parish for the years 1706 through 1719 many times. He was paid in tobacco for his services to the parish in 1706 (50 pounds), 1708 (35 pounds), 1711 (25 pounds). He was appointed an overseer of processioning along with Thomas Giles in 1708. His lands were processioned in 1711, 1715, 1716, and 1719. His neighbors remained essentially the same over these years with the names of Thomas Glass, Anthony Winston, John Anderson, and Thomas Collett appearing repeatedly.
In 1720, Hanover Co was formed from New Kent Co, but St. Paul's Parish remained the same. Sometime between 1720 and 1727, James died in St. Paul's Parish, Hanover Co. Widow Tate was listed in the church vestry records on Aug 22 1727 with the same neighbors as in previous listings and her 3 oldest sons, John, James, and Robert, appear in the processioning records for the first time. "Widow Tate" continued to be listed in 1739 and 1743.
References Blomquist, Ann. Taylors and Tates of the South, 1993. p 772-777. Chamberlayne, C.G. Rent Rolls, St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co VA. p 21,72,379,396,397,445. Chamberlayne, C.G. St. Paul's Parish, Hanover Co VA 1706-1786. p 13,29,39,92,214,224,225,235,248,257,291,297. Cleaveland, George J. "The Formation of St. Paul's Parish and Hanover Co," Hanover Historical Bulletin, May 1971, p 2. Cocke, Charles F. The Parish Lines, Diocese of VA. p 292 (map of St. Paul's Parish). DAR Lineage Book 15 p 41-42. Lineage Book of the National Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Vol 15, p 41. National Society of Colonial Dames of America, Parish Register of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co VA 1680-1787. p 37,38,70. Smith, Annie L.W. The Quit Rents of VA 1704. p 87. Updike, Ethel. Tates of the South, 1972.
TATE, TAIT, TEATE Judith H. Martin (View posts) Posted: 14 Dec 1998 06:00AM Surnames: TATE, EDWARDS, POOR
James Tate born 1618 in England and died in York Co. VA. He married Mary Evans.
James Tate born in 1638 in York Co. VA and married Elizabeth Dandridge.
James Tate born about 1662 in New Kent Co. VA and married Anne Upham.
John Tate born 1687 in New Kent Co. VA and married Lucy Waddy (1) then Mary Waddy (2).
I show in the Louisa Co. VA Deed Book H, page 473 - (1783 - 1785, reel 5) March 10, 1785 - Articles of Agreement between Waddy Tait, of the County of Caswell, State of NC, brother of Zedekiah Tate, deceased, of Louisa County VA of the 1st part, and Zachius Tait, of the County of Orange, State of NC, brother of the said Zedekiah Tait, deceased, of the 2nd part, and Zephaniah Tait, of the County of Guilford, State of NC, brother of the said Zedekiah Tait, deceased, of the 3rd part, etc.
JAMES3 TATE born 1662 in New Kent Co., VA; died about 1727; buried at St. Peter’s Parish in New Kent Co., VA He was called the “Scotsman Emigrant”;
Married ANN UPHAM born about 1662 in St. Peters, New Kent Co., VA;
John born about 1687 in New Kent Co., VA; died 1769;
Anne christened August 29, 1689; died 11-3-1702
Robert born February 27, 1691; died 11-19-1759; married Anne ? in 1714 in St.
Paul’s Parish in Hanover Co., VA
Mary christened April 20, 1694
James christened November 11, 1698; died 11-11-1776;
Upham “Fannie” christened January 5, 1701; died 4-13-1703;
William christened April 12, 1702; died April 2, 1751; married Sarah SKELTON;
- Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy: Mar 21 2020, 15:54:26 UTC
- Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy: Mar 21 2020, 16:01:19 UTC
James Tate, III, Planter's Timeline
1662 |
New Kent County, Virginia, Colonial America
1687 |
November 11, 1687
St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, Colonial America
1689 |
August 29, 1689
New Kent County, Virginia, Colonial America
1691 |
February 27, 1691
St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, Colonial America
1693 |
St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, Colonial America
1694 |
April 20, 1694
St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, Colonial America
St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, Colonial America
1698 |
November 11, 1698
Age 36
St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, Colonial America
1700 |
January 5, 1700
St. Peter's, New Kent, Virginia, United States