According to Medlands (see below) Gilbert de Clare and Isabel had only two children and Agnes fitzgilbert de Clare was NOT one of them I am therefore detaching this relationship:
GILBERT de Clare "Strongbow", son of GILBERT FitzRichard de Clare & his wife Adelisa de Clermont ([1100][1462]-6 Jan 1148 or 1149, bur Tintern Abbey). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Richardum qui ei successit et Gislebertum et Walterium et unam filiam...Rohais” as the children of “Gislebertus ex filia comitis de Claromonte”[1463]. The Liber Vitæ of Thorney abbey lists "…Gilebt fili[us] Ricardi, Ricard fili[us] eius…Aaliz uxor Gilbti filii Ricardi, Comes Gilbt, Galteri…filii sui…"[1464]. “Adeliz, uxor Gilberti filii Ricardi, et Gillebertus et Walterus et Baldewinus et Rohaisia pueri Gilberti” donated property to Thorney Monastery, by undated charter witnessed by “Gilberto filio Gilberti, Galterio, Hervæo, Baldwino fratribus eius et Rohaisia sorore eorum”[1465]. He inherited the estates of his paternal uncles Roger de Clare (after 1131, in the baronies of Bienfaite and Orbec, Normandy) and Walter de Clare (in 1138, as lord of Nether Gwent with the castle of Strigoil, later known as Chepstow)[1466]. He was created Earl of Pembroke in 1138 by King Stephen. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 1149 of "Gilbertus comes, qui Strangboga dictus est"[1467]. m ISABEL de Beaumont, daughter of ROBERT de Beaumont-le-Roger Comte de Meulan [Earl of Leicester] & his wife Isabelle de Vermandois ([1102/07]-after 1172), previously mistress of Henry I King of England. Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Giselbertus filius Gisleberti" married “sororem Waleranni comitis Mellenti...Elizabeth” by whom he had “filium primogenitum...Richardum”[1468]. Henry II King of England confirmed the donations to the nuns of Saint-Saens by "Isabel comitissa qui fuit uxor Gilleberti comitis" by charter dated to [1172/1182][1469]. “Badero de Momuta et uxor sua Rohes” donated revenue in Monmouth to Monmouth Priory by undated charter witnessed by "Galterus frater Gilleberti consulis, qui ipsa die loco consulis uxorem meam michi dedit…comitissa Ysabel, Robertus filius Baderonis, Johannes filius Roberti, Thomas filius Pagani…"[1470].
Earl Gilbert & his wife had two children:
1. RICHARD de Clare "Strongbow" ([1130]-Dublin 20 Apr 1176, bur Dublin, Holy Trinity). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Giselbertus filius Gisleberti" married “sororem Waleranni comitis Mellenti...Elizabeth” by whom he had “filium primogenitum...Richardum”[1471]. He succeeded his father in 1148 or 1149 as Earl of Pembroke. In [1168], he promised Dermot King of Leinster to help him recover his kingdom in return for the hand of his daughter and eventual succession to the crown. He landed near Waterford 23 Aug 1170, and marched to Dublin. He acceded to the demand of King Henry II to surrender his Irish conquests to him and was granted Leinster in fee[1472]. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1176 of "Richardus comes de Streguel filius comitis Gisleberti" leaving "parvulum filium ex filia regis Duvelinæ"[1473]. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 1175 of "comes Ricardus filius Gilberti", another passage recording his death in Ireland in 1177 and his burial "apud Dulin"[1474]. m (Waterford [26 Aug 1171]) AOIFE [Eve] of Leinster, daughter of DERMOT MacMurrough King of Leinster & his wife [Mor ---] (-after 1189). The Annales Cambriæ record that "Ricardus comes de Striguil" invaded Ireland in 1171 and married "filiam Diermit regis"[1475]. She was styled Countess of Ireland in 1185, but Countess of Strigoil in 1186[1476]. Earl Richard & his wife had two children: a) GILBERT (1173-[1185/86]). Robert of Torigny records the death in 1176 of "Richardus comes de Streguel filius comitis Gisleberti" leaving "parvulum filium ex filia regis Duvelinæ"[1477]. He succeeded his father in 1176 as Earl of Pembroke, but was never invested with the earldom. b) ISABEL (-1220, bur Tintern Abbey). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 22 Mar 1222 under which “Willielmus mareschallus Angliæ, comes Penbrochiæ” founded Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, for the souls of ”bonæ memoriæ Walteri filii Ricardi filii Gilberti Strongbowe avi mei, et Willelmi Marescalli patris mei, et Ysabellæ matris meæ”[1478], although the identify of “Walteri” in this document is unclear. m (London Aug 1189) WILLIAM Marshal, son of JOHN FitzGilbert "the Marshal" & his second wife Sibyl de Salisbury ([1146]-Caversham 14 May 1219, bur London, Temple Church). He was invested as Earl of Pembroke 27 May 1199 by King John. Earl Richard had two illegitimate children: c) daughter . Regan’s "Song of Dermot and the Earl" records that "Richard the renowned earl went to the city of Ferns" and "married his daughter to Robert de Quency"[1479]. m (1171) ROBERT de Quenci Constable of Leinster, son of --- (-killed in battle Offaly 1171 or after). d) ALINE . The Expugnatio Hibernica records the marriage between "Mauricio filio Guillelmo comes" and "Alinam filiam suam [Richardi]"[1480]. m (1174) WILLIAM FitzMaurice Baron of Naas, son of MAURICE FitzGerald & his first wife --- (-[1199]).
2. BASILIA . The Expugnatio Hibernica records the marriage at Dublin between "Reimundus" and "sorore mea [Ricardi] Basiliam" [in 1174][1481]. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified. m firstly (1174) RAYMOND FitzGerald "the Fat" Constable of Leinster, son of ---. m secondly as his first wife, GEOFFREY FitzRobert Lord of Kells, Steward of Leinster, son of --- (-1211).
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Fairlight, Sussex, , England
Age 24
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Age 72
Fairlight, Sussex, England (United Kingdom)
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June 17, 1933
Age 72
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Age 72
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Age 72
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Age 72