Immediate Family
About Einion ab Idgwyn
See Peter Bartrum, https://cadair.aber.ac.uk/dspace/bitstream/handle/2160/6516/TABLES%... (April 30, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #12 Braint Hir; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id180.html. (Steven Ferry, September 13, 2019.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #17 Caradog Freichfras; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id185.html. (Steven Ferry, September 22, 2019.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Harleian Ms 3859; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id129.html. (Steven Ferry, March 9, 2021.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Cynan Dindaethwy - Furter Notes; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id307.html (Steven Ferry, October 21, 2022.)
Einion ab Idgwyn's Timeline
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