Thomas Warren was born to Sir Edward Warren, Knight and Susan Boothe Warren Fitton.
Sources: 1. Jane MacDaniels Genealogy
Progenitor of the Virginia Warrens.
In 1635 Thomas pateneted 300 acres of land in Charles City County. Thomas Warren was burgess in James City and Surry County as late as 1666. Sometime between then and 1677 he returned to England where he died at the age of 73. [Ed. Note: The definitions of the position of burgess are: a member of the English Parliament representing a town, borough, or university or a member of the lower house of the legislature of Colonial Virginia or Maryland.]
Susan Markham was not the wife of Thomas Warren. "Susan the relict of Robert Greenleafe" married Thomas Markham on 11 July 1636. On 11 July 1637 there is a reference to Susan Markham, relict of Robert Greenleafe.
The following is from "An article in VMH&B, 6:2201, states his (Thomas Warren of Surry County, Va) first wife was a Susan Greenleaf, widow of Robert Greenleaf; this has been declared an error in a much later article in VMH&B, 47:369. . . . Inasmuch as the erroneous information in VMH&B, 6:201 remains to mislead current researchers, the following is presented to place another Thomas Warren and his wife, Susan Greenleafe, at a date when Catherine Gookin's son Thomas Warren was only 11 years old and would not have departed from Co. Kent for another 5 years. 'Thomas Warren, 300 acs. Chas City County, 20 Nov 1635, p. 314. S. upon Bayliffs, E. upon the maine woods, W. upon the river, & N. upon 4 Mi. Cr. 150 acs in right of his wife Susan Greenleafe, the relict of Robert Greenleafe; 50 acs due for her per. adv. & 100 for ad Robert her former husband, being an Ancient Planter in the time of Sir Thomas Dale.' (Ref: Early Va. Fam. Along the James River, 1:2, Henrico & Goochland). Further, according to the muster of Robert Greenleafe, his wife Susan was 23 in 1620 (born about 1597)." (Descendants of Catherine Gooking of co. Kent, revised 9 November 1987)
(Note: wife has since been disproved)
Thomas Warren was bom May 25, 1604 at Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire, England. He removed to Virginia and married Susan Greenleaf (her previous married name) Susan came to America in 1620 aboard the Jonathon with her two children, Thomas, age three years, and Ann, age 22 weeks.. She was 23 years old. Thomas and Susan were married in 1634. In 1635 he patemed 300 acres of land in Charles City county, Va,. Part was in right of Susan Greenleaf , part in the name of Robert Greenleaf her former husband, and the remainder in Thomas' name for his personal adventure and transportation to Virginia of two persons, John Folke and Ruth Whitfield. Thomas and Susan had three sons- John, born in 1640, Richard born in 1641 and Thomas born in 1644, Thomas and Richard removed to the Isle of Kent, Maryland ( I think it may have been Virginia in those days, for Ratcliff was in the Army of Virginia and was on Kent Island). John remained in Old Rappahannock county, Va., now known as Essex, Thomas Sr. died December 20, 1677 in Sandbach, Cheshire, England and is buried at Prestbury.
Source: Genealogy of the Jones-Warren Family 900 AD - 1997
Sir Edward was baptized at Prestbury on April 9, 1563 and died November 13, 1609. He married three times. He had no issue by his first wife, Jane or Joan, daughter of Sir Edward Fitton. Ms second wife was Ann, daughter of William Davenport o Bramall. By her he had twelve children: John who died young John, second son and heir, who was the progenitor of the Warrens of Maryland; Ralph, Humphrey, William, Margaret(died young), Ann (died young), Margaret, Catherine and Dorothy, His third wife was Susan Booth, daughter of William Booth of Dunham Massey. By her he had eleven children: George, Edward, Lawrence, Richard, Edmund, Thomas who was the progenitor of the Virginia Warrens, Elizabeth Ratcliff, Ralph and Posthumous, bom three months after Sir Edward's death.
Source: Genealogy of the Jones-Warren Family 900 AD - 1997
Sir Edward Warren, of Poynton, married, thirdly, I597-8, Susan, born 1577, died 1636, daughter of Sir William Booth, of Dunham-Massey, and had by her Lieutenatit Radcliffe Warren, who was unfortunately killed in Claiborne's raid on the Isle of Kent in 1635 (1 have no knowledge of his issue, if any, and Thomas Warren, some of whose descendants for several genierations are traced by their wills and realty transactions. In 1735 he patented 300 acres of land in Charles City county, Va.-s5o acres in right of his wife, Susan Greenleaf, widow of Robert Greenleaf, "an ancient planter," and i5o acres for the personal adventure of himself and two servants. He was a burgess both in James City county and in Surry county as late as i666. He had as second wife, marriage contract dated 25th September, 1654, Elizabeth, widow of Major Robert Sheppard, of Lower Chipoaks. He had sons, John, Richard and Thomas, but by which wife they were is not in evidence.
The son, Thomas Warren, Jr., lived in Isle of Kent, Md. (as did also his brother, Richard), and was a planter, having a farm, seat or manor called " Poynton," after the ancestral seat in Cheshire, and was Lieutenant of the county company of soldiers. His will, dated rgth December, 1684, proved 28th March, i685, names his wife as " Elizabeth," but in Barton pedigrees she is called ' Sarah." She was a daughter of Captain William Barton, of Charles county, High Sheriff, Justice, and one named in the " List of Good, Honest, Substantial Protestants in
Maryland. "
Lieutenant Thomas and Elizabeth Warren had several children, among them Thomas, heir, of Charles county. He was a planter, and lived on his plantation called " Frailty." His will, dated 6th January, 1705-6, proved 23d November, 1710, gives "Frailty " to his wife, Jane, and 300 acres of land to son, Thomas; mentions son, Barton, under age. and several daughters, and that his wife was with child. This minor son, Barton Warren, of Charles county, planter, lived to inherit a portion of " Frailty," and by his will, proved gth March, 1757-8, divided a considerable estate among his sons, Notley, John, William Barton, Edward and Robert, Marv Musgrove, Jane Hungerford and Susannah.
Virginia Historical Magazine 1898
Not the son of William Warren, of Yorktown. Susan Markham was not the wife of Thomas Warren, Gent.. "Susan the relict of Robert Greenleafe" married Thomas Markham on 11 July 1636. On 11 July 1637 there is a reference to Susan Markham, relict of Robert Greenleafe.
Edward I. Warren †1609
Susan Booth 1577-1636
Spouses and children
Married about 1634, ,Charles,Maryland,USA, to Susan Unknown ca 1597-ca 1636 with
M John Warren ca 1640-1711
M John Warren ca 1640-1687
M Richard WARREN ca 1641-
M Thomas WARREN ca 1644-
M Thomas Warren 1604-1677
M Posthumous Warren
M Radcliffe Warren
F Elizabeth Warren
M Laurence Warren
M Edward Warren
M George Warren
On the side of Edward I. Warren †1609
with Anne Davenport †
M John Warren †1621
M William Warren ca 1586-1644
M Ralph Warren
M Humphrey Warren
F Margaret Warren
F Anne Warren
M Francis Warren
F Catherine Warren
===Proposed pedigree===
Thomas Warren as son of Edwarde Warren:
1604 |
May 25, 1604
Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire, England
1640 |
New Kent County, Virginia
1641 |
Old Rappahannock, Virginia
1644 |
Old Rappahannock County, Virginia
1677 |
December 20, 1677
Age 73
Sandbach, Cheshire, England
???? |