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James Alexander (1726 - 1791)

Birthplace: Armagh, Ulster, Ireland
Death: May 10, 1791 (65)
Kishacoquillas, Brown Township, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, United States
Place of Burial: Kishacoquillas, Brown Township, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of John E. Alexander, Sr. and Margaret Alexander
Husband of Rosannah Alexander
Father of Jane Semple; Robert Alexander; Elizabeth Wakefield; John Alexander; James Alexander and 6 others
Brother of Hugh Alexander; Rachel Vance; John E. Alexander, Jr.; Margaret Alexander; Thomas Alexander and 1 other

Occupation: Farmer & Founder, Farmer
Managed by: Faustine Darsey on partial hiatus
Last Updated:

About James Alexander

JAMES ALEXANDER was born Abt. 1726, and died 1791 in Kishacoquillas Valley, Armagh Township, Mifflin County. He married ROSANNAH REED Abt. 1762 near Chambersburg, daughter of ROBERT REED and SARAH OSCEOLA. She was born Abt. 1742, and died 1792.

On July 1, 1784, Revolutionary War Soldier James Alexander was given a tract of land in Clearfield County for his service with the Commissary Department of Washington’s Army at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-1778. The 1600 acres of land was once occupied by the Delaware Indians; but by the time James surveyed the land with his eldest son Robert in the summer of 1785, few remained. James never lived in Clearfield County and his 1785 visit was the only one he made, dying 6 years later in 1791. In 1784, James divided the lands into four tracts, one for each of his sons: William Brown, Hugh, Joseph, and Reed. In 1809, William B. Alexander and his family settled in present day Bigler Township in an area that became known as Alexander’s Fording and the first cabin was located along Alexander’s Run. When William died, his will stated that his land was to be divided into eight sections with one going to each of his seven sons and one to be used as a public burial place. The cemetery was given to the people of Madera by William’s family on April 28, 1862. Besides the grave of William B. Alexander, another notable tombstone can be found in the cemetery. Daniel Smith, a black civil war soldier for the 55th Massachusetts Infantry, is buried in Alexander’s Cemetery; and is one of only two black civil war soldiers buried in the County

Address/Location: Alexander Cemetery, Madera Directions to Alexander Cemetery: Take Route 53 North to Madera. Bear right onto Alexander Road, and follow winding road up hill to top. Cemetery will be on left

Across the midst of the valley from Jack's Mountain to Stone Mountain, he laid his warrant on a thousand acres, this was in 1755.

On his return to the region of Carlisle, he told of good healthy land but only his friend, William Brown, (later Judge Brown) dared to accompany him & brave the dangers of settling so far from home. So James had his wife & children, goods and chattels, packed on the backs of horses, an his money (900 silver dollars). His neighbor at Spring Run was Logan, Chief of the Mingo Tribe. Later called Logan's Spring at the head of Spring Run.

James Alexander served in the Commissary Department of Washington's Army at Valley Forge in the memorable winter of 1777-78. For those services he received 1600 acres of land, which he located in Clearfield County, PA. (This is under dispute, according to William John Shepherd, 3rd great grandson of William Brown Alexander, Sr., he got records from the PA Archives and that on both he noticed that the James that our relatives were claiming on their DAR applications was the one NOT from Armagh, where our James was. It states he was enlisted in Fall of 1777 and discharged in 1778 because he was "Over Age". So he my have been a private and not a brigade quartermaster, as the family states. Also, soldiers only got 200 acres of land, not 1600, he may have bought them up. William is researching this and will change it at a later date once he finds more information.)

Honor is due to James Alexander, not only for introducing the first white inhabitants, subduing forests and founding churches, but also for naming and adding a new township to the county of Cumberland, Armagh township to the whole of Kishacoquillas valley (named from Armagh of Ireland). Armagh was divided into Armagh and Union and was later divided later into Armagh, Meno, Union and Brown. (Brown was for Judge William Brown, his friend)

In his book, "Alexander Fording" pages 9-10 James's son Robert made an expedition later in the year of 1784, in which a number of the valley worthies participated. He and John Reed went and laid 4 tracts on the Big Clearfield Creek. the first tract which he warranted in his own name cornered on the creek bank at which was then a small, but now large, ash tree which were still legible the initials of "J.A." and "J.R.". At the time of the "Descendants of John Alexander.."book, the tree was still standing in 1878. They left the valley on the 19th of October and reached Clearfield Creek by the 27th. On the 28th, the surveys began at the famous Ash Corner. When the Alexander surveys were completed, Robert returned to Kishacoquillas Valley. On the 5th of November, 1784, James Alexander recorded the surveys of his warrants under the title names of James Alexander, John McConnell, John Gill and Cullen. About midsummer of 1785 James visited his lands in Clearfield County, accompanied by his eldest son Robert. This was the only time he ever visited the land and died 6 years later. From the "Sequin-Centennial 1809-1959 Alexander's Fording Puseyville, Madera & 100th Anniversary of Madera Post Office - 1861 - 1961" - James Alexander settled in Kishacoquillas Valley, near Lewistown, PA. Lewistown was then known as the Indian Village of Ohesson. When the Delaware chief, Captain Jacobs, with his tribe from Kittaning, swept through the valley in 1756 the Alexanders fled to Carlisle. On returning they found their cabin had been burned by the Indians. James Alexander built a new home in 1765 and called it "The Oaks", a fort like structure of huge oak logs. This old house was still standing in 1961. In October of 1998, I received a letter from a lady who had spoken with the current "Willows" owner, Patsey Haughwout, and she said this house is referred to now as "The Bratton" house. The current owner was Doris McCurry and her daughter had started renovating it, but for various reasons stopped. The stone addition was built upon the site of an old log kitchen about 1861 by Napolean B. Alexander. The house was owned by a Miss Margaret Alexander and the heirs of the late Mrs. Matilda Alexander Bratton.

He had a home near Letterkenny Township near Chambersburg & died at 65 years. old. He is buried in the old West End Presbyterian Church Cemetery (it is off of Renno Road in Belleville, PA and has no church anymore and is in the middle of two Amish farms). I visited that cemetery in July of 1998 and was sad to say that several headstones were not legible. His headstone was donated by the DAR Chapter. There is a monument headstone there that reads " 1726 James Alexander 1791" "A Revolutionary Soldier" Marked by the James Alexander Chapter of the Daughters of American Revolution 1933"

His marker was erected by Clearfield (PA) DAR. He served in the commissary department of Washington's army at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-78 and died in 1791 at age 65 years.

A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A001182

His genealogy may be traced back through the centuries to an influential family of Scotland, of whom one John Alexander was a member.
This ancestor was a prominent citizen of Lanark, Scotland, and lived there during the year 1710. Among his children a son, JOHN ALEXANDER (1700-), born about 1700, was married to MARGARET GLASSON, daughter of Ronald Glasson, a resident of Glasgow, Scotland. Religious persecution was then raging, and many adherents of Presbyterianism fled to other countries. Among this number were John and Margaret Alexander, who sought a refuge in the County Armagh, Ireland, remaining there a few years. In 1736 the entire family, comprising the parents, three sons and two daughters, accompanied by Hugh and James Alexander (two nephews of Mr. Alexander), and Mrs. Polk (a niece), set sail for America. Their first landing place was either at Philadelphia, Penn., or at New Castle, Del.; their first settlement was made about thirty miles west of New Castle, Del, near the Maryland line, on the eastern side of Octorara creek, in Nottingham, Chester Co., Penn. The party resided in this locality a few years and then separated, the two nephews with Mrs. Polk moving to Mecklenburg county, N.C. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, with their son John and two daughters, moved to a farm near Carlisle, Penn., which they afterward sold, locating near Chambersburg, Penn., where the parents died about the time of the Revolution. (Could not locate their graves. Tried 54 cemeteries.)
JAMES ALEXANDER (1726-1791) (FIRST PICTURE), second son of John and Margaret (Glasson) Alexander, was born in 1726, in the County Armagh, Ireland, having been but ten years of age when the family came to America. He was married in Cumberland county, Penn., to ROSA REED (1742-1792), daughter of Robert Reed. James Alexander possessed an indomitable spirit of energy and enterprise. He longed for more "worlds to conquer," and resolved to explore Pennsylvania, which was, at that time, a pathless wilderness. Undaunted by the warnings of his less courageous neighbors, the young pioneer began his perilous journey. He first ascended the Susquehanna river, then along the Juniata, and following the course of the roaring waters of Kishacoquillas, soon found himself in the heart of a mighty wilderness, over one hundred miles from home, an easy prey to the prowling brute or lurking Indian foe. He and ascended the latter stream but a short distance, when a beautiful and fertile valley, hemmed in by mountains and covered with heavy timber, greeted his delighted eyes. Here he determined to found a new settlement, and in 1755 took out the patent for 1,000 acres of mellow, limestone soil, in the beautiful but lonely wilderness. On returning to Carlisle, Penn., he pictured in glowing colors of the beauties and advantages of the country, but his enthusiasm failed to infuse the necessary courage for so hazardous an enterprise. One friend, however, proved himself a kindred spirit, so accompanied by their families and chattels, William Brown and James Alexander took possession of the fertile valley. Mr. Brown located near the entrance, and James settled five miles west, his nearest neighbor having been Logan, the famous chief of the Mingo tribe. With stout arms and hearts the heroic pioneers fell to their herculean task of clearing away the forest, which was only accomplished after many years of toil. Although deprived of church and educational privileges, the truest of heart-worship was found in these lowly homes, for as Bryant has truly said, "The groves were God's first temples; ere man learned to hew the shaft and lay the architrave, here he worshiped," and more sincere worship never rose to the Creator, than ascended from the humble altars of the pioneers. The cabin of James Alexander was indeed a very Bethel -- morning and night the word of God was read, and the sacred notes of song and prayer rose to the pure sky above. The Sabbath was a time of rest, and prayerful study of the Bible, the catechism and confession of faith, and every evening a veritable "Cotter's Saturday Night." In this wild country a little church was finally erected, with which James Alexander was prominently identified. The whole valley was at one time known as Armagh township, in honor of his birthplace. Soon after Mr. and Mrs. Alexander had settled in the valley, the Mingo chief, Logan, visited their cottage during the absence of the husband, and having won the confidence of a little son, carried him away to his own cabin, the terrified mother not daring to resist. Several hours passed, and the almost frantic woman decided to follow and attempt to rescue her child, when to her unutterable relief she met the friendly chief returning the little fellow in his arms, his tiny feet shod with beautiful beaded moccasins made by the distinguished warrior. During the winter of 1777-78 James Alexander served in the commissary department of the Colonial Army at Valley Forge, receiving for that service 1,600 acres of land, in Clearfield county, Penn. He died in 1791, and was buried at the brick Presbyterian church at West Kishacoquillas. The following children were born to this family: Jane, born in 1763; Robert, born in 1766; Rachel, born in 1780; William B., born in 1782; Rosanna, born in 1784; and Reed, born in 1786, also others who were deceased in youth. (James Alexander and Rosa Reed Alexander are buried in West Kishacoquillas Presbyterian Cemetery, Kishacoquillas, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania. - SECOND PICTURE)
ROBERT ALEXANDER (1766-1843), the eldest son of James and Rosa (Reed) Alexander, was born in October, 1766, and grew to manhood on the home farm. After the death of his father he located near Stone Mountain, in the Kishacoquillas Valley. On April 8, 1790, he married ELIZABETH McCLURE (1768-1832). Her mother was a Miss Scott, a native of Scotland, her father was born in Ireland, and, afterward immigrating to America, settled in East Kishacoquillas, Penn., where Elizabeth was born March 8, 1768. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander began life on the home farm. He was a man of incorruptible integrity, possessing a sound judgement and remarkable power of memorizing, having been able to repeat a sermon verbatim after once listening to it. His disposition was so averse to disputes, that during the forty-five years of service as a justice of the peace, he tried but two cases, settling those without costs. In 1823 he was elected to the Legislature by the largest Democratic majority ever given in his district, but no persuasion could induce him to accept the nomination for reelection. He was an earnest and zealous member of the Presbyterian Church, and died in August, 1843, having been preceded by his wife in 1832. She had borne him children as follows: Elizabeth, born July 7, 1791; James, born January 17, 1793; Mary, born July 13, 1795; Robert Mc., born November 1, 1797; Nancy, born June 29, 1800; Robert R., born November 2, 1802; William, born March 3, 1805; Cyrus and Silas (twins), born September 30, 1807; and Celia, born March 8, 1810. (Robert alexander and Elizabeth McClure Alexander are buried in West Kishacoquillas Presbyterian Cemetery, Kishacoquillas, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania. - THIRD AND FOURTH PICTURES.)
CYRUS ALEXANDER (1807-1884) was born in Union township, Mifflin Co., Penn. On February 6, 1835, he selected as a life companion in the person of MARY BROWN (1814-1892), who was born February 4, 1814, in Armagh township, Mifflin Co., Penn. The children of this marriage were Robert Mc., born August 2, 1836, deceased November 8, of the same year; James B., living in Indiana, born November 7, 1837; Robert B., born March 9, 1840, deceased May 6, 1882; Cyrus R., born August 20, 1842, deceased April 7, 1847; Ira, born July 30, 1849, deceased February 10, 1850; Sidney, born February 17, 1851, deceased March 27, 1851; and Lot, a practicing physician of Pendleton, Ind., born August 28, 1853. Cyrus and Mary (Brown) Alexander began married life on the old homestead, but afterward purchased a farm nearby, where their lives were passed. Politically, he was a Whig and a Republican, but preferred the quiet duties of private life to the turmoil of politics. He and his wife were active workers in and zealous members of the Presbyterian Church. He died January 6, 1884, followed by his wife January 10, 1892. Both parents are buried in the Milroy cemetery. (Cyrus Alexander and Mary Brown Alexander are buried in Milroy Presbyterian Cemetery, Milroy, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania. - FIFTH PICTURE)
ADOLPHUS F. ALEXANDER (1844-1924), the subject of this sketch, was born November 7, 1844, in Kishacoquillas Valley, Mifflin Co., Penn. He attended the common schools of the district, also spending a short time at the Kishacoquillas seminary (SIXTH PICTURE). On August 21, 1861, he enlisted at Lewistown, Penn., in Company C, Forty-fifth Regiment, P.V.I., serving three years and ten months. He took part in the engagements at Cold Harbor, South Mountain, Antietam, and siege of Knoxville, having been all through the campaign around Petersburgh, Va., and in numerous minor engagements. He returned at the close of the war, having escaped injury save a slight wound received at Cold Spring, Tenn. After the war Mr. Alexander resumed his literary studies at Milroy, Penn., soon afterward entering Washington and Jefferson College (SEVENTH PICTURE). He then began the study under Orvis & Alexander, of Bellefonte, Penn., and in 1870 was admitted to the bar at Lewistown, Penn. He then practiced a short time at Pittsburgh, and in 1875 entered the Western Theological Seminary of Allegheny (EIGHTH PICTURE), graduating in 1879. After graduation he accepted a call to the Church at Pre-emption, Mercer Co., Ill., where he remained until 1883, and then took charge of the Cross Roads Presbyterian Church at Florence, Penn., which has since been his field of labor. On March 11, 1886, he was united in marriage with Flora Anderson (1865-1890), niece of G.W. and Mary Conn, who bore him two children: Mary and Cyrus C. Mrs. Alexander died October 10, 1890, leaving the sacred memory of a beloved wife and mother, and a Christian woman. (She is buried in Florence Cemetery, Florence, Pennsylvania. - NINTH PICTURE) Rev. Alexander is an earnest worker in the harvest field of his Master, and his friends are numbered among every denomination. (He married Amanda Tucker 1862-1954. They are buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Hickory, Pennsylvania. - TENTH AND ELEVENTH PICTURES)
Beers, J. H. and Co., Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893).
NOTE: Florence Presbyterian Church Cemetery was originally called Cross Roads Presbyterian Church Cemetery because it was at the cross roads of Pittsburgh-Steubenville Pike and Washington-Georgetown Road (Rt. 18) in Florence, PA. Prior to that the church, organized in 1785, was located about 4 miles from Florence near King's Creek in Hanover Township, Beaver Co. The original cemetery at King's Creek is now located in Raccoon Creek State Park. This was the site of Crossroads Presbyterian Church, founded in 1786. It was renamed Florence Presbyterian Church in 1847. The building was destroyed by fire Feb. 26, 1963.

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James Alexander's Timeline

February 20, 1726
Armagh, Ulster, Ireland
October 17, 1763
Armagh Township, Mifflin, Pennsylvania, United States
October 1766
Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, British Colonial America
Armagh Township, Mifflin, Pennsylvania, United States
Armagh Township, Mifflin, Pennsylvania, United States
February 16, 1772
Lewistown, Mifflin, Pennsylvania, British Colonial America
November 1773
Armagh Township, Mifflin, Pennsylvania, United States
Armagh Township, Mifflin, Pennsylvania, United States
May 8, 1780
Armagh Township, Mifflin, Pennsylvania, United States
March 27, 1782
Armagh Township, Mifflin, Pennsylvania, United States