Adalhard, count of Paris
(c.830 - 890)
Adalhard de Paris (v. 830 - ap. 890) comte du palais, comte de Paris, marquis de Frioul. (Maison des Girardides).Biographie Adalhard de Paris est le fils du comte Wulfhard[1] de Flavigny et de Suzanne ...
John Deaves
(1786 - 1850)
John Deaves was born at Assington in Suffolk, England in 1787. He was baptised on 28 January 1787, his parents given as Vincent Deaves and Sarah Webb. John married at Nayland in Suffolk to Susan Raynor...
Ranulf de Gernon, 4th Earl of Chester
(1099 - 1153)
See Peter Bartrum, (September 24, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator) Ranulph de Gernon (1128-1153: Earl of Chester- changed sides in the Stephen/Matilda War)from ChesterWiki: pious early in his life, the los...
Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English
(943 - 975)
Links:==* The Peerage * Wikipedia * Medlands * King of the English: Reign 1 October 959 – 8 July 975> Predecessor: Eadwig "The Fair" Successor: Edward the Martyr
Leelo Tungal
Leelo Tungal (sündinud 22. juunil 1947 Tallinnas) on eesti kirjanik, luuletaja, prosaist, libretist ja tõlkija. Ta kuulub kassetipõlvkonda, tema esikkogu "Kummaliselt kiivitajad kurtsid" ilmus neljanda...
Hans Persson Houru
(c.1590 - c.1644)
Hans Persson Houru ei ole käyttänyt nimeä Hourenius, josta en ole löytänyt mainintaa.Hoffrén-suvun kantaisän, Olof Törielssonin pojanpojan poika, Oulun pormestari Petter Olofsson kuoli vuoden 1620 tien...
Ragnhild Erlingsdotter of Sola
(c.992 - c.1060)
Ragnhild Erlingsdotter, til Giske
Daughter of Erling Skjalgsson, på Sola and Astrid Tryggvesdatter
Ragnhild is also called "Astrid the aarbaarne". In 1025 her son, Øystein Orre, was 12 years old. S...
Matti Tuomaanpoika Seinäjärvi
(c.1650 - c.1701)
Talollisen vävy, talollinen. Seinäjärvi, Kurjenkylä, Virrat. Måg, bonde. Seinäjärvi, Kurjenkylä, Virrat, Finland. 'Son-in-law, farmer. Seinäjärvi, Kurjenkylä, Virrat, Finland. HUOM! Kurjenkylässä oli s...
Skule Torstigson
(c.1052 - 1090)
Skule Tostigsen kongsfostre , jarl
Skule Kongsfostre (født 1052 i Wessex, England, død 1090 i Norge) hevdes å være sønn av Toste Godwinsson, jarl av Northumbria, som var bror av kong Harald II Godwins...
Casimir I "the Restorer", Duke of Poland
(1016 - 1058)
I Karol Odnowiciel (ur. 25 lipca 1016, zm. 28 listopada 1058[1] w Poznaniu) – książę z dynastii Piastów , władca Polski w latach 1034-1058 (z przerwami), syn Mieszka II i Rychezy. Po śmierci ojca, w 10...
N. N. Jakobsdotter Kurki
(c.1340 - 1370)
Herman Svärd ja N. N. Jakobsdotter avioituivat vuoden 1360 tienoilla. Tapio Vähäkangas: Jeppe Kurjen esivanhemmat ja jälkeläiset
Flaithbertach mac Muirchertaig Ó Néill, King of Aileach
(962 - 1036)
Flaitherbertach of the Pilgrim's Staff. He abdicated his throne to his son and went on a pilgrimage to Rome; however, his son was killed in battle so he resumed his title. He was in constant battle wit...
Wigmund, king of Mercia
Prince Wigmund MERCIA7,139,140,141,299,465,466 was born about 792 in Mercia. The information in this GEDCOM has been compiled by David Lovegrove. Contact h im at dlovegrove@cheerful.com . Parents: . Pa...
Matilda of Scotland
(1079 - 1118)
EADGYTH (1079-1 Jun 1118).
Orderic Vitalis records that their mother sent Eadgyth and her sister Mary to be brought up by their maternal aunt Christina, nun at Romsey Abbey[330].
Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia
(-356 - -323)
Alexander III of Macedon , popularly known as Alexander the Great (Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας or Μέγας Ἀλέξανδρος, Mégas Aléxandros; 356–323 BC), was an Ancient Greeki[%E2%80%BA] king (basileus) of Mace...
Esko Salminen
Esko Kullervo Salminen (s. 12. lokakuuta 1940 Helsinki) on suomalainen näyttelijä. Jo varhaislapsuudessaan Suomen Kansallisteatterin elämänmenoon kosketuksen saanut Salminen on yli puoli vuosisataa kes...
Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman ; Hebrew name: Shabtai Zisel ; May 24, 1941) is an American singer-songwriter, artist and writer, and Nobel laureate. He has been influential in popular music and...
Aurélio Buarque de Hollanda Ferreira
(1910 - 1989)
Quarto ocupante da cadeira 30, eleito em 4 de maio de 1961, na sucessão de Antônio Austregésilo e recebido pelo Acadêmico Rodrigo Octavio Filho em 18 de dezembro de 1961. Recebeu os Acadêmicos Bernardo...
þóra Skagadóttir
(c.940 - c.992)
Tora (þóra) Skagadóttir, Skagesdotter* Far: Skage Skoftesson, "en mektig mann"* Mor: Ukjent* Gift med Håkon Ladejarl. Barn:**1. Rannveig (ikke nevnt av Snorre)**2. Svein Håkonsson. **3. Heming**4. Berg...
Ott Tänak, MP
Ott Tänak (sündinud 15. oktoobril 1987 Kärla vallas Saaremaal) on Eesti rallisõitja. Ta on mitmekordne Eesti meister autorallis ning 2019. aasta autoralli maailmameister.
David Beckham
Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom
David Robert Joseph Beckham, OBE (born 2 May 1975) is an English former professional footballer. He played for Manchester United, Preston North End, Real Madrid, Milan, LA Galaxy, Paris Saint-Germain, ...
Hugh Richard Louis Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster
Прапрапраправнук Александра Сергеевича Пушкина.
Hugh Richard Louis Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster (born 29 January 1991) is a British aristocrat. He is the third child and only son of the la...
Wulfhard, count of Flavigny
(c.803 - aft.832)
Chico Buarque
Chico Buarque na Wikipedia , In English Francisco Buarque de Hollanda, conhecido como Chico Buarque (Rio de Janeiro, 19 de junho de 1944) é um músico, dramaturgo e escritor brasileiro. Iniciou sua carr...
 CC BY-SA 4.0 Perussuomalaiset r.p.
Riikka Katariina Purra ent Niskakari
Suomalainen politiikko ja kansanedustaja. Vuodesta 2021 Perussuomalaisten puheenjohtaja. Valtiotieteiden maisteri Turun yliopistosta.
Lähteet ja lisätietoa
Wikipedia: Riikka...
 Oil on canvas by Jan Victors (1619 –1679) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Victors_Esau_and_the_mess_of_pottage.jpg
Patriarch Jacob / יעקב אבינו
(-1892 - -1744)
Profile image of Jacob (?)Esau Sells Jacob the Right of Seniority for a Bowl of Lentils 1653 Oil on canvas, 109 x 137 cm Muzeum £azienki Królewskie, Warsaw* Genesis 25:20-28 * Wikipedia: Jacob & יעקב ....
Eudos ab Euddolen
(c.5 - c.54)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Niels Fredriksen Dyhren, Eidsvollsmann
(1778 - 1866)
Niels Fredriksen Dyhren Fra Wikipedia : Niels Fredriksen Dyhren (født 16. februar 1778 på Østre Toten, død 1866) var en norsk korporal og bonde som representerte Norske Jægerkorps på Riksforsamlinge...
Luule Komissarov
Luule Komissarov (neiupõlvenimi Luule Proos; hiljem Luule Laanet; Luule Paljasmaa; sündinud 11. augustil 1942 Haapsalus) on eesti näitleja.
Kirbla valla sünniregister - Saaga ERA.5181.4.48:26
John III, king of Sweden
(1537 - 1592)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Find a Grave * Wikipedia: English Svenska * Riksarkivet in Swedish
Mary (O'Brien) O'Brien, 3rd Countess of Orkney
(c.1721 - 1790)
Biography Mary O'Brien , 3rd Countess of Orkney (c. 1721 – 1790) was the eldest daughter of Anne O'Brien, 2nd Countess of Orkney, and William O'Brien, 4th Earl of Inchiquin, and Countess of Orkney in h...
Anton Starkopf
(1889 - 1966)
Anton Starkopf (kunstnikunimi 1936–1940 Starkopf-Rea ; 22. aprill 1889 Röa küla, Kohila vald – 30. detsember 1966 Tartu) oli eesti skulptor.
Abielu: Tallinna Pühavaimu koguduse abielude registreeri...
Raban Gamaliel HaZaken ben Shimon, President of the Sanhedrin
(c.50 - 68)
Gamaliel the Elder , or Rabbi Gamaliel I (גמליאל הזקן; Greek: Γαμαλιήλ ο Πρεσβύτερος), was a leading authority in the Sanhedrin in the mid first century.Gamaliel holds a reputation in the Mishnah for b...
Pucuwerus Rex Lethowie of Lithuania, King of Lithuania 1291–1296
(b. - c.1296)
There are three different versions of who are Giedymin's - Gediminas' father, grandfather and great-grandfather:
1. Polish-Lithuanian version: Pucuwerus Rex Lethowie, Trojden and Wołk.
2. Samogitian...
Saint Ludmila of Bohemia
(aft.857 - 921)
BIOGRAPHY Ludmilla was born about 850, the daughter of Slawibov, prince of Psov (near Melnik in Bohemia). She married Borziwoy I, duke of Bohemia, the founder of the Bohemian dynasty of Premyslid. They...
Vratislaus I, duke of Bohemia
(aft.877 - 921)
I, Duke of Bohemia I or Wratislaus I (Czech: Vratislav I) (c.888 – February 13, 921), Duke of Bohemia (915 – 921), was the younger brother of Spytihnev I and the son of Bořivoj I.By his wife Drahomira,...
Bela IV, king of Hungary and Croatia
(aft.1205 - 1270)
ÉLA IV 1235-1270, BÉLA V 1304-1308BÉLA, son of ANDRÁS II King of Hungary & his first wife Gertrud von Andechs-Merano (Nov 1206-Margaret Island, near Buda 2/3 May 1270, bur Esztergom). The Chronicon Dub...
William Payne Harmon
(c.1485 - 1547)
William (Harmon) Harman was born in 1488-1494 in Elam, Crayford, Kent, England. He married Margaret Butler Or Boteler in 1518-1519 in Elam, Crayford, Kent, England. Another (Internet source) gives Will...
Serge Alexandrovich Koussevitzky
(1874 - 1951)
Serge Alexandrovich Koussevitzky (Russian: Серге́й Алекса́ндрович Кусеви́цкий; Sergey Aleksandrovich Kusevitsky; July 26, 1874 – June 4, 1951) was a Russian-born conductor, composer and double-bassist,...
Sir John Home of Ersiltoun
(aft.1451 - bef.1493)
Ambassador to England 1493
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, First Lady of the United States
(1929 - 1994)
Jacqueline Lee "Jackie" Kennedy Onassis (née Bouvier ; July 28, 1929 – May 19, 1994) was the wife of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy , and First Lady of the United States from ...
Henrietta MacSween
(c.1811 - 1882)
Biography Henrietta MacSween ', was the great-great-grandmother of 45th United States President Donald J. Trump.
Henrietta was born about 1811 on the Isle of Lewis and Harris in Scotland. Her parents...
N.N. Hay, Heiress of Locherworth
(1362 - bef.1390)
Daughter of Sir Thomas Hay of Lochorwart ===Family the Peerage.com has no name for the wife or wives of Sir William Borthwick, 1st of Borthwick.His children #Margaret Borthwick+2 married 1) William Abe...
Fred C. Trump, Jr.
(1938 - 1981)
Brother of US President Donald J. TrumpHis older brother, Fred Jr., was a gregarious airline pilot but suffered from alcoholism and died at the age of 43. Donald often cites Fred Jr.’s death as a reaso...
Adelbert I, Margrave of Ivrea
(880 - 923)
1. ADALBERTO d´Ivrea (-[17 Jul 923/8 Oct 924]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He succeeded his father [898/902] as ADALBERTO I Conte e Marchese d'I...
Countess Adelaide von Sulzbach
(1063 - 1110)
See for more information,speculative research of Rob Salzman ( of Wolfratshausen (d. 11 January/12 January 1126) was the second wife of Berengar II, Count of Sulzbach. Slightly different dates for her ...
William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey
(c.1071 - 1138)
Sandal Castle (Wakefield) was built in the early 12th century by William, second Earl Warenne, after receiving the manor of Wakefield from Henry I for his support at the battle of Tinchebrai in 1106.
Nicolaus Nicolai Ulopolitanus
(c.1605 - c.1676)
Nicolaus Nicolai UlopolitanusNicolas Nicolai Ulopolitanus oli syntyjään oululainen ja siitä juontaa tuo nimikin Ulopolitanus eli Oululainen. Hän opiskeli Oulussa ja vanhemmat ilmeisesti kuuluivat Nicol...
Crínán of Dunkeld
(c.976 - 1045)
CRINAN "the Thane", son of --- (-killed in battle 1045). Abthane of Dule. Lay abbot of Dunkeld. Steward of the Western Isles. Mormaer of Atholl. He was killed fighting King Macbeth. m (c1000) BETHOC , ...
Mary of Scotland
(c.1084 - 1116)
King Duncan I & his wife, Sibylla of Northumbria, had:
[ 1031-killed in battle near Alnwick, Northumberland, 13 Nov 1093, buried Tynemouth, later transferred to Dunfermline Abbey, Fife,...
Boson d'Arles, margrave of Tuscany
(c.885 - c.936)
Boso, Margrave of Tuscany From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Boso of Tuscany)
Boso (885–936) was the count of Arles (895–911 and 926–931, as Boso II) and Avignon (911–931), ...
Baldwin de Reviers, First Earl of Devon
(c.1090 - 1155)
William de Redvers, surnamed Vernon, 6th Earl of Devon. This nobleman, upon the second coronation of King Richard I, was one of the four earls that carried the silken canopy, then being styled "Earl of...
Richard FitzGilbert de Bienfaite, Lord of Clare and of Tonbridge
(1024 - 1090)
Earl Richard "de Tonbridge" FitzGilbert - also known as de Clare - was born about 1024, lived in Bienfaite, Normandy, France and died about 1090 in St. Neots, Huntingdonshire, England . He was the son ...
Margaret Jane Stewart, Baroness of Saltoun
(b. - aft.1530)
The Dowager Lady Saltoun, daughter of James Stewart, Earl of Buchan, uterine brother of King James II., who must have been his widow [of Alexander Abernethy, Lord Saltoun], is said to have built the ho...
Ermengarde of Hesbaye
(c.778 - 818)
FMG Franks, Carolingian Nobility (28 Nov 2020) Family of Enguerrand Comte de Paris
m LANDRADA , daughter of ---.
Friedrich I, Markgrave of Meissen
(1257 - 1323)
English Deutsch * Markgrave of Meißen Reign 1292 - 1323 Predecessor: Albert II Successor: Friederick II
Judyta Mieszkówna
(c.1152 - 1201)
BERNHARD von Ballenstedt, son of ALBRECHT "der Bär" Markgraf von Brandenburg [Ballenstedt] & his wife Sophie von Winzenburg (1140-Bernburg 9 Feb 1212, bur Ballenstedt St Nikolai). A 13th century geneal...
Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon
(1525 - 1596)
Said to be the Son of Henry VIII Offspring of King Henry VIII? differ as to whether he was the biological child of Henry VIII, or of Boleyn's husband, Sir William Carey, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber ...
Patrick Broderick
(1796 - 1878)
Biography (updated 10 March 2025) Patrick BRODERICK was born in 1796 in Loughrea, County Galway, Ireland. His parents were Patrick BRODERICK and Ann Mary TREASY / TRACEY .
Patrick married Mary CALLAG...
Marcus Aurelius Mauseus Carausius
(c.250 - c.293)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Britain's Royal Roman Family; . (Steven Ferry, October 7, 2022.)
Please see Dr. John Pitts: Exploring the Story of Carausius; (Steven Ferry, October 7, 2022.)
Please see D...
 Unknown artist. Via Wikipedia https://lmo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ducaa_de_Milan#/media/Archivi:Louis_XII_de_France.jpg Public Domain
Louis XII, King of France
(1462 - 1515)
Louis XII de France
The Peerage
English Wikipedia
Francais Wiki
Louis XII (27 June 1462 – 1 January 1515) , called "the Father of the People" (French: Le Père du Peuple) wa...
Carl Ulf Sture Lundström
(1960 - 2025)
Carl Ulf Sture Lundström (born 13 April 1960 in Filipstad, Sweden) is a Swedish businessman.
Carl Lundström is the son of Ulf Lundström and the grandson of Karl Edvard Lundström, founder of the worl...
Valborg Jönsdotter Tavast
(c.1427 - bef.1477)
Asemies Henrik Klasson Flemingin I vaimo, Vanhakartano, Arvassalon saari, Uusikirkko TL. Väpnare Henrik Klasson Flemings I hustru. Gamlagård på Arvassalo ö, Nykyrko, ÅL, Finland. 'Squire Henrik Klasson...
Rabbi Moses ben Israel Isserles, "RaMA"
(c.1530 - 1572)
Moses ben Israel Isserles (or Moshe Isserlis) (February 22, 1530 / Adar I 25, 5290 – May 11, 1572 / Iyar 18, 5332), was an eminent Polish Ashkenazic rabbi, talmudist, and posek, an inline commentary on...
Jean V de Montfort, duc de Bretagne
(c.1339 - 1399)
John V de Montfort Earl of Richmond, Count of Montfort, Duke of Brittany 1339-1399
Also known as Jean de Montfort, Montford, the conqueror, Duke of Bretagne, duc de Bretagne, Earl of Richemont.
Budic ap Aldroen, Emyr Llydaw
(c.390 - d.)
He was an historical person, but his line became merged with legendary lines, and disentangling them is not easy.
See Peter Bartrum, (February 8, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott -- ...
Hector d'Auvergne
(c.860 - 890)
As of 29 Jan 2022, Hector is not named by Medlands as a son of Bernard "Plantevelue".
Aalov Haraldsdatter
(885 - 935)
Ålov Årbot (Haraldsdotter) (Ólöf árbót)In English: Alof ArbotÅrbot HaraldsdatterÅlov Haraldsdatter Årbot levde 892. Hun var datter av Kong Harald I Halvdansson Hårfagre (Lufa). Født omkring 860. Død om...
John Stewart of Bonkyl and Garlies
(1246 - 1298)
The Battle of Falkirk, (Blàr na h-Eaglaise Brice in Gaelic) which took place on 22 July 1298, was a major engagement in the First War of Scottish Independence. An English army commanded by King Edward ...
Bernard Plantapilosa, Count of Toulouse
(841 - bef.886)
Bernard II Plantevelue Comte d'Auvergne 1
Alias: Bernard Comte d'Autun
Born: 22 MAR 840/41 in Uzes, Languedoc, France 2
Died: 886 in Autun, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France 1
Father: Bernar...
Rhodri Molwynog ap Idwal Ywrch, King of Gwynedd
(c.685 - 754)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4. 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
The many histories and genealogies that provide the information that Rhodri was married to an Irish princess named Margaret verch Duptory a...
Filipa de Lencastre, rainha consorte de Portugal
(1360 - 1415)
Philippa of Lancaster (Portuguese: Filipa [f%C9%A8%CB%88lip%C9%90]; 31 March 1360 – 19 July 1415) was Queen of Portugal from 1387 until 1415 by marriage to King John I. Born into the royal family of En...
Afonso IV o Ousado, rei de Portugal
(1291 - 1357)
D. Afonso IV é lembrado como um comandante militar corajoso, daí o cognome de Bravo. A sua maior contribuição a nível económico e administrativo foi a impo...
Hugues XII de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche
(c.1240 - c.1291)
Seigneur de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême
* HUGUES [XIII] de Lusignan (-after 25 Aug 1270)
Son of Hugh XI of Lusignan, count of La Marche and Yolande de Dreux
He succeeded his fathe...
Count Gerhard I Herzog von Lothringen, Graf von Metz, Graf im Julichgau
(c.920 - 963)
, son of GOTTFRIED Graf im Jülichgau & his wife Ermentrude of the Franks ([930/35]-after 963). The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, G...
Urb mac Áeda, King of Brycheiniog
(c.310 - c.407)
It is possible that Urb mac Áeda existed;
his supposed father, however, was legendary; his profile can be found here: Aed Brosc (The Expulsion of the Déisi)
Born cca 280. ??? 380???
Hugues de Lusignan
(aft.1141 - 1169)
Hugh predeceased his father and so never became Count.
Hugh VIII of Lusignan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
His children were: Hugues de Lusignan, Co-Seigneur de Lusignan in 1164 (c. 1141 - 1...
Erik Segebodsen Krummedige
(c.1351 - 1439)
 Walter 1st High Treasurer - a tribute to my 7th cousin | by James Cunningham
Sir Walter Ogilvy of Lintrathen, 1st Lord High Treasurer of Scotland
(c.1380 - 1440)
From Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Walther Ogilvy of Lintrathen:
Sir Walter Ogilvy of Lintrathen1
M, #108230,
d. 1440
Last Edited=22 Feb 2011
Consanguinity Index=1.56%
Sir Walter Og...
Meleri verch Brychan, Saint
(c.430 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott : The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Meirion Meirionydd, "Grandson" of Cunedda; . (Steven Ferry, November 22, 2019.)
William V, duke of Aquitaine
(c.969 - 1030)
GUILLAUME V "le Grand" Duke of Aquitaine, GUILLAUME III Comte de Poitou
Son of Guillaume 'Fier-à-Bras' de Poitiers, IV duc d'Aquitaine et II comte de Poitou and Emma of Blois
William the Great (Fre...
Frellav Hakonson Frille
(c.1312 - aft.1363)
Frille , den äldre släkten . Dansk medeltidsätt , hvars stamfader Freilav Hakonsen år 1334 blef adlad af hertig Valdemar. Utgången på svärdssidan i Danmark liksom i Finland under början af 1500 talet. ...
García I Íñiguez, rey de Pamplona
(810 - 882)
García Iñiguez
King of Pamplona
Reign 851-2 – 870
Predecessor Íñigo Arista
Successor Fortún Garcés
Born c. 810
Burial Monastery of Leyre
Consort Urraca
more... Fortún Garcés
House House of Íñigu...
R' Moshe Heilprin (Maharsha father-in-law)
(c.1555 - 1603)
Author of Zichron Moshe זכרון משה
Father-in law of the MahHarSha, husband of Eidel Halperin of Pozna - Grd.daughter of Maharal's brother.
Is he Rabbi Moshe ben Eliezer Halperin or Rabbi Moshe ben El...
Bárðar Skúli Rein
(1150 - 1194)
Bård Guttormsson på Rein =* (født ca. 1150, død 3. april 1194), lendmann, var sønn av lendmannen Guttorm Åsulvsson på Rein i Trøndelag og Sigrid Torkjellsdatter. * Bård Guttormson var en framstående bi...
Amauberge "Dangereuse" de L'Île-Bouchard
(1079 - aft.1151)
Dangereuse de L'Isle-Bouchard (daughter of Barthelemy de Bueil and Gerberge de Blaison ) was born Abt. 1079. She married (1) Aimery I de Rochefoucauld, son of Boson II de Chatellerault and Aleanor (Ele...
Sir George Hamilton of Donalong
(1607 - 1681)
SIR GEORGE HAMILTON OF DONALONG Baronet Governor of Nenagh Castle,1649-51 Baronet of Donalong
Biography From Darryl Lundy's Peerage
Hon. Sir George Hamilton, 1st Bt. was born circa 1607.2 He was t...
Samuel Abraham Sussman Ballin
(aft.1540 - 1622)
maison zur Kantecf Die Familia Ballin by Dr Oscar Wolf 1913 - page 26(#10)Over here Samuel Abraham Ballin is listed as the son of Elias ben Moshe Ballin. On and Die Familia Ballin, Samual Abraham is th...
Lord William de Braose, 1st Lord of Bramber
(c.1049 - c.1095)
William (Guillaume) de Braose (Briouze), 1st Lord of Bramber * son of unknown father, and mother named Gunnor* name of his wife is unknown *-- alternately reported as Eve de Boissey or Agnes de St. Cla...
Alfonso XIII de España
(1886 - 1941)
The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Español * King of Spain: Reign 17 May 1886 – 14 April 1931> Predecessor: Alfonso XII Successor: Juan Carlos I in 1975
Basinus I, king of the Thüringians
(c.420 - aft.464)
1. BASINUS , son of --- (-after 464). King of Thuringia. Gregory of Tours specifies that Childerich King of the Franks found refuge with Basinus King of Thuringia after being deposed[6], dated to [4...
Aznar I Galíndez, Count of Aragon
(b. - 839)
Aznar I Galíndez (?? – 839), también llamado Aznard o Achinard, fue conde de Aragón del 809 al 820, sucesor de Aureolo de Aragón tras su muerte. Desde la pérdida de Aragón hasta su muerte en el 839, Az...
Roger I of Hauteville, the great count of Sicily
(c.1031 - 1101)
Roger I "Bosso" of Hauteville, the great count of Sicily
- (multilingual snoop)
- (short)
16. ROGER de Hauteville ([1031]-Mileto 22 Jun 1101, bur Mileto, Abbey of the Holy Trinity). Malater...
Judith of Brittany
(aft.982 - 1017)
of Brittany (982–1017) was the daughter of Conan I, Duke of Brittany and Ermengarde of Anjou , and the mother of Robert the Magnificent .She was the first wife of Richard the Good , Duke of Normandy, w...
Rod Stewart
Sir Roderick David Stewart CBE (born 10 January 1945) is a British rock and pop singer, songwriter, and record producer. Born and raised in London, he is of Scottish and English ancestry. With his d...
Pedro II el Católico, rey de Aragón
(aft.1174 - 1213)
Pedro II de Aragón, el Católico, rey de Aragón y conde de Barcelona entre los años 1196 y 1213, hijo del Rey Alfonso II "el Casto" de Aragón.
Renovó la infeudación de Aragón a San Pedro (que habían he...
Gospatrick ll mac Gospatrick, Earl of Dunbar
(c.1062 - 1138)
Gospatric, who in one place calls himself Earl, and certainly held the rank and place of Earl or ruler of Lothian, does not appear on record until after 1100, the year of the accession of King Henry I....
Mabile, dame de Bellême et d'Alençon
(c.1026 - 1079)
d'Alençon, Countess of Shrewsbury, Dame de BellêmeParents: Guillaume "Talvas" Sire d'Alençon & his first wife HildeburgeSpouse: Roger II de Montgommery (Montgomerie, Montgomery), the first Earl of Shre...
Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt.
(b. - c.1076)
Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt.
Son of Esiko, count of Ballenstedt and Matilda of Swabia
Adalbert II of Ballenstedt (c. 1030 – 1076/1083), an early member of the House of Ascania, was Graf (coun...
Richard I de Saint-Sauveur, Vicomte du Cotentin
(c.895 - c.933)
Might be born in 880 or 933. A chief commander and associate of Rollo, the creator of Normandy.=-------------------=The History of the County Palatine and City of Chester: Volume 1 by George Ormerod, D...