Daughter of Sir Thomas Hay of Lochorwart
the Peerage.com has no name for the wife or wives of Sir William Borthwick, 1st of Borthwick.
His children
An unnamed daughter who married John Oliphant of Aberdalgie & Kellie, Kt. is also seen.
Margaret HAY [Parents] 1, 2 was born 1362 in Yester, East Lothian, Scotland.
Parents: Sir Thomas de Haya, of Locherworth & Janet GIFFORD
They had the following children:
Name Hay, Born Abt 1372 Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location Gender Female Reference Number Burr Died Yes, date unknown Person ID I57073 32 Generations Last Modified 19 Mar 2003
Father Hay, Thomas de, b. 1330, Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 1397, Yester Castle, Gifford, East Lothian, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 67 years) Mother Gifford, Johanna, b. 1339, of Yester, East Lothian, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Yes, date unknown Family ID F29968 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Borthwick, Sir William 1st Lord Borthwick, b. Abt 1362, Borthwick Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 1439, Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 77 years) Children
1. Borthwick, Janet, b. 1388, Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Aft 5 Jun 1464 (Age > 76 years)
2. Borthwick, Margaret, b. Abt 1388, d. DECEASED
3. Borthwick, William 1st Lord Borthwick, b. Abt 1391, Borthwick Castle, Gorbridge, Midlothian, Scotland d. Bef 24 Jun 1458, Borthwick Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 67 years) Family ID F29972 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Notes Dau of Thomas de Hay and Janet Jean Gifford; m. William de Borthwick. [Eileen McKinnon-Suggs m. William 1st Lord Borthwick; mother of Margaret who m. Robert Maxwell, Laird of Calderwood. [Jim Weber BURR LINE
Dau. of Thomas Hay; m. William Borthwick; mother of Janet, Margaret, and William. [Richard Hodgson Dau. of Sir Thomas Hay of Lockerwort; m. Sir William Borthwich of Borthwick; mother of Margaret, Janet and William. [Hamish Maclaren Dau of Thomas de Hay and Janet Jean Gifford; m. William de Borthwick. [Eileen McKinnon-Suggs
1362 |
Lochorwart Castle, Midlothian, Scotland
1365 |
Borthwick, Midlothian, , Scotland
1385 |
Midlothian, Scotland
1388 |
Lochorwart Castle, Midlothian, Scotland
1390 |
February 9, 1390
Age 28
Catcune Castle, Midlothian, Scotland
1393 |
Catcune Castle, Midlothian, Scotland, United Kingdom
1396 |
November 1, 1396
Lochowort Castle, Midlothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
???? |
Borthwick Castle, Scotland (United Kingdom)