Immediate Family
About Ragnhild Erlingsdotter of Sola
Ragnhild Erlingsdotter, til Giske
- Daughter of Erling Skjalgsson, på Sola and Astrid Tryggvesdatter
- Ragnhild is also called "Astrid the aarbaarne". In 1025 her son, Øystein Orre, was 12 years old. So she must be married before 1013.
Project MedLands Norway Nobility
- THORBERG Arnesson of Giske, son of ARNE & his wife. Snorre names "Thorberg, Fin and Arne" as the sons of Arne[41]. married RAGNHILD Erlingsdatter daughter of ERLING Skjalgsson & his wife Astrid Trygvesdatter. Snorre names "Aslak, Skialg, Sigurd, Lodin, Thorer and Ragnhild" as the children of Erling & his wife, specifying that Ragnhild married Thorberg Arnason[42].
Thorberg & his wife RAGNHILD Erlingsdatter had four children:
- 1. EYSTEIN Orre (-killed in battle 25 Sep 1066). Morkinskinna names “Eysteinn orri, son of Thorbergr and grandson of Árni”[43]. Morkinskinna records that “Eystein Orri” was killed in battle in England with Harald III King of Norway[44]. Betrothed ([early 1066]) to MARIA, daughter of HARALD III King of Norway & his wife Ielizaveta Jaroslavna (-25 Sep 1066). Morkinskinna records that King Harald had promised “his daughter Máría” to “Eystein Orri” when they returned after their invasion of England in 1066[45].
- 2. OGMUND Thorbergsson . His name is confirmed by Snorre naming his son "Skopte Ogmundson, a grandson of Thorberg"[46]. m ---. The name of Ogmund´s wife is not known.
Ogmund & his wife had one child
a) SKOPTI Ogmundsson of Giske (-Rome 1103). Snorre names "Skopte Ogmundson, a grandson of Thorberg", when recording that he "dwelt at Giske in Sunmore"[47]. Snorre records that Skopte Ogmundson travelled from Norway with his sons Ogmund, Fin and Thord, that Skopte died in Rome, and that his sons also died during the journey[48]. married GUDRUN, daughter of THORD Folason & his wife ---. Snorre names "Gudrun, a daughter of Thord Folason" as the wife of "Skopte Ogmundson"[49].
Skopti & his wife GUDRUN had four children
i) OGMUND (-[1103]). Snorre names (in order) "Ogmund, Fin, Thord and Thora" as children of "Skopte Ogmundson" & his wife[50]. Snorre records that Skopte Ogmundson travelled from Norway with his sons Ogmund, Fin and Thord, that Skopte died in Rome, and that his sons also died during the journey[51].
ii) FINN (-[1103]). Snorre names (in order) "Ogmund, Fin, Thord and Thora" as children of "Skopte Ogmundson" & his wife[52]. Snorre records that Skopte Ogmundson travelled from Norway with his sons Ogmund, Fin and Thord, that Skopte died in Rome, and that his sons also died during the journey[53].
iii) TORD (-Sicily [1103]). Snorre names (in order) "Ogmund, Fin, Thord and Thora" as children of "Skopte Ogmundson" & his wife[54]. Snorre records that Skopte Ogmundson travelled from Norway with his sons Ogmund, Fin and Thord, that his sons all died during the journey, Tord dying last in Sicily[55].
iv) THORA Skoptisdatter Snorre names (in order) "Ogmund, Fin, Thord and Thora" as children of "Skopte Ogmundson" & his wife, specifying that Thora married "Asolf Skulason"[56]. In an earlier Saga, Snorre names "Thora, a daughter of Skopte Ogmundson" as the wife of "Asolf of Reine"[57]. married ASULF Skulesson of Rein, son of SKULI Tostesson & his wife Gudrun Nefsteinsdatter.
- 3. THORA Thorbergsdotter ([1020/25-). Snorre names "Thora, daughter of Thorberg Arnason" as mother of King Harald's sons Magnus and Olav[58]. Morkinskinna records that King Harald had married “the daughter of Thorbergr Árnason…Thóra”[59]. Her birth date range is estimated on the assumption that her relationship with King Harald started around the time of his accession to the Norwegian throne, corroborated by the fact that her son King Magnus was old enough to have fathered a son before his death in 1069. Mistress: of HARALD III "Hardråde" King of Norway, son of SIGURD Syr King of Ringeringe & his wife Asta Gudbrandsdatter (1015-killed in battle Stamfordbridge 25 Sep 1066). Mistress: of ---. Her other relationship is proved by Snorre recording that her grandson "Hakon…was fostered by Thorer of Steig in Gudbrandsdal, who was a brother of King Magnus by the mother's side"[60], although no indication has so far been found of the identity of Thorer's father. It is assumed that this relationship predated her relationship with King Harald, as it is likely that Thorer would have been older than his half-brother King Magnus to have been chosen as foster-father for his nephew. [married 1066 or after) as his third wife, SVEND II King of Denmark, son of ULF Thrugilson & his wife Estrid [Margrete] Svendsdatter of Denmark ([1020]-Søderup [29] Apr 1074, bur Roskilde Cathedral). According to Brenner[61], Thora Thorbergsdotter is identified with Thora who was the wife ofKing Svend and mother of his son Magnus. Christiansen considers that this identification is farfetched, considering her age at the time of the supposed marriage[62]. There appears to be another chronological problem: the proposed consecration of Thora's son Magnus at Rome is best explained if he was King Svend's oldest son, which would place his birth (and therefore his parents' marriage) in the late 1030s.]
- 4. JORUNN Thorbergsdotter . Morkinskinna records the marriage of “Jórunn, the daughter of Thorbergr Árnason” and “Úlfr Óspaksson…the marshal”[63]. Snorre names "Jorun, Thorberg's daughter, a sister of Harald's wife Thora" as wife of "Ulf Uspakson…his marshal" and their children "Joan the Strong of Rasvol, and Brigida mother of Sauda-Ulf, who was father of Peter Byrdar-Svein, father of Ulf Fly and Sigrid. Joan the Strong's son was Erlend Himalde, father of Archbishop Eystein and his brothers"[64]. married ULF Ospaksson Stallare (-1066). Descendants in ES II 107.
From Snorre Sturlasson: Olav the Holy of Holies
"138. ... Torgeir was one of the king's noblemen; he steered his farm in Orkdal, he was with the king at that time and listened to the conversation between Stein (Skaftesson) and the king. A little later, Torgeir traveled home. One night, Stein ran away from the city, and his shoebox stayed with him. They took the road over Gaularåsen and looked out until they came down to Orkdal, and in the evening they came to the royal farm Torgeir prevailed for; Torgeir invited Stein to stay there overnight and asked what he was looking for. Stein asked him to borrow a horse and a sleigh, he saw that they were running into the grain there. Torgeir said: "I cannot know how this journey is, whether you have the law or not; here last day I did not think there were soft words that fell between you and the king. "Stein said," If I do not, in any way, make myself king, then it shall be different to his slaves. " then he killed his grandmother; He took the horse and asked the lad to sit on it, Stein himself sat down in the sled, and then they left and drove all night. They traveled on until they came down in Surnadal on Møre, where they got a boat ride over the fjord, he traveled as soon as he could. They said nothing to anyone about the murder where they came, but said they were king men; they got good help everywhere they came.
One day towards the evening they came to Torberg Arnesson's farm at Giske; he was not home, but at home was Ragnhild, his wife, daughter of Erling Skjalgsson. Stein was well received, because they knew each other well from before. It had happened so before, when Stein came from Iceland, he even owned the ship he came with, and landed off Giske and added by the island; then Ragnhild lay in childhood, and it was very heavy for her, and no priest was there on the island and no one else in the vicinity either. Then people came down to the merchant ship and asked if there was any priest on board; it was a priest named Bård with the ship, a man from the west fjords, young and not further learned. The messengers asked the priest to join the house; He thought this was a very difficult matter, and he knew how little he could, so he wouldn't go. Then Stein put a word in with the priest and asked him to join. The priest replied, "I'll go if you stay with me; There is a consolation in having you consult. "Stein said he would be happy to do so. Then they went up to the farm and where Ragnhild was. A little later she gave birth to a child, it was a girl who looked rather weak. Then the priest baptized the child, and Stein held the girl over the baptism and called her Torah. Stein gave her a gold finger ring. Ragnhild promised Stein faithfully friendship, and said he should come to her if he came to think he needed help from her. Stein said that he would not hold more girls over the baptism, and then they parted with this. But now it came to pass that Svein reminded Ragnhild of the friendship promise, he told what had happened to him, and that now he had come out to the king in disfavour. She said she should put so much power into helping him as she had strength and asking him to wait there for Torberg to come; she gave him room next to Øystein Orre (orrhane), her son; he was thirteen years old at that time. Stein gave Ragnhild and Øystein gifts.
Torberg had heard everything about Stein's journey before he came home, and he was pretty angry. Ragnhild talked to him, told him what Stein had done, and asked him to look after Stein and look for his case. Torberg said, "I've heard," he said, "that the king has sent messengers and sued things after the murder of Torgeir, that Svein is made clear, and that the king is as angry as he can be. And I have more knowledge than to take care of a foreigner and get unfriendly with the king for it. Let Stein stay away from here at the hour. ”Ragnhild replied, she said that either they came to travel both she and Stein, or both of them got to stay. Torberg said she could travel where she wanted to. "I think so," he said, "that if you go, you will come again soon, because you have nowhere to say as here." Then Eystein's Orre went, their son; he said that he would not stay if Ragnhild were to leave. Torberg said it was horrible so assertive and stubborn they were on this. "But it looks like you're going to get raw here, because you think there's so much to do about it. But you are far too much on your family, Ragnhild, in that you do not care much about what King Olav says. "Ragnhild said:" If you find it too much for you to have Stein here, then follow yourself with him to Erling, my father, or follow him, so he can get there in peace. "Torberg said he would not send Stein there. "Erling has enough to answer for anyway as the king is dissatisfied." Stein stayed there in the winter.
Text: Tore Nygaard
- Snorre Sturlasson: Olav the saint's saga, section 22, 138. C.M. Munthe: Norwegian badges, NST Volume I (1928), page 341. Mogens Bugge: Our ancestors, no. 798. Bent and Vidar Billing Han
- NORWEGIAN BIOGRAPHICAL LEXICON - https://nbl.snl.no/Torberg_Arnesson
- HKr.
- NFH, Bd. 1 Part 2, and BD. 2
- P. Sveaas Andersen: Biography in NBL1, Bd. 16,
Om Ragnhild Erlingsdotter of Sola (Norsk)
Ragnhild Erlingsdotter, til Giske
- Daughter of Erling Skjalgsson, på Sola and Astrid Tryggvesdatter
- Ragnhild is also called "Astrid the aarbaarne". In 1025 her son, Øystein Orre, was 12 years old. So she must be married before 1013.
Project MedLands Norway Nobility
- THORBERG Arnesson of Giske, son of ARNE & his wife. Snorre names "Thorberg, Fin and Arne" as the sons of Arne[41]. married RAGNHILD Erlingsdatter daughter of ERLING Skjalgsson & his wife Astrid Trygvesdatter. Snorre names "Aslak, Skialg, Sigurd, Lodin, Thorer and Ragnhild" as the children of Erling & his wife, specifying that Ragnhild married Thorberg Arnason[42].
Thorberg & his wife RAGNHILD Erlingsdatter had four children:
- 1. EYSTEIN Orre (-killed in battle 25 Sep 1066). Morkinskinna names “Eysteinn orri, son of Thorbergr and grandson of Árni”[43]. Morkinskinna records that “Eystein Orri” was killed in battle in England with Harald III King of Norway[44]. Betrothed ([early 1066]) to MARIA, daughter of HARALD III King of Norway & his wife Ielizaveta Jaroslavna (-25 Sep 1066). Morkinskinna records that King Harald had promised “his daughter Máría” to “Eystein Orri” when they returned after their invasion of England in 1066[45].
- 2. OGMUND Thorbergsson . His name is confirmed by Snorre naming his son "Skopte Ogmundson, a grandson of Thorberg"[46]. m ---. The name of Ogmund´s wife is not known.
Ogmund & his wife had one child
a) SKOPTI Ogmundsson of Giske (-Rome 1103). Snorre names "Skopte Ogmundson, a grandson of Thorberg", when recording that he "dwelt at Giske in Sunmore"[47]. Snorre records that Skopte Ogmundson travelled from Norway with his sons Ogmund, Fin and Thord, that Skopte died in Rome, and that his sons also died during the journey[48]. married GUDRUN, daughter of THORD Folason & his wife ---. Snorre names "Gudrun, a daughter of Thord Folason" as the wife of "Skopte Ogmundson"[49].
Skopti & his wife GUDRUN had four children
i) OGMUND (-[1103]). Snorre names (in order) "Ogmund, Fin, Thord and Thora" as children of "Skopte Ogmundson" & his wife[50]. Snorre records that Skopte Ogmundson travelled from Norway with his sons Ogmund, Fin and Thord, that Skopte died in Rome, and that his sons also died during the journey[51].
ii) FINN (-[1103]). Snorre names (in order) "Ogmund, Fin, Thord and Thora" as children of "Skopte Ogmundson" & his wife[52]. Snorre records that Skopte Ogmundson travelled from Norway with his sons Ogmund, Fin and Thord, that Skopte died in Rome, and that his sons also died during the journey[53].
iii) TORD (-Sicily [1103]). Snorre names (in order) "Ogmund, Fin, Thord and Thora" as children of "Skopte Ogmundson" & his wife[54]. Snorre records that Skopte Ogmundson travelled from Norway with his sons Ogmund, Fin and Thord, that his sons all died during the journey, Tord dying last in Sicily[55].
iv) THORA Skoptisdatter Snorre names (in order) "Ogmund, Fin, Thord and Thora" as children of "Skopte Ogmundson" & his wife, specifying that Thora married "Asolf Skulason"[56]. In an earlier Saga, Snorre names "Thora, a daughter of Skopte Ogmundson" as the wife of "Asolf of Reine"[57]. married ASULF Skulesson of Rein, son of SKULI Tostesson & his wife Gudrun Nefsteinsdatter.
- 3. THORA Thorbergsdotter ([1020/25-). Snorre names "Thora, daughter of Thorberg Arnason" as mother of King Harald's sons Magnus and Olav[58]. Morkinskinna records that King Harald had married “the daughter of Thorbergr Árnason…Thóra”[59]. Her birth date range is estimated on the assumption that her relationship with King Harald started around the time of his accession to the Norwegian throne, corroborated by the fact that her son King Magnus was old enough to have fathered a son before his death in 1069. Mistress: of HARALD III "Hardråde" King of Norway, son of SIGURD Syr King of Ringeringe & his wife Asta Gudbrandsdatter (1015-killed in battle Stamfordbridge 25 Sep 1066). Mistress: of ---. Her other relationship is proved by Snorre recording that her grandson "Hakon…was fostered by Thorer of Steig in Gudbrandsdal, who was a brother of King Magnus by the mother's side"[60], although no indication has so far been found of the identity of Thorer's father. It is assumed that this relationship predated her relationship with King Harald, as it is likely that Thorer would have been older than his half-brother King Magnus to have been chosen as foster-father for his nephew. [married 1066 or after) as his third wife, SVEND II King of Denmark, son of ULF Thrugilson & his wife Estrid [Margrete] Svendsdatter of Denmark ([1020]-Søderup [29] Apr 1074, bur Roskilde Cathedral). According to Brenner[61], Thora Thorbergsdotter is identified with Thora who was the wife ofKing Svend and mother of his son Magnus. Christiansen considers that this identification is farfetched, considering her age at the time of the supposed marriage[62]. There appears to be another chronological problem: the proposed consecration of Thora's son Magnus at Rome is best explained if he was King Svend's oldest son, which would place his birth (and therefore his parents' marriage) in the late 1030s.]
- 4. JORUNN Thorbergsdotter . Morkinskinna records the marriage of “Jórunn, the daughter of Thorbergr Árnason” and “Úlfr Óspaksson…the marshal”[63]. Snorre names "Jorun, Thorberg's daughter, a sister of Harald's wife Thora" as wife of "Ulf Uspakson…his marshal" and their children "Joan the Strong of Rasvol, and Brigida mother of Sauda-Ulf, who was father of Peter Byrdar-Svein, father of Ulf Fly and Sigrid. Joan the Strong's son was Erlend Himalde, father of Archbishop Eystein and his brothers"[64]. married ULF Ospaksson Stallare (-1066). Descendants in ES II 107.
From Snorre Sturlasson: Olav the Holy of Holies
"138. ... Torgeir was one of the king's noblemen; he steered his farm in Orkdal, he was with the king at that time and listened to the conversation between Stein (Skaftesson) and the king. A little later, Torgeir traveled home. One night, Stein ran away from the city, and his shoebox stayed with him. They took the road over Gaularåsen and looked out until they came down to Orkdal, and in the evening they came to the royal farm Torgeir prevailed for; Torgeir invited Stein to stay there overnight and asked what he was looking for. Stein asked him to borrow a horse and a sleigh, he saw that they were running into the grain there. Torgeir said: "I cannot know how this journey is, whether you have the law or not; here last day I did not think there were soft words that fell between you and the king. "Stein said," If I do not, in any way, make myself king, then it shall be different to his slaves. " then he killed his grandmother; He took the horse and asked the lad to sit on it, Stein himself sat down in the sled, and then they left and drove all night. They traveled on until they came down in Surnadal on Møre, where they got a boat ride over the fjord, he traveled as soon as he could. They said nothing to anyone about the murder where they came, but said they were king men; they got good help everywhere they came.
One day towards the evening they came to Torberg Arnesson's farm at Giske; he was not home, but at home was Ragnhild, his wife, daughter of Erling Skjalgsson. Stein was well received, because they knew each other well from before. It had happened so before, when Stein came from Iceland, he even owned the ship he came with, and landed off Giske and added by the island; then Ragnhild lay in childhood, and it was very heavy for her, and no priest was there on the island and no one else in the vicinity either. Then people came down to the merchant ship and asked if there was any priest on board; it was a priest named Bård with the ship, a man from the west fjords, young and not further learned. The messengers asked the priest to join the house; He thought this was a very difficult matter, and he knew how little he could, so he wouldn't go. Then Stein put a word in with the priest and asked him to join. The priest replied, "I'll go if you stay with me; There is a consolation in having you consult. "Stein said he would be happy to do so. Then they went up to the farm and where Ragnhild was. A little later she gave birth to a child, it was a girl who looked rather weak. Then the priest baptized the child, and Stein held the girl over the baptism and called her Torah. Stein gave her a gold finger ring. Ragnhild promised Stein faithfully friendship, and said he should come to her if he came to think he needed help from her. Stein said that he would not hold more girls over the baptism, and then they parted with this. But now it came to pass that Svein reminded Ragnhild of the friendship promise, he told what had happened to him, and that now he had come out to the king in disfavour. She said she should put so much power into helping him as she had strength and asking him to wait there for Torberg to come; she gave him room next to Øystein Orre (orrhane), her son; he was thirteen years old at that time. Stein gave Ragnhild and Øystein gifts.
Torberg had heard everything about Stein's journey before he came home, and he was pretty angry. Ragnhild talked to him, told him what Stein had done, and asked him to look after Stein and look for his case. Torberg said, "I've heard," he said, "that the king has sent messengers and sued things after the murder of Torgeir, that Svein is made clear, and that the king is as angry as he can be. And I have more knowledge than to take care of a foreigner and get unfriendly with the king for it. Let Stein stay away from here at the hour. ”Ragnhild replied, she said that either they came to travel both she and Stein, or both of them got to stay. Torberg said she could travel where she wanted to. "I think so," he said, "that if you go, you will come again soon, because you have nowhere to say as here." Then Eystein's Orre went, their son; he said that he would not stay if Ragnhild were to leave. Torberg said it was horrible so assertive and stubborn they were on this. "But it looks like you're going to get raw here, because you think there's so much to do about it. But you are far too much on your family, Ragnhild, in that you do not care much about what King Olav says. "Ragnhild said:" If you find it too much for you to have Stein here, then follow yourself with him to Erling, my father, or follow him, so he can get there in peace. "Torberg said he would not send Stein there. "Erling has enough to answer for anyway as the king is dissatisfied." Stein stayed there in the winter.
Text: Tore Nygaard
- Snorre Sturlasson: Olav the saint's saga, section 22, 138. C.M. Munthe: Norwegian badges, NST Volume I (1928), page 341. Mogens Bugge: Our ancestors, no. 798. Bent and Vidar Billing Han
- NORWEGIAN BIOGRAPHICAL LEXICON - https://nbl.snl.no/Torberg_Arnesson
- HKr.
- NFH, Bd. 1 Part 2, and BD. 2
- P. Sveaas Andersen: Biography in NBL1, Bd. 16,
Om Ragnhild Erlingsdotter, fra Sola (svenska)
Ragnhild kalles også «Astrid den aarbaarne». I 1025 var hennes sønn, Øystein Orre, 12 år. Hun må altså være gift før 1013.
Fra Snorre Sturlasson: Olav den helliges saga:
«138. ... Torgeir het en av kongens årmenn; han styrte gården hans i Orkdal, han var hos kongen den gangen og hørte på samtalen mellom Stein (Skaftesson) og kongen. Litt etter reiste Torgeir hjem. En natt hendte det at Stein løp bort fra byen, og skosveinen hans ble med ham. De tok veien opp over Gaularåsen og så utover helt til de kom ned i Orkdal, og om kvelden kom de til den kongsgården Torgeir rådde for; Torgeir bød Stein bli der natten over og spurte hva det var han var ute etter. Stein ba ham låne seg hest og slede, han så de holdt på å kjøre inn kornet der. Torgeir sa: «Jeg kan ikke vite hvordan det har seg med denne reisen din, om du har lov av kongen eller ikke; her forrige dagen syntes jeg ikke det var myke ord som falt mellom deg og kongen.» Stein sa: «Om jeg ikke på noen måte rår meg selv for kongen, så skal det likevel være annerledes med trellene hans.» Han dro sverdet, og så drepte han årmannen; han tok hesten og ba sveinen sette seg opp på den, Stein selv satte seg i sleden, og så dro de i vei og kjørte hele natten. De reiste videre helt til de kom ned i Surnadal på Møre, der fikk de seg båtskyss over fjorden, han reiste så fort han kunne. De sa ikke noe til noen om drapet der de kom, men sa de var kongsmenn; de fikk god hjelp overalt der de kom.
En dag mot kvelden kom de til Torberg Arnessons gård på Giske; han var ikke hjemme, men hjemme var Ragnhild, hans kone, datter til Erling Skjalgsson. Der ble Stein riktig godt mottatt, for de kjente hverandre godt fra før. Det hadde nemlig hendt seg slik før, den gang Stein kom fra Island, han eide selv skipet han kom med, og kom i land utfor Giske og la til ved øya; da lå Ragnhild i barnsnød, og det gikk svært tungt for henne, og ingen prest var det på øya og ingen ellers i nærheten heller. Så kom det folk ned til kjøpmannsskipet og spurte om det var noen prest ombord; det var en prest som het Bård med skipet, en mann fra vestfjordene, ung og ikke videre lærd. Sendemennene ba presten bli med til huset; han syntes dette var en svært vanskelig sak, og han visste hvor lite han kunne, derfor ville han ikke gå. Da la Stein et ord inn hos presten og ba ham gå med. Presten svarte: «Jeg skal gå om du blir med meg; det er en trøst i det å ha deg å rådspørre.» Stein sa at det skulle han gjerne gjøre. Så dro de opp til gården og dit Ragnhild var. Litt senere fødte hun et barn, det var en pike, som så nokså svak ut. Så døpte presten barnet, og Stein holdt piken over dåpen og kalte henne Tora. Stein ga henne en gullfingerring. Ragnhild lovte Stein trofast vennskap, og sa han skulle komme dit til henne om han kom til å synes han trengte hjelp av henne. Stein sa som så at han ville ikke holde flere jentunger over dåpen, og så skiltes de med dette. Men nå var det kommet dit at Svein minte Ragnhild om vennskapsløftet, han fortalte hva som hadde hendt ham, og at nå var han kommet ut for kongen unåde. Hun sa hun skulle legge så mye makt på å hjelpe ham som hun hadde styrke til, og ba ham vente der til Torberg kom; hun ga ham plass ved siden av Øystein Orre (orrhane), sønn sin; han var tretten år gammel den gang. Stein ga Ragnhild og Øystein gaver.
Torberg hadde hørt alt om Steins ferd før han kom hjem, og han var nokså sint. Ragnhild gikk og snakket med ham, fortalte ham hva Stein hadde gjort, og ba ham ta seg av Stein og se etter saken hans. Torberg sa: «Jeg har hørt,» sa han, «at kongen har sendt budstikke og stevnet ting etter drapet på Torgeir, at Svein er gjort utleg, og at kongen er så sint han kan bli. Og jeg har mer vett enn at jeg skulle ta meg av en utlending og få uvennskap med kongen for det. La Stein ha seg bort herfra på timen.» Ragnhild svarte, hun sa at enten kom de til å reise både hun og Stein, eller også fikk begge to bli. Torberg sa hun kunne reise hvor hun ville. «Jeg tenker nok det,» sa han, «at om du reiser, så kommer du snart igjen, for du har ingensteds så mye å si som her.» Da gikk Øystein Orre fram, sønn deres; han sa fra om det at han ville ikke bli igjen om Ragnhild skulle reise bort. Torberg sa at det var fælt så påståelige og strie de var på dette. «Men det ser mest ut til at dere kommer til å rå her, siden dere synes det er så mye om å gjøre. Men du slekter altfor mye på ætten din, Ragnhild, i dette at dere ikke bryr dere stort om hva kong Olav sier.» Ragnhild sa: «Om du synes det blir altfor mye for deg å ha Stein her, så følg du selv med ham til Erling, far min, eller gi ham følge med, så han kan komme dit i fred.» Torberg sa at han ville ikke sende Stein dit. «Erling har nok å svare for likevel som kongen er misnøyd med.» Stein ble der om vinteren.
Tekst: Tore Nygaard
Snorre Sturlasson: Olav den helliges saga, avsnitt 22, 138. C.M. Munthe: Norske slegtsmerker, NST Bind I (1928), side 341. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 798. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 17, 93.
For å lese om henne fra Olav den Helliges saga: http://poulkryger.dk/pb11e8ea5.html
Ragnhild Erlingsdotter of Sola's Timeline
992 |
Sola, Rogaland, Norge (Norway)
1013 |
Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
1020 |
Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
1026 |
Aurland, Aurland, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
1027 |
Giske, More og Romsdal, Norway
1030 |
Giske Municipality, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
1040 |
Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
1060 |
Age 68
Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
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