Immediate Family
About Adalhard, count of Paris
Adalhard de Paris (v. 830 - ap. 890) comte du palais, comte de Paris, marquis de Frioul. (Maison des Girardides).
Biographie Adalhard de Paris est le fils du comte Wulfhard[1] de Flavigny et de Suzanne de Paris, fille aînée du comte Bégon de Paris.
Vers 885, il succède comme comte de Paris à son oncle Leuthard II de Paris, fils du comte Bégon de Paris.
Il a pour enfants :
* Wulfhard de Flavigny, (v. 855 - v. 893), abbé laïc de Flavigny, chancelier d'Empire
* Adélaïde de Frioul (855/860 - 901) qui épouse le roi Louis II de France dont naît le futur roi Charles III de France.
Conrad Ier de Bourgogne de la Maison Welfs lui succède comme comte de Paris.
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adalhard_de_Paris http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adalard_of_Paris http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FRANKISH%20NOBILITY.htm#Wulfhard
VULFARD. The primary source which names Vulgrinus and his brother Vulfard has not so far been identified. Emperor Louis I confirmed the donation of "Vulfarius comes" of property to "cellulæ in pago Albiensi…Bella-Cella", by charter dated 819[175]. Comte de Flavigny {Flavigny-sur-Ozerain, Côte d'Or}[176].
m ([825/30]%29 SUSANNA, daughter of BEGO Comte de Paris & his wife Alpais [Carolingian] ([805/10]-). "Vulfardus" donated property to Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire for the souls of "genitoris mei Vulfardi et genetrice mea Susannane necnon et germanorum fratrum meorum Adelardo, Vulgrino, Ymo et sorore mee Hildeburga vel nepote meo Vulgrino" by charter dated 2 Nov 889[177]. The primary source which establishes that Susanna was the daughter of Bego has not so far been identified.
Vulfard & his wife had [seven] children:
b) ADALHARD ([830]-after 890). His parentage is established by the charter dated 2 Nov 889 under which "Vulfardus" donated property to Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire for the souls of "genitoris mei Vulfardi et genetrice mea Susannane necnon et germanorum fratrum meorum Adelardo, Vulgrino, Ymo et sorore mee Hildeburga vel nepote meo Vulgrino"[179]. He inherited the villa Sennecey from his maternal uncle comte Eberhard. Comte 875. Comte palatin 877. Comte de Paris [885].
m ---. The name of Adalhard's wife is not known. Adalhard & his wife had two children:
i) VULFARD ([855]-6 Sep [880/93]). Vulfhard is named sororius of King Louis II[180]. The source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He founded the Benedictine abbey of Flavigny. Abbé de Flavigny 875.
ii) ADELAIS ([855/60]-18 Nov [901], bur Compiègne, église abbatiale Saint-Corneille). Regino names "Adalheidis" second wife of "Hludowicus rex filius Caroli", stating that he married her after repudiating his first wife[181]. Her paternity is indicated by Vulfhard (who would have been the brother of Adelais) being named sororius of King Louis II[182]. Her marriage was not recognised by the church which did not accept her husband's separation from his first wife. The Pope refused to crown Adelais with her husband at Troyes 878, considering that she was not his legitimate wife. Her children were considered illegitimate by the church. m ([875][183]%29 as his second wife, LOUIS King of Aquitaine, son of CHARLES II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks & his first wife Ermentrude [d'Orl%C3%A9ans] (1 Nov 846-Compiègne 10 Apr 879, bur Compiègne, église collégiale Saint-Corneille). He succeeded his father in 875 as LOUIS II "le Bègue King of the West Franks.
Adalard or Adalhard of Paris (born c. 830, died 890) was the eighth Count of Paris. He followed his uncle Leuthard II. He was a count palatine.
Child Adalard had at least one child, Adelaide of Paris (850-10 Nov 901) who married King Louis II of France. He followed his uncle Leuthard II ? - must be elder brother if Adelaid of Paris had Beggo and Arpais as grandparents and Leuthard were their son?
Adalard of Paris From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Adalard or Adalhard of Paris (born c. 830, died 890) was the eighth Count of Paris. He followed his uncle Leuthard II. He was a count palatine. [edit]Child
Adalard had one child, Adelaide (850-10 Nov 901) who married King Louis II of France. [edit]References
Baldwin, Edea. "Count Adalard of Paris: A Family History". Family History. Retrieved on 2008-12-29.
Adelaide was not a daughter of Bego of Paris. He died in 816 (the confusion in Stuart is probably due to a charter of Chas the Bald, dated 861, which is false, as demonstrated by G.Tessier, _Recueil des chartes de Charles le Chauve_ etc). However she was descended from him through her paternal grandmother Suzanna who was Bego's daughter (K.Werner, "Die Nachkommen die Karl der Grosse", _Karl der Grosse_ (ed W.Braunfels) vol IV, 432-9, which traces her family). She was as stated elsewhere, daughter of Adalard: he was not Count of Paris [for Conrad (the Welf one) is mentioned specifically as Count of Paris in 876 by the _Annals of St.Bertin_ written contemporaneously at Reims].
Instead, Werner argued, Adalard was a Burgundian noble who became Ct of the Palace in the last years of Charles the Bald (877).
Adalhard, count of Paris's Timeline
830 |
853 |
April 10, 853
Paris, (Present région Ile-de-France), Francie occidentale (Present France)
855 |
890 |
October 10, 890
Age 60
Paris, France