Mariet (Maria) Jakobsdotter
(c.1480 - aft.1529)
Enligt Klercker-Mattonska Samlingen levde Mariet ännu 1529. Gillingstam 1967-69, s. 34Skellefteå ifsMariet Jacobsdotter. Född i Bure, Skellefteå lfs. Dottersonen Andreas Laurentii uppges ha kallat sig ...
Vasilisa Maria of Moldavia Vasilisa Maria of Moldavia
(c.1394 - 1462)
Basinus II, king of the Thüringians
(b. - 506)
Bisinus (sometimes shortened to Bisin) was the king of Thuringia in the 5th century AD or around 500. He is the earliest historically attested ruler of the Thuringians. Almost nothing more about hi...
Frances Elliot
(c.1612 - c.1658)
Anthony ELLIOTT was born BEF 1623 in England, and died bef 9 Jan 1665/66 in Lancaster Co., VA.He married#UNNAMED was born ABT 1623.#Frances Armistead daughter of William Armistead & Anne Ellis, d. 1685...
James John Thacker
(1838 - 1928)
Census : 1851 - 86 James Street, Devonport, Devonshire, England
Census : 1871 - James St, Devonport, Devon, England
James John Thacker and his wife Mary Ann Pearce Christopher came to Napier NZ on...
Mårten Thomasson Krakow
(1538 - bef.1616)
är Kristian IV 27 jan 1612 anföll Gullberg (senare skansen Göta lejon) med överlägsna styrkor, skötte K försvaret med kraft o skall ha slagit tillbaka fem stormningsförsök med stora förluster för dansk...
Elin Nordegren (twin)
Florida, United States
Nordegren is a Swedish former model who is best known as the ex-wife of professional golfer Tiger Woods. She is the daughter of former minister of migration Barbro Holmberg and radio journalist Thomas ...
Udalrich I of Vinsgau, Count of Argengau Pannonien of Breisgau of Bodensee, de Flavigny-sur-Ozerain
(763 - c.824)
Udalrich I, Count in Alpgau, Breisgau, Thurgau, & Hegau==d. after 808Father Gerold I, Duke of Alamania, Count Vinzgau1 d. a 779 Mother Imma (Emma) of Linzgau1 d. 798 Udalrich I, Count in Alpgau, Breisg...
Biskop Hans Poulsen Egede
(1686 - 1758)
Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi: Norsk , Dansk Hans Poulsen Egede (født 31. januar 1686 i Harstad, død 5. november 1758 i Stubbekøbing på Falster i Danmark), var en norsk prest av dansk avstamning, kje...
Andrew Tate
Emory Andrew Tate III (born December 14, 1986) is an American-British Internet personality and former professional kickboxer. Following his kickboxing career, Tate began offering paid courses and mem...
Charibert, count of Laon
(bef.696 - 747)
Please provide supporting sources here for assertions like "could be Flore, King of Hungary" or "Hardrade", or listing exact dates when only approximate dates are documented in known sources. Thanks He...
Arne Arnmodsson
(c.965 - c.1024)
Arne Arnmodson, Lendmann
Father: Arnmod Arnvidarson (of the Arnmødinge clan)
Mother: Unknown:
Married: Thora Torsteinsdatter (daughter of Thorstein Galge)
Project MedLands, Norway...
Oscar II, King of Sweden and Norway
(1829 - 1907)
The Peerage * Geneall * Find a Grave * Johann the Younger #1494 * Wikipedia: English Svenska Norsk
Muirchertach mac Néill, King of Ireland
(b. - 943)
Killed in battle against his Uncle Olaf, the Danish King of Dublin, before he was made High King.MidheachMuirceartach na Midhe (~ of Meath)Muirchertach MidheachMUIRCHEARTACH MAC DOMNALL:Muircheartach w...
Yom Tov Lippman Heller - "Tosfot Yom Tov"
(1579 - 1654)
רבי גרשון שאול יום-טוב ליפמן הלוי הלר ולרשטיין (ה'של"ט 1579 - ו' באלול ה'תי"ד 1654) - (מכונה "התוספות יום-טוב") היה מגדולי חכמי אשכנז ופולין ומגדולי פרשני המשנה, בעל פירוש "תוספות יום טוב" על המשנה אשר...
Günther Il, count of Käfernburg-Schwarzburg und Hallermund
(1160 - 1197)
Günther II Graf von Schwarzburg Stifter der Linie Kevernburg.* Wikipedia Stammliste von Schwarzberg: B3. Günther ll. (lll.)Nach dem tod seines Vaters trat er gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Heinrich l das ...
Sigurd Halfdansson Syr
(c.970 - 1018)
Sigurd Syr Halvdansson
Son of King Halvdan Sigurdson and Tora Ranesdatter
Sigurd Syr Halfdansson (sometimes spelled "Halvdansson") (c. 970-1018) was a petty king in Northern Ostlandet of Norway. Th...
Gudrød Halvdansson «the Hunter» Veidekonge
(780 - 821)
ød the Hunter (Old Norse: Guðrǫðr veiðikonungr, Norwegian: Gudrød Veidekonge) was a semi-legendary king in south-east Norway, during the early Viking Age. He is mentioned in the skaldic poem Ynglingata...
Joseph Hatfield, I
(1740 - 1832)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of Private. DAR Ancestor # A052955
Joseph's Revolutionary War veterans pension application:
Anne of Bourbon-Parma, Queen consort of Romania
(1923 - 2016)
Anne Antoinette Françoise Charlotte di Borbone, Anne Antoinette Françoise Charlotte *Princess(Principessa) di Bourbon-Parma.*Princess(prinzessin) von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen*Queen consort of the Roman...
Niall Glúndub mac Áedo, High King of Ireland
(830 - 919)
Woolf, Alex: From Pictland to Alba 789-1070; Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2007 p257 [Sharon Doubell Feb 2020]
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Niall Glúndub
Halfdan Olafsson «Whiteshanks» Kvitbein
(c.710 - c.750)
Olavsson "Whiteshanks" Kvitbein, King of Solør / Hedmark / Toten / Hadeland / Vestfold (Norway) Halvdan Kvitbein (Olavsson) (Hálfdan hvítbeinn) ca 710, PAM(In English: Halfdan Hvitbein)King in part of ...
Gytha of Wessex, Grand Princess consort of Kievan Rus
(c.1053 - 1107)
Gyda, daughter of Harold Godwinsson and Eadgyth Swanneshals([1050/55]-). Gytha is named as King Harold's daughter in Fagrskinna, which also states that she married "Valldimar Konongr sun Iarozlæifs kon...
Margaret Douglas, Countess of Atholl
(1430 - 1474)
Detached as partner of Sir Andrew Leslie, 3rd Baron of Balquhain
John Stewart, 1st Earl of Atholl (c. 1440 – 19 September 1512), also known as Sir John Stewart of Balveny, was a Scottish nobleman a...
Raban Shimon II haZaken ben Gamliel, President of the Sanhedrin, הי״ד
(-10 - 70)
Shimon II ben Gamliel I , שמעון השני בן גמליאל הראשון , was a Tannaist sage and leader of the Jewish people. He succeeded his father Gamliel I as the Nasi of the Sanhedrin after his father's death in ...
Jaan Pilvet
(1906 - 1942)
Jaan Pilvet oli näitleja ja laulja (bariton)
JAAN PILVET sü 29.04.1906 UKJ su 24.01.1949
29.04.1906 UKJ = 16.04.1906 VKJ
Nime eestistamine Piller -> Pilvet
- Taotlus (29.04....
William Stewart of Balquidder and Baldoran
(c.1455 - 1528)
Biography William Stewart of Balquidder and Baldoran was born circa 1455 in Balindoran, Campsie, Stirlingshire, Scotland. His parents were James Beag Stewart 1st of Baldorran and Annabella Buchanan . H...
Arnulf II the Young, count of Flanders
(961 - 987)
Main sources
More info
Cavalry Captain Peter Udnie
(c.1590 - 1656)
neljä sivua /four page udnie:
Peter Udnij Inkerinmaan ritarikunta siellä olis tietoja ainakin tämän mukaan
Grand Rabbi Arye-Leibish Halberstam of Zhmigrod
(1909 - 2007)
The Grand Rabbi of Sanz-Zhmigrod, Rabbi Aryeh Leibish Halberstam, author of Arye Sho'ag, died on 7 January 2007 in Netanya's Laniado hospital, which is run by Sanz-Klausenburg. In his youth he studied ...
Paavali Pelkonen
(1626 - 1715)
Paavali Matinpoika Pelkonen syntyi vuonna 1626 Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla Lumijoella . Hänen isänsä oli Lumijoella asuva talollinen Matts Simonpoika Pelkonen .
Perimätiedon mukaan hän muutti 1640-luvulla Lap...
William X, Duke of Aquitaine
(1099 - 1137)
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: GUILLAUME d'Aquitaine (1099-Santiago de Compostela 9 Apr 1137, bur Santiago de Compostela). The Chronicle of Saint-Maxence records the birth in 1099 of "Willelmo comi...
Garnier Seigneur de Loches, de Villentrois & de la Haye
(aft.844 - c.929)
Ben M. Angel notes: There is no primary or secondary source backing given for Garnier having lived 844-929. Would welcome seeing some source or explanation for the dates other than it appearing on some...
 Paul Delaroche, National Gallery, Public Domain.
Lady Jane Grey, Queen of England (disputed)
(c.1537 - 1554)
Lady Jane Grey (c. 1537 – 12 February 1554), also known as Lady Jane Dudley (after her marriage) and as "the Nine Days' Queen" , was an English noblewoman and de facto Queen of England and Ireland from...
Pentti Aleksi Röppänen
(1942 - 2021)
My e-mail adress is : pentti röppänen gmail.com ( not at all: inet.fi it is bluff email adres to me. : My name is Pentti Aleksi Röppänen I am work- pensioner : I am seeking the rooth Roeppaenen / Röppä...
Ottar in Egilsson
(c.551 - c.617)
brief biography Konge i Svitjord 456-460
content to clean up According to Beowulf Ottar had a younger brother Onela.
Froders jarlar, som han lämnat kvar ...
Eymund Hringsson, King of Novgorod (Holmgård)
(430 - 455)
Eymund Hringsson Viking king, said to have lived in Holmgård (Novgorod) in Russia."Hvorledes Norge ble bosatt" sier om Eymund:"Halfdan den gamle...... Han giftet seg med Ålfnya, datter til kong Eymund ...
Marie Antoinette, queen consort of France
(1755 - 1793)
Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna Archduchess of Austria von Habsburg-Lothringen
By marriage Queen Consort of France - to Louis XVI
Executed after the French Revolution 16. 10. 1793
Karl Praakli
(1905 - 1970)
Pereregister : Karl Praakli (isa: Kusta) sündinud 24.09.1905 Rakvere linn → Rakvere Linnavalitsus perekonnaregister XIII köide : LVMA.866.3.1893:839
Pereregister : Karl Praakli (isa: Kusta) sündinud ...
Alexander III, King of the Scots
(1241 - 1286)
Medlands (22 Jan 2024): Scotland, Kings 1. ALEXANDER (Roxburgh 4 Sep 1241-between Burntisland and Kinghorn, Fife 19 Mar 1286). The Chronicle of Melrose records the birth "on the day of the translation ...
Mathilde von Sponheim, duchess of Carinthia
(1097 - 1160)
1. Mathilde de Carinthie, née en 1108 et morte le 13 décembre 1160 ou 1161, est une princesse de la maison de Sponheim, fille du duc Engelbert de Carinthie et de Ute de Passau (v. 1050 - † 1140)1. Elle...
Wikipedia:Freawine, Frowin or Frowinus figures as a governor of Schleswig in Gesta Danorum and in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as an ancestor of the kings of Wessex, but the latter source only tells that ...
Sir Ralph le Boteler of Wem
(c.1220 - bef.1278)
Ralph le Boteler of Wem1M, d. before 10 January 1278, #14475Father Maurice Boteler2Arms* His arms were De goules a ung fesse escheque d'argent et de sable et croiselettes d'or (Glover). Gu. crusilly or...
Maurice le Boteler
(c.1185 - 1237)
Boteler1M, #14644Father Ralph Boteler1Note* He was one of the justices of assize for Warwickshire and a commissioner for assessing and collecting the 14th part of all men's moveable goods. 13 and 15 H...
Heinrich III "der Erlauchte", Markgraf von Meißen, Landgraf von Thüringen
(c.1215 - 1288)
Links:==* Wikipedia * Genealogics
John II, king of France
(1319 - 1364)
Jean II de FranceII de France, dit Jean le Bon, (né le 26 avril 1319 au château du Gué de Maulny du Mans - mort à Londres le 8 avril 1364), fils du roi Philippe VI et de son épouse Jeanne de Bourgogne,...
Judith von Marchtal, duchess of Swabia
(c.925 - 992)
Judith von Marchtal Herzogin von Schwaben -25.12. Tochter des Grafen Adalbert von Marchtal Nch Jackman/Fried Gemahlin des Herzogs Konrad I. von Elsaß (+ 982) Glocker Winfrid: Seite 314 ************** "...
Henry Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Leicester and Lancaster
(c.1281 - 1345)
"Henry, 3rd Earl of Leicester and Lancaster (c. 1281 – 22 September 1345) was an English nobleman, one of the principals behind the deposition of Edward II of England."=================================...
Béatrice de Vermandois
(c.880 - c.931)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on France Capetian Kings :The name of Robert's first wife is not known. However, as King Robert's known wife Béatrix de Vermandois could not have been th...
Conrad I, count of Luxembourg
(c.1029 - 1086)
Conrad I, Count of Luxembourg (c. 1040 – 8 August 1086) was count of Luxembourg (1059-1086), succeeding his father Giselbert of Luxembourg.He was embroiled in an argument with the archbishop of Trier a...
Hedwige of Saxony
(c.922 - c.958)
HUGUES , son of HUGUES “le Grand Duc des Francs & his third wife Hedwig of Germany ([940]-villa "Les Juifs", near Prasville, Eure-et-Loire 24 Oct 996, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). The...
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise made a strong impression in the teen comedy Risky Business (1983) and then had his first box-office smash as the fighter jock Maverick in Top Gun (1986). Cruise and his cocky grin were prope...
Murdoch Mackenzie, 5th of Kintail
(c.1363 - c.1416)
Murdoch Mackenzie 5th Laird of Kintail was born in 1363, in Kintail, Ross-shire, Scotland, his father, Murdoch Dubh MacKenzie 4th of Kintail, was 23 and his mother, Lady Isabel MacAulay of Lochbroom, w...
Halfdan "the Tall" Frodasson, King of Denmark
(c.503 - 580)
(Old Norse) or Healfdene (Beowulf) or Haldan (Danish Latin sources) (late 5th century, early 6th century) was a legendary Danish king of the Scylding (Skjöldung) lineage, the son of king named Fróði in...
Ebles II Manzer, duc d'Aquitaine
(876 - 935)
Ebles did NOT marry Eldgifa, an English princess [if anyone has proof to the contrary, please post.] Eble Mancer, Comte de Poitou, Duc d'AquitaineMarried:1. Aremburgis (Erembourge), no children2. Emili...
Phillipa, countess of Luxembourg
(1252 - 1311)
Herbert, count of Kinziggau
(c.940 - 992)
HERIBERT (-992). Thietmar names "Conradus Suevorum ductor…eiusdem frater Heribertus comes" when recording their deaths[323]. The fact that the two brothers must have also been brothers of Udo and Judit...
Sancho IV el Bravo, rey de Castilla y León
(1258 - 1295)
Infante don SANCHO de Castilla y León, son of ALFONSO X "el Sabio" King of Castile and León & his wife Infante doña Violante de Aragón (Valladolid 12 May 1258-Toledo 25 Apr 1295, bur Toledo, Cat...
Count Richard von Metz, Graf von Metz, Billung Im Padergau
(c.950 - aft.986)
, son of GOTTFRIED Graf im Jülichgau & his wife Ermentrude of the Franks ([930/35]-after 963). The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, G...
Urraca I, reina de Castilla y León
(1080 - 1126)
?, hacia 1079 - Saldaña, Palencia, 1126) Reina de Castilla y León (1109-1126). Es una de las personalidades más polémicas de la Edad Media hispana, pues su reinado coincidió con una de las épocas más t...
Rainier de Lorraine
(820 - 890)
Sir William Peverell, the Elder, of Nottingham
(c.1050 - 1113)
Families of Mixed Origin
The Tudor Dynasty
The Mysterious Peverel Family
The Malpas Family (Cheshire)
The Herbert Family
The Welsh Walcot Family
The Shropshire Walcot Family
Merfyn Frych ap Gwriad
(c.790 - 844)
See Peter Bartrum, (April 28, 2022; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Legendary Kingdom of Seisyllwg; . (Steven Ferry, July 3, 2017.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family...
John Stout
(c.1680 - c.1750)
All Lineages of Members of the National Society of Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims, Vol. II results for Richard Stout
Count Bernard of Anhalt, Duke of Saxony
(c.1140 - 1212)
BERNHARD von Ballenstedt, son of ALBRECHT "der Bär" Markgraf von Brandenburg [Ballenstedt] & his wife Sophie von Winzenburg (1140-Bernburg 9 Feb 1212, bur Ballenstedt St Nikolai). A 13th century geneal...
 Frangipani on 16 Feb 2020 via Find A Grave.
John "Jack" Brott
(c.1817 - 1891)
Australia, Convict Index, 1788-1868
Name John Bratt
Age 19
Birth Year abt 1815
Birth Place Lancashire
Arrival Year 1834
Arrival State New South Wales
Status S
Ship Roslin Castle
Occupation cotton weav...
Tore "Teiande" Ragnvaldsson
(c.862 - bef.940)
Teiande Ragnvaldsson, Þórir Rögnvaldsson þegjanda, English: Thorer the Silent, MørejarlSon of Ragnvald, Earl of Møre, and Hild Hrolfsdóttir gift/married c. 892 med Ålov Årbot Haraldsdatter. De hadde da...
Ceawlin, king of Wessex
(c.547 - c.593)
Ceawlin (also spelled " Ceaulin " or " Caelin ") (died c. 593) was a Brythonic king of Wessex, in what is now southwestern England. He may have been the son of Cynric of Wessex, and the grandson of Cer...
(c.565 - aft.594)
Cuthwine, born c. 565, was a member of the House of Wessex, son of Ceawlin of Wessex.[1] After the deposition of his father Ceawlin from the throne of Wessex in 592 he did not inherit the throne whic...
James Stout, of Hunterdon County
(1648 - 1714)
Find a Grave James Stout
Birth: 1658, Gravesend, Kings County (Brooklyn) New York, USA
Death: 1715, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
I shall now introduce James, the fifth son of Richard the f...
Foulques IV "le Réchin" de Château-Landon, Comte d'Anjou
(1043 - 1109)
COMTES d'ANJOU 1060-1189 (COMTES de GATINAIS) GEOFFROY [II] de Gâtinais, son of HUGUES du Perche Comte de Gâtinais & his wife Beatrix de Mâcon (-30 Apr [1043/47]).
m ([1035]%29 as her first husband, E...
Hereswintha of the Saxons
(c.700 - c.747)
Emma von Alemannen
726 – 783
Hereswintha von Sachsen VKrigsveteran
710 – 747
Her father etc
Robert I Hasbaigne von Oberheingau und Wormsgau
690 – 764
Lambert II, Graf, 660-715
N. de Pari...
Rabbi Yochanan Ashkenazi Treves, "HaGadol"
(c.1265 - c.1314)
He was a descendant of R' Itzhak ben Meir, grandson of Rashi and the first to be called "Treves".Immigrated to Trier, Germany in 1306 Dear Yigal,Asher אשר Klein קליין has sent you a message (May 31, 20...
Gérard IV, duke of Upper Lorraine
(c.1020 - 1070)
(Gérard le Grand) Alias: Gérard de Lorraine , Gérard d'Alsace Titles: comte de Châtenois , duc de Lorraine et de Haute-Lorraine (1048-1070), comte de Metz (Gérard V, 1047-1070) , son of GERHARD Graf [v...
King Olof Ingjaldsson
(c.682 - c.710)
brief biography==Konge i Vestfold (vers 650-vers 680)Konge i Värmland (680-710)"Konungur i Svithjod"==links==* to clean up==Olof Trätälja, var en kung av Ynglingaätten. Han omtalas i Snorre Sturlassons...
José Miguel Carrera Ortiz de Elguea y Caceres
(1674 - 1720)
José Miguel de la Carrera y Elguea (*Santiago, 15 de julio de 1674 + 10 de octubre de 1720, Chile) Hijo de Juan Ignacio de la Carrera Yturgoyen y Catalina Ortiz de Elguea. Maestro de Campo, Teniente Ge...
Margareta Ingesdotter Fredkulla
(c.1080 - c.1129)
Fredkulla==*Fredkulla meaning peacegirl, her marriage to king Magnus of Norway was arranged in order to ensure peace with Norway.*Born Princess of Sweden*By marriage 1101 to King Magnus III, Queen Cons...
Ingevald Folkesson
(c.1038 - aft.1078)
Ingevald Folkesson
Son of Folke "Filbyter" and Bertrande Jorgrimmesdotter De Monfort
Bjälbo Runestones ÖG 64 & ÖG 66 front of Bjälbo church stand two large runestones, both of which give fragment...
 Photo by the Strauss-Peyton Studio. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Charlie_Chaplin_portrait.jpg
Charlie Chaplin
(1889 - 1977)
Charlie Chaplin was a comedic British actor who became one of the biggest stars of the 20th century's silent-film era.
Who Was Charlie Chaplin?
Charlie Chaplin worked with a children's dance troupe...
William III King of the United Kingdom, Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of Holland & Zealand, & Guelders & Utrecht & Overijssel
(1650 - 1702)
Links:==* Wikipedia * The Peerage * Geneall * King of England, Scotland and Ireland: Reign 1689– 8 March 1702 Coronation: 11 April 1689> Predecessor: James II & VII
Thorgils Sprakalägg
(c.970 - d.)
Thorgils Torgils
Earl of Wessex
Var son till Styrbjörn och Tyra
Att det står enbart Björn är fel och inte ok 3 historiker får dessa 2 till hans föräldrar.
Läs noga tydligen kan inte personer över...
Heikki Pertunpoika Kemppainen
(1640 - d.)
Talollinen, 1682-1703. Nuottimäki eli Kerälä 11 Kemppaala, Hyrynsalmi.
Siemowit, Duke of the Polans
(c.845 - 891)
Siemowit w Wikipedii po Polsku Siemowit on Wikipedia in English Siemowit (also Ziemowit) was, according to the chronicles of Gallus Anonymus, the son of Piast the Wheelwright and Rzepicha. He was con...
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
(1840 - 1893)
Piano Concerto no.1 - Maestro Mehta's 80th birthday - Khatia Buniatishvili, piano, Zubin Mehta, conductor, Israel Philharmonic, May 2, 2016
Swan Lake - American Ballet Theatre, 2005 . 0:00 Op. 20, Ac...
Rozala of Italy
(952 - bef.1004)
(27 languages)
Rozala of Italy (also known as Rozala of Lombardy , Rozala of Ivrea or Susanna of Ivrea ; c. 950–960 –1003) was countess consort of Flanders by marriage to Arnulf II of Flanders, and...
Margareta Huitfeldt
(1608 - 1683)
Margrete Huitfeldt (1608–1685)
Født på gården Skjelbred i Øvre Eiker. Datter av adels- og embetsmannen Hartvig Andersen Huitfeldt.
Arvet Sundsby säteri (setegård) på Tjörn etter mormoren.
Gift med Tho...
William Emerson Damon
(1838 - 1911)
the TOWN HALL OF HARLTAND was built in honor of his parents.
"Built in 1914-15 as a memorial to the locally prominent †† businessman William E. Damon" and his father Luther.
see Vermont Standard Thu, ...
Matilda of Saxony, countess of Flanders
(c.942 - 1008)
MECHTILD of Saxony ([942]-Gent 25 May 1008, bur Gent St Peter).
d/o HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael) & NN
x c951/59 BAUDOUIN III joint Count of Flanders, s/...
Valentinian III, Western Roman Emperor
(419 - 455)
Valentinian III (425-455 A.D)
Ralph W. Mathisen University of South Carolina
Valentinian's Early Years
Placidus Valentinianus, later the emperor Valentinian III, was born in 419, the son of the e...
Olavi Virta
(1915 - 1972)
Olavi Virta (originally to 1926 Oskari Olavi Ilmén) (27 February 1915, in Sysmä, Finland – 14 July 1972, in Tampere, Finland) was a Finnish singer, acclaimed as the king of Finnish tango.[1] Between 19...
Mary I of England
(1516 - 1558)
Mary I (18 February 1516 – 17 November 1558) was Queen of England and Ireland from July 1553 until her death. She was the eldest daughter of Henry VIII and only surviving child of Catherine of Aragon. ...
 Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Constru-centro. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Michael_Jackson_Dangerous_World_Tour_1993.jpg
Michael Jackson
(1958 - 2009)
Michael Jackson was an American singer, songwriter, and dancer. Dubbed the "King of Pop", he is regarded as one of the most significant cultural figures of the 20th century. Over a four-decade career, ...
Eiríkr Skjoldarson, II
(c.544 - 580)
illustrasjonen her er misvisende. "Den norske Løve" med krone og øks kom til lenge etter 1030, og er først kjent som riksvåpen under kong Erik omkring 1225(?)
Christian III King of Denmark and Norway
(1503 - 1559)
The Peerage
Kings of Denmark
Wikipedia: English Dansk
Burial In Danish
Renaud ‘Reynold ll’ de Courtenay
(c.1150 - 1194)
Traditionally seen as son of Renauld de Courtenay, Seigneur de Courtenay . However, it seems more likely he was the son of Renauld ‘Reynold l’ de Courtenay
Reynold de Courtenay
AKA Reginald, Ren...
Eberhard IV, count in Nordgau
(c.905 - 973)
Name: Eberhard IV in Nordgau# Given Name: Eberhard# Suffix: IV in Nordgau# Prefix: Count# Sex: M# Birth: ABT 0900 in of Nordgau Region, Medieval States# Death: 18 Dec 0972/0973# Ancestral File #: HRK5-...
Cleopatra VII Philopator, Pharaoh of Egypt
(c.-69 - -30)
Cleopatra VII Philopator (in Greek, Κλεοπάτρα Φιλοπάτωρ; January 69 BC – August 12, 30 BC) was the last effective pharaoh of Egypt's Ptolemaic dynasty. She originally shared power with her...
James Monroe, 5th President of the USA
(1758 - 1831)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of LIEUTENANT COLONEL. DAR Ancestor #: A081100 "The day after Christmas in 1811, hundreds of Virginia’s most prominent citizens thronged ...
Chlodio I Long-Hair, King of the Franks
(c.395 - c.448)
Clodion le Chevelu (c390-c450) is the earliest king of the Merovingian dynasty whose existence is certain. He is known only by two brief mentions, which makes it difficult to establish a biography. His...
 Czar Brodie released this work into the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:public_domain. This applies worldwide.
John Forbes, 6th Lord Forbes
(bef.1475 - 1547)
WIKITREE: John Forbes Sixth Lord Forbes (abt. 1472–1547)
Born about 1472 in Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
BIO: John Forbes, 6th Lord Forbes was born before 1477.2 He was the son of William Forb...