Killed in battle against his Uncle Olaf, the Danish King of Dublin, before he was made High King.
Muirceartach na Midhe (~ of Meath)
Muirchertach Midheach
Muircheartach was belonged to the northern Cenel nEogain branch of the Ui Neill. His kingdom was Ailech which traced its origins from the area around Grianan Hillfort where Ailech's kings were originally crowned and which represented their capital. By the 9th century the power of Ailech had extended the kingdom to the east and the new capital was Tullyhogue Fort in County Tyrone.
Killed in battle against his Uncle Olaf, the Danish King of Dublin, before he was made High King.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muirchertach mac Néill (died 26 February 943), called Muirchertach of the Leather Cloaks (Old Irish: Muirchertach na Cochall Craicinn), was an Irish king. He belonged to the Cenél nEógain sept of the northern Uí Néill and was King of Ailech.
Muirchertach was the son of Niall Glúndub and Gormlaith, thus his father and both of his grandfathers—Niall's father Áed Finnliath and Gormlaith's father Flann Sinna—had been High King of Ireland. Muirchertach's father was killed in battle against the Norse-Gaels of Ireland near Dublin on 14 September 919 along with many other Irish kings. Muirchertach's mother's brother, Donnchad Donn mac Flainn, became the new High King, while Muirchertach became King of Ailech.
Muirchertach married Donnchad's daughter Flann, but relations between the two were not good. Conflict between them is recorded in 927, 929, and 938, but it was not until 941, following Flann's death the year previously, that Muirchertach and Donnchad came to blows. That year Muirchertach raided Mide, Osraige, and Munster, taking the Munster king Cellachán Caisil hostage as a demonstration of his power, and Donnchad's limited authority.
Muirchertach was a hardened warrior, and finally met his death in battle in 943, as his father had done, fighting against the Norse-Gaels. His obituary in the Annals of Ulster calls him "the Hector of the western world", and the "heir designate of Ireland".
Muirchertach's son Domnall ua Néill was passed over for the succession on Donnchad Donn's death the year after Muirchertach's, but eventually became High King following the death of Donnchad's successor Congalach Cnogba in 956.
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Armagh Rd, Dublin, Ireland
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