Immediate Family
About Eberhard IV, count in Nordgau
- Name: Eberhard IV in Nordgau
- Given Name: Eberhard
- Suffix: IV in Nordgau
- Prefix: Count
- Sex: M
- Birth: ABT 0900 in of Nordgau Region, Medieval States
- Death: 18 Dec 0972/0973
- Ancestral File #: HRK5-6K
- _UID: F4CA7592EDBDD611BF69444553540000AE26 1
- Change Date: 1 Sep 2002 at 01:00:00
Father: Hugo III in Nordgau b: ABT 0870 in of Nordgau Region, Medieval States
Mother: Hildegard in Nordgau b: ABT 0876 in of Nordgau Region, Medieval States
Marriage 1 Luitgard of Luxembourg b: ABT 0910 in of Luxembourg
1. Has Children Hugo V in Nordgau b: ABT 0928 in of Nordgau Region, Medieval States
2. Has No Children Albrecht in Nordgau b: ABT 0929 in of Luxembourg
1. Title: #719
Eberhard, Count of Norgau (1)
M, #161321, d. circa 960
Last Edited=8 Sep 2005
Eberhard, Count of Norgau married Edgiva (?), daughter of Eadweard I, King of Wessex and Ælflæd (?). (1)
He died circa 960. (1)
Forrás / Source:
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps05/ps05_133.htm
References: [PlantagenetA],[RFC],[ES],[AR7]
EBERHARD [IV] (-[18 Dec 972/973]). The Vita Sancti Deicoli names "primogenitus Heberardus, secundus Hugo, tercio Guntramnus" as the three sons of Hugo[99]. Graf im Nordgau 959/67. "Otto…rex" granted property "Luterhaa" which he received from "filiis Hugonis Heberhardo et Hugone" to Kloster Alanesberg by charter dated 6 Apr 959[100]. "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed donations of property "de locis Ozenheim, Tetingen…in pago Moiinegouwe in comitatu Eberhardi comitis" by "nobis nepos et equivocus noster Otto dux Sweuorum" to "sancti Petri Ascaffaburg" by charter dated 29 Aug 975[101], although it is not known whether this refers to the same Graf Eberhard.
m ---. The identity of Eberhard´s wife is not known with certainty. She has been identified as Liutgarde, widow of Adalbert Graf [von Metz], daughter of WIGERICH [III] Graf im Bidgau & his wife Cunegondis ---. The only basis for this hypothesis is the charter dated 8 Apr 960 under which "Liutgardis" donated property "in comitatu Nithegowe cui Godefridus comes preesse", which she inherited from "parentibus meis Wigerico et Cunegunda", to St Maximin at Trier "pro remedio…parentum meorum, seniorum quoque meorum Alberti et Everhardi vel filiorum meorum"[102]. Eberhard [IV] Graf im Nordgau appears to have been the only contemporary Count Eberhard who could be identified as Liutgarde´s second husband. The hypothesis is accepted by Poull[103] and Europäische Stammtafeln[104]. Rösch[105] is more cautious, referring to Liutgarde's second husband as "Eberhard" without citing his origin. Wegener[106] assumes that the wording of the 960 charter means that "Alberti et Everhardi" were Liutgard's successive husbands and that both were deceased at the date of the charter, although this is not necessarily the only interpretation of the text. He argues that Liutgarde's second husband could not therefore have been Eberhard [IV] Graf im Nordgau, who died in [972/73], and suggests that he was Eberhard Duke of Bavaria [Liutpoldinger]. However, as the last reference to Duke Eberhard is in 938, this would mean that he was Luitgarde's first husband, which appears unlikely if the order of the names of her two husbands in the charter was chronological. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines provides some interesting corroboration for Liutgarde's marriage to Graf Eberhard [IV] by recording "comes Hugo de Daburg, pater sancti Leonis pape" as "consobrinus" of "imperator Conradus"[107]. If the origin of Liutgarde's two husbands were as shown here, Hugo [IX] Graf von Egisheim would have been second cousin once removed of Emperor Konrad, the emperor being the great-grandson of Liutgarde by her supposed first marriage, while Hugo would have been her grandson by her second marriage.
Eberhard [IV] & his wife had one child: a) HUGO [VII] "Raucus" ([after 945]-before 986).
Eberhard IV, count in Nordgau's Timeline
905 |
Metz, Lorraine, France
930 |
Nordgau, Alsace, (Present France)
937 |
Nordgau, Herzogtum Alamannia, Ostenfrankenreich
956 |
973 |
December 18, 973
Age 68
Nordgau (Haut-Rhin), (Present Alsace), (Present France)
1992 |
January 27, 1992
Age 68
January 27, 1992
Age 68
December 10, 1992
Age 68