Immediate Family
About Hedwige of Saxony
HUGUES, son of HUGUES “le Grand Duc des Francs & his third wife Hedwig of Germany ([940]-villa "Les Juifs", near Prasville, Eure-et-Loire 24 Oct 996, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). The Historia Francorum Senonensis names (in order) "Hugo, Otto et Heinricus" as the three sons of "Hugo Magnus dux Francorum…ex filia Odonis regis"[142]. Flodoard names "Hugonem et Oddonem clericum" as brothers of "Otto filius Hugonis", when he records that the rectores of Burgundy named them as his successors[143]. Rodulfus Glauber names "Hugoni, Parisiensis ducis filio…illius Magni Hugonis", specifying that his mother was "Ottone…sorore"[144]. His father named Richard Comte [de Normandie] as Hugues's guardian in 956, the arrangement being confirmed by Richard's betrothal to the sister of Hugues. The Annales Nivernenses record in 958 that "rex et mater sua et Ugo filius Ugonis et mater sua" attended a hearing "apud Marziacum vicum iuxta Nevernis…contra Guillelmum comitem Aquitaniæ post missa sancti Martini"[145]. He was installed as Duc des Francs/dux Francorum by Lothaire King of the West Franks in 960. By 974, Hugues had become effective leader of France under King Lothaire and headed the army which retook the kingdom of Lotharingia from Otto II King of Germany in 978[146]. He was elected HUGUES "Capet" King of France by an assembly of nobles at Senlis 29 May 987, after the death of Louis V King of France. He was consecrated at Noyon 1 Jun 987. Charles Duke of Lotharingia, the late king's uncle who opposed the accession of King Hugues, captured Laon in [May] 988, and Reims in [Aug/Sep] 989, with the help of his nephew Arnoul Archbishop of Reims, but was finally captured at Laon in 991[147]. The Historia Francorum Senonensis records the death in 998 of "Hugo rex" and his burial "in basilica beati Dyonisii martiris Parisius"[148]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "IX Kal Nov" of "Hugo rex"[149].
Unattributed German biographical information:
Hadwig von Sachsen, Herzogin von Franzien (* zwischen 914 und 920; † 959) war eine Tochter des deutschen Königs Heinrich I. und seiner zweiten Gemahlin Mathilde, Schwester von Kaiser Otto I. und die Mutter von Hugo Capet, dem Begründer der Kapetinger.
Hedwige of Saxony
c. 910 – May 10, 965
Father: Henry I the Fowler, Duke of Saxony
Mother: Matilda of Ringelheim.
Otto I
Henry I
Gerberga of Saxony
Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne.
Married to Hugh the Great (936)
Son: Hugh Capet. (King of France in 987)
The family of Hugues le Grand de FRANCE and Hedwidge de SAXE
[10407] FRANCE (de), Hugues le Grand (Robert Ier & Béatrice de VERMANDOIS [10408]), died 956-06-17 or 956-07-01 Dourdan (Essonne : 910200), France, buried Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis : 930066), France
- married 938 Mayence ou Ingelheim (Germany)
SAXE (de), Hedwidge (..)
1) Hugues Capet, born about 939, died 996-10-24, buried Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis : 930066), France, married 968 été Adélaïde ..
Bibliographie : Mémoires (Société généalogique canadienne-française); Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme)
Hadwig war jünger als ihr Bruder Otto (* 912) und ihre Schwester Gerberga, aber älter als ihr Bruder Heinrich (* 921). 937 oder 938 wurde sie mit Hugo dem Großen, Herzog von Franzien, vermählt. Ihr Sohn Hugo Capet, der 987 französischer König wurde, kam um 940 zur Welt. Weitere Söhne sind Odo (von 956 bis 965 Herzog von Burgund) und Odo-Heinrich (von 965 bis 1001 Herzog von Burgund).
Beim Tod Hugos des Großen 956 war ihr Sohn Hugo Capet noch nicht volljährig, deshalb übernahm ihr Bruder Brun die Vormundschaft. Brun hatte bereits 954 die Vormundschaft für seinen Neffen Lothar, den Sohn seiner Schwester Gerberga, übernommen und bekam dadurch eine sehr einflussreiche Stellung in Frankreich.
* Helmut Beumann: Die Ottonen; Verlag W. Kohlhammer; Stuttgart Berlin Köln; 4. Auflage 1997; ISBN 3-17-014802-8.
* Joachim Ehlers: Die Kapetinger; Verlag W. Kohlhammer; Stuttgart Berlin Köln; 2000; ISBN 3-17-014233-X.
* Rudolf Schieffer: Die Karolinger; Verlag W. Kohlhammer; Stuttgart Berlin Köln; 2. Auflage 1997; ISBN 3-17-014584-3.
* Carlrichard Brühl: "Lothar 954-986 und Ludwig V. 986-987" in "Die französischen Könige des Mittelalters", herausgegeben von Joachim Ehlers, Heribert Müller, Bernd Schneidmüller; Verlag C.H.Beck München; 1996; ISBN 3-406-40446-4.
Född: Abt 915
of, , Saxony, Germany
Död: 1 Mar 965
1 Hugh Magnus Count of Paris, [The Great]
• Hugh Capet King of France
• Beatrix Princess of France
• Emma Princess of France
• Otto Eudes Duke of Bourgogne
• Heinrich I Duke of Bourgogne
From Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Hedwig von Sachsen (Forrás / Source):
Hedwig von Sachsen
F, #3973, b. before 922, d. after 965
Last Edited=19 Jun 2005
Hedwig von Sachsen was born before 922. She was the daughter of Heinrich I von Sachsen, Holy Roman Emperor and Mathilda von Ringelheim. (1)
(Ben M. Angel notes: Heinrich was actually the last German ruler not to be titled Holy Roman Emperor. He did carry the title King of Germany, though.)
She married Hugues of Neustria, Comte de Paris, son of Robert I, Roi de France, before 14 September 938. (1)
She died after 965, on a 10 May.
Hedwig von Sachsen was also known as Hatwide.1
Children of Hedwig von Sachsen and Hugues of Neustria, Comte de Paris
-1. Hugues de Paris, Roi de France+ b. c 938, d. 24 Oct 996
-2. Emma de Paris b. a 942, d. 19 Mar 968
[S45] Marcellus Donald R. von Redlich, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, volume I (1941; reprint, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002), page 63. Hereinafter cited as Pedigrees of Emperor Charlemagne, I.
Era irmã de Otto I(Imperador do Sacro Império Romano). Que planejou um casamento dela com Hugues le Grand.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on France Capetian Kings:
Hugues Le Grand married thirdly ([9 May/14 Sep] 937) HEDWIG of Germany, daughter of HEINRICH I King of Germany & his second wife Mathilde [Immedinger] ([922]-9 Jan [958 or after 965]).
"Hugues abbé de Saint-Martin" donated "son alleu de Lachy…dans le comté de Meaux", inherited from "comte Aledramnus", to Tours Saint-Martin by charter dated 14 Sep 937 which names "sa femme Havis"[96].
Rodulfus Glauber names "sororem [=Otto] Haduidem" as wife of "Hugo dux Francorum cognomento Magnus"[97]. Flodoard refers to "sororem Othonis regis Transfhenensis, filiam Heinrici" as the wife of "Hugo princeps, filius Roberti", without naming her, recording their marriage in 938[98]. Flodoard also refers to "relicta Hugonis" as "amita Lotharius rex"[99].
The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "V Id Jan" of "Hadhuidis comitissa"[100].
Duke Hugues & his third wife had four children:
1. Hugues (b. c.940, d. 24 October 996 at Villa Les Juifs, near Prasville, Eure-et-Loire, buried Eglise de l'Abbaye Royale de St-Denis, First King of France)
2. Emma (b. c.943, d. after 18 March 968, married as first wife Richard I Sans Peur Comte de Normandie)
3. Otton (Eudes, b. c.945, d. 23 February 965, buried St-Germain d'Auxerre, installed by Lothaire as Duke of Burgundy)
4. Eudes (Odo, b. c.948, d. 15 October 1002 at Chateau de Poilly-sur-Saone, buried Auxerre, adopted the name of Henri when becoming Duke of Burgundy, apparently different from previous brother)
[96] Tours Saint-Martin LVIII, p. 95.
[97] Rodulfi Glabri, Historiarum I.4, MGH SS VII, p. 54.
[98] Flodoard 938, MGH SS III, p. 385.
[99] Flodoard 957, MGH SS III, p. 404.
[100] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Saint-Denis, p. 307.
From the German Wikipedia page on Hadwig von Sachsen:
Hadwig von Sachsen, Herzogin von Franzien (* zwischen 914 und 920; † 959) war eine Tochter des deutschen Königs Heinrich I. und seiner zweiten Gemahlin Mathilde, Schwester von Kaiser Otto I. und die Mutter von Hugo Capet, dem Begründer der Kapetinger.
Hadwig war jünger als ihr Bruder Otto (* 912) und ihre Schwester Gerberga, aber älter als ihr Bruder Heinrich (* 921). 937 oder 938 wurde sie mit Hugo dem Großen, Herzog von Franzien, vermählt. Ihr Sohn Hugo Capet, der 987 französischer König wurde, kam um 940 zur Welt. Weitere Söhne sind Odo (von 956 bis 965 Herzog von Burgund) und Odo-Heinrich (von 965 bis 1001 Herzog von Burgund).
Beim Tod Hugos des Großen 956 war ihr Sohn Hugo Capet noch nicht volljährig, deshalb übernahm ihr Bruder Brun die Vormundschaft. Brun hatte bereits 954 die Vormundschaft für seinen Neffen Lothar, den Sohn seiner Schwester Gerberga, übernommen und bekam dadurch eine sehr einflussreiche Stellung in Frankreich.
Helmut Beumann: Die Ottonen; Verlag W. Kohlhammer; Stuttgart Berlin Köln; 4. Auflage 1997; ISBN 3-17-014802-8.
Joachim Ehlers: Die Kapetinger; Verlag W. Kohlhammer; Stuttgart Berlin Köln; 2000; ISBN 3-17-014233-X.
Rudolf Schieffer: Die Karolinger; Verlag W. Kohlhammer; Stuttgart Berlin Köln; 2. Auflage 1997; ISBN 3-17-014584-3.
Carlrichard Brühl: "Lothar 954-986 und Ludwig V. 986-987" in "Die französischen Könige des Mittelalters", herausgegeben von Joachim Ehlers, Heribert Müller, Bernd Schneidmüller; Verlag C.H.Beck München; 1996; ISBN 3-406-40446-4.
In English:
Hadwig von Sachsen, Duchess of Francia (b. 914-920, d. 959) was a daughter of German King Henry I and his second wife Mathilde (daughter of Graf Theodoric von Rheingelheim), a sister of Holy Roman Emperor Otto I, and mother of Hugh Capet, founder of the Capetian dynasty.
Hadwig was younger than her brother Otto (b. 912) and her sister Gerberga von Sachsen, but older than her brother Heinrich (b. 921). In 937/938, she married Hugh The Great, Duke of the Franks. Her son, Hugh Capet, entered the world in 940 and become King of France in 987. Her other sons were Odo (Duke of Burgundy 956-965), and Odo-Henri (Duke of Burgundy 965-1001).
Upon the death of Hugh the Great in 956, her son Hugh Capet had not yet come of age, so her brother Archbishop Bruno of Cologne took over his regency. Bruno was guardian of his nephew Lothair in 954 (son of his sister Gerberga), and was a very influential person in France.
From the English Wikipedia page on Hedwige of Saxony:
Hedwige of Saxony (c. 910 – May 10, 965) was a daughter of Henry I the Fowler, and his wife Matilda of Ringelheim.
She was a sister of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor (Ben M. Angel notes: he is the first German ruler that can accurately be called "Holy Roman Emperor", even though the title is posthumous by a couple centuries); Henry I, Duke of Bavaria; Gerberga of Saxony; and Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne.
After her brother Otto I came to power, an alliance and marriage was arranged with Hugh the Great in 936. Her son, Hugh Capet, was crowned King of France in 987.
Hedwige of Saxony
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hedwige of Saxony (c. 910 – May 10, 965) was a daughter of Henry I the Fowler, and his wife Matilda of Ringelheim.
She was a sister of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, Henry I, Duke of Bavaria, Gerberga of Saxony and Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne.
After her brother Otto I came to power, an alliance and marriage was arranged with Hugh the Great in 936. Her son, Hugh Capet, was crowned King of France in 987.
Hedwige of Saxony (c. 910 – May 10, 965) was a daughter of Henry I the Fowler, and his wife Matilda of Ringelheim.
She was a sister of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, Henry I, Duke of Bavaria, Gerberga of Saxony and Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne.
After her brother Otto I came to power, an alliance and marriage was arranged with Hugh the Great in 936. Her son, Hugh Capet, was crowned King of France in 987.
Hedwige of Saxony (c. 910 – May 10, 965) was a daughter of Henry I the Fowler, and his wife Matilda of Ringelheim.
She was a sister of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, Henry I, Duke of Bavaria, Gerberga of Saxony and Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne.
After her brother Otto I came to power, an alliance and marriage was arranged with Hugh the Great in 936. Her son, Hugh Capet, was crowned King of France in 987.
Hedwige of Saxony (c. 910 – May 10, 965) was a daughter of Henry I the Fowler, and his wife Matilda of Ringelheim.
She was a sister of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, Henry I, Duke of Bavaria, Gerberga of Saxony and Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne.
After her brother Otto I came to power, an alliance and marriage was arranged with Hugh the Great in 936. Her son, Hugh Capet, was crowned King of France in 987.
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadwig_von_Sachsen Hadwig von Sachsen aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche Hadwig von Sachsen
Hadwig von Sachsen, Herzogin von Franzien (* zwischen 914 und 920; † 959) war eine Tochter des deutschen Königs Heinrich I. und seiner zweiten Gemahlin Mathilde, Schwester von Kaiser Otto I. und die Mutter von Hugo Capet, dem Begründer der Kapetinger.
Hadwig war jünger als ihr Bruder Otto (* 912) und ihre Schwester Gerberga, aber älter als ihr Bruder Heinrich (* 921). 937 oder 938 wurde sie mit Hugo dem Großen, Herzog von Franzien, vermählt. Ihr Sohn Hugo Capet, der 987 französischer König wurde, kam um 940 zur Welt. Weitere Söhne sind Odo (von 956 bis 965 Herzog von Burgund) und Odo-Heinrich (von 965 bis 1001 Herzog von Burgund).
Beim Tod Hugos des Großen 956 war ihr Sohn Hugo Capet noch nicht volljährig, deshalb übernahm ihr Bruder Brun die Vormundschaft. Brun hatte bereits 954 die Vormundschaft für seinen Neffen Lothar, den Sohn seiner Schwester Gerberga, übernommen und bekam dadurch eine sehr einflussreiche Stellung in Frankreich. Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Helmut Beumann: Die Ottonen; Verlag W. Kohlhammer; Stuttgart Berlin Köln; 4. Auflage 1997; ISBN 3-17-014802-8.
* Joachim Ehlers: Die Kapetinger; Verlag W. Kohlhammer; Stuttgart Berlin Köln; 2000; ISBN 3-17-014233-X.
* Rudolf Schieffer: Die Karolinger; Verlag W. Kohlhammer; Stuttgart Berlin Köln; 2. Auflage 1997; ISBN 3-17-014584-3.
* Carlrichard Brühl: "Lothar 954-986 und Ludwig V. 986-987" in "Die französischen Könige des Mittelalters", herausgegeben von Joachim Ehlers, Heribert Müller, Bernd Schneidmüller; Verlag C.H.Beck München; 1996; ISBN 3-406-40446-4.
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Hedwig was a younger daughter of Henry I the Fowler, and his second wife Matilda of Ringelheim. Her siblings were Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor; Henry I, Duke of Bavaria; Gerberga of Saxony; and Bruno I, Archbishop of Cologne.
After her brother Otto I came to power, an alliance and marriage was arranged with Hugh the Great. Hedwig was Hugh's third wife. They married c.936/8. With Hugh, Hedwig had the following children: Hugh Capet, who was crowned King of France in 987. Emma (945-968), who married Richard I, Duke of Normandy in 960. Otto, Duke of Burgundy (945-965) Henry I, Duke of Burgundy (948-1002)
When Hedwig's husband died in 956, her son Hugh Capet was still underage. Although Hugh inherited his father's estates, but did not rule independently.[1] Along with her brother, Bruno, Hedwig acted as Hugh's regent until he came of age.[
Hon var syster till Kejsar Otto I
Hedwige of Saxony's Timeline
922 |
937 |
May 9, 937
- June 16, 956
Age 15
940 |
Paris, Île-de-France, France
943 |
945 |
948 |
958 |
January 9, 958
Age 36