Historical records matching Matilda of Saxony, countess of Flanders
Immediate Family
About Matilda of Saxony, countess of Flanders
MECHTILD of Saxony ([942]-Gent 25 May 1008, bur Gent St Peter).
d/o HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael) & NN https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Mechtilddied1008
x c951/59 BAUDOUIN III joint Count of Flanders, s/o ARNOUL I "le Grand" Count of Flanders & his second wife Adela de Vermandois [Carolingian] ([940]-1 Jan 962)
1. ARNOUL de Flandre ([961/62]-30 Mar 987, bur Gent).https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLANDERS,%20HAINAUT.htm#BaudouinII...
xx c 963 GODEFROI Comte de Verdun, s/o comte GOZELON [Wigeriche] &Uda --- [Matfriede] (-3 Sep 995, bur Gent St Peter).
1. ADALBERO (-in Italy 18 Apr 988, bur Verdun Cathedral)
2. FREDERIC (-Verdun 6 Jan 1022, bur Monastery St Guy).
3. HERMAN [Hezelo] (-28 May 1029, bur Verdun Saint-Vanne)
4. GODEFROI (-26 Sep 1023, bur Verdun Saint-Vanne).
5. GOZELON ([968/73]-19 Apr 1044, bur Münsterbilsen).
7. IRMGARD (-1042)
8. ERMENTRUDE (-7 Mar after 1010)
9. [REGINLIND (-1 Feb [1050])
10. [GERBERGE ??
11. [--- . m ---.] One child: NN
c) MECHTILD of Saxony ([942]-Gent 25 May 1008, bur Gent St Peter). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", recording the names of Mechtild's two husbands[240]. The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names "Mathildis, filiam principis Herimanni" as wife of "Balduinum [filius comitis Arnulfi]", specifying that it was hoped that the couple would have many children[241]. This suggests that their marriage date may have been some years earlier than 961 considering that the Genealogia was supposedly compiled in [951/59], probably during the earlier part of this date range considering which children of Louis IV King of the West Franks are named in the document[242]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Mathildis comitissa Saxonie" as wife of "Godefridi Ardennensis"[243]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the rights and property of Kloster Mouzon donated by (among others) "dux Fredericus pro anima Ottonis…[et] Godefridus comes et coniux sua Mathildis pro anima sui fratris Adalberonis archiepiscopi" by charter dated 1023[244]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1008 of "Mathildis comitissa"[245]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "25 May" of "Mattild com"[246].
m firstly ([951/59]%29 BAUDOUIN III joint Count of Flanders, son of ARNOUL I "le Grand" Count of Flanders & his second wife Adela de Vermandois [Carolingian] ([940]-1 Jan 962).
m secondly ([963]%29 GODEFROI Comte de Verdun, son of comte GOZELON [Wigeriche] & his wife Uda --- [Matfriede] (-3 Sep 995, bur Gent St Peter).
The name of Mathilde's mother does not seem to appear in the primary sources. Her name is given as Hildegard in numerous secondary sources, but given the uncertainty about Hermann's marriage(s), including the possibility that he was married more than once, the identity of Mathilde's mother must be regarded as uncertain.
From an unknown source her mother is listed as : ) Hildegard von Westerburg, daughter of Lothar II (874-929) graf von Walbeck & Stade and Swanhilde van Hamaland. Hildegard was born circa 935 in Westerburg, Halberstadt, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. She died 15 Mar 976 in Ringelheim, Salzgitter, Niedersachsen, Germany.
Gift två gånger.
Barn med Baudouin
- 1. Count Arnoul II of FLANDERS, b. Abt 941, Flanders, France , d. 30 Mar 987
- 2. Baron Jean De CONTEVILLE of TONSBURGH, b. 959, Conteville, France
- 3. Countess Bertha of FLANDERS, b. Abt 1008, d. Between 1036 and 1102
Baldwin II, Great Forrester died 919, Governor of Flanders [877 - 919]
& Princess Alfrith, dau of Alfred the Great of Flanders
Baldwin II, of Flanders, the Forester married Princess Alfrith, the daughter of Alfred the Great [849 - 899], King of England [871-899]: she was claimed to the most perfect character in history.
Her father was the Saxon King of England who defeated the Danes, after they had overrun England. He made wars against Endes, Count of Paris, who usurped the French crown and defeated him.
Baldwin II died in 919 and was succeeded by his son Arnulf of Flanders, the Forester, who was succeeded in 988 by his son.
He married Matilda of Saxony Billung around 944 and they had a son, Arnold.
Matilda Billung
- F, #105912, b. before 951, d. 25 May 1008
- Last Edited=2 Aug 2003
- Matilda Billung was born before 951. She was the daughter of Herzog Hermann Billung, von Sachsen.
- She married Baldwin III, Comte de Flandre et Artois, son of Arnulf 'the Great', Comte de Flandre and Adela de Vermandois, circa 961.
- She died on 25 May 1008.
- Matilda Billung was also known as Maud.
Child of Matilda Billung and Baldwin III, Comte de Flandre et Artois
- -1. Arnulf II 'the Younger', Comte de Flandre+ b. Dec 961, d. 30 Mar 987
Forrás / Source:
Matilda Billung
Matilda was born in 0958 in , , Sachsen, Germany. Matilda's father was Herzog Hermann Billung von Sachsen and her mother was Hildegard De Westerburg. Her paternal grandfather is Billung von Sachsen and her paternal grandmother was Aeda Frederunda Hildeburg; her maternal grandparents were Lothar II Von Stade and Swanhilde Vom Rheinland. She was an only child. She died at the age of 50 on May 25th, 1008 in Flanders, Belgium.
Baudouin III de Flanders & Matilda Billung
Baudouin III and Matilda were married in a religious ceremony in Flanders, Belgium. They had a son named Jean.
- Jean DE CONTEVILLE: Jean was born in 0969 in Conteville, Normandy, France. He died at the age of 118 in 1087 in Conteville, Eure, Normandy, France.
The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", recording the names of Mechtild's two husbands[216]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Mathildis comitissa Saxonie" as wife of "Godefridi Ardennensis"[217]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the rights and property of Kloster Mouzon donated by (among others) "dux Fredericus pro anima Ottonis…[et] Godefridus comes et coniux sua Mathildis pro anima sui fratris Adalberonis archiepiscopi" by charter dated 1023[218].
The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "VIII Kal Jun" of "Mathildis comitisse"[219]. from:
SOURCES: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(LOWER)%20NOBILITY.h... www.aragon10.free-online.co.uk/charlemagne.htm
From the Celtic Casimir online family tree: http://www.celtic-casimir.com/webtree/2/5810.htm
Mathilde (Maud) Billung VON SACHSEN 578,1055
- Born: Abt 942, Sachsen 1055
- Married (1): Abt 961 1055
- Married (2): 963 578,1055
- Died: 25 May 1008 1055
- Ancestral File Number: GS5L-K2.
Marriage Information: Mathilde married Comte Baudouin (Baldwin) III DE FLANDRES, son of Comte Arnolf (Arnulph) I "the Elder" DE FLANDRES et Artois and Adaele (Alice, Alix) DE VERMANDOIS, about 961 1055. (Comte Baudouin (Baldwin) III DE FLANDRES was born between 933 and 940 in Flandres 1055 and died on 1 Nov 962 1055,1168.)
Marriage Information: Mathilde also married Cte Godfrey (Gottfried) 'The Old' D' ARDENNES comte de Verdun, son of Gozelo (Gonzelon) D' ARDENNES and Uda, in 963 578,1055. (Cte Godfrey (Gottfried) 'The Old' D' ARDENNES comte de Verdun was born in 932 in Ardennes, Champagne-Ardenne, France 1055 and died after 3 Sep 995 in Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France 1055.)
From the Dutch Wikipedia entry on Mathildis van Saksen: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathildis_van_Saksen
Mathildis van Saksen (942 - 25 mei 1008) was een dochter van Herman Billung, hertog van Saksen. Rond 961 huwde zij met Boudewijn III van Vlaanderen en nadien met Godfried van Verdun, bijgenaamd de Gevangene.
Uit haar huwelijk in 961 met Boudewijn III van Vlaanderen, werd geboren:
- Arnulf II van Vlaanderen.
Uit het huwelijk in 963 met Godfried werden de volgende kinderen geboren:
- Adalbero (-Italië, 19 april 988), 984 benoemd tot bisschop van Verdun door zijn oom Adalbero van Reims die daarover in conflict kwam met koning Lotharius die niet om toestemming was gevraagd. Adalbero is begraven in de kathedraal van Verdun.
- Frederik (±970- Verdun, 6 januari 1022), graaf van Verdun
- Herman van Ename (- 28 mei 1029), graaf van Brabant en graaf van Verdun
- Godfried de Kinderloze (- 26 september 1023), hertog van Neder-Lotharingen
- Gozelo (-1044), hertog van Neder- en Opper-Lotharingen
- Adela, gehuwd met graaf Godizo van Aspelt en Heimbach, graaf van de Luikgouw
- Ermengarde (-1042), gehuwd met Otto I van Zutphen (Hammerstein)
- Ermentrudis, gehuwd met heer Aarnoud van Florennes-Rumigny
- mogelijk Regelinde, gehuwd met Arnold van Wels en Lambach
- mogelijk Gerberga, gehuwd met graaf Folmar IV van Metz
In English:
Matilda of Saxony was the daughter of Herman Billung, Duke of Saxony. Around 961, she married Baldwin III of Flanders, and then afterwards to Godfrey of Verdun, nicknamed "The Prisoner".
From her marriage in 961 with Baldwin of Flanders was born Arnulf II of Flanders. (The Celtic Casimir online family tree asserts also was born Jean de Conterville, likely after Baldwin's death in 962.)
From her marriage in 963 with Godfrey were the following chilfdren:
- 1. Frederick (c. 970 to 1022), Count of Verdun
- 2. Godfrey the Childless (to 1023), Duke of Lower Lorraine
- 3. Adalbero (to 989), Bishop of Verdun
- 4. Herman van Ename (to 1029), Count of Brabant and Count of Verdun (apparently succeeding Frederick)
- 5. Gothelo (to 1044), Duke of Lower and Upper Lorraine (apparently succeeding Godfrey the Childless in Lower Lorraine)
- 6. Ermengarde (to 1042), who married Otto I of Bavaria (Hammerstein)
- 7. Ermentrude, married Arnulf of Florennes-Rumigny
- 8. Gerberga, married Folmar I of Metz
According to the German Wikipedia webpage on Hermann Billung, her father:
Mathilde I. (* 935/945; † 25. Mai 1008) bestattet in der Abtei St. Peter in Gent ∞ 961 Balduin III. Graf von Flandern († 1. Januar 962), ∞ um 963 Gottfried der Gefangene († 3./4. April nach 995) 963/982 Graf von Verdun (Wigeriche), bestattet in der Abtei St. Peter in Gent
Matilda I (935/945 to 25 May 1008) buried in the Abbey of St. Peter in Ghent. 961 - married Baldwin III, Count of Flanders (died 1 January 962) about 963 - married Godfrey the Prisoner (d. 3/4 April after 995) 963 to 982 Count of Verdun (Wigeric of Lotharingia) buried in the Abbey of St. Peter in Ghent.
Mathilde of Saxony, daughter of Hermann Billung of Saxony and Hildegard of Westerburg, in 961. (Mathilde of Saxony died on 25 May 1009 (not 1008). Hermann, d. 27 or 28 March 973, duke of Sachsen (Saxony).
Baldwin III of FLANDERS Count of Flanders [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 935 in , Flanders, Belgium. He died 1 Jan 962 in , Flanders, Belgium. Baldwin married Matilda of SAXONY on 958 in , Flanders, Belgium.
Matilda of SAXONY [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 943 in , Sachsen, Germany. She died 25 May 1008 in , Flanders, Belgium. Matilda married Baldwin III of FLANDERS Count of Flanders on 958 in , Flanders, Belgium.
- Other marriages:
- ARDENNES, Godfrey d' Count of Verdun
They had the following children:
- M i Arnulf II "The Young" of FLANDERS Count of Flanders was born 959 and died 30 Mar 987.
Matilda of Saxony, countess of Flanders's Timeline
942 |
Herzogtum Sachsen, Ostenfrankenreich (Present Germany)
957 |
Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France
961 |
December 961
Vlaanderen (Flanders), Belgium
964 |
Verdun, France
965 |
Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France
Verdun, Département Meuse, Grand Est, France
970 |
Hammerstein, (Now Czarne), Koszalin, Poland