Anthony-Maria Browne, 2nd Viscount Montagu
(1574 - 1629)
Anthony-Maria Browne, 2nd Viscount Montagu From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAnthony-Maria Browne (1574–1629) was an English peer during the Tudor and Stuart period. He was born in 1574, the son of ...
Claas Jansz van Rensburg
(bef.1720 - c.1786)
Baptism Claas Janse van Rynsburgh Richard Ball pages
Will - Van Staden, Maria - 1758, Cape Archives, CJ 2664, 26
haare volgende Stiefbroeders en Zústers, te weeten ..., Nicolaas Jansen, ...
Margaret de Audley, 2nd Baroness Audley
(1305 - 1347)
Margaret de Audley1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
F, #11028, b. circa 1322, d. 7 September 1349
Father Sir Hugh de Audley, Lord Audley, 8th Earl Gloucester, Sheriff of Rutland11,3,4,5,6,7,8,12,10 b. c 12...
Peeter Ernits
Peeter Ernits on Eesti zooloog, ajakirjanik ja poliitik, XIII Riigikogu liige.
Jaco Pastorius
(1951 - 1987)
John Francis Anthony Pastorius III (December 1, 1951 – September 21, 1987), known as Jaco Pastorius, was an influential American jazz musician, composer, big band leader and electric bass player. He is...
Elizabeth Hepburn of Fuird
(1566 - 1645)
LADY ELIZABETH HEPBURN younger=== Lady Elizabeth Hepburn, younger, is the daughter of Robert Hepburn of Fuird. Darryl Lundy's Peerage Her mother is Lady Elizabeth Hepburn, elder. NRS: GD59/52
Richard Bushell
(1294 - d.)
Richard Bushell born about 1294 (end of information)
daughter of Richard Bushell born about 1320 . Married Ralph (Radus) Trenouth born about 1318
notes or source:
Anna Andersdotter
(1499 - bef.1559)
Anna Andersdotter. Född i Grubbe, Umeå lfs. [16] Död 1559. Gift. med Lars Olofsson. Ståthållare. Död 1572. Gubernatoris i Nordlanden, som sal. k. Göstaf emoot Juten, Lagman i Westerbotten år 1560. (Joh...
Johanna Catharina Erasmus / Van Der Sandt
(1867 - 1941)
Talmai ., King of Geshur
(-1125 - d.)
2 Samuel 13:37
1 Chronicles 3:2
Wikipedia: Geshur
His daughter, Maacah, was married to King David of Israel .
Joannes Pretorius
(bef.1680 - bef.1732)
Joannes Baptism 1680
No second name Lodewyk !
Date of birth not known.
b3 Johannes ≈ 22.9.1680 † c. 1732 x Helena VOSLOO * c. 1698 † c. 1731 d.v. Johannes Vosloo en Helena v. Malabar
Judi Marais-M...
Samuel Gosschalk
(1836 - 1910)
Sancha Nunes de Chacim
(c.1240 - d.)
"O segundo casamento foi com Sancha Nunes de Chacim, filha de Nuno Martins de Chacim e de sua segunda esposa, Teresa Nunes Queixada, de quem teve oito filhas:
Branca Lourenço de Valadares, casou depoi...
 Attribution: Elena Ringo ( http://www.elena-ringo.com ). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Armie_Hammer_at_Berlinale_2017.jpg
Armie Hammer
Los Angeles, California, United States
Armand Douglas "Armie" Hammer , born August 28, 1986, is an American actor. He is a descendant of several famous figures, including the founder of the Communist Party of America, the founder of the Arm...
Arthur Howland, of Marshfield
(c.1590 - 1675)
Arthur Howland
Birth: say 1590 - Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire District, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: 30 Oct 1675 (aged 83–84) - Marshfield, Plymouth Colony
Burial: Old Winslow Burying Ground Mar...
Casimir III the Great, King of Poland
(1310 - 1370)
III Wielki – król Polski w latach 1333–1370, ostatni władca z dynastii Piastów na polskim tronie. III the Great (Polish: Kazimierz Wielki; April 30 1310 – November 5, 1370), last King of Poland from th...
Mary Elizabeth Davis
(1654 - 1740)
Wife of Nathaniel Davis
Mother of
Robert Davis,
Mary Elizabeth (Davis) Burks,
Martha Hannah (Davis) Venable
Abediah (Davis) Floyd Abadiah Floyd is a grandchild, not daughter.
An 1895 geneal...
Adeliza de Toeni, Countess of Hereford
(c.1035 - 1070)
Daughter of Roger de Toeni (Tosny) de Conches and Adelaida de Barcelona. Married William FitzOsbern of Breteuil.Charles Cawley writes in the FMG Medieval Lands database: ADELISE (-6 Oct ----, bur Abbay...
Georg Wilhelm Richmann
(1711 - 1753)
Erik Amburger Datenbank
Georg Wilhelm Richmann (1 1./22.07.1711 Pärnu – 26.07./06.08.1753 Peterburi) oli Eestis sündinud, baltisaksa päritolu Vene füüsik.
Георг Вильгельм Рихман ( 11 [22] июля 1711...
William Geary
(1800 - 1866)
and son William Geary were transported to Tasmania in the ship "Jupiter 2" arriving on 27 May 1833, after being tried at Derby Quarter Sessions Court on 28 June 1831. Their crime was "breaking into a g...
Cayetana de Silva y Álvarez de Toledo y Silva-Bazán, XIII duquesa de Alba de Tormes
(1762 - 1802)
María Teresa de Silva Álvarez de Toledo (Sevilla, 10 de junio de 1762-Madrid, 23 de julio de 1802) fue una noble española, XIII duquesa de Alba de Tormes por derecho propio y grande de España.María Ter...
Arthur Edward Astill
(1877 - 1964)
Arthur Astill, a 16 year old labourer from Orange in central west NSW, was photographed at Dubbo Gaol on 24 January 1893 while awaiting trial for murder. He was tried at Dubbo Circuit Court on 11 April...
Albert I the Tall, duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg
(c.1236 - 1279)
Albrecht I. der Große (auch Albrecht der Lange genannt), Herzog zu Braunschweig-Lüneburg aus dem Hause der Welfen - war gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Johann I. zweiter Herzog von Braunschweig und Lünebur...
Henry Ball, Convict "Adelaide" 1849
(1826 - 1903)
Charles Merritt
(c.1652 - 1718)
Not the son of Maj. William Marriott, of Surry parents are unknown--please see sources here: : Charles was born about 1652. He was the son of William Merriott and Susanna Swan.) He passed away about 17...
Ingeborg of Norway
(c.1301 - 1361)
Ingeborg Haakonsdatter Ingebjørg eller Ingeborg Håkonsdatter (1301-ca 1360, senest 1364) var en norsk prinsesse, datter av kong Håkon V Magnusson av Norge (sønn av Magnus Lagabøte) og Eufemia av Arnste...
Rabbi Shlomo Bochner (ABD Chrzanow)
(c.1752 - 1828)
Descendant of the Megaleh Amukos, Maharam of Padua, Rashi, Hillel HaZaken and Dovid HaMelech. JUST WITHOUT A DOUBT the high point in the rabbinical history of Chrzanow is occupied by its first and most...
Adelaide de Maurienne (de Savoie, di Susa)
(c.1052 - 1079)
of RheinfeldenFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn 1057 Rudolf allegedly took advantage of the minority of Henry IV, King of the Romans, by kidnapping Matilda, the king's sister. Rudolf demanded, an...
Ælfgifu of York
(963 - 1002)
Æthelred's first wife, background unclear. Possible father is Thored Gunnarsson, ealdorman of York. Six children:
1. Æthelstan
2. Æcgbert
3. Eadmund/Edmund Ironside
4. Eadred
5. Eadwig
6. Eadgyth (dau...
Gerhard II, count of Wassenberg
(c.1010 - 1082)
II van WassenbergUit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedieGa naar: navigatie, zoekenGerard II van Wassenbergca. 1010-1082Graaf van WassenbergPeriode ca. 1042-1052Voorganger Gerard IOpvolger Gerard IIIVad...
Heikki Pietarinpoika Wirmala
(c.1586 - c.1666)
Suomen asutuksen yleisluettelossa:
* Padasjoki 1600-1619
Padasjoki 1620-1639
Padasjoki 1634-1653
Kasvoi aikuiseksi Padasjoen Jokioisten Saksalassa. Tuli Virmailan ratsutilan isännäksi ...
Isabel Drummond of Innerpaffrey
(1533 - 1568)
Aljoša Vučković
Aljoša Vučković (Serbian Cyrillic: Аљоша Вучковић; born 17 December 1946) is a Yugoslav retired actor. He appeared in more than one hundred films since 1967.
Eva mac Uhtred
(1150 - d.)
Medieval genealogist Douglas Richardson wrote on 12 Sept 2002 ( Fitz Fergus, lord of Galloway, had two known children, Roland (who you show) and Eve, wife of Walter de Berkeley, of Red Castle, co. Forf...
Ida, king of Bernicia
(c.515 - c.560)
Bede's Ecclesiastical History ==In the year 547, Ida began to reign; he was the founder of the royal family of the Northumbrians, and he reigned twelve years.== Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ==A.D. 547. This y...
Endla Johanna Rämmal
Mary Washington
(1708 - 1789)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor #: A121971
Mary Ball was the mother of President George Washington. The father of our country.
Mary Ball Washington
Mary Ball Was...
Walter de Beauchamp, III
(1184 - 1236)
Walter de Beauchamp III= From Medlands: WILLIAM [II] de Beauchamp, son of WILLIAM [I] de Beauchamp & his wife Bertha de Briouse (-1197). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been...
Henry the Young King
(1155 - 1183)
Henry, known as the Young King (28 February 1155 – 11 June 1183) was the second of five sons of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was junior King of England, Duke of Normandy, Count...
Matilda of England, Duchess of Saxony
(1156 - 1189)
Note 1: Do not confuse this profile with that of her half sister, Matilda of Barking, who never married.
Note 2: Please refrain from copy-and-pasting extensive content from other websites.
George Thomas Foster, Convict "Eliza" 1822
(1791 - 1886)
Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Sep 27 2017, 8:14:24 UTC
Sea King Vifil
(c.390 - d.)
av Hálogi sin jarlene heter Véseti og Vifil (Vífill) bortførte Hálogi døtre og flyktet fra landet. Véseti avgjort i Borgundarhólm (Bornholm) hvor Eisa fødte ham to sønner som heter Bui og Sigurd Cape (...
(-2204 - d.)
Genesis 5:32 * Genesis 9:18-29 respectfully covers his drunk father, Noah, with his brother Japheth.* Genesis 10:21-31 lists his descendants, the Semitic races, named for him (Shem = Sem).* Genesis 11:...
Elizabeth Andrews
(1410 - bef.1474)
Primary Sources Will of Dame Elizabeth Andrews, dated on the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist [18 October], 1474 and proved 11th December 1474.
"My body to be buried in the Chancel of the Church of St...
Bertha de Beauchamp
(b. - 1200)
Bertha de Beauchamp (Braose)= From FMG Medlands WILLIAM [I] de Beauchamp (-1170, bur Worcester). Henry I King of England confirmed the inheritance by "Willelmo filio Walteri de Bello Campo, dispensario...
Mariota Leslie, lady of the Isles
(bef.1365 - bef.1440)
Mariota Leslie , Mairead, also called Mary and Margaret (died about 1440 at Tulloch Castle, Dingwall, Ross, Scotland) was the daughter of Euphemia I, Countess of Ross and her husband, the crusading war...
Margaret Montgomery, Countess of Lennox
(b. - 1493)
Lady Margaret Montgomery, Countess of Lennox, here treated, is not the same person as Margaret Home, Lady Home Lady Margaret Montgomery, here treated, is n...
N.N. Mårtensdotter Djäkn
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter - Frille s. 227-234.
Margaret Longland
(c.1302 - 1365)
Ancestry; D. Richardson 2011. Margaret died 8 Aug 1349 South Brent, Somerset. * Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Sep 21 2018, 16:01:01 UTC
(860 - 957)
the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Carolingian Nobility: , daughter of ---. "Falco comes Andecavorum iuvenis" names "uxor mea Roscila et filii mei Guido et Fulco" in a donation of property "...
Hugues I d'Arles, King of Italy, Regent of Lower Burgundy
(c.880 - 947)
- (c.880–947), known as Hugh of Arles or Hugh of Provence, was the King of Italy from 924 until his death. He belonged to the Bosonid family. During his reign, he empowered his relatives at the expense...
Justinian I, Eastern Roman Emperor
(483 - 565)
His full name was Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus . He was Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire (527). In 518, he became administrator for his uncle, Emperor Ioustinos (Justin) I, who shortly after...
Maximilian IV (I) Joseph von der Pfalz-Zweibrücken, König zu Bayern
(1756 - 1825)
Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch === Links: * The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Deutsch * Johann the Younger #626 * Elector of Bavaria Reign 1 April 1795 – 26 December 1805
C. S. Lewis
(1898 - 1963)
Clive Staples Lewis (29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963) was a British writer and lay theologian. He held academic positions in English literature at both Oxford University (Magdalen College, 1925–...
Karl Tullesen Sparre, (i Skaane)
(aft.1325 - d.)
Karl Tullesen Sparre (i Skaane) Børn * + 1. Bodil Karlsdatter Sparre (i Skaane), d. † Kilder * [S2] Danmarks Adels Aarbog, Thiset, Hiort-Lorenzen, Bobé, Teisen., (Dansk Adelsforening), [1884 - 2011]....
Tulle Truesen Sparre, (i Skaane)
Tulle Truesen Sparre (i Skaane) Notater
hans afkom fører de tre sparrer.
Far: True Vognsen Sparre (i Skaane)
Mor: N.N .
Hustru og Børn N.N.
Tyge Tullesen Sparre (i Skaane), d. eft. 1387
Timme Nielsen Rosenkrantz, til Engelsholm og Stensballegaard
(1393 - 1457)
Nielsen Rosenkrantz, til Engelholm Engelholm (Tørrild H.) og Stensballegaard (Voer H.), han mor var ifølge sønnesønnen axel Nielsens aner en Skinkel, 1433 beseglede med sin bror et af deres faster , fr...
Henry McCarty "Billy The Kid"
(1859 - 1881)
Billy the Kid
Born Henry McCarty
September 17 or November 23, 1859 (disputed) - New York City, United States
Died July 14, 1881 (aged 21) - Fort Sumner, New Mexico Territory
Cause of deat...
Malcolm IV of Scotland
(1142 - 1165)
aka 'the Maiden' as he never married and had no known offspring.
Malcolm IV (Medieval Gaelic: Máel Coluim mac Eanric; Scottish Gaelic: Maol Chaluim mac Eanraig), nicknamed Virgo, "the Maiden" (betw...
Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
(1828 - 1910)
Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy, or Count Lyev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (Russian: About this sound Лeв Никола́евич Толсто́й (help·info), Russian pronunciation: [l%CA%B2ev nʲɪkɐˈlaɪvʲɪtɕ tɐlˈstoj]; September 9 [...
Magnus VI Haakonsson, king of Norway
(1238 - 1280)
Tysk slektsinfo
Dansk slektsoppstilling
Store Norske Leksikon Magnus Lagabøte
Magnus 6 Lagabøte, født 1238, død 1280, født i Tønsberg, konge 1263–80, sønn av Håkon 4 Håkonsso...
Konung Karl XIV Johan av Sverige och av Norge
(1763 - 1844)
He was the first monarch of the Bernadotte dynasty. Born in Pau in southern France, Bernadotte joined the French Royal Army in 1780. Following the outbreak of the French Revolution, he exhibited grea...
Miguel I, Rei de Portugal
(1802 - 1866)
Name/title: Miguel I (Miguel Maria do Patrocínio João Carlos Francisco de Assis Xavier de Paula Pedro de Alcântara António Rafael Gabriel Joaquim José Gonzaga Evaristo de Bragança e Bourbon* King of Po...
Ordulf III, duke of Saxony
(c.1020 - 1072)
Navn: Ordulf (Bildet: Orthilius Dux Saxoniæ) Regjeringstid: Sachsen: 1059–1072 Født: 1022 Død: 1072 Foreldre: Bernhard II av Sachsen ogEilica av Schweinfurt Ektefelle(r): Ulvhild av NorgeGertrud av Ha...
Markvard von Brockdorff
(b. - 1432)
Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad III, emir of Seville
(1040 - 1095)
[multilingual available]
al-Mu'tamid Muhammad ibn Abbad al-Lakhmi (Arabic: المعتمد محمد ابن عباد بن اسماعيل اللخمي; reigned c. 1069–1091, lived 1040–1095),[1] also known as Abbad III , was the thir...
Gabriel Gabrielinpoika Calamnius
(1630 - 1672)
Gabriel Calamnius var prästadjunkt i Nykarleby, sedan på Åland och sist i Ijo, dog 1672.
Gabriel Calamnius (Gabriel, Petrus Michaelis (Petter), s. 1630, Kalajoki, k. 1673, Iijoki. Arvo/ammatti: Iin ki...
Johann Vosloo
(c.1649 - bef.1732)
Will 1732
Burger Joannes Vosloo from Plettenberg omtrent Lipsatd geboortig
No Voßloh surname on any source.
His parents unknown ==NO== supporting sources for current father attached.
Left everyt...
Diarmait mac Máel na mBó, King of Leinster, High King of Ireland
(c.995 - 1072)
married Diarmait MacMáil nam Bó, King of Ireland & Leinster. Diarmait was King of Leinster from 1042 to 1052, at which time he became High King of Ireland, a post which he held from 1052 until his deat...
Jaan Einasto
Tartu, Eesti
Sir James Stewart, of Pierston
(1276 - 1333)
Sir James was the fourth son of Sir John Stewart and Margaret Bonkyll, and the ancestor of the Earls of Atholl, Earls of Buchan and Earls of Traquair.
He died on 19 July 1333 during the battle of Hal...
Thomas Ellzey, I
(c.1627 - 1698)
Thomas Elzey (c. 1627-1698) married a Jane Greg (1636-1720) Elzey,Sr. d: 1698 Stafford County,Va age at d: ? . +Jane d: 1721 Stafford County,Va age at d: ? 2 [3] Sarah Ellzey b: Abt. 1656 Va .... +Henr...
Lady Agnes Dunbar
(1335 - 1378)
Not the same as Agnes , wife of Sir Patrick Hepburn of Hailes, Kt.
Comments Stirnet Genealogy, Peter Barns-Graham, Dunbar01
”There is some confusion with this lady. She may have been daughter of...
Brita Jönsdotter Fordell
(c.1475 - c.1545)
Släktforskarnas årsbok 2012 - Fordeliorum familia - Tiina Miettinen (s. 165-185).
Toivo Hoffrén hade födelse- och dödsår c. 1475 respektive c. 1545. Aki Nieminen hade som födelseår c. 1485. ant 2 10 2...
Elias Simonis
(c.1530 - 1584)
Simonis (K noin 1584). Elias Simonsson Paraisten kirkkoherra 1558, jolloin oli mukana rovastinkäräjillä ja kuittasi viljakymmenykset Paraisten pappilassa 12.8. Kuitin mukaan Elias Simonis oli kantanut ...
Alain la Zouche, Lord of Ashby la Zouche
(aft.1120 - 1190)
Alain de Porhoet aka la Zouche [aka la Coche aka la Ceoche aka la Zuche]* son of Geoffroy I, vicomte de Porhoet and his wife Hawise* married Adelicia de Belmeis* father of William, Roger and Philip la ...
Berenguela de Barcelona, reina consorte de León y Castilla
(c.1116 - 1149)
Berenguela de Barcelona De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre ña Berenguela de Barcelona (1105 - 1149) era una dama catalana. Hija de Ramón Berenguer III, conde de Barcelona, y doña Dulce de Provenza. Er...
Helewise de Glanville, Lady of Middleham
(1148 - 1194)
Robert TAILBOYSBorn: ABT 1158Died: ABT 1185Father: Ralph TAILBOYSMother: Agatha BRUCEMarried: Helewise GLANVILLEChildren:1. Ranulf TAILBOYS Helewise, mar. Robert fitz Ralph (d. 1184-5), lord of Middleh...
Genl. Jacobus Philippus Snyman
(1838 - 1925)
General Jacobus Philippus Snyman [Koos Hamerkop], Native Commissioner and Commissioner of the Marico district (*29.01.1838 Marico district) (≈21.03.1840) farmed in the Marico district of the Transvaal ...
Janet Dunbar of March
(c.1380 - aft.1434)
Janet Dunbar===* F, #5209, d. after 1434* Last Edited=28 May 2008Janet Dunbar was the daughter of George Dunbar, 10th Earl of Dunbar.1 She married* firstly, Sir William Seton of Seton, son of Sir John ...
Gavriel Mullokandov, People's Artist of Uzbek SSR
(1900 - 1972)
Philippe, King of the Belgians
Bruxelles, Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgique
Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch===House of Wettin(Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha). ==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #3881 * Wikipedia: English Français
William de Vernon de Reviers, 5th Earl of Devon
(bef.1146 - 1217)
William de Vernon From Medlands:
WILLIAM de Vernon (-8 or 10 Sep 1217, bur Christ Church, Twynham). The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Forde Abbey names “Ricardum, Henricum et Willielmum” as ...
Richard de Reviers, 2nd Earl of Devon, Lord of The Isle of Wight
(c.1118 - c.1162)
RICHARD de Vernon de Reviers Earl of Cornwall Lord of the Isle of Wight ===From Medlands:=== ([1115/30]-21 or 27 Apr 1162, bur Christ Church, Twynham). The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Ford Ab...
Poahkomie (Pahom) Nikiforinpoika Omenainen-Melentjev
(c.1816 - 1903)
Tietäjä, ennustaja ja laulaja.Nykyttilä, Akonlahti, Vuokkiniemi ja Kontokki, Vienan Karjala, Venäjä." Omenaińi Poahkomie " Syntymä / Birth / Рождение: Pahom Nikiforinpoika Melentjev syntyi Akonlahden k...
Guy II de Dampierre, seigneur de Dampierre et de Bourbon
(c.1155 - 1216)
Voir Wikipedia...
Guy II of Dampierre (died 18 January 1216) was constable of Champagne, and Lord of Dampierre, Bourbon and Montluçon. He was the only son of William I of Dampierre, Lord of Dampi...
Hans von Blixen-Finecke, Sr.
(1886 - 1917)
Hans von Blixen-Finecke
Wikipedia Baron Hans Gustaf von Blixen-Finecke was a Swedish officer and equestrian who won a bronze medal in dressage at the 1912 Summer Olympics. He died in an aeroplane cr...
Friedrich II 'the Serious' Landgraf von Thüringen und Markgraf von Meißen
(1310 - 1349)
His Father, Frederick I von Meissen, called the Brave or the Bitten (German Friedrich der Freidige or Friedrich der Gebissene; 1257 – 16 November 1323) was margrave of Meissen and landgrave of Thuringi...
Sir Henry "Harry" Stradling
(1423 - 1477)
See Peter Bartrum, Stradling 2 (May 5, 2024; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, Stradling 1 (May 4, 2024; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 1, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
(c.692 - c.741)
Charles Martel also had a mistress, Ruodhaid. They had the following children:* Bernard (b. before 732-787)* Hieronymus* Remigius, archbishop of Rouen (d. 771)* Ian (d. 783) *
Maredudd ab Owain, King of Deheubarth
(c.950 - 999)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Powys - Powys Succession after 823; . (Steven Ferry, October 15, 2019.)
Please see Darrell Wol...
Thomas de Berkeley, 3rd Baron Berkeley
(1293 - 1361)
There are two Sir Thomas deBerkleys buried at St. Mary the Virgin Churchyard in Berkley, England. Birth dates are 1293 and 1296 but the death dates 10-27-1361 are the same.
Thomas de Berkeley, 3r...
Chlodio IV, King of the Franks at Cologne (Fictitious Person)
(c.324 - c.389)
Note: or Clogio, King 360, to revenge his father's death took Cambray, slew many Romans, entered Gaul and annexed much of it to his dominions A.D.361, reigned eighteen years in the reigns of Valens in ...
Thrond "the Old" Halfdansson
(c.625 - c.667)
ID: I69288Name: ThrondSex: MBirth: Abt 675Note:Sources: RC 386; Russell; AF.RC: Thrond.Russell: Thrond, or Hoerk, King of Trondheim. Living 735.This line, as now deduced, generally follows RC and Russe...
Bernhard II von Anhalt-Bernburg, Fürst
(c.1260 - 1323)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg: Reign 1287-1323> Predecessor: Bernhard I Successor: Bernhard III
Enguerrand de Ponthieu, II, Comte de Ponthieu, Comte de Montreuil, Sire d'Aumale
(1030 - 1053)
concerns== Stirnet's "Ponthieu1" page does not mention this Enguerrand.==brief biography==Count of PonthieuCount of MontreuilLord of Aumalejure uxoris Lord of Aumale from about the time of his marriage...
 Photo from https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=122191220306190015&set=a.122097424232190015
Noel Luistro
Noel Luistro is a Filipino politician. He served as mayor of Mabini, Batangas from 2016 to 2022.
Certificate of candidacy (2025)
Hildegarde, countess of Anjou
(c.985 - c.1046)
ALERT: As of 22 Feb 2023 Medlands does Not identify parentage.
FOULQUES d'Anjou — m secondly ([ 1000/05 ]) HILDEGARD, daughter of --- (-Jerusalem 1 Apr 1046, bur Jerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepul...
Frederick Strange
(1818 - 1854)
Residence : 1 PRINCES ST (A DWELLING HOUSE) Sydney, New South Wales, Austalia - Between 1845 and 1846
Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 2 2019, 13:17:10 UTC
Gwenllian verch Ednyfed Fychan
(c.1195 - d.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Einion ap Celynin of Llwydiarth; . (Steven Ferry, August 25, 2020.)
Correspondence from Darrell Wolcott, Center for the Study of Ancient Wales, re: was Gwenllian married to...