Daughter of Roger de Toeni (Tosny) de Conches and Adelaida de Barcelona. Married William FitzOsbern of Breteuil.
Charles Cawley writes in the FMG Medieval Lands database:
ADELISE (-6 Oct ----, bur Abbaye de Lyre). Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Willelmus...filius Osberni, propinquus ducis Willelmi” founded “duo monasteriain honorem...Mariæ unum apud Liram...alterum apud Cormelias”, adding that he buried “Adelinam filiam Rogerii de Toenio uxorem suam” at Lyre[2879]. "Willelmo filio Osberni et…Ælicia eius uxore filia Rogeri de Thoneio" founded the abbey of Lyre by charter dated 1046[2880]. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Willermus filius Osberni Normanniæ dapifer et cognatus Willermi ducis…Aelizam uxorem suam filiam Rogeri de Toeneio" was buried in the monastery of Lyre[2881]. The necrology of Lyre monastery records the death "6 Oct" of "Adeliz uxor Willelmi hujus loci fundatoris"[2882]. The necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "6 Oct" of "mater Willelmi Britolii Adeliza"[2883].
m (before 1046) as his first wife, GUILLAUME FitzOsbern Seigneur de Breteuil, son of OSBERN de Crépon & his wife Emma d'Ivry (-killed in battle Cassel, Flanders 22 Feb 1071, bur Abbaye de Cormeilles).
Full context:
FMG Medieval Lands:
http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMAN%20NOBILITY.htm#RogerConchesd... Updated March 2015
RAOUL [II] de Tosny, son of RAOUL [I] [de Tosny] & his wife --- . "…Rodulphi filii Rodulphi de Todeniaco…" subscribed the undated charter under which "Richardus…Normannorum comes" confirmed property of Lisieux[2853]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that Duke Richard appointed “Nigellum Constantinensem atque Rodulfum Toennensem et Rogerium filium eiusdem” as custodians of “castrum Tegulense” (Tillières {Verneuil, Eure}), which he had built to protect against attack by Eudes [II] Comte de Blois[2854]. m ---. The name of Raoul's wife is not known.
Raoul [II] & his wife had [four] children:
1. ROGER [I] de Tosny [Conches] ([990]-killed in battle [17 Jun] [1040], bur Conches). Guillaume of Jumièges records that Duke Richard appointed “Nigellum Constantinensem atque Rodulfum Toennensem et Rogerium filium eiusdem” as custodians of “castrum Tegulense” (Tillières {Verneuil, Eure}), which he had built to protect against attack by Eudes [II] Comte de Blois[2855]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Rogerius Toenites de stirpe Malahulcii qui Rollonis ducis patruus fuerat” was “totius Normanniæ signifer“, that he travelled “in Hispaniam” when Duke Robert II went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, returned after the accession of Duke Guillaume II but refused to serve him because of his ignoble birth, rebelled against him, destroyed property in particular that of “Humfridi de Vetulis” who eventually killed Roger [I] along with “duobus filiis suis Helberto et Elinantio”[2856]. The Chronici Hugonis Floriacensis names "Rotgerius filius Rodulfi comitis" when recording that he left Normandy for Spain[2857]. The Chronico S Petri Vivi Senonensi records that "Rotgerius filius Rodulfi comitis" left Normandy for Spain with an army in 1015[2858]. Orderic Vitalis records that “Rogerius de Toenio” founded “cœnobium Castellionis alias de Conchis”[2859]. Henry I King of England confirmed the foundation of Conches by "Rogerius senior de Toenio et filius eius Radulphus senex et Radulphus juvenis filius prædicti Radulphi senis et Rogerius filius Radulphi juvenis", quoting the foundation by "Rogerius filius Radulphi Toteniensis" for the soul of "coniugis meæ Godehildis", dated to [1130][2860]. "…Rogerii filii Radulfi…" witnessed the charter dated to [1030] under which Robert II Duke of Normandy donated "in comitatu Abrincatensi villam…Sancti Johannis" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[2861]. He left Normandy for Spain in [1030/35], fought against the Moors, and lived there for 15 years with his Spanish wife[2862]. "…Rodgerii filii Rodulfi…Rogerii de Conchis" subscribed the charter dated to [1040] under which "Vuillelmus Ricardi magni ducis Normannorum filius" donated property to the abbey of Jumièges[2863]. The apparent duplication of these names is difficult to explain. "…Nigelli vicecomitis, Tursteni vicecomitis…Willelmi Arcacensis comitis, Godefridi vicecomitis, Rodgerii filii Rodulfi, Wimundi…" witnessed the charter dated to [1040] under which Guillaume Comte de Talou donated property to Jumièges[2864]. Henry II King of England confirmed the property of Conches abbey, including donations by "Rogeris senior de Toenio et filius eius Radulfus senex et Radulphus juvenis filius predicti Radulphi senex et Roger filius Radulphi juvenis", by charter dated 1165 or [1167/73][2865]. His death is dated to [17 Jun] because firstly Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Robertus de Grentesmaisnil” died in the same battle as “Rogerius [de Toenia]“[2866], and secondly the necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "17 Jun" of "Robertus de Grentemesnil"[2867]. His place of burial is confirmed by the charter dated to [1130] under which Henry I King of England confirmed the foundation of Conches by "Rogerius senior…", quoting the confirmation by "Radulphus de Totteneio cum Godehilde matre mea" for the burial of "patris mei Rogerii"[2868].
[m firstly (1018 or soon after) ADELAIDA [Papia] de Barcelona, daughter of RAMÓN BORELL I Conde de Barcelona & his wife Ermesinde de Carcassonne. The Chronicle of Adémar de Chabannes records that "Normanni duce Rotgerio", who had been fighting Saracens in Spain, asked "comitissa Barzelonensi Ermensende…vidua" for the hand of her daughter, but does not name the latter[2869]. It is not clear that "dux Rotgerius" is Roger de Conches, particularly as it seems surprising that Adémar would have accorded him the title "dux". It is assumed that this marriage proposal took place in 1018 or soon after: if it had taken place much later, there would have been little reason to have referred to the bride's mother as "vidua". In addition, the other events recorded by Adémar in the same paragraph, all relate to 1016/18. The Chronici Hugonis Floriacensis records that "Rotgerius filius Rodulfi comitis" married "sororem Raymundi-Berengarii Stephaniam" in Spain, specifying that she later married "rex Hispaniæ Garsias"[2870], but this account is even more confused and clearly conflates several different individuals. The Chronico S Petri Vivi Senonensi records the same marriage using the same wording[2871]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified.]
m [secondly] as her first husband, GODECHILDIS, daughter of ---. Henry I King of England confirmed the foundation of Conches by "Rogerius senior de Toenio et filius eius Radulphus senex et Radulphus juvenis filius prædicti Radulphi senis et Rogerius filius Radulphi juvenis", quoting the foundation by "Rogerius filius Radulphi Toteniensis" for the soul of "coniugis meæ Godehildis", dated to [1130][2872]. The Miracles of Sainte-Foy recount her being cured of a serious illness by miracle, when she was still married to her first husband[2873]. She married secondly Richard Comte d'Evreux. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Richardus Ebroicensis comes filius Roberti Archiepiscopi” married “uxore Rogerii de Toenia” by whom he had “Willelmum qui nunc Ebroicensibus principatur”[2874]. Henry I King of England confirmed the foundation of Conches by "Rogerius senior de Toenio et filius eius Radulphus senex et Radulphus juvenis filius prædicti Radulphi senis et Rogerius filius Radulphi juvenis", quoting the donation by "Godehildis comitissa Ebroicæ civitatis, quondam uxor Rogerii de Totteneio" with the consent of "seniore meo comite Richardo", dated to [1130][2875].
Roger [I] & his [first/second] wife had four children:
a) HELBERT (-killed in battle [1040]). Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Rogerius Toenites de stirpe Malahulcii qui Rollonis ducis patruus fuerat” rebelled against Duke Guillaume II and destroyed property, in particular that of “Humfridi de Vetulis” who eventually killed Roger [I] along with “duobus filiis suis Helberto et Elinantio”[2876].
b) HELINANT (-killed in battle [1040]). Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Rogerius Toenites de stirpe Malahulcii qui Rollonis ducis patruus fuerat” rebelled against Duke Guillaume II and destroyed property, in particular that of “Humfridi de Vetulis” who eventually killed Roger [I] along with “duobus filiis suis Helberto et Elinantio”[2877].
c) VUASO . “...Vuaso filius Rogerii Tothennensis...” subscribed the charter under which Guillaume Duke of Normandy donated the church of Arques to Saint-Wandrille, dated to [1035/55][2878].
d) ADELISE (-6 Oct ----, bur Abbaye de Lyre). Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Willelmus...filius Osberni, propinquus ducis Willelmi” founded “duo monasteriain honorem...Mariæ unum apud Liram...alterum apud Cormelias”, adding that he buried “Adelinam filiam Rogerii de Toenio uxorem suam” at Lyre[2879]. "Willelmo filio Osberni et…Ælicia eius uxore filia Rogeri de Thoneio" founded the abbey of Lyre by charter dated 1046[2880]. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Willermus filius Osberni Normanniæ dapifer et cognatus Willermi ducis…Aelizam uxorem suam filiam Rogeri de Toeneio" was buried in the monastery of Lyre[2881]. The necrology of Lyre monastery records the death "6 Oct" of "Adeliz uxor Willelmi hujus loci fundatoris"[2882]. The necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "6 Oct" of "mater Willelmi Britolii Adeliza"[2883]. m (before 1046) as his first wife, GUILLAUME FitzOsbern Seigneur de Breteuil, son of OSBERN de Crépon & his wife Emma d'Ivry (-killed in battle Cassel, Flanders 22 Feb 1071, bur Abbaye de Cormeilles).
Roger [I] & his [second] wife had two children:
e) RAOUL [III] de Tosny (-24 Mar[2884] [1102], bur Conches Saint-Pierre). “Radulphus de Tony cum Godehelde matre mea” donated property to Wotton Wawen Abbey, Warwickshire by undated charter[2885]. - see below.
f) ROBERT [III] de Tosny (-[1088], bur [Evesham Abbey]). Domesday Book records “Robert of Stafford” holding Denchworth in Wantage Hundred in Berkshire; “Robert de Tosny” holding Miswell in Tring Hundred and Barwythe in Danish Hundred in Hertfordshire; "Robert of Stafford" holding land in Oxfordshire; Stoneton in Northamptonshire [Warwickshire][2886]. The entries in Hertfordshire precede those which record the holdings of Raoul de Tosny in Hertfordshire, which suggests that they refer to the Robert Tosny/Stafford who was Raoul´s brother. Henry I King of England confirmed donations to Conches, including the donation of "ecclesiam de Octona" made by "Robertus de Stafort filius Rogerii de Totteneio" with the consent of "filio meo Nicholao", by charter dated to [1130][2887]. Robert´s connection with the Tosny family is confirmed by the undated charter under which “Robertus de Stafford” confirmed donations to Wotton Wawen Abbey, Warwickshire by “avus meus Robertus de Toenio et pater meus Nicolaus de Stafford”[2888]. No indication has been found of the identity of Robert [III]´s mother, but assuming that he was legitimate the chronology suggests that he must have been born from his father´s [second] marriage. Lord of Stafford. see- ENGLISH NOBILITY – STAFFORD.
(the above is from Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands Database)
1035 |
Tosny, Eure, Normandy, France
Normandy, France
1040 |
1050 |
Of, Breteuil, Normandy, France
1054 |
Breteuil, Normandy, France or, Herefordshire, England, United Kingdom
1056 |
Of, , Herefordshire, England
1059 |
Of, Herefordshire, England
1060 |
Bréteuil, Eure, Normandy, France
1062 |
Of, Breteuil, Normandy, France