William de Vernon de Reviers, 5th Earl of Devon

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William de Redvers, Earl of Devon

Also Known As: "de Vernon de Reviers", "William de Vernon"
Birthplace: Chagford, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
Death: September 10, 1217
Tiverton, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: Christchurch Twyneham, England
Immediate Family:

Son of Baldwin de Reviers, First Earl of Devon and Adeliza Lucia de Reviers
Husband of Mabel de Redvers
Father of Mary de Vernon, Lady of Okehampton; Baldwin de Vernon de Reviers and Joan de Reviers de Vernon
Brother of Richard de Reviers, 2nd Earl of Devon, Lord of The Isle of Wight; Hawise de Redvers; Henry de Reviers and Alice de Reviers

Occupation: 6th Earl of Devon, 5th Earl of Devon
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:

About William de Vernon de Reviers, 5th Earl of Devon

William de Vernon

From Medlands:

WILLIAM de Vernon (-8 or 10 Sep 1217, bur Christ Church, Twynham). The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Forde Abbey names “Ricardum, Henricum et Willielmum” as the three sons of ”comes Baldwinus”[491]. "Adeliz de Redveris" donated property to the abbey of Loders, Dorset, for the souls of "patris mei…Willelmi Pevrel de Notingeham…et matris mee Adeline", with the consent of "…nepotum meorum Ricardi de Reveris, Henrici atque Willelmi", by undated charter[492]. “Baldewinus comes Devoniæ” donated property to Exeter St James, with the consent of “Ricardo filio meo”, by undated charter witnessed by “…duobus filiis meis Willielmo et Henrico”[493]. "…Baldwino et Ricardo nepotibus meis, Willelmo de Vernun…" witnessed the charter dated to [1163/75] by which "Reginaldus, Henrici Regis filius, comes Cornubiæ" granted property to "Willielmo de Boterell, filio Aliziæ Corbet, materteræ meæ"[494]. He succeeded his nephew in [1193] as Earl of Devon, Lord of the Isle of Wight. “Willielmus de Vernon comes Devoniæ et filius comitis Baldewini” donated property to Quarr Abbey, for the souls of “patris mei comitis Baldewini et matris meæ Adeliciæ comitissæ et fratris mei comitis Ricardi et uxoris meæ Mabiliæ comitissæ”, by undated charter[495]. The Obituary of Lyre records the death 8 Sep of “Willelmus comes”[496]. The necrology of Mont-Bourg records the death "17 Sep" of "Guillelmus de Reveriis secundus"[497]. Henry III King of England notified "W. Briwerr juniori" of the death of "W. comes de Insula" and requested him to take custody of "castrum de Carebroc" until a decision about its custodianship dated [Sep] 1217[498].

m ([1178/86]%29 MABILE de Meulan, daughter of ROBERT de Beaumont Comte de Meulan & his wife Matilda of Cornwall ([1166/72]-after 1 May 1204). Her marriage date is estimated from the marriage date of her daughter Mary. Thomas Stapleton, in his "Observations on the Great Rolls of the Exchequer of Normandy", records that Robert Comte de Meulan devised his lands in Normandy and England "ex toto to Mabiria wife of William Earl of the Isle and to have them confirmed to [her], as to his next heir [tanquam heredi meo propinquiori]", by charter dated 1 May 1204 "copied into the cartulary of Beaulieu in the forest of Préaux near Rouen", witnessed by "John de Préaux, William de Préaux…"[499]. The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Forde Abbey names “Mabilia comitissa” as the wife of ”Willielmum de Vernona”[500]. “Willielmus de Vernon comes Devoniæ et filius comitis Baldewini” donated property to Quarr Abbey, for the souls of “…et uxoris meæ Mabiliæ comitissæ”, by undated charter[501].

Earl William & his wife had three children:

a) MARY de Vernon (-after 1244). The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Forde Abbey names “Johannam…Willielmi Brewer et Mariam Roberti de Courtney…uxores” as the two daughters of ”Willielmum de Vernona” & his wife, an earlier passage in the same source adding that “domina Maria, juniore filia domini Willielmi de Redveriis comitis Devoniæ” was the wife of “Robertus de Courtenay”[502]. John King of England granted "insulas de Gerse et de Gernere et de Aurene...cum filia et hede Willi com de Insula" to “Petro de Pratell”, dated 14 Jan 1200[503]. A charter dated 28 Apr 1200 confirmed the marriage contract between "Willm de Vernon comes Devon…Johe filie ipsius comitis junioris" and "Hub de Burgo dni Regis camerarium", confirming that "honoris sui in Devon cum castello de Plinton" had been allocated to "filie sue priori natu" while "insula de Wicth et Cristeschirche" were assigned to the younger daughter[504]. This document confirms that Joan was the younger daughter, despite the order in which the daughters are named in the Fundationis, and also that the division of property was made before the birth of their brother Baldwin in the absence of a male heir. Her first marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 1201 under which “Robertus Comes Melleti” granted property to “Petro de Patett et Marie filie Willi Comitis de Insula filie Mabirie filie mee” on their marriage[505]. Henry III King of England granted "in manerio de Aulton" to "Marie uxori Roberti de Curtenay" dated [Oct] 1226[506]. Henry III King of England granted "manerium de Sedberegh" to "Marie uxori Roberti de Curtenay" in 1227[507]. The Testa de Nevill lists fees in Devon, dated 1244, which include "de dominabus, dicunt quod Maria que fuit uxor Roberti de Curtenay est de donacione domini regis et terra eius de Wymple valet x.l"[508]. Inquisitions after a writ dated 11 May "2 Edw I" following the death of [her son] "John de Corteney alias de Curtenay" record that “William de Vernoun earl of the Isle gave the manor [of Cruk] to Robert de Curtenay father of the said John in free marriage with Mary his daughter”[509]. m firstly ([Jan 1200]) PIERRE de Préaux, son of OSBERT de Préaux & his wife Mathilde --- (-after 29 Jan 1206). m secondly ROBERT de Courtenay, son of RENAUD de Courtenay & his wife Hawise de Courcy [Curcy] Lady of Okehampton (-26 Jul 1242).

b) JOAN de Vernon (-after 1233). The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Forde Abbey names “Johannam…Willielmi Brewer et Mariam Roberti de Courtney…uxores” as the two daughters of ”Willielmum de Vernona” & his wife, adding that Joan was childless[510]. "Hubertus Camarerius" paid a fine for his agreement with "com Devon de maritanda sui Joha fil ipsius comitis", dated 1200[511]. A charter dated 28 Apr 1200 confirmed the marriage contract between "Willm de Vernon comes Devon…Johe filie ipsius comitis junioris" and "Hub de Burgo dni Regis camerarium", confirming that "honoris sui in Devon cum castello de Plinton" had been allocated to "filie sue priori natu" while "insula de Wicth et Cristeschirche" were assigned to the younger daughter[512]. This document confirms that Joan was the younger daughter, despite the order in which the daughters are named in the Fundationis, and also that the division of property was made before the birth of their brother Baldwin in the absence of a male heir. The Testa de Nevill includes a list of fees of William Briwere, dated 1234, which names "Johanne que fuit uxor predicti Willelmi Briwere"[513]. Betrothed (agreement confirmed 28 Apr 1200) to HUBERT de Burgh, son of --- de Burgh & his wife Alice --- (-Banstead, Surrey 12 May 1243, bur London, Church of the Black Friars). He was created Earl of Kent in 1227. m WILLIAM Briwere, son of WILLIAM Briwere & his wife Beatrice --- (-1233).

c) BALDWIN (after 28 Apr 1200-1 Sep 1216). The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Forde Abbey names “Baldwinum tertium” as the son of ”Willielmum de Vernona” & his wife, adding that he died “Kal Sep 1216”[514]. The necrology of Lyre monastery records the death "1 Sep" of "Balduwinus filius comitis Insulæ"[515]. m as her first husband, MARGARET, daughter of WARIN FitzGerold, Chamberlain of the King & his wife Alice de Curcy (-before 29 Sep 1252, bur London, Church of the Grey Friars). The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Forde Abbey records that “Baldwinum tertium”, son of ”Willielmum de Vernona”, married “Margareta filia et hærede Warini filii Geraldi”[516]. She married secondly ([Oct/Dec] 1216) Fulk de Bréauté. The Chronicle of Ralph of Coggeshall records the marriage of "filiam…Guarini filii Giroldo", first betrothed to "Balduino filio Balduini comitis de Vecta insula", and "Falco [de Braute]"[517]. Henry III King of England granted "castrum de Plinton…de comitatu Devonie" to "Falkesie de Breaute et Margarete uxori sue" by way of "dotis ipsius Margarete…terra que fuit Baldewini filii ipsius comitis" dated [Mar] 1218[518]. "Falkes de Bréauté" owed a fine "for his relief of the lands formerly of Warin fitz Gerold, by reason of the daughter and heiress of Warin whom he has taken to wife", dated to [1217/18][519]. The Testa de Nevill includes a list of landholdings in Devon, dated 1219, which includes "Margeria que fuit uxor Baldewini filii comitis…maritata domino Falconi per Regem Johannem" holding "Colintun…in hundredo de Ha[rigg]"[520]. An order dated 6 Dec 1224 required the confiscation of "the vill of Newnham that Gundrea de Warenne held in dower, which is an inheritance partible between Joan wife of Hugh de Neville, and Margaret wife of Falkes de Bréauté", with savings for "the executors of the testament of the same Gundrea"[521]. "Margaret wife of Falkes de Bréauté" made a fine "for the debts that Falkes owed the king", dated 19 Feb 1225[522]. “Margareta de Redeveris” donated property to Clerkenwell priory, for the souls of “Baldewini filii mei primogeniti et aliorum puerorum meorum”, by undated charter which names “Aliciæ de Churci matris meæ”[523]. This charter suggests that Margaret had children by her second marriage, although it is unclear why she did not use her second husband’s name in the document. Baldwin & his wife had one child.

[British History Online "Christchurch (Christchurch Twyneham): Introduction, castle and manors"

William Redvers Earl of Devon (M)
d. circa 8 September 1217, #915
Appears on charts:

  • Pedigree for Susan Drake
  • Compressed Pedigree for Raymond John Newcombe to his 79th great-grandparents Adam and Eve

William Redvers Earl of Devon married Mabirie (Mabel?) Beaumont, daughter of Robert Beaumont Count of Meulan and Maud de Dunstanville. William Redvers Earl of Devon died circa 8 September 1217.

Children of William Redvers Earl of Devon and Mabirie (Mabel?) Beaumont:

  • Mary Redvers+
  • Baldwin Redvers b. a 28 Apr 1200, d. 1 Sep 1216

Relationship=23rd great-grandfather of Raymond John Newcombe

Also called Willelm II de Vernon.2 Also called 5th Earl of Devon William de Reviers.3 William, 5th Earl of Devon was born in 1155. He was the son of Baldwin, 1st Earl of Devon and Adelise (?).2 William, 5th Earl of Devon married Mabirie de Beaumont-le-Roger, daughter of Robert, comte de Meulan and Maud of Cornwall, before 1180. 5th Earl of Devon at England between 1193 and 1217.1 Lord of the Isle of Wight.1 William, 5th Earl of Devon died on 8 September 1217 at or 10th at age 62 years.4 William, 5th Earl of Devon was buried in Christ Church, Tynham (some say Tiverton), England.4

Source= http://woottonbridgeiow.org.uk/deredvers.php

William de Reviers, 5th Earl of Devon (? – 10 September 1217), was the son of Baldwin de Redvers, 1st Earl of Devon and Adelise Baluun. William de Redvers is also William de Vernon, because he was brought up at Vernon Castle, in Normandy, the seat of his grandfather.

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William de Vernon de Reviers, 5th Earl of Devon's Timeline

May 27, 1146
Chagford, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
Tiverton, Exeter, Devon, England
April 28, 1200
Isle Of Wight, Hampshire, England
September 10, 1217
Age 71
Tiverton, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
October 16, 1992
Age 71
November 7, 1992
Age 71
November 10, 1992
Age 71
May 3, 1995
Age 71