Matching family tree profiles for Johann Vosloo
Immediate Family
About Johann Vosloo
Burger Joannes Vosloo from Plettenberg omtrent Lipsatd geboortig
No Voßloh surname on any source.
His parents unknown ==NO== supporting sources for current father attached.
Left everything to Abraham de Clercq
Johann/Johannes/Jan Vosloo
!BIOGRAPHY: Johann Johannes VOSLOO: van Plettenberg, Märkischer Kreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Duitsland, gebore omtrent 1649, meester houtkapper vanaf 1693, in 1714 genoem as boer, oorlede 1732, Hy was ongetroud en dit staan nie vas dat onderstaandes b1,b2, sy kinders was nie.
!BIOGRAPHY: Johann Johannes VOSLOO: Gebore Plettenberg, Märkischer Kreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Duitsland omtrent 1649, maar afkomstig van Plettenberg, in Sauerland van Wesfale, baashoutkapper in diens van V.O.C., Kaapse Politieke Raad Resolusie van 22.10.1689 gee hom reg om onwettige houtkappers te kan beboet, karweier, besit sedert 12.9.1699 erf aan Tweede Bergh Dwarsstraat, Tafel Vallei en vanaf 30.8.1708 tot 6.8.1722 die plaas “Land Vossenburg” oor die Bergrivier, agter Limietberg, distrik Drakenstein, daarna die leningsplase “Vogel Valleij”, naby huidige Hermon en “de Sant drift” naby die latere Piketberg, oorlede na 22.1.1732 en laat volgens sy testament van daardie datum al sy besittings aan Abraham de Klerk na. Jan Vosloo het verskeie buite-egtelike kinders gehad waaronder:
!SOURCE: Johannes VOSLOO: SAG - GISA - Vol 15 - (Vis - Wal) - Pages 260 - 284. SHIP: 1681 MAKASSAR (1408) Bontekraai, Hendrik 01-02-1681 Texel 15-05-1681 Cape 12-06-1681 12-09-1681 Batavia Seafarers: Arrive 19 Depart 29 Soldiers: Arrive 25 Depart 6 Johann Vosloo
Born c. 1649 - according to SAG Vol.15 page 260 he was born in Lippstadt, Wesfale, Germany, BUT The First Fifty Years Project states c. 1660, Plettenberg, Netherlands.
- N.B.: Die Stadt Plettenberg ist in DEUTSCHLAND, Nordrhein-Westfalen : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plettenberg
FFYP also suggest that his birth date was 1660 citing Mansell Upham, "Johann Vosloo", Capensis 3/2001, Western Cape Branch, Genealogical Society of South Africa, (2001): p. 6-11.
SAG say he left for South Africa in the service of the VOC as a Head woodcutter from Plettenberg, and that he was from Westfale.
VOC Baashoutkapper (Chief Lumberjack) Date of Occupation : 1693 Place of Occupation : Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Until further supported evidence can be cited the year of birth has been left at c. 1649. According to a document in the Cape Archives, he was from Plettenberg.
SEE http://vocopvarenden.nationaalarchief.nl/detail.aspx?ID=1587986
- Gegevens van Jan Vosselo uit Plettenburch
- Datum indiensttreding: 01-02-1681
- Datum uit dienst: 31-12-1682
- Functie bij indiensttreding: Adelborst
- Reden uit dienst: Laatste vermelding
- Uitgevaren met het schip: Makassar
- Waar uit dienst: Kaap de Goede Hoop
- Maandbrief: Nee Schuldbrief: Ja
- Gegevens van de vaart
- Schip: Makassar Vertrek: 01-02-1681
- Kamer: Amsterdam
- Kaap: 15-05-1681 - 12-06-1681
- Inventarisnummer: 5294 Folio: 192 Aankomst: 12-09-1681 Batavia DAS- en reisnr.: 1408.3
- Opmerkingen: monsterrol
Kaapse Politieke Raad Resolusie v. 22 Oct 1689 gave him the right to fine illegal woodcutters; cartage contractor; from 12 Sept 1699 he was in possession of Tweede Bergh Dwarsstraat, and from 30 Aug 1708 to 6 Aug 1722 owned the farm "Land Vossenburg"
There is some uncertainty over the mothers of Johannes Vosloo's children. SAG Vol. 15 page 260 suggest there were five children and name the following mother's -
- b1 Maria b c.1689 - Anna Maria Been/Beun van Klapmuts
- b2 Johannes b before 1696 - Helena van Malabar
- b3 Helena b Nov 1696 - Helena van Malabar
- b4 Casper b c.1701 - Apollinia slavin in diens van Jan Vosloo
- b5 Cathrijn b c.1716 - Cathrijn van Madagaskar.
have the following note -
Johann Vosloo appears to have fathered at least 6 children by 6 different slave women:
- (1) Marla Vosloo (mother unknown)
- (2) Jannetje (mother: Helena van Malabar)
- (3) Helena / Lena Vosloo (mother unknown Company slave)
- (4) Casper Vosloo (Apollonia)
- (5) Johannes Vosloo (Constantia?)
- (6) Catrijn (Catrijn van Madagascar)
He was named a boer in 1714 [Source?]
Died after 22 Jan 1732 and left everything to Abraham de Klerk.
van Plettenburg, Westfalen. Meester houtkapper vanaf 1692. In 1714 genoemd als boer.
Hij was ongetrouwd en daarom staat niet vast dat Helena z'n dochter is.
Is er niet de huwelijkssertifikaat de laten de broeikast funcioneering! Daan
VOSLOO JOHANNES. – Plettenberg in Westphalia. * about 1649. Master woodcutter since 1693, in 1714 mentioned as free farmer. In 1700 the Council of Policy complained that he provided the burghers with wood at the detriment of the Company, in 1703 he was reprimanded by the Council of Justice because he had not yet started with the erection of a mill at Drakenstein, though he had already received the money for it. (Leibbrandt, Letters desp. 1696-1708, pp. 157 and 226.) V. declared that he had no lawful heirs, “geen kinderen nog maagde … aan wie hy volgens regten iets behoofd te vermaken”. (CJ 1070: 15; CJ 1167: 71.) Among the persons to whom he made bequests were Caspar and Johannes of the C., Helena of the C., wife of Jan Pretorius and Christina and Anna, daughters of Arnoldus Kreutzmann (q.v). His bequests amounted to several thousand gilders cash and included the “opstal” of “Vogelvalley”. In his final will of 22.1.1732, he cancelled all his former wills and nominated as his heir Abraham de Clerq, on whose farm he lived at that time. He died in the same year. (Test. CJ 1165: 118; CJ 1167: 71; CJ 1070: 15; Test. O.C. 4112) Cf. G.R. nr. 1034. - Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806, Archives Year Book for South African History (Cape Town: Government Printer, Union of South Africa, 1946)
1693 - Master lumberman and after 1714 he became a farmer
Johannes was recorded as unmarried and it is not 100% that the three children are his children.
Helena and Jan is recorded as the parents of Helena
Johann Vosloo's Timeline
1649 |
Lippstadt, Wesfalia, Germany
1680 |
de Caep de Goede Hoop, Dutch Cape Colony [South Africa]
1689 |
1694 |
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1696 |
1701 |