Immediate Family
About Alain la Zouche, Lord of Ashby la Zouche
Alain de Porhoet aka la Zouche [aka la Coche aka la Ceoche aka la Zuche]
- son of Geoffroy I, vicomte de Porhoet and his wife Hawise
- married Adelicia de Belmeis
- father of William, Roger and Philip la Zouche aka de Belmeis
He was Lord of North Molton (suo juris), and Lord of Ashby la Zouche and Tong (jure uxoris). His nickname is also spelled Ceoche and La Coche.
There is A LOT of bad information about him out there, much of it due to the Porhoet family's excessive love for and over-use of the name "Alain".
He was the third son of Geoffroy, vicomte de Porhoet, co-witnessed a charter in 1149 (which means he must have been of age by then), and seems to have spent some time roving around before settling down in England circa 1172. (This was not uncommon for younger and/or landless sons in the 12th century, cf. William the Marshal.)
No record of his birth or baptism exists, but he may have been born at the Porhoet holding of Josselin, in Brittany. His death is recorded in England in 1190.
Alan was the first person in his family to use the cognomen "la Zouche", and it remained exclusive to his descendants.
He had three known legitimate sons (William, Roger, and Philip) by his wife Alice/Adelicia/Adelize de Belmeis. William may have been the oldest, but died young and heirless, leaving Roger as the main heir. Little is known about Philip, and he may also have died young, or possibly entered the Church.
ALAIN de Porhoët, son of GEOFFROY Vicomte de Porhoët & his wife Hawise --- (-1190[1072]). "Eudo comes" founded the abbey of Notre-Dame de Lantenac by charter dated 1149, witnessed by "Josthos et Alanus fratres comitis, Alanus vicecomes de Monteforti…"[1073]. "Eudo comes" confirmed a donation to Saint-Martin de Josselin made by “Dominus Gaufridus pater meus”, with the consent of "fratrum meorum…Joscii vicecomitis et Alani Ceoche", by charter dated 1153[1074]. He established himself in England in or before 1172 as ALAN [I] la Zouche, the name presumably being based on “Ceoche” as recorded in the previously quoted charter. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Alanus la Zuche xx s per vicecomitem" in Northamptonshire in [1171/72][1075]. “Alanus la Zouche filius Galfridus vicecomitis” donated "ecclesiam de Essebi" to Lilleshall Abbey, Shropshire, for the salvation of “uxoris meæ Aliciæ et puerorum nostrorum” and for the souls of "Philippi de Beumeis senioris et Philippi junioris et cæterorum filiorum eius", by undated charter[1076]. Eyton quotes another transcript of this charter which adds as witnesses "Roger de Mortimer…Dame Adheliza de Belmes, William de Belmes her son, Philip de Belmes his brother…", and supposes that the document can be dated to [1185/90][1077].
m ADELICIA de Belmeis, daughter of PHILIP de Belmeis of Tong, Shropshire & his wife Matilda de Rumilly (-1190 or after). “Alanus la Zouche filius Galfridus vicecomitis” donated "ecclesiam de Essebi" to Lilleshall Abbey, Shropshire, for the salvation of “uxoris meæ Aliciæ et puerorum nostrorum” and for the souls of "Philippi de Beumeis senioris et Philippi junioris et cæterorum filiorum eius", by undated charter[1078]. "William de Belmeys son of Alan la Zouch" confirmed donations to Lilleshall abbey by undated charter which names "Adelhiza de Belmeys his mother, Philip de Belmeys senior, Philip junior and Ranulph brother of Philip junior"[1079]. "Roger de Mortimer…Dame Adheliza de Belmes, William de Belmes her son, Philip de Belmes his brother…" witnessed the charter dated to [1185/90] under which “Alanus la Zouche filius Galfridus vicecomitis” donated "ecclesiam de Essebi" to Lilleshall Abbey, Shropshire[1080].
Alan [I] & his wife had three children:
1. WILLIAM la Zouche alias de Belmeis (-before Jun 1199). "Roger de Mortimer…Dame Adheliza de Belmes, William de Belmes her son, Philip de Belmes his brother…" witnessed the charter dated to [1185/90] under which “Alanus la Zouche filius Galfridus vicecomitis” donated "ecclesiam de Essebi" to Lilleshall Abbey, Shropshire[1081]. "William de Belmeys son of Alan la Zouch" confirmed donations to Lilleshall abbey by undated charter which names "Adelhiza de Belmeys his mother, Philip de Belmeys senior, Philip junior and Ranulph brother of Philip junior"[1082]. His death can be dated by the fine made in 1199 by his brother Roger for his lands (see below).
2. ROGER [I] la Zouche (-before 14 May 1238). "Rog La Zuche" made a fine for "terra que fuit Wille fratris sui" in Devonshire, dated 1199[1083]. The Rotulus Cancellarii records "Rogerus la Zuche…pro terra Willelmi fratris sui" owing in Devonshire, dated [27 May 1201/26 May 1202][1084]. “Willielmus la Zouche, filius Rogeri la Zouche” confirmed donations to Swavesey Abbey, Cambridgeshire by “Rogeri patris nostri ac…Alani Zouche avi nostri quondam comitis Britanniæ” by undated charter[1085]. The Red Book of the Exchequer records "Rogerus la Zuche" holding "Normanitone" in Devonshire in [1210/12][1086]. Henry III King of England granted "maneriis de Mapeldureham et Petrefeld" to "Rogero la Szuche", as granted by King John except for the dower of "Milesentie que fuit uxor comitis Ebroici", dated 14 Mar 1217[1087]. The Testa de Nevill includes a list of landholdings in Devon, dated 1219, which includes "Rogerus de la Suche" holding "Blaketorrintun…in hundredo de Blaketorrintun" in Devonshire[1088]. A document dated 15 May 1227 records, among thirteen other donations, the donation “of Roger la Suche, a half-virgate in Tudeuurth...” to Maiden Bradley priory[1089]. An order dated 14 May 1238 ordered inquisitions into “terre Rogerus de la Zusch” to identify “propinquor heres eius”[1090]. m (before 6 Aug 1220) MARGARET, daughter of --- (-[after Aug 1232]). Henry III King of England granted letters of conduct to "Rogero la Zuche eundi peregre ad Sanctum Jacobum" [Santiago de Compostela], noting that he had agreed to donate revenue from his lands for one year, except that from "Margarete uxori ipsius Rogeri maritagio et dote sua", dated 6 Aug 1220[1091]. No primary source has been identified which confirms Margaret’s family origin. [The wife of Roger was alive 15 Aug 1232 when “uxori Rogeri la Suche” was granted two deer “in foresta de Wauberg”[1092]. It is not known whether this was a Margaret or an otherwise unrecorded second wife.]
Roger [I] & his wife had five children:
a) ALAN [II] la Zouche (-killed in battle London 10 Aug 1270). An order dated 16 Jun 1238 records the homage of “Alani filii et heredis Rogeri la Zuch” for lands in Devonshire and Shropshire[1093].
- see below.
b) WILLIAM la Zouche (-before 3 Feb 1272). “Willielmus la Zouche, filius Rogeri la Zouche” confirmed donations to Swavesey Abbey, Cambridgeshire by “Rogeri patris nostri ac…Alani Zouche avi nostri quondam comitis Britanniæ” by undated charter[1094]. A writ dated 3 Feb "56 Hen III", after the death of "William le Zuch", confirmed that "the manor of Hobrugg" was held by him "of the inheritance of Maud sometime his wife" the mother of "Sir John de Trailly [who] is the next heir of the said Maud"[1095]. m as her second husband, MAUD, widow of --- de Trailly, daughter of ---. William & his wife had one child:
i) JOYCE (-bur 13 Mar 1290). Her parentage and marriage are recorded in the Complete Peerage, which does not cite the relevant primary source[1096]. Eyton says that William Zouche was "alleged" ancestor of "Zouche of Mortimer", which suggests there is some doubt about Joyce’s parentage, but does not explain his comment[1097]. On the other hand, the Complete Peerage states that "William’s identity is proved by the descent of the manor of King’s Nympton, Devon, which was granted to him by Roger his father in 1237/38 and was held by his grandson and representative Hugh Lord Mortimer…at his death in 1304"[1098]. m ROBERT de Mortimer of Richard’s Castle, Herefordshire, son of HUGH de Mortimer & his wife --- ([1251/52]-7 Apr 1287, bur Worcester Cathedral).
c) ALICE la Zouche (-before early 1256). A manuscript relating to Ranton Priory, Staffordshire records that “Willielmo de Harecourt” married firstly “Aliciam la Zouche”[1099]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a writ dated 18 Feb "7 Edw I", after the death of [her son-in-law] "Henry de Penebrigg" which notes Tong manor (Shropshire) “held by Alan la Souche of the honour of Brecheynoc without service because it was of free marriage, and he gave it to William de Harcourt with Alice his sister in free marriage...”[1100]. m as his first wife, WILLIAM [II] de Harcourt, son of RICHARD [I] de Harcourt & his wife Orabilis de Quincy (-[1270/19 Apr 1271]).
d) LORA la Zouche (-after 18 Feb 1279). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a writ dated 18 Feb "7 Edw I", after the death of [her sister’s son-in-law] "Henry de Penebrigg" which notes Tudeworth manor (Wiltshire) “held by Roger la Suche of John Biset, and he gave it to Gilbert de Stanford with Lora his daughter in free marriage, and the said Gilbert being dead, the said Lora gave the same to [her niece] Arrabilia late the wife of the said Henry and to Fulk their son”, and “Northtudewrthe” (North Tidworth, Wiltshire) held of “Lora de Saunford”[1101]. Her daughter married Robert de Vere Earl of Oxford[1102]. m (before 1238) GILBERT de Sanford [Saunford/Stanford], son of JOHN de Sanford of Great Hormead [Hertfordshire][1103] & his wife --- (-[1250]).
e) EON la Zouche (-[28 Apr/25 Jun] 1279). m (before 13 Dec 1273) as her second husband, MILLICENT de Cauntelo, widow of JOHN de Mohaut, daughter of WILLIAM [IV] de Cauntelo of Calne, Wiltshire & his wife Eva de Briouse (-before 7 Jan 1299). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Georgius" who died childless and "Johanna nupta Henrico de Hastings et Milisannt de Monte-alto…uxor Ivonis de la Zouch" as the children of "Willielmo de Cantilupo" and his wife[1104]. Inquisitions following a writ dated 4 Nov "1 Edw I" after the death of "George de Cantilupo" name “Milisanda the wife of Eudo la Zuche of full age and John son of Henry and Joan de Hastinges who is under age and in the king’s wardship are his next heirs...the said Milisanda and Joan being sisters of the said George”[1105]. Eon & his wife had three children:i) WILLIAM la Zouche (Harringworth 18 or 21 Dec 1276-11/12 Mar 1352). He was summoned to parliament in 1323 whereby he is held to have become Lord Zouche (of Harringworth). - ZOUCHE of HARRINGWORTH.
ii) EVE la Zouche (-5 Dec 1314, bur Portbury, Somerset). m (1289) as his first wife, MAURICE de Berkeley Lord Berkeley, son of THOMAS de Berkeley Lord Berkeley & his wife Joan de Ferrers of the Earls of Derby ([Apr 1281]-31 May 1326, bur Wallingford, transferred to Bristol St Augustine’s).
iii) ELEANOR la Zouche . A manuscript relating to Ranton Priory, Staffordshire records that “Johanni de Harecourt” married firstly “Elianoram la Souche”[1106]. Her parentage is confirmed by Kirkby’s Inquest for Yorkshire, probably dated to [1284/85], which records Bingley as held by “Stephanus Waleys”, who held it from “Elienora de Zuche” who held it from “Milisanta de Monte Alto matre sua”[1107]. m as his first wife, JOHN de Harcourt, son of RICHARD [II] de Harcourt & his first wife Margaret Beke (-before 2 May 1330).
3. PHILIP la Zouche alias de Belmeis . "Roger de Mortimer…Dame Adheliza de Belmes, William de Belmes her son, Philip de Belmes his brother…" witnessed the charter dated to [1185/90] under which “Alanus la Zouche filius Galfridus vicecomitis” donated "ecclesiam de Essebi" to Lilleshall Abbey, Shropshire[1108].
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baron_Zouche
The la Zouche family descended from Alan la Zouche (d. 1190), lord of the manor of North Molton in North Devon, England, originally called Alain de Porhoët or Ceoche, who was a Breton nobleman who settled in England during the reign of King Henry II (1154-1189). He was the son of Vicomte Geoffrey de Porhoët and Hawise of Brittany. He married Adeline (or Alice) de Belmeis, daughter of Phillip de Belmeis and Maud la Meschine and died at North Molton in 1150. By his marriage he obtained the manor of Ashby in Leicestershire (called after him Ashby-de-la-Zouch). His son was Roger la Zouche (c. 1175 – bef. 14 May 1238) who was the father of Alan la Zouche (1205–1270) and Eudo la Zouche.
Alan (1205–1270) was justice of Chester and justice of Ireland under King Henry III (1216-1272). He was loyal to the king during his struggle with the barons, fought at the Battle of Lewes and helped to arrange the Peace of Kenilworth. As the result of a quarrel over some lands with John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey, he was seriously injured in Westminster Hall by the earl and his retainers, and died on 10 August 1270. Alan's grandson from the marriage of his son Roger to Ela Longespée, namely Alan la Zouche, was summoned by writ to Parliament on 6 February 1299 as Baron la Zouche of Ashby. He was Governor of Rockingham Castle and Steward of Rockingham Forest. However, this barony fell into abeyance on his death in 1314 without male progeny.
Eudo was a professional soldier; late in life he married Millicent de Cantilupe (d.1299), one of the two sisters and co-heiresses of Sir George de Cantilupe (1251-1273), 4th feudal baron of Eaton Bray and Lord of Abergavenny, from whom he inherited several manors including Eaton Bray, Calne and Harringworth and by whom he had three daughters and two sons. Their elder son William la Zouche was summoned by writ to Parliament as Baron Zouche of Haryngworth, on 16 August 1308. His great-great-great-grandson, the fifth Baron, married Alice Seymour, 6th Baroness St Maur, and assumed that peerage in her right. Their son succeeded to both titles; his stepmother, Elizabeth St. John, was an aunt of the future King Henry VII, a connection which proved useful to later members of the family. The seventh Baron was attainted in 1485 for loyalty to King Richard III but was eventually restored to his title and a part of his lands. On the death in 1625 of Edward la Zouche, 11th Baron Zouche, 12th Baron St Maur, the peerages fell into abeyance between his two daughters, Elizabeth and Mary.
In 1815 the Barony of Zouche was called out of abeyance in favour of Sir Cecil Bishopp, 8th Baronet (d.1828), of Parham Park, who became the 12th Baron Zouche.[2] Through his mother he was a descendant of the Elizabeth la Zouche. The Barony of St Maur, however, remains in abeyance to this day. His eldest son Lieutenant-Colonel Cecil Bisshopp (d.1813) pre-deceased his father in 1813 at age 30 in Ontario, Canada, from wounds received in action against the Americans in the War of 1812. With his two sons having died before him, on his death in 1828 the Barony of Zouche once again fell into abeyance. In 1829 the abeyance was terminated in favour of his elder daughter, Harriet-Anne Curzon, who became the 13th Baroness.[3] She was the wife of Robert Curzon, younger son of Assheton Curzon, 1st Viscount Curzon. Her son was the 14th Baron. On his death the title passed to his son, the 15th Baron, and then to the latter's sister, the 16th Baroness. She never married and was succeeded by her second cousin, the 17th Baroness, the granddaughter of a younger son of the 13th Baroness. She was succeeded by her grandson, the 18th and (as of 2016) present Baron, who in 1944 had already succeeded his father as the 12th Frankland Baronet.
A granddaughter of the original Alan la Zouche, Joyce la Zouche, married Robert Mortimer of Richard's Castle; one of her younger sons, William la Zouche, adopted his maternal surname of la Zouche and bought the reversion of the manor of Ashby-de-la-Zouch from Alan in 1304, the latter to hold it until his death (1314). On 26 December 1323, he was created by writ, Baron Zouche of Mortimer. This peerage became abeyant in 1406.
Born: ABT 1157, Harringworth, Northampton, England
Died: 1190
Father: Geoffrey La ZOUCHE
Mother: Hawise De FERGANT
Married: Alice De BELMEIS ABT 1181, Losselin, Morbihan, France
1. William La ZOUCHE of Belmeis
2. Roger La ZOUCHE
The de la Zouche family descended from Alan de la Zouche, sometimes called Alan de Porhoët and Alan la Coche (c. 1136–1190), a Breton who settled in England during the reign of Henry II. He was the son of Vicomte Geoffrey I de Porhoët and Hawisa of Brittany. He married Adeline (Alice) de Belmeis, daughter of Phillip de Belmeis and Maud la Meschine and died at North Melton in Devon. He obtained Ashby in Leicestershire (called after him Ashby-de-la-Zouch) by his marriage.
That the Zouches branched from the Earls of Brittany is admitted by all genealogists, but they do not coincide in the exact line of descent. William la Zusche to the monks of Swavesey, in Cambridgeshire, the grants made by his ancestors to the abbey St. Segius and Bacchus, in Anjou (to which the priory of Swavesey was a cell), calls Roger la Zusche, his father, and Alan la Zusche, his grandfather. This William died in the first year of the reign of King John, and was succeeded by his brother, Roger.
Ref: Burke, pp. 598-599.
The site originated as a Norman fortified manor house in the 12th century founded by Alain de Parrhoet, la Zouch, out of Breton, France. During the next three centuries it was extended by his descendants, but when the Zouch succession line ended in the 14th Century, the castle changed ownership many times. In 1461, the castle reverted to the Crown after the then owner James Butler, the 5th Earl of Ormonde, was executed after the Battle of Towton.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Zouche, or Zouch, the name of an English family descended from Alan de la Zouche (~1136-1190), a Breton who is sometimes called Alan de Porhoët and Alan la Coche. He was the son of Vicomte Geoffrey I de Porhoët and Hawisa of Brittany. He married Adeline (Alice) de Belmeis, daughter of Phillip de Belmeis and Maud la Meschine and died at North Melton in Devon.
Having settled in England during the reign of Henry II of England, Alan obtained by his marriage Ashby in Leicestershire (called after him Ashby-de-la-Zouch) and other lands. His son was Roger la Zouche (~1175- bef 14 May 1238) was the father of Alan la Zouche (1205-1270) who was justice of Chester and justice of Ireland under Henry III of England; he was loyal to the king during the struggle with the barons, fought at the Battle of Lewes and helped to arrange the peace of Kenilworth.
As the result of a quarrel over some lands with John, Earl Warenne, he was seriously injured in Westminster Hall by the earl and his retainers, and died on August 10, 1270. Alan's elder son Roger (1242- bef. 15 October 1285) had a son Alan la Zouche, 1st Baron la Zouche of Ashby, who was summoned to parliament as a baron about 1298. He was governor of Rockingham Castle and steward of Rockingham Forest. He died without sons, and this barony fell into abeyance between his daughters and has never been revived.
The elder Alan's younger son, Eades or Ivo, had a son William (c. 1276-1352), who was summoned to parliament as a baron in 1308, and this barony, which is still in existence, is known as that of Zouche of Haryngworth.
John la Zouche, 7th Baron Zouche (c. 1460-1526), was attainted in 1485 as a supporter of Richard III of England, but was restored to his honours in 1495.
His descendant, Edward, the 11th baron (c. 1556-1625), was one of the peers who tried Mary, Queen of Scots, and was sent by Elizabeth I of England as ambassador to Scotland and to Denmark.
He was president of Wales from 1602 to 1615 and lord warden of the Cinque Ports from 1615 to 1624. He was a member of the council of the Virginia Company and of the New England council.
He had many literary friends, among them being Ben Jonson and Sir Henry Wotton. Zouche left no sons, and the barony remained in abeyance among the descendants of his two daughters until 1815, when the abeyance was terminated in favour of Sir Cecil Bisshopp, Bart. (1753-1828), who became the 12th baron. He died without sons, a second abeyance being terminated in 1829 in favour of his daughter Harriet Anne (1787-1870), wife of the Hon. Robert Curzon (1771-1863). In 1873 her grandson, Robert Nathaniel Curzon (b. 1851), became the 15th baron.
Two antiquaries, Henry Zouch (c. 1725-1795) and his brother Thomas Zouch (1737—1815), claimed descent from the family of Zouche. Both were voluminous writers, Thomas's works including a Life of Izaak Walton (1823) and Memoirs of Sir Philip Sidney (1808).
Third son of Geoffroy, vicomte de Porhoët, and Hawise. Obtained the holding of Ashby de la Zouche through marriage, and took his cognomen from the property.
NOT the first Baron de la Zouche - that was a later Alan. www.celtic-casimir.com
Alan LA ZOUCHE Lord of North Molton
Born: Before 1132, Rohan, Morbihan, Bretagne, France Died: 1190, North Molton, Devon, England Another name for Alan was Alan LA COCHE.
General Notes: Alan Ceoche/la Coche/la Zouche; mentioned in connection with his elder brother's grant; also witnessed the latter's grant of a charter founding Lantenac Abbey; had established himself in England by 1172, where he seems to have held land in Devon and Northants, if not elsewhere, being referred to in the Devon instance as Alan la Zouche; married Alice, daughter and eventual heir of Philip de Belmeis, of Tong, Salop, and Ashby, Leics, among other places, and died 1190. [Burke's Peerage] ALAN CEOCHE, or LA COCHE, otherwise LA ZOUCHE, younger brother of Eudon, or Eon, VICOMTE OF PORHOËT, sometime (1148-56) recognized jure uxoris as DUKE OF BRITTANY, both being sons of Geoffrey, VICOMTE OF PORHOËT (died 1141), by Hawise, daughter of Alan FERGANT, DUKE OF BRITTANY, assented to his brother Eudon's charter to the Abbey of Marmoutier in 1153. He is first mentioned in England in 1172, when the sheriff of Northants answered for the scutage due from one knight's fee on his lands; there are many references to him in lawsuits, 1175-90, and as Alan la Zouche of North Molton he was fined in Devon in 1185. He married Alice, daughter and (eventually) heir of Philip de BELMEIS, of Tong, Salop, Ashby, co. Leicester, &c., by Maud, daughter and coheir of William LE MESCHIN, of Skipton-in-Craven. He died 1190. [Complete Peerage XII/2:930-1, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
Marriage Information: Alan married Alice DE BELMEIS Heiress of Ashby & Tong, daughter of Phillip DE BELMEIS Lord of Tong & Ashby and Maud (Matilda) LE MESCHIN. (Alice DE BELMEIS Heiress of Ashby & Tong was born about 1150 of Ashby, Leicestershire & Tong, Shropshire, England.)
Alain la Zouche, Lord of Ashby la Zouche's Timeline
1120 |
1157 |
Age 37
Josselin, Morbihan, France
1170 |
Of, Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England
1175 |
Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, England
1177 |
Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England
1190 |
Age 70
North Melton, Devon, England
???? |
Josselin, Brittany, France
???? |
Of, Josselin, Morbihan, France
???? |