King of the Salian Franks Portrait Roi de france Clodion.jpg Chlodio
Born c. 392/395[1]
Died 445[1]/448 (~aged 50)
Consort Basina (daughter of Wedelphus, an alleged king of the Thuringii) [1]
Issue Merovech (disputed)
Full name
Father Theudemeres
Mother Argotta (disputed)
Chlodio (c. 392/395[1]–445[1]/448; also spelled Clodio, Clodius, Clodion, Cloio or Chlogio) was a king of the Salian Franks from the Merovingian dynasty. He was known as the Long-Haired King and lived in Thuringian territory, at the castle of Duisburg. He became chief of the Thérouanne area in 414 AD. From there, he invaded the Roman Empire in 428, defeating a Roman force at Cambrai, and settled in Northern Gaul, where other groups of Salians were already settled. Although he was attacked by the Romans, he was able to maintain his position and, 3 years later in 431, he extended his kingdom south to the Somme River in the future Francia. In AD 448, 20 years after his reign began, Chlodio was defeated at Vicus Helena in Artois[2] by Flavius Aëtius, the commander of the Roman army in Gaul.
Like all Merovingian kings, Chlodio had long hair as a ritual custom. His successor may have been Merovech, after whom the dynasty was named 'Merovingian'. The non-contemporary Liber Historiae Francorum says his father was Pharamond, whom many believe to have been a legendary person linked to the lineage sometime in the 8th century. The Chronicle of Fredegar makes Chlodio son of Theudemeres, one of the leaders of the Salian Franks and king of Thérouanne (409–414).
In later legend, he was the father of Marcomir I, a Frankish leader in the 4th century.
Clodius IV (Chlodius I)
possible other Clodius 255-319
Clodius Duke of the East Franks
Born : Abt. 324 Germany
Died : 389
Father Dagobert 2. Duke of the East Franks
Mother Dagobert Duchess of the East Franks
Marriage ?
Children Abt. 347 - Marcomir Duke of the East Franks
Forrás / Source:
b. 332 A.D.; d. 389 A.D.
One son is recorded: Marcomir, b. 351 A.D.
He became Duke of East Franks, 358
Roi de Cologne
12. Dagobert, Duke of the East FRANKS (b.300-, Germany; d.379)
sp: Mrs-Dagobert, Duchess of the East FRANKS (b.304-Germany; m.323; d.317)
=== 13. Clodius Duke of the East FRANKS (b.324-Germany; d.389)===
sp: Mrs-Clodius Duchess of the East FRANKS (b.328-Germany; m.346)
Roi des Francs de Cologne -
Koning der Franken van Keulen -
King of the Franks of Cologne
Clodius FRANCS, Of The East Franks
324 - 389
Clodius V King of the East Franks
Died : 378
Father Theodomir King of the Franks
Marriage ?
Children - - Dagobert Duke of the Franks
Forrás / Source:
Note: or Clogio, King 360, to revenge his father's death took Cambray, slew many Romans, entered Gaul and annexed much of it to his dominions A.D.361, reigned eighteen years in the reigns of Valens in the East and Gratian in the West. His elder son. Marcomir V, last King of the Franks, A.D. 378, obtained a great victory over teh Romans at Collogn,A.D. 382, and recovered all that the Emperor Maximus had got, exceptArmoria, or Little Brittany, was salin in battle A.D. 393, and tehRomans tehn overpowered the Frandks commanded them to elect no morekings, but dukes, in the reigh of Theodosius the Great.
ID: I750 Name: Clodis Duke Of East Franks Given Name: Clodis Suffix: Duke Of East Franks Sex: M Birth: ABT 0324 in Germany Death: 0389 _UID: 3A866753DBFCB44588F74FE774DA11B31171 Change Date: 27 Dec 2007 at 03:00:00
Father: Dagobert Duke Of East Franks b: ABT 0300 in Germany
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Has Children Marcomir Duke Of East Franks b: ABT 0347 in Germany
Adjustments made with reference to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlodio which appears to be relatively well researched.
324 |
Cologne, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
347 |
354 |
365 |
371 |
389 |
Age 65
Cologne, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
???? | |||
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