Otto II von Berg, bishop of Freising (1145-1220)
Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy
(c.900 - 966)
son of ADALBERTO I Conte e Marchese d'Ivrea & his first wife Gisela di Friulia ([900]-in prison Bamberg 6 Jul 966, bur Regensburg).
x ( [930/31] ) WILLA d’Arles , daughter of BOSO...
Albrecht II, Margrave of Meissen
(1240 - 1314)
> Wikipedia: English Deutsch * Margrave of Meissen Reign: 1288–1292> Predecessor: Henry III Successor: Frederick Tuta
Cynric, king of Wessex
(525 - 560)
Cynric ruled as king of Wessex from 534 to 560. He was either the son or grandson of Cerdic. Among the few statements made about his life were that he captured Searobyrig or Old Sarum, near Salisbur...
(c.622 - 688)
of Wessex was a member of the House of Wessex (see House of Wessex family tree). Although a member of the direct male line from Cynric to Egbert, Ceolwald was never king. His birth and death dates are ...
 By Jappalang - A rendering of the work, en:File:Aethelred family tree.gif, created by en:User:Mike ChristieSources:Kirby, D.P. (1992). The Earliest English Kings. London: Routledge. pp. 93, 95–96, 113–114, 127. ISBN 0-415-09086-5.Yorke, Barbara (1990). Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England. London: Seaby. pp. 104, 107–108, 111, 159. ISBN 1-85264-027-8.Swanton, Michael (1996). The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. New York: Routledge. p. 29. ISBN 0-415-92129-5.Roberts, Jane (2001), "Hagiography and Literature: The Case of Guthlac of Crowland", in Brown, Michelle P.; Farr, Carol Ann, Mercia, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe, New York: Continuum, p. 84, ISBN 0-8264-7765-8, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5666369
Coenred, Co-Ruler of Wessex
(c.644 - c.694)
of Wessex was a member of the House of Wessex and a member of the direct male line from Cynric to Egbert. It is possible that Cenred ruled alongside his son Ine for a period. There is weak evidence for...
Anna-Lisa Himma
Auðr the Deep-Minded
(c.633 - c.717)
Auðr the Deep-Eyed Ivarsdóttir (Old Norse: Auðr in djúpúgða) was a Scandinavian princess, the daughter of Ivar Vidfamne, and the mother of Harald Wartooth, who appears in Sögubrot, Hversu Noregr byggdi...
Charles II of England
(1630 - 1685)
a short summary from Wikipedia :Charles IIKing of ScotlandReign: 30 January 1649 – 3 September 1651Coronation: 1 January 1651Predecessor: Charles ISuccessor Military government led by George Monck King...
King Magnus "Berrføtt" Olavson, King of Norge
(c.1073 - 1103)
Magnus Barefoot, King of Norway=* Son of Olaf III «the Peaceful», King of Norway and Thora Arnesdotter Låge * Magnus Olafsson (Old Norse: Magnús Óláfsson, Norwegian: Magnus Olavsson; 1073 – 24 August 1...
Eleanore de Normandie
(c.1011 - 1035)
Eleanore de Normandie, Gravinne van Vloandern * Parents: Richard II 'le Bon' and Judith de Bretagne.* Spouse: Baudouin IV 'le Barbu' de Flandre Children: 1. Judith de Flandre, 2. One (uncertain) daught...
John Murdoch
(1802 - 1856)
From the book The Royal New Zealand Fencibles 1847-1852: John b. 1802 at Barony, Glasgow, Scotland. He enlisted with the 3rd Reg. and was stationed at the Tower of London. He married Agnes Thompson 5th...
Margareta Jönsdotter Garp
(b. - c.1555)
Maavouti Henrik Henrikssonin vaimo. Dönsby, Karjaa.
Landsfogde Henrik Henrikssons hustru. Dönsby, Karis, Finland.
Land Bailiff Henrik Henriksson's wife. Dönsby, Karjaa, Finland.
Henrik Henrikss...
Prince of Smolensk Davyd Rostislavovich Смоленский
(1140 - 1197)
- in different cities (Novgorod, Torchesk, Vitebsk, Vyshgorod), but most of all - in Smolensk, where he sat 17 years, from 1180 until his death. In 1185, after the defeat of Igor's, heeding the call of...
Gyrid Olafsdotter, Danish queen consort
(c.932 - d.)
Gyrid Olavsdotter was a Swedish woman who according to tradition was of royal blood. Her father was Olav Bjørnsson , brother of Erik Victorious as he was samkonge with before he died. She was the siste...
Olav III, King of Norway
(c.1050 - 1093)
Olav Haraldsson, III Olaf III (Old Norse: Óláfr Haraldsson, Norwegian: Olav Haraldsson; c. 1050 – 22 September 1093), known as Olaf Kyrre (Old Norse: kyrri, English: Peaceful), was king of Norway from ...
Count Gustaf Mauritz Armfelt
(1757 - 1814)
Armfelt ajoi suomalaisille suhteellisen itsenäistä asemaa omana kansakuntana. Hän kirjoitti keisarille virkakirjeen Nöyrä selonteko Suomen oloista (1810), jossa hän propagoi pyrkimystään: ”Rauhamme ja ...
Prince Alexander the Good Musat, Prince of Moldavia
(c.1383 - 1432)
[ ]Alexander cel Bun (Alexandru cel Bun; Alexandru I Muşat) was a Voivode (Prince) of Moldavia, reigning between 1400 and 1432,[1] son of Roman I Muşat. He succeeded Iuga to the throne,[2] and, as a ru...
Anders Olofsson
(c.1425 - 1470)
Underlagman i Västerbotten enligt Johan Bure.
Anders Olofsson i Bure kan betraktas som den äldsta, historiskt säkerställda medlemmen av Bureätten. Samtida skriflig källa saknas visserligen, men samstä...
Ermentrudis Billung Im Padergau
(c.902 - 948)
Eilika of Schweinfurt
(c.1000 - 1059)
BERTHOLD , son of --- (-15 Jan 980). m ([970]%29 EILIKA [Eiliswintha or Eila] von Walbeck, daughter of LOTHAR [II] Graf von Walbeck [Nordmark] & his wife Mathilde von Arneburg (-19 Aug 1015). Markgraf ...
Yuli Yoel Edelstein, 17th Speaker of the Knesset
Герцлия, Tel Aviv District, Израиль
יולי יואל אדלשטיין (נולד ב-5 באוגוסט 1958; י"ט באב תשי"ח) הוא יושב ראש הכנסת וחבר הכנסת מטעם מפלגת הליכוד. בעבר השר לקליטת עלייה ושר ההסברה והתפוצות בממשלות ישראל. היה בעבר מסורב עלייה ואסיר ציון בברית...
N.N. d'Austrasie
(c.740 - d.)
Baldwin III, count of Flanders
(940 - 962)
Boudewijn III was een 'medegraaf' omdat zijn vader, de huidige Graaf, hem overleefde.
Baldwin III was called 'co-count' because his father (the current Count) survived him
Main sources
Mårten Abrahamsson Djäkn
(c.1350 - aft.1423)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 122-126.
Satakunnan vouti, Suomi, Pohjanmaa, Finland
(1596 - 1617)
The Virginia Native American woman best known by her nickname Pocahontas (born say 1596 – died 21 March 1617) was born as Matoaka, known later as Amonute, and baptized Rebecca as an adult. She belonged...
Ada de Huntingdon, Countess of Holland
(c.1146 - aft.1206)
==ADA of Scotland==Daughter of HENRY of Scotland Earl of Huntingdon and Northumberland & his wife Ada de Warenne ([1146/48]-11 Jan after 1205, bur Middleburg Monastery). ADA ([1146/48]-11 Jan after 120...
Duncan II, King of Scots
(c.1059 - 1094)
Duncan II of Scotland, Donnchad mac Maíl Coluim (Modern Gaelic: Donnchadh mac Mhaoil Chaluim)[1] anglicised as Duncan II (before c. 1060 – 12 November 1094) was king of Scots. He was son of Malcolm III...
Pepin of Landen
(aft.575 - 640)
Regarding his NN father: named as Carloman in the Chronicle of Fredegar See: na
"The Chronicle of Fredegar is a fascinating document, but internal evidence and comparison to surviving sources shows i...
Héribert I de Vermandois, comte de Vermandois, Senlis, Péronne
(aft.848 - 907)
I of Vermandois (c. 848/850 – 907), Count of Vermandois, lord of Senlis, of Péronne and of Saint Quentin, was the son of Pepin of VermandoisStewart Baldwin's Henry Project page on Herbert I,Count of Ve...
Catherine of Aragon, Queen consort of England
(1485 - 1536)
Catherine of Aragon: Daughter of a Spanish King - was the youngest daughter of Ferdinand of Aragon and his wife, Isabella. She became a political pawn for the ruling monarchs, as did all daughters for ...
 This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Monroecirca1953.jpg
Marilyn Monroe
(1926 - 1962)
Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson ) was an American actor, model and singer. Famous for playing comedic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 195...
Uchtred "the Bold", Earl of Northumbria
(971 - aft.1016)
Uhtred of Bamburgh (Uhtred the Bold ... sometimes spelled "Uchtred"; died ca. 1016), was ruler of Bamburgh and the Ealdorman [Earl] of Northumbria from 1006 to 1016.
Uchtred the Bold of Northumbria
Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland
(c.370 - d.)
King of Garthmadrun, Wales
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Lands Called Garthmadryn; . (Steven Ferry, may 4, 2021.)
See Peter Bartum, (February 8, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Galicia
(1171 - 1230)
Alfonso IX de León (15 August 1171 – 24 September 1230) was King of Galicia and the last King of León as an independent kingdom from 1188 until his death in 1230. His son Ferdinand III of León and Cast...
Henry V of Luxemburg, herzog von Limburg
(1217 - 1281)
Share some things about.............
Henry V of Luxemburg, herzog von Limburg is our 22nd great grandfather.
Janet Milburn 11/12/22
Henry V of Luxembourg, also call the the Blond or the Great, was th...
St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog
(c.400 - c.490)
For the version of his family found in the Welsh Genealogies, See Peter Bartum, (February 8, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
ID: I51199 _ _
Name: Brychan ap ANLACH
Given Name: Brychan ap
Surname: Anla...
Guy of Dampierre, Count of Flanders & Marquis of Namur
(1226 - 1305)
Guy of Dampierre (French: Gui de Dampierre ; Dutch: Gwijde van Dampierre ) (c. 1226 – 7 March 1305, Compiègne) was the Count of Flanders (1251–1305) and Marquis of Namur (1264–1305). He was a priso...
Marjorie Bruce, Princess of Scotland
(1296 - 1316)
MARJORIE BRUCE Note about imagery: Though many web sites present this as a portrait of Marjorie Bruce, it isn't. This is the princess from Jost Haller's "St. George Slaying the Dragon," from c. 1445...
6th Lord Boyd Thomas 6th Lord Boyd, Lord Boyd of Kilmarnock
(1544 - 1611)
THOMAS BOYD 6th Lord Boyd Thomas, Lord Boyd, is the son of Robert, Lord Boyd, and Margaret Colquhoun. The Scots Peerage V: 161
Death Thomas, Lord Boyd, is reported to have died in June 1611. The Sco...
Johan Henriksson Fleming
(c.1450 - 1517)
Asemies, kihlakunnantuomari Vehmaan kihlakunnassa. Väpnare, häradshövding i Vemo, Finland härad. 'Squire, judge in district Vehmaa court, Finland. Viitteet - Referenser - References Tor Carpelan: Ättar...
Adelheid van Gelre, gravin van Loon en Rieneck
(c.1140 - 1190)
Adelheid van Gelre ?
Sir William le Boteler of Wem
(c.1245 - 1283)
For marriage to Angharad verch Gruffudd, see Peter Bartrum, (December 26, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator) _____________________ Vital Statistics * Son of Ralph le Boteler and Maud (Matilda) Pantulf, daugh...
Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom
(1841 - 1910)
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
Duke of Rothesay on 9 November 1841
Duke of Cornwall on 9 November 1841.
1st Earl of Chester [U.K.] on 8 December 1841.3
HRH ...
Benjamin Stout, of Hunterdon County
(1704 - 1767)
Not the same as Richard Stout, of Mercer County
Benjamin Stout
Birth: Jan 24 1704 - Matawan, Monmouth, New Jersey, British Colonial America
Death: Sep 19 1767 - Amwell Township, Hunterdon, New J...
Alfonso VI the Brave, King of Castile and León
(1047 - 1109)
ALFONSO VI King of Castile & León (Compostela c1038/40-Toledo 30 Jun 1109, bur Sahagún, León, San Mancio chapel in the royal monastery of Santos Facundo y Primitivo)
s/o FERNANDO I "el Magno" King of ...
Władysław I Herman
(1043 - 1102)
Władysław I Herman (b. ca. 1044[1] - d. 4 June 1102), was a Duke of Poland from 1079 until his death.
He was the second son of Casimir I the Restorer by his wife Maria Dobroniega, daug...
Countess Emilia van Oranje- Nassau, Gravin, Princess de Portugal
(1569 - 1629)
Emilia of Nassau (10 April 1569 – 16 March 1629) was the third and youngest daughter of William the Silent and his second wife Anna of Saxony. Manuel of PortugalIssue # Maria Belgica of Portugal # Man...
Gerhard von Bouzonville, graf von Metz
(c.985 - 1045)
Summary:Parents:*Father: Adalbert von Metz (d. 1037, bur. at the Abbaye Sainte-Croix de Bouzonville), Graf von Metz (1020s - 1037)*Mother: Judith, granddaughter of Wigerich III, Comte d'Ardenne, and si...
Fridleif Skjoldsson, King of Denmark
(c.259 - c.320)
Leif, called Fridleif, according to Icelandic sagas the second king of Denmark (legendary). Not to be confused with his grandson Fridleif Frodesson, "Hærleif".== Sources ==Snorre's "Introduction" says:...
Richard Nixon, 37th President of the United States
(1913 - 1994)
Richard Milhous Nixon was born on January 9, 1913, in what was then the township precinct of Yorba Linda, California, in a house built by his father, located on his family's lemon ranch. His parents we...
Albrecht I, Duke of Saxony-Wittenberg
(c.1175 - 1260)
Albrecht I, Duke of Saxony-Wittenberg
Son of Count Bernard of Anhalt, Duke of Saxony and Judyta Mieszkówna
Duke Albrecht I of Saxony , the German Albrecht , born in 1175 / 1180 , died 8 november 12...
Niall Caille, High King of Ireland
(791 - 846)
of IrelandBefore the English conquest Ireland was divided in several different kingdoms which were subordinated to a common high king. Exactly how much power they had and how long Ireland had been rule...
Fulcois, Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou. Comte de Mortagne
(965 - 1031)
Fulcois Perche =From Wikipedia (Translated from French) or Fulcuich was probably Count of Mortagne at the end of x th century . Certainties He is quoted as Count in a donation made to 1051 / 60 by Ro...
Adalbert I, margrave of Tuscany & tutor Corsicae
(c.820 - 886)
- , son of BONIFAZIO [II] & his wife --- (-886). He succeeded his father as Conte at Lucca, and in 846 became ADALBERTO I Marchese of Tuscany. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Lantbertus Witonis fili...
Emperor Lothair I
(c.795 - 855)
-===Medilands Kings of Lotharingia ===-
LOTHAIRE , son of Emperor LOUIS I "der Fromme/le Pieux" & his first wife Ermengard (795-Kloster Prüm 29 Sep 855, bur Kloster Prüm).
Thegan's Vita Hludowici I...
Sir William Sinclair of Roslin, 6th Lord of Rosslyn
(c.1230 - c.1297)
Sir William Sinclair of Roslin , of the territorial Barony, of which he was granted a charter by Alexander II 14 Sep 1280 on the resignation of Henry de Roskelyn (probably Sir William's father in law);...
Hrolf Thurstan Bigod
(c.885 - c.945)
"Thurstan Hrolf" Rollo "Bigot" is not mentioned in the early sources, and any connection to Hrollaug Ragnvaldsson seems to have been created later. From The Conqueror and his companions, Volume 2 By Ja...
 By Oren neu dag. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attributions Share Alike 2.5 Generic license -- https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/legalcode
Via Wikimedia Commons at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Gwynedd#/media/File:Flag_of_Gwynedd.svg
Owain Gwynedd ap Gruffydd, King of Gwynedd
(c.1100 - 1170)
See Peter Bartrum, Trahearn ap Caradog 6 (December 26, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Bartrum -- (Anne Brannen, July 11, 2021)
See Peter Bartrum, (June 27; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wo...
Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland
(1214 - 1283)
Alexander Stewart , 4th High Steward of Scotland Alexander Stewart (died 1283), also known as Alexander of Dundonald , was 4th hereditary High Steward of Scotland from his father's death in 1246.
Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States
(1822 - 1885)
Ulysses S. Grant (born Hiram Ulysses Grant; April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885) was the 18th President of the United States (1869–1877) as well as military commander during the Civil War and post-war Recon...
Roger II, 1st Earl of Shropshire
(1022 - 1094)
Roger II 'The Great' de Montgomery==* Son of Roger de Montgomery, I Seigneur de Montgomery and Josceline Tofulus de Turqueville * Earl of Arundel & Shrewsbury, Governor of Normandy* Roger de Montgomery...
Jöns Andersson Garp
(c.1350 - 1407)
Jöns Andersson Student at University of Rostock
King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky and thunder. Youngest child of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. Symbols include the thunderbolt, eagle, oak tree, scepter and scales. Brother and ...
Småkonge Skoglar Toste
(c.909 - 975)
Skoglar Toste:==Viking leader from Vastergotland ==Project MedLands, Sweden Kings== KINGS of SWEDEN 1060-[1111] (FAMILY of STENKIL) Skoglar" TOSTE, son of ---. In Svithjod. Snorre records that Harald "...
Mary Broughton
(c.1620 - bef.1663)
Not the daughter of Edward Thorley, Jr. (1640-1678), and his "father" Edward Thorley is of dubious existence.
Mary Thorley
died as Mary Broughton, aka Keene, Raynor
Born about 1620 in England
Rikissa of Poland
(1116 - 1155)
Har kun 2 ægtefæller til Rikissa.
Rikissa, , Svenskt biografiskt lexikon (art av Hans Gillingstam)
 House of Alsace-Flanders Counts of Flanders
Judith, countess of Flanders
(844 - aft.870)
CHARLES II “le Chauve
s/o Emperor LOUIS I "le Pieux" & Judith [Welf]
x (Quierzy, Aisne 13 Dec 842, separated 867) ERMENTRUDIS (d/o EUDES Comte [ d’Orléans ] & Engeltrudis ) (27 Sep [830]-Saint-Denis ...
Maria Magdalena Margaretha Ferreira, SM
(1733 - 1815)
Ignatio Leopold Ferreira * Portugal c. 1696, skipbreukeling v.d. Britse skip Chandos wat op 16 Junie 1722 in Valsbaai sink, tree eers in diens v.d. VOC maar word burger in 1737 en boer op die plaas De ...
Adam of Eden
(-3760 - -2830)
Genesis 1:26-31
Genesis 2:7-25
Quran 2:29-38 .
Quran 3:59 .
Adam & אדם וחוה
Generations of Adam
Ingeltrudis (Baba) de Frioul
HEINRICH, son of --- (-killed in battle Paris [before Sep] 886, bur St Médard at Soissons). ... ... ...
m BABA, daughter of --- (-after 864). The Annalista Saxo names Adalbert and his "pater Heinr...
Albert Edelfelt
(1854 - 1905)
Helsingin ruotsalais-suomalaisen seurakunnan arkisto - I C:11 Syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot 1851-1855, jakso 218: 1854/7; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 7.7.2024
Hämeenlinna kaupun...
Ingelger, count of Anjou
(c.845 - c.888)
Parents Tertullus de Gâtinais, Sénéchal of Anjou & Petronilla of Burgundy are probably fictional.
Ingelger was a Frankish nobleman who stands at the head of the Plantagenet dynasty. Later generati...
Boleslaus I the Cruel, Duke of Bohemia
(c.907 - 972)
BOLESLAV of Bohemia, son of VRATISLAV I Duke of the Bohemians & his wife Drahomira ze Stodor ([908/10]-15 Jul [967]). The Chronica Boemorum names "Wincezlaum…et Bolezlaum" sons of Wratislav and ...
Árpád(házi) II. András - Andrew II, King of Hungary
(aft.1176 - 1235)
George I, King of Great Britain and Ireland
(1660 - 1727)
George Ludwig of Brunswik-Lüneburg*By the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, Prince-Elector of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall ...
Margareta Klasdotter Horn
(c.1475 - 1520)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 148-153.
Alvar Aalto
(1898 - 1976)
Elämäkerta Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto (3. helmikuuta 1898 Kuortane – 11. toukokuuta 1976 Helsinki) oli suomalainen arkkitehti, muotoilija ja akateemikko. Hän on 1950-luvun lopulta lähtien kansallisesti ja...
Michael Monroe
Turku, Finland
Matti Antero Kristian Fagerholm , best known by his stage name, Michael Monroe , is a Finnish rock musician and multi-instrumentalist who rose to fame as the vocalist for the glam punk band Hanoi Rocks...
Pyotr Petrovich Glebov
(1915 - 2000)
Pyotr Petrovich Glebov (14 April 1915 – 17 April 2000), was a Russian film actor from the aristocratic Glebov family, whose early generations are listed in the 17th-century Velvet Book.
In 1940, Glebo...
Henry IV the Great, king of France
(1553 - 1610)
Portrait of Henry IV as Hercules slaying the Lernaean Hydra by the circle of Toussaint Dubreuil French, c. 1600 oil on canvas Musée du Louvre
Added by Janet Milburn 1/31/21 (A rather humorous depictio...
St. Olga of Kiev
(aft.890 - 969)
Wikipedia in English
In Ioakimovskaya Chronicle it is said about choosing a wife for Igor, son of Rurik: When Igor grew up, he was married by Oleg, who gave him a wife from Izborsk, Gostomyslov famil...
 Photo by Glenn Francis. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International, 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Britney_Spears_2013_(Straighten_Crop).jpg
Britney Spears
Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, California, United States
Britney Spears is an American singer, songwriter, dancer, and actor. Born in McComb, Mississippi and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana, she appeared in stage productions and television series, before signi...
Ann Hutchinson - Porter
(1737 - 1805)
Ann APPLETREE was born c1737
Ann married John HUTCHINSON on 22 January 1764 in England and they had the following children
Mary 1765
On 9 December 1789 Ann and Mary were convicted at Old Bailey...
Gilbert Ogilvie, II
(c.1156 - 1231)
Gilbert Ogilvy, 3rd son of Gilibride; assumed the surname Ogilvy from lands of that name in his possession, of which, with Powrie and Kyneithein in Angus, he had a charter 1172. [Burke's Peerage] The l...
Margaret af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg
(1456 - 1486)
In July 1469 (at age 13), at Holyrood Abbey, she married James III, King of Scots (1460-88). Her father, King Christian I of Denmark and also of Norway, agreed on a remarkable dowry to her. He however ...
Jöns Olofsson Tavast
(c.1370 - bef.1439)
Äldre Svenska Frälseätter - kts. Media - se Media
Jöns (Juho) Olavinpoika oli Liedon Värtsilän ja Paraisten Kuitian (Qvidja) herra. * Sai Kuitian linnan veljeltään Turun piispa Maunu Tavastilta vuonna...
(c.685 - 724)
Rotrude , Rotrou or Chrotrudis (c690-724), wife of Charles Martel. Her ancestry is speculative and has been much debated. Various reconstructions make her the daughter of (1) Saint Leutwinus , Bishop o...
Alan I "the Great", king of Brittany
(bef.857 - 907)
Article: fr.Wikipédia Translation
This well-studied/sourced webpage shows Alain « le Grand » had a first marriage—not mentioned by Medlands—to an unknown wife whereby two children sons born— Hervé ...
St. William of Gellone, count of Toulouse
(c.755 - bef.815)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page (including his parents and brother's family): &
THEODERIC' [I], son of --- (-[791/15 Dec 804]). The origin of Comte Theoderic is not known. An inter...
Kristina Jönsdotter Garp
(c.1380 - aft.1435)
Turun linnan voudin Klaus Lydekesson Djäknin vaimo. Kristina Jönsdotter . Nämnes 22.1 1435, såsom hustru till slottsfogden i Åbo, häradshövdingen i Masko hd i Norr Finland Klas Lydekason eller Klas Djä...
Margaret of Bar, Countess of Luxembourg
(c.1220 - 1275)
Marguerite de Bar le Duc d. 23 November 1275 Marguerite de Bar le Duc was the daughter of Henri II de Bar le Duc, Comte de Bar le Duc and Philippe de Dreux. She married Henri V, Comte de Luxembourg, so...
Richard d'Amiens, comte d'Amiens
(c.755 - 825)
unsure; various trees have him as son of * Waudbert VIII, comte de Lommois and Richarde de Ponthieu * Godefroid Le Danois
Sir Malcolm Fleming of Biggar & Cumbernauld
(c.1383 - 1440)
Malcolm Fleming was the son of Sir David Fleming and Isabel, heiress of Monycabon. He married Lady Elizabeth Stewart, 3rd dau. of Robert, Duke of Albany, Regent of Scotland, by her had issue * 1. Malco...
Jacob baker
(c.1738 - 1786)
Jacob was born in 1738. He passed away in 1786.[1]
Last Will and Testament of Jacob Baker, dated 1786. (Transcribed)
In the Name of God Amen, I Jacob BAKER of Lincoln County and State of North Caroli...
Skjöld Odinsson, Legendary King of Denmark
(c.237 - c.280)
His descendants claimed he was a son of the Norse god Odin .Skjöldr (Latinized as Skioldus, sometimes Anglicized as Skjold or Skiold) was among the first legendary Danish kings. He is mentioned in the ...
Alexios I, Eastern Roman Emperor
(1056 - 1118)
Personnages des Croisades: Premième Croisade - 1096-1099
[ ]
Alexios I Komnenos , or Comnenus (Greek: Αλέξιος Α' Κομνηνός) (1048 – August 15, 1118), Byzantine emperor (1081–1118), was the s...
Kaiser Wilhelm II of Prussia
(1859 - 1941)
Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert prinz von Preußen (27 January 1859 – 4 June 1941) was the last German Emperor and King of Prussia*Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia on 15 June 1888 *Abdicated as Ge...
(b. - c.796)
His wife
Alchilda Of Northumbria
(736 - 800)
Spouse Eafa OF WESSEX (720 - 796)
Child Ealhmund of Kent (758 - 786)
Daughter Of
Father King Æthelbert II OF KENT (696 - 762)
Mother Bassa (715 - )
Anna Johanna Carolina Smith, b3c4d3e2f3g2h1
(1860 - 1931)
DEATH: "South Africa, Free State Dutch Reformed Church Records, 1848-1956," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 November 2016), Free State > Fauresmith > Christenings 1851-1887 1901-1902 > image 1...
Capt. Sylvester Richmond
(1711 - 1804)
Captain Sylvester Richmond
Sylvester Richmond Geneology by the Thomas Rogers Society Website
Also a escendant of Mayflower passenger Henry Samson.
Son of Ebenezer Richmond and Anna Sproat.