Historical records matching Ada de Huntingdon, Countess of Holland
Immediate Family
About Ada de Huntingdon, Countess of Holland
ADA of Scotland
Daughter of HENRY of Scotland Earl of Huntingdon and Northumberland & his wife Ada de Warenne ([1146/48]-11 Jan after 1205, bur Middleburg Monastery).
ADA ([1146/48]-11 Jan after 1205, bur Middleburg Monastery). The Chronicle of Melrose records the marriage in 1162 of "Malcolm king of Scotland…his second sister Ada to Florence earl of Hoilande"[542]. Her birth date is estimated assuming that she was the second daughter of Earl Henry, and bearing in mind the estimated birth dates of his other children as shown above. The Annales Egmundani record the marriage in 1162 of "Florentius comes Hollandiæ" and "sororem Regis Scottorum…Ada"[543]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the marriage of Count Floris III and "Adam filiam Henrici prepotentis regis Scottorum"[544]. "Florentius tertius…comes Hollandie" donated the church of Vlaardingen, held by "patris mei Theoderici", to Egmond abbey by charter dated 28 Aug 1162, the dating clause of which refers to "anno primo…matrimonii nostri quo sororem regis Scotie Ade duxit uxorem"[545]. "Theodericus Hollandie comes…comitis Florentii et Ade comitisse filius" donated property at Poeldijk bij Naaldwijk to the church of St Maria, Utrecht by charter dated 1198, in the presence of "Ada mater mea, Willelmus frater meus comes Frisie, Margareta soror mea, Florentius frater meus…"[546]. "Ada…marchionissa de Brandebrug" donated land "on Pole" to Rijnsburg abbey, with the consent of "Wilhelmi comitis et Florentii fratrum meorum et Ade comitisse matris mee et Ade neptis mee", by charter dated 1205[547]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "III Id Ian" of "Ada quidam Hollandie comitissa regie stirpis" and her burial in Middleburg monastery[548]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "Id Jan" of "Ada comitissa filia Heynrici regis Scothorum"[549]. m (1162, before 28 Aug[550]%29 FLORIS III Count of Holland, son of DIRK VI Count of Holland & his wife Sophie von Rheineck ([1140]-Tyre 1 Aug 1190). He was created Earl of Ross in 1162 by his brother-in-law Malcolm IV King of Scotland but the earldom was withdrawn from him[551]. [and re-granted to Malcolm MacHeth, q.v.]
- 1. DIRK (-Dordrecht 4 Nov 1203, bur Egmond). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum succedentem comitem Hollandie, Wilhelmum comitem Orientalis Frisie, Florencium prepositum Traiecetensis ecclesie, Robertum presidium Kenemarie, Beatricem, Elizabeth, Adelheydim et Margaretam comitissam Clivie" as the children of Count Floris III & his wife[453]. The Annales Egmundani name "Theodericus filius Florentii comitis et Adæ" when recording his marriage in 1186[454]. He succeeded his father 1190 as DIRK VII Count of Holland. "Theodericus Hollandie comes…comitis Florentii et Ade comitisse filius" donated property at Poeldijk bij Naaldwijk to the church of St Maria, Utrecht by charter dated 1198, in the presence of "Ada mater mea, Willelmus frater meus comes Frisie, Margareta soror mea, Florentius frater meus…"[455]. "Theodericus…comes et A. uxor mea Hollandiæ comitissa…et avunculus noster Otto comes de Benethem et soror eius Sophia abbatissa" confirmed donations to Rijnsburg by "beatæ memoriæ Sophia quondam Hollandiæ comitissa", for the souls of "præmemoratæ Sophiæ comitissæ et mariti eius Theoderici comitis", by charter dated 1202[456]. The Annales Egmundani records the death in 1203 of "Theodericus comes Hollandiæ"[457]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "1203…apud Dordracum…II Non Nov" of Count Dirk VII and his burial at Egmond monastery[458]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "1203 pridie Non Nov" of "Theodericus septimus Hollandie comes"[459]. m (1186) ADELHEID von Kleve, daughter of DIETRICH IV Graf von Kleve & his wife Adelheid von Sulzbach. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the marriage of Count Dirk VII and "Adelheydim filiam…Theodrici comite de Clivo"[460]. The Annales Egmundani records the marriage in 1186 of "Theodericus filius Florentii comitis et Adæ" and "sororem Theoderici iunioris comitis de Cleve…Alydam" in "villa Losdun"[461]. 1186/1242. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records that "Wilhelmus comes Orientalis Frisie" conspired after the death of his brother Count Dirk VII in 1203, with the support of "Florencius frater suus Traiectensis prepositus, Otto comes de Benthem ipsius patruus" and others, against "Ludovicum comitem de Loon…ac Adelheidim Hollandie viduam"[462].
Count Dirk VII & his wife had two children:
a) ALEIDIS [Adelheid] ([1186]-before 1203, bur Rijnsburg). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names "Adelheidim et Adam" as the two daughters of Count Dirk VII & his wife, specifying that Adelheid was betrothed to "Henrico domicello Gelrie"[463]. The Annales Egmundani record the betrothal in 1197 of "Theodericus comes filiam Aleydem" and "filio comitis Ottonis…Heinricus" but specifying that "idem puer" died and was buried at Rijnsburg[464]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records that "Otto comes Gelrensis" and "Theodericus Hollandensis" were reconciled and agreed the betrothal of "filiam suam Aleidem" and "filio comitis Ottonis…Henricus", but specifying in a later passage that both died soon after and were buried "in Rinesburgensi monasterio"[465]. Betrothed (1198) HENDRIK van Gelre, son of OTTO Graf van Gelre & his wife Richardis of Bavaria (-1198, bur Rijnsburg).
b) ADA ([1188]-[1220/27]). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names "Adelheidim et Adam" as the two daughters of Count Dirk VII & his wife, specifying that Ada was betrothed to "Ludovicus comes de Loon" against the wishes of the people of Holland[466]. The Annales Egmundani record the betrothal in 1203 of "filiam suam [=Theodericus comes Hollandiæ] Ada" to "comiti de Lone", specifying that the county was transferred to the latter[467]. The Gesta Episcopum Traiectensium refers to "Theoderico comite Hollandie filia sua unica" when recording her marriage to "Lodowico comiti de Loen" after her father's death[468]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records that "Ludovicus de Loon" came "ab Holtena Dordracum" where his marriage to "Adelheidis comitisse…Adam puellam de regali stirpe progenita" immediately after her father's death and before he was buried[469]. She succeeded her father in 1203 as ADA Ctss of Holland, but was deposed by her uncle the same year. "Ada…marchionissa de Brandebrug" donated land "on Pole" to Rijnsburg abbey, with the consent of "Wilhelmi comitis et Florentii fratrum meorum et Ade comitisse matris mee et Ade neptis mee", by charter dated 1205[470]. "Ludewicus comes de Lon et Heinricus prepositus Traiectensis et Arnoldus frater eius et Ada comitissa" donated property to Eberbach, at the request of "fratris nostri Gerhardi comitis de Renecken", by charter dated 1213[471]. "Domina Ada comitissa de Los et domina Y. de Heinsberghe…" witnessed a charter dated 1220 under which Dirk [I] Heer van Heinsberg in favour of Herkenrode abbey[472]. m (Dordrecht [5] Nov 1203) LOUIS [II] Comte de Looz, son of GERARD [II] Comte de Looz & his wife Adelheid van Gelre (-29/30 Jul 1218). He claimed to succeed his wife in 1203 as LODEWIJK I Count of Holland. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records that "Wilhelmus comes Orientalis Frisie" conspired after the death of his brother Count Dirk VII in 1203, with the support of "Florencius frater suus Traiectensis prepositus, Otto comes de Benthem ipsius patruus" and others, against "Ludovicum comitem de Loon…ac Adelheidim Hollandie viduam", in a later passage recording that "Ludovicus comes de Loen" was defeated and expelled from Holland[473]. Deposed 1206.
- 2. WILLEM (-4 Feb 1222). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum succedentem comitem Hollandie, Wilhelmum comitem Orientalis Frisie, Florencium prepositum Traiecetensis ecclesie, Robertum presidium Kenemarie, Beatricem, Elizabeth, Adelheydim et Margaretam comitissam Clivie" as the children of Count Floris III & his wife[474]. The Gesta Episcopum Traiectensium names "Theodericum comitem Hollandie fratrem suum Wilhelmum" when recording the disagreement between the two brothers[475]. He succeeded his niece in 1203 as WILLEM I Count of Holland.
- 3. FLORIS (-Middleburg Monastery 30 Nov 1210). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum succedentem comitem Hollandie, Wilhelmum comitem Orientalis Frisie, Florencium prepositum Traiecetensis ecclesie, Robertum presidium Kenemarie, Beatricem, Elizabeth, Adelheydim et Margaretam comitissam Clivie" as the children of Count Floris III & his wife[476]. "Theodericus Hollandie comes…comitis Florentii et Ade comitisse filius" donated property at Poeldijk bij Naaldwijk to the church of St Maria, Utrecht by charter dated 1198, in the presence of "Ada mater mea, Willelmus frater meus comes Frisie, Margareta soror mea, Florentius frater meus…"[477]. Provost at Utrecht 1198. "Th….comes Hollandie atque Selandie et Aleidis comitissa" donated property near Zubburg to Middelburg abbey by charter dated 1198, witnessed by "Florencius prepositus et Balduinus fratres mei…"[478]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records that "Wilhelmus comes Orientalis Frisie" conspired after the death of his brother Count Dirk VII in 1203, with the support of "Florencius frater suus Traiectensis prepositus, Otto comes de Benthem ipsius patruus" and others, against "Ludovicum comitem de Loon…ac Adelheidim Hollandie viduam"[479]. Monk at Middelburg. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "pridie Kal Dec 1210" of "Florencius [filius Florencii et Ada] in Middelburch" as a monk[480].
- 4. BOUDEWIJN (-19 Jul 1204). "Th….comes Hollandie atque Selandie et Aleidis comitissa" donated property near Zubburg to Middelburg abbey by charter dated 1198, witnessed by "Florencius prepositus et Balduinus fratres mei…"[481]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "1204 XIV Kal Aug" of "Balduinus filius Florencii comitis"[482].
- 5. ROBERT . The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum succedentem comitem Hollandie, Wilhelmum comitem Orientalis Frisie, Florencium prepositum Traiecetensis ecclesie, Robertum presidium Kenemarie, Beatricem, Elizabeth, Adelheydim et Margaretam comitissam Clivie" as the children of Count Floris III & his wife[483].
- 6. BEATRIX . The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum succedentem comitem Hollandie, Wilhelmum comitem Orientalis Frisie, Florencium prepositum Traiecetensis ecclesie, Robertum presidium Kenemarie, Beatricem, Elizabeth, Adelheydim et Margaretam comitissam Clivie" as the children of Count Floris III & his wife[484].
- 7. ELISABETH (-27 Aug). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum succedentem comitem Hollandie, Wilhelmum comitem Orientalis Frisie, Florencium prepositum Traiecetensis ecclesie, Robertum presidium Kenemarie, Beatricem, Elizabeth, Adelheydim et Margaretam comitissam Clivie" as the children of Count Floris III & his wife[485]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "VI Kal Sep" of "Elizabeth puella filia Florencii et Ada comitissa"[486].
- 8. ADA (-after 1205). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum succedentem comitem Hollandie, Wilhelmum comitem Orientalis Frisie, Florencium prepositum Traiecetensis ecclesie, Robertum presidium Kenemarie, Beatricem, Elizabeth, Adelheydim et Margaretam comitissam Clivie" as the children of Count Floris III & his wife[487]. "Ada…marchionissa de Brandebrug" donated land "in Pole" to Rijnsburg abbey, with the consent of "Wilhelmi comitis et Florentii fratrum meorum et Ade comitisse matris mee et Ade neptis mee", by charter dated 1205[488]. The identity of Ada´s Brandenburg husband is difficult to establish with complete certainty. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[489], he was Otto I Markgraf von Brandenburg. Markgraf Otto I´s second wife is named "Adelheid" in Brandenburg sources ("Otto Brandenburgensis marchio" founded Kloster Arendsee, with the consent of "meis heredibus Ottone, Heinrico, Adelberto filiis meis et uxore mea Adelheide", by charter dated 1184[490]). The similarity between "Ada" and "Adelheid" appears at first sight to establish the connection. However, the chronology is not ideal. It is most likely that "Adelheid" was the mother of Markgraf Otto I´s youngest son Markgraf Albrecht II. Albrecht II was named in the charter dated 1 Jan 1177 quoted above, so was born in the mid-1170s. Albrecht is named in an 1197 document in his own capacity, indicating that he had already reached the age of majority. If Ada of Holland was his mother, she would have been 12 years old at the most when he was born, assuming that she was her parents´ oldest child which appears unlikely: the order of birth of her parents´ daughters as set out in the Chronologia Johannes de Beke, quoted above, suggests that "Adelheydim" was the third daughter. While it is acknowledged that the order of births as recorded in such sources is not consistently reliable, the order in which Count Floris´s sons are named in the Chronologia does appear to correspond to the order of their births. If Ada was her parents´ third daughter, it is unlikely that she was born before [1166/68], also bearing in mind that the birth of the couple´s oldest son Dirk should probably be placed in the 1160s in view of his marriage which is recorded in 1186. This date [1166/68] makes it impossible that Ada was the mother of Markgraf Albrecht II. A second possibility for Ada´s Brandenburg husband is Otto II Markgraf von Brandenburg, stated to be the case by Alfred Riedel who compiled the Codex Diplomaticus Brandenburgensis series in the mid-19th century. In his index volume, he lists "Ada Margräfin v. Brandenburg, Gemahlin Otto´s II, Schwester des Grafen Wilhelm von Holland", although he cites no primary source which confirms that this statement is correct[491]. This possibility was also discussed by Hermann Krabbo in the early 20th century[492]. All problems of chronology would be resolved if Otto II was Ada´s husband. In addition, the timing of her 1205 donation to Rijnsberg abbey would have followed her husband´s death. It would also be easier to explain her return to Holland (why would she have gone back if Markgraf Albrecht II had been her son?) and also the absence of any reference to Brandenburg relatives in the 1205 charter. References to the wife of Markgraf Otto II are found in the Cronica Principum Saxonie which records that "Otto secundus" had "uxorem cum magna sibi in Werda gloria presentatam"[493], and Pulchawa´s Böhmischer Chronik which states that "Otto secundus, filius primi Ottonis" married "uxorem…sibi traditam cum magna gloria in Verdn"[494]. Both sources say that she was childless. She is also referred to in three charters, the first in which Pope Innocent III summoned Otto II to treat his wife with love, the second dealing with an attempt to murder Ada, the third Otto´s participation in a crusade hoping that God will favour him with the birth of an heir[495]. [Alternative possible marriages: m ([1171/75]%29 as his second wife, OTTO I Markgraf von Brandenburg, son of ALBRECHT "der Bär" Markgraf von Brandenburg [Ballenstedt] & his wife Sophie von Winzenburg ([1126/28]-7 Mar 1184, bur Kloster Lehnin), or m OTTO II Markgraf von Brandenburg, son of OTTO I Markgraf von Brandenburg & his first wife Judyta of Poland (-4 Jul 1205, bur Kloster Lehnin)].
- 9. MARGARETA (-after 1203). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum succedentem comitem Hollandie, Wilhelmum comitem Orientalis Frisie, Florencium prepositum Traiecetensis ecclesie, Robertum presidium Kenemarie, Beatricem, Elizabeth, Adelheydim et Margaretam comitissam Clivie" as the children of Count Floris III & his wife[496]. The Annales Egmundani record the marriage in 1182 of "filiam comitis Florentii et comitissæ Adæ, Margaretam" and "Theodericus comes de Cleve"[497]. "Theodericus Hollandie comes…comitis Florentii et Ade comitisse filius" donated property at Poeldijk bij Naaldwijk to the church of St Maria, Utrecht by charter dated 1198, in the presence of "Ada mater mea, Willelmus frater meus comes Frisie, Margareta soror mea, Florentius frater meus…"[498]. m (1182) DIETRICH [III] Graf von Kleve, son of DIETRICH [II] Graf von Kleve & his wife Adelheid von Sulzbach (-[27 Mar 1200/1203]).
- 10. HEDWIG (-13 Jan, bur Haarlem). Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "Id Ian" of "Hathewidis filia Florencii" and her burial at Haarlem[499].
- 11. AGNES (-22 Apr 1228). Abbess of Rijnsburg 1205. She is named in Europäische Stammtafeln[500] as daughter of Count Dirk VI, but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified.
- Source Projects Medlands Scotland
Genealogie der Graven van Holland, Zaltbommel, 1969 , Dek, Dr. A. W. E. page 14.
Ada de Huntingdon, Countess of Holland's Timeline
1146 |
Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1162 |
1163 |
S-Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
1164 |
Dordrecht (Nl)
1165 |
Gravenhage, Zuid Holland, Netherlands
1167 |
The Hague (Den Haag), Den Haag Municipality, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
1169 |
Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
1171 |
Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands