About Gyrid Olafsdotter, Danish queen consort
Gyrid Olavsdotter was a Swedish woman who according to tradition was of royal blood. Her father was Olav Bjørnsson, brother of Erik Victorious as he was samkonge with before he died. She was the sister of Styrbjørn the Strong . After Styrbjørn fell out with his uncle and went into exile also left her country. When Styrbjørn entered into a dynastic connection with the aging king of Denmark, Harald Bluetooth, about 985 by marrying his daughter Thyra Harald's daughter. Gyrid was simultaneously married to the Danish king.
Presumably it was not a fortunate marriage for Gyrid. The Danish king was an old man and died not long after. His son Sweyn had hardly anything left over for his father's last wife, and her brother Styrbjørn also died shortly after she was married, in a battle of Fyrisvall against his uncle Eric the Victorious. Gyrid then disappears from historical accounts.
Gyrid, wife of Harald. Do not confuse her with his 1st wife Gunhild. Neither of them has anything to do with Herfast de Crépon.
Princess Gyrid Olafsdottir of Sweden, also called Gyrithe Olafsdottir, (10th century) was a Swedish princess and a Danish Viking Age queen consort, the spouse of King Harald I of Denmark.
Unsourced claim:
Gyrid was the daughter of King Olof (II) Björnsson of Sweden and Queen Ingeborg Thrandsdotter. She was not the sister of the Swedish throne claimant Styrbjörn Starke, who was a Norwegian that used a false claim to be the son of former king Olof (II) Björnsson (who was already dead) in order to challenge Olof's brother Erik for the Swedish throne.
Gyrid is thought to have married Harold Bluetooth, who actually supported the previously mentioned Norwegian in his invasion attempt of Sweden.
* Saxo Grammaticus
Søster til den svenske tronkræver, Styrbjørn.
Nachkommen Gorms des Alten, König von Dänemark, Sixten Otto Brenner, (Dansk Historisk Håndbogsforlag, København, 1978), reference: 3.
TOFA OBODRYCKA - jej ojcem był książę z plemienia Obodrytów - MŚCIWOJ ( panujący w II połowie X wieku ) . Z jej małżeństwa z królem duńskim pochodził prawdopodobnie syn , Swen Widłobrody.
Gyrid Olafdotter, dansk drottning:s tidslinje
932 |
Uppsala, Sverige
960 |
Jelling, Vejle, Danmark
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Queen of Sweden
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