Historical records matching Eleanore de Normandie
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Immediate Family
About Eleanore de Normandie
Eleanore de Normandie, Gravinne van Vloandern
- Parents: Richard II 'le Bon' and Judith de Bretagne.
- Spouse: Baudouin IV 'le Barbu' de Flandre Children: 1. Judith de Flandre, 2. One (uncertain) daughter who married Régnier de Louvain
LINKS http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMANDY.htm#EleonoreNormandieMBaud... http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89l%C3%A9onore_de_Normandie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_of_Normandy http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baudouin_IV_de_Flandre
[ELEONORE] de Normandie. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana refers to "filiam secundi Ricardi ducis Normannorum" as wife of "Balduinum Barbatum" after the death of Ogiva[209]. The Annalista Saxo states that the mother of Judith was "cognatione beati Ethmundi regis", without naming her or giving a more precise origin[210]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that Duke Richard and Judith had three daughters, of whom the second (unnamed) married "Baudouin de Flandre"[211]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified.
(after 1030) as his second wife, BAUDOUIN IV "le Barbu/Pulchrae Barbae" Count of Flanders, son of ARNOUL II "le Jeune" Count of Flanders & his wife Rozala di Ivrea [Italy] ([980]-30 May 1035). Count Baudouin IV & his second wife had one child. b) JUDITH de Flandre ([1033]-[5] Mar 1094, bur St Martin Monastery). The Annalista Saxo names "Iudhita…amita Rodberti comitis de Flandria ex cognatione beati Ethmundi regis" as husband of "Haroldi" (in error for Tostig) but correctly names her second husband "Welphus filius Azzonis marchionis Italorum"[206]. The Genealogia Welforum names "filiam comitis Flandrie, reginam Anglie, Iuditam nomine" as wife of Welf[207]. Florence of Worcester says that Judith was "daughter of Baldwin Count of Flanders" but does not specify which Count Baldwin, nor is this clear from the context[208]. According to the Vita Ædwardi Regis, Judith was the sister of Count Baudouin V[209]. On the other hand, Alberic de Trois Fontaines asserts that Judith was one of the children of Baudouin V Count of Flanders and his wife Adela de France[210], but there are other clear errors in Alberic's listing of this couple's children so the statement should be viewed with caution. Judith is also listed as the daughter of Count Baudouin V (after Mathilde) in a manuscript whose attribution to Orderic Vitalis is disputed, which also shows her first marriage[211]. The date of her first marriage is confirmed by the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle which records that she fled with her husband and parents-in-law after the Council of 9 Sep 1051[212]. Judith moved to Denmark after her first husband was killed. "Dux Gewelfo eiusque…uxor Iudita" donated property to Kloster Weingarten, with the consent of "filiorum suorum Gwelfonis et Heinrici", dated 12 Mar 1094[213]. The Chronicon of Bernold records the death "1094 IV Non Mar" of "Iuditha uxor ducis Welfonis Baioariæ" and her burial "apud monasterium…Sancti Martini" built by her husband[214]. The necrology of Raitenbuch records the death "III Non Mar" of "Iudinta regina Anglie, filia marchionis de Este uxor Welfonis nostri fundatoris"[215], exaggerating her status resulting from her first marriage and confusing her paternity. The necrology of Weingarten records the death "III Non Mar" of "Judita dux regina Anglie"[216], also exaggerating her status resulting from her first marriage.
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Eleanore de Normandie's Timeline
1011 |
Normandie, Plouigneau, Bretagne, France
1030 |
Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, België (Belgium)
1035 |
December 23, 1035
Age 24
Vlaams, Vlaanderen, Belgium
Breda, Breda, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Age 24
Vlaanderen, Belgium
???? |
Flandern i Frankrike