Immediate Family
About Fulcois, Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou. Comte de Mortagne
Fulcois Perche
From Wikipedia (Translated from French)
Fulcois or Fulcuich was probably Count of Mortagne at the end of x th century .
He is quoted as Count in a donation made to 1051 / 60 by Rotrou II , Count of Mortagne, Vicomte de Châteaudun , for the repose of the soul of, among others, his grandfather Fulcois. Father of Rotrou, Geoffroy II , Viscount Châteaudun that qualifies nephew 's Hugues de Châteaudun , Archbishop of Tours , mentions his mother and his uncle Melisende Burchard in an act he signed in 1032. Other documents establish that the viscount Geoffroy II is a grand-son of Rotrou , Count de Nogent , and Archbishop Hugh is a son of Geoffroy I first Viscount Châteaudun and a Hildegarde.
Family assumptions
From these documents a family reconstitution was made: Rotrou I st is the son of Geoffrey II, who is the son of Fulcois and Melisende. It appears equally clear that both grandparents Geoffroy Geoffroy II I first Châteaudun and Nogent Rotrou.
Traditional genealogies offer Fulcois see as a son of Nogent Rotrou and Melisende like a girl Geoffroy I first Châteaudun. This genealogy, however, poses a number of problems:
why I Hugues er , when he became archbishop in 1003, he gave the Viscount of Chateaudun to his sister's son, he would have at least one brother, certainly died before 1003, but the father of two son?
why the stronghold of Mortagne-au-Perche, probably held by Hildegard of Hugh's family, mother, would it then be held by a son of the latter, to the exclusion of his two son? Reconstruction has proposed Fulcois see as a son of Geoffroy I first Châteaudun Melisende and as a daughter of Nogent Rotrou. This proposal solves the problems mentioned above.
Fulcois is probably son of Geoffroy I first Viscount Châteaudun and Hildegarde de Mortagne. In 980 years, he inherited the county of Mortagne-au-Perche, which was held by his maternal uncle Hervé II . He married Melisende, probable daughter of Rotrou , lord of Nogent, who dona birth:
Hugues (v.1000 †), married Beatrice of Mâcon and ancestor by his son Geoffrey II Ironwood , the Plantagenets ; Geoffroy († 1039), Viscount Châteaudun Lord of Mortagne and Nogent. This marriage allowed him to death Rotrou occurred after 996, to bring the two strongholds of Mortagne and Nogent, which will form the future union county of Perche. Fulcois died before 1003 . Indeed, at that date, his brother Hugh became Archbishop of Tours and transfers the Viscount of Châteaudun's son Fulcois. Presumably if Fulcois was still alive at that date, he would become Viscount Châteaudun.
Christian Settipani "The Viscounts Châteaudun and their allies" in Onomastics and Kinship in the medieval West , Oxford, Linacre College, Unit for Research Prosopographical, al. "Prosopographica and Genealogica", 2000, 310 p. ( ISBN 1 -900934-01-9 ) , p. 247-261
1. ROTROU (-after 12 Feb 996). Seigneur de Nogent. m ---. The name of Rotrou's wife is not known. Rotrou & his wife had one child:
a) FULCOIS . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou. Comte de Mortagne. m MELISENDE Vicomtesse de Châteaudun, daughter of [HUGUES [I] Vicomte de Châteaudun & his wife ---] (-before 1040). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Fulcois & his wife had two children:
i) GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1065] under which "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi"[866]. "Hildegardis, vicecomitissa Castridunensis" donated property "alodum meum de Bello Monte" to "sanctissimo Petro Carnotensis cœnobii", with the consent of "filio meo Hugone, archiepiscopo Turonorum", by charter dated to 1020, signed by "Hugo archipræsul., Gausfridi nepotis eius…Helgaudi filii archiepiscopi…"[867]. Vicomte de Châteaudun 1004. "…Gaufredi vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 1004 under which "Gislebertus prepositus" recorded a donation[868]. "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent with the consent of "domine meo Odone Palatino" by charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032], subscribed by "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum"[869]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[870]. He was murdered in front of the cathedral of Chartres. m HELVISE [Elisabeth], daughter of --- (-after [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032]). 1007/[1029/31]. "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[871]. Geoffroy & his wife had three children:
(a) GEOFFROY (-[1015/28] or after). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
(b) HUGUES . "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[872]. Vicomte de Châteaudun. 1007/[1039/40]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[873]. m ADELA, daughter of ---. "Filius eius Hugo…[et] uxorem eius Adilam" confirmed a donation of "Gausfredus vicecomes", recorded in a charter dated to [1036/40][874].
(c) ROTROU (-1 Mar [1080]). "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[875]. Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne 1058.
- COMTES de PERCHE, COMTES de MORTAGNE.ii) HUGUES du Perche . His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1065] under which "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi"[876]. Comte de Gâtinais, de iure uxoris.
O Fulcoisovi, Seigneurovi de Nogentovi-lovi-Rotrouovi. Comtemu de Mortagnovi (čeština)
Fulcois Perche
From Wikipedia (Translated from French)
Fulcois or Fulcuich was probably Count of Mortagne at the end of x th century .
He is quoted as Count in a donation made to 1051 / 60 by Rotrou II , Count of Mortagne, Vicomte de Châteaudun , for the repose of the soul of, among others, his grandfather Fulcois. Father of Rotrou, Geoffroy II , Viscount Châteaudun that qualifies nephew 's Hugues de Châteaudun , Archbishop of Tours , mentions his mother and his uncle Melisende Burchard in an act he signed in 1032. Other documents establish that the viscount Geoffroy II is a grand-son of Rotrou , Count de Nogent , and Archbishop Hugh is a son of Geoffroy I first Viscount Châteaudun and a Hildegarde.
Family assumptions
From these documents a family reconstitution was made: Rotrou I st is the son of Geoffrey II, who is the son of Fulcois and Melisende. It appears equally clear that both grandparents Geoffroy Geoffroy II I first Châteaudun and Nogent Rotrou.
Traditional genealogies offer Fulcois see as a son of Nogent Rotrou and Melisende like a girl Geoffroy I first Châteaudun. This genealogy, however, poses a number of problems:
why I Hugues er , when he became archbishop in 1003, he gave the Viscount of Chateaudun to his sister's son, he would have at least one brother, certainly died before 1003, but the father of two son?
why the stronghold of Mortagne-au-Perche, probably held by Hildegard of Hugh's family, mother, would it then be held by a son of the latter, to the exclusion of his two son? Reconstruction has proposed Fulcois see as a son of Geoffroy I first Châteaudun Melisende and as a daughter of Nogent Rotrou. This proposal solves the problems mentioned above.
Fulcois is probably son of Geoffroy I first Viscount Châteaudun and Hildegarde de Mortagne. In 980 years, he inherited the county of Mortagne-au-Perche, which was held by his maternal uncle Hervé II . He married Melisende, probable daughter of Rotrou , lord of Nogent, who dona birth:
Hugues (v.1000 †), married Beatrice of Mâcon and ancestor by his son Geoffrey II Ironwood , the Plantagenets ; Geoffroy († 1039), Viscount Châteaudun Lord of Mortagne and Nogent. This marriage allowed him to death Rotrou occurred after 996, to bring the two strongholds of Mortagne and Nogent, which will form the future union county of Perche. Fulcois died before 1003 . Indeed, at that date, his brother Hugh became Archbishop of Tours and transfers the Viscount of Châteaudun's son Fulcois. Presumably if Fulcois was still alive at that date, he would become Viscount Châteaudun.
Christian Settipani "The Viscounts Châteaudun and their allies" in Onomastics and Kinship in the medieval West , Oxford, Linacre College, Unit for Research Prosopographical, al. "Prosopographica and Genealogica", 2000, 310 p. ( ISBN 1 -900934-01-9 ) , p. 247-261
1. ROTROU (-after 12 Feb 996). Seigneur de Nogent. m ---. The name of Rotrou's wife is not known. Rotrou & his wife had one child:
a) FULCOIS . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou. Comte de Mortagne. m MELISENDE Vicomtesse de Châteaudun, daughter of [HUGUES [I] Vicomte de Châteaudun & his wife ---] (-before 1040). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Fulcois & his wife had two children:
i) GEOFFROY (-murdered Chartres [1039/40]). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1065] under which "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi"[866]. "Hildegardis, vicecomitissa Castridunensis" donated property "alodum meum de Bello Monte" to "sanctissimo Petro Carnotensis cœnobii", with the consent of "filio meo Hugone, archiepiscopo Turonorum", by charter dated to 1020, signed by "Hugo archipræsul., Gausfridi nepotis eius…Helgaudi filii archiepiscopi…"[867]. Vicomte de Châteaudun 1004. "…Gaufredi vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 1004 under which "Gislebertus prepositus" recorded a donation[868]. "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent with the consent of "domine meo Odone Palatino" by charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032], subscribed by "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum"[869]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[870]. He was murdered in front of the cathedral of Chartres. m HELVISE [Elisabeth], daughter of --- (-after [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032]). 1007/[1029/31]. "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[871]. Geoffroy & his wife had three children:
(a) GEOFFROY (-[1015/28] or after). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
(b) HUGUES . "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[872]. Vicomte de Châteaudun. 1007/[1039/40]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[873]. m ADELA, daughter of ---. "Filius eius Hugo…[et] uxorem eius Adilam" confirmed a donation of "Gausfredus vicecomes", recorded in a charter dated to [1036/40][874].
(c) ROTROU (-1 Mar [1080]). "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[875]. Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne 1058.
- COMTES de PERCHE, COMTES de MORTAGNE.ii) HUGUES du Perche . His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1065] under which "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi"[876]. Comte de Gâtinais, de iure uxoris.
Geoffroy I z Perche
Hrabě z Châteaudun ( d )
Titul šlechty
Mezi 995 a 1000
Châteaudun dům
Fulcois du Perche
Mélisende de Nogent ( d )
Hugues du Perche
Rotrou II du Perche
Hugues Ier du Perche
Geoffroy I er , zabitý v Chartres v roce 1040 , byl pánem Mortagne-au-Perche a Nogent-le-Rotrou kolem roku tisíc až do své smrti, a vikomt Châteaudun (pod jménem Geoffroy II ) 1004 až 1040 . Byl synem Fulcoise , hraběte z Mortagne, a Mélisende de Nogent.
Již pánem z Perche (Mortagne a Nogent) se mu dostalo víry Châteaudun, když se jeho strýc (pravděpodobně otcovský) Hugues stal arcibiskupem v Tours . Její bratr Hugues , manžel Béatrice Comtesse du Gâtinais , je agnatickým předkem (v mužské linii) Plantagenêts , hrabat z Anjou a poté anglických králů .
Také pán Gallardon , osvobodil se od Blésoise svrchovanosti a začal nepřátelství proti Fulbertovi , biskupovi v Chartres . Zvedl hrady Gallardon kolem roku 1020 a Illiers v roce 1019. S pocitem ohrožení Fulbert marně hledal pomoc hraběte z Blois a francouzského krále , poté vyhlásil exkomunikaci Geoffroya, který se musel v roce 1029 podrobit a postavit Kostel Božího hrobu v Châteaudun za jeho odpuštění.
V roce 1040 , když byl v Chartres , vypukla proti jeho přítomnosti nepokoje, během nichž byl zabit.
Oženil se s Helvise, pravděpodobnou dcerou Renarda de Broyes , lorda Pithiviers a Nogent , a Helvide nebo Héloïse (de Bassigny?) , A měl:
Geoffroy, zemřel mezi 1015 a 1029
Hugues I er († 1042/44), vikomt Châteaudun , počet Mortagne a Nogent : bez potomků.
Rotrou II († 1077/80), vikomt Châteaudun, počet Mortagne a Nogent: odtud následuje tato léna.
Christian Settipani , „Vikomti Châteauduna a jejich spojenců“, v Onomastique et Kinship na středověkém západě v Oxfordu, Linacre College, Oddělení prosopografického výzkumu, sb. "Prosopographica and Genealogica / 3",2000, 310 s. ( ISBN 1-900934-01-9 ) , str. 247-261
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: count of Perche
France Walk: vikomti Châteaudun
Fulcois, Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou. Comte de Mortagne's Timeline
965 |
Montagne, Gironde, Aquitaine Limousin Poitou-Charentes, France
992 |
Châteaudun, Eure-et-Loir, Centre, France
1031 |
Age 66
???? | |||
???? |
Gatinais, France
???? |