Historiska poster som matchar Hertig av Sachsen Anhalt Albrecht von Anhalt, Herzog von Sachsen
About Albrecht I, Duke of Saxony-Wittenberg
Albrecht I, Duke of Saxony-Wittenberg
- Son of Count Bernard of Anhalt, Duke of Saxony and Judyta Mieszkówna
- Duke Albrecht I of Saxony , the German Albrecht , born in 1175 / 1180 , died 8 november 1261 , the Duke of Saxony from 1212 to 1261, the Duke of Albingen from 1226, regent of the Margraviate of Meissen 1217-1230. Son of Duke Bernhard III of Saxony (died 1212) and (probably) Judith of Poland (died 1201/1202).
Project MedLands SAXONY
ALBRECHT of Saxony, son of BERNHARD von Ballenstedt Duke of Saxony, Graf von Aschersleben und Anhalt & his wife Judyta of Poland (-[27 Sep/7 Nov] 1260, bur Lehnin). The Chronicon Montis Serreni names "Heinricum comitem Ascharie et Albertum ducem" as sons of "Bernhardi ducis"[584]. He succeeded his father in 1212 as ALBRECHT I Duke of Saxony. Herzog zu Bernburg 1219. He left on Crusade 1219. Herzog zu Sachsen, Engern und Westfalen 1227. Pope Innocent IV granted Duke Albrecht the right of investiture in the bishoprics of Lübeck, Ratzeburg and Schwerin in order to attract his support to the papal party against Konrad IV King of Germany in [1252/53]. The result was that Duke Albrecht participated in the second election of Willem II Count of Holland as king of Germany in Brunswick 25 Mar 1252, although he gave no support to Willem during the latter's campaign in Flanders in 1253[585].
married firstly (Vienna 1222) AGNES of Austria, daughter of LEOPOLD VI "der Glorreiche" Duke of Austria [Babenberg] & his wife Theodora (1206-29 Aug 1226). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Agnem filiam Friderici ducis Austrie" as wife of "Albertus dux"[586]. The Continuatio Claustroneoburgensis specifies that the marriage was celebrated in Vienna[587]. The necrology of Lilienfeld records the death "IV Kal Sep" of "Agnes filia ducis Leupoldi fundatoris"[588]. The necrology of Kloster Neuburg records the death "IV Kal Sep" of "Agnes ducissa Saxonia filia Liupoldi ducis Austrie"[589]. married secondly (Acre after 1229) as her second husband, AGNES of Thuringia, widow of HEINRICH "der Grausame" of Austria, daughter of HERMANN I Landgraf of Thuringia & his second wife Sophie of Bavaria ([1204]-24 Feb before 1244, bur Heiligenkreuz). The Cronica Reinhardsbrunnensis names "Agnes" as second daughter of "Hermannus" & his second wife, specifying that she married "ducis Austrie"[590]. The Annales Mellicenses in 1226 record the marriage of "Heinricus filius Liupoldi ducis" and "Agnetem filiam langravii de Duringia"[591]. The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Agnem, sororem Henrici lantgravii Thuringie" as second wife of "Albertus dux"[592]. The necrology of Heiligenkreuz records the death "VI Kal Mar" of "ducissa Richardis sor Ludovici Thuringiæ lantgravii mariti s Elizabethæ, ux Henrici…quinti cognomento Crudelis" and her burial "in capitulo no", specifying that her husband was last of the line and that their child was named Gertrud[593]. Although the other details are correct, the name "Richza" is a mistake for "Agnes", resulting from confusion with the wife of Heinrich Duke of Mödling, paternal uncle of Duke Heinrich "der Grausame". It is curious that this entry does not refer to Agnes's second husband, suggesting that there may have been a separation before she died. married thirdly (Papal dispensation 4o 15 May 1244, [1247/48]%29 as her second husband, HELENE von Braunschweig-Lüneburg, widow of HERMANN II Landgraf of Thuringia, daughter of OTTO I “dem Kind” Herzog von Braunschweig & his wife Mathilde von Brandenburg [Askanier] (18 Mar 1223-6 Sep 1273, bur Wittenberg Franciscans). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Helenam filiam Ottonis de Brunswick" as third wife of "Albertus dux"[594]. The Cronica Principum Saxonie names (in order) "Mechtildim…Helenam…Alheidem…Helenam" as the daughters of "Ottonem de Lunenburch" & his wife, specifying that the first "Helenam" married firstly "Hermannus dominus Hassie, filius beate Elisabeth" and secondly "Albertus dux Saxonie"[595]. She founded the Franciscan Monastery at Wittenberg.
Duke Albrecht I & his first wife AGNES of Austria had two children:
- 1. BERNHARD (-before 1256). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
- 2. JUTTA (-before 2 Feb 1267). The Chronica Jutensis records that "Ericum", son of "Waldemarus rex", married "Juttam filiam ducis Saxonie"[596]. The Icelandic Annals record the marriage in 1239 of "Ericus Danorum rex Valdemari filius" and "Juttam filiam Henrici ducis Anhaltini"[597]. Pope Gregory IX issued a dispensation for the marriage of "Ericum filium Waldemari regis" and "Juttam filiam ducis Saxoniæ" dated 31 Jul 1239[598]. The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Iuttam [uxor] Ericus rex Dacie" as daughter of "Albertus dux" & his first wife Agnes[599]. The Annales Stadenses records the marriage "1239 die Dyonisii" of "Ericus rex Daciæ [frater Abel]" and "filiam ducis Alberti de Anehalt"[600]. The Annales Ryenses record the marriage in 1239 of "rex Ericus" and "Iudith filiam ducis Saxoniæ"[601]. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified. married firstly (Papal dispensation 4o Anagni 31 Aug 1239, 9 Oct 1239) ERIK IV "Plovpennig/Plough-Penny" King of Denmark, son of VALDEMAR II "Sejr/the Conqueror" King of Denmark & his second wife Infanta dona Berengaria de Portugal (1216-murdered 10 Aug 1250, bur Schleswig St Peter, transferred to Ringsted Church). married secondly BURCHARD von Querfurt-Magdeburg, son of BURCHARD Burggraf von Magdeburg & his wife (-after 12 Nov 1306).
Duke Albrecht I & his second wife AGNES of Thuringia had two children:
- 3. JUTTA (-before 23 Dec 1287, bur Stendal Franciscan Monastery). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Iuttam…Elizabeth" as daughters of "Albertus dux" and his second wife Agnes, specifying that Jutta married "Iohannis marchio Brandenburgensis"[602], in a later passage naming "Iuttam filiam Alberti ducis Saxonie" as second wife of "Iohannes" and specifying that she had previously been betrothed to "Friderico imperatori"[603], although the latter is improbable. married (Papal dispensation 7 May 1255) as his second wife, JOHANN I Markgraf von Brandenburg, son of ALBRECHT II Markgraf von Brandenburg & his wife Mathilde von Lensberg ([1208/13]-[3 Jun 1266/2 Feb 1267], bur Kloster Chorin).
- 4. ELISABETH (-before 1306, bur Preetz). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Iuttam…Elizabeth" as daughters of "Albertus dux" and his second wife Agnes, specifying that Elisabeth married "Iohannes comes Holtsacie"[604]. The Annales Stadenses record the betrothal "1241 IV Id Nov in Hamborch" of "Iohannes comes filius fratris Adolfi" and "filia ducis Saxoniæ"[605]. His place of burial is confirmed by the charter dated 2 Feb 1306 under which [his son] "Iohannes...comes Holtzatie et Stormarie" established a foundation in Kloster Preetz, for the souls of "patris nostri comitis Johannis ac...matris nostre Elysabeth" who were buried there[606]. married (Betrothed 10 Nov 1241, [1249/50]%29 JOHANN von Holstein, son of ADOLF [IV] Graf von Holstein und Schaumburg & his wife Hedwig zur Lippe (-20 Apr 1263, bur Kloster Preetz).
Duke Albrecht I & his third wife HELENE von Braunschweig had five children:
- 5. ELISABETH (-[16 Oct 1293/2 Feb 1306]). “Helena...ducissa Saxonie, Westfalie et Angarie, Johannes et Albertus filii eius” granted “advocatia terre Boytin” to Stift Ratzeburg, naming “filiabus et sororibus nostris Elysabeth, Helena et Mechtildi”, by charter dated 27 Apr 1261[607]. “Albertus...Saxoniæ, Angariæ, Westphaliæ dux, comes de Bren, burgraviusque Magdeburg...cum domina Elizabet quondam comitissa in Bren sorore nostra” confirmed donations made to Kloster Coswick by “filius eius Albertus piæ recordationis”, with the consent of “fratruelium nostrorum Johannis, Alberti et Erici et filiorum nostrorum Rudolphi et Alberti”, by charter dated 16 Mar 1293[608]. married ([27 Apr 1261/1264]) KONRAD Graf von Brehna, son of DIETRICH [I] Graf von Brehna [Wettin] & his wife Eudoxia of Mazovia [Piast] (-[1277/26 Mar 1278]).
- 6. HELENE (-12 Jun 1309, bur Nürnberg Barfüsserkirche). “Helena...ducissa Saxonie, Westfalie et Angarie, Johannes et Albertus filii eius” granted “advocatia terre Boytin” to Stift Ratzeburg, naming “filiabus et sororibus nostris Elysabeth, Helena et Mechtildi”, by charter dated 27 Apr 1261[609]. The Chronicon Polono-Silesiacum refers to the second wife of Duke Heinrich III as "filiam ducis Saxonie" specifying that she married secondly "burgravio de Nurenberg"[610]. The Chronica principum Polonie records that "tercius Heinricus" married secondly "filiam…ducis Saxonie", who later married "Burgravio Nurenbergensi"[611]. The date of her second marriage is indicated by a charter dated 28 Mar 1280 which records her son Johann by this marriage. "Ludwicus…comes de Otingen" pledged "castrum nostrum de Dahspach" to "socero nostro Friderico Burcgravio de Nurenberch, domine Elene uxori sue" for a loan by charter dated 10 Apr 1280[612]. Her parentage and second marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 15 May 1292 under which her brother "Albertus…Saxonie Angarie et Westfalie Dux, comes de Bren Burcgraviusque Maideburgensis" confirmed that Rudolf I King of Germany had enfeoffed "Fridericum Burcgravium de Nurenberch sororium nostrum" with "villis Leukersheim Erlebach et Brucke"[613]. "Fridericus Burgravius de Nureberch" donated "curiam in Slavigersrauth", previously held by "Elizabeth quondam uxoris nostre", to Kloster Langeim, with the consent of "uxoris nostre Elene ac heredum nostrorum", by charter dated 7 Mar 1296[614]. Albrecht King of Germany granted “molendinum retro Macellum in Nurenberg” to “nobilis matrone Helene burcgravie in Nurenberg quondam Friderici burcgravii in Nurrenberg relicte” by charter dated 3 Dec 1307[615]. m firstly (before 3 Dec 1266) as his second wife, HEINRICH III Duke of Breslau, son of HEINRICH II Duke of Lower Silesia, Krakow and Greater Poland [Piast] & his wife Anna of Bohemia ([1222/30]-3 Dec 1266). m secondly (before [1278]%29 as his second wife, FRIEDRICH III Burggraf von Nürnberg, son of KONRAD I Burggraf von Nürnberg & his [first] wife Clementia --- (-1297, after 12 May).
- 7. MECHTILD “Helena...ducissa Saxonie, Westfalie et Angarie, Johannes et Albertus filii eius” granted “advocatia terre Boytin” to Stift Ratzeburg, naming “filiabus et sororibus nostris Elysabeth, Helena et Mechtildi”, by charter dated 27 Apr 1261[616]. The marriage contract between “Elena...Westfalie et Saxonie ducissa...et filii nostri Johannes et Albertus Saxonie duces...filia nostra” and “Guncellino et Helmoldo comitibus Zwerinensibus...comiti Helmoldo iuniori de Zwerin” is dated 23 Nov 1264[617]. The contract must have been terminated, or the bride died, before 9 Jun 1266 when Helmold [III] was betrothed to the daughter of Adolf Graf von Dannenberg. On the other hand, the charter dated 21 Dec 1298 under which [Helmold [III]’s sons] “Guntzelinus et Hinricus...comites de Zwerin” sold the mills in the town of Schwerin to Kloster Reinfeld was witnessed by [Mechtild%E2%80%99s brothers] “cognati nostri duces Saxonie Johannes et Albertus...”[618]. It is therefore possible that Helmold’s betrothal to Mechtild was terminated, that he was betrothed to the daughter of Adolf von Dannenberg which betrothal was in turn terminated, and that Helmold later returned to Mechtild. The difficulty of identifying Helmold’s first wife is not solved by the following charter which omits her name: a charter dated 18 Oct [1273] records that Kloster Höckelheim accorded fraternity to “comiti Helmoldo in Tzwerin et uxori sue domine--- necnon filio suo comiti Gunzelino”[619]. Betrothed (contract Lauenburg 23 Nov 1264) [married as his first wife,] HELMOLD [III] Graf von Schwerin, son of GÜNZEL [III] Graf von Schwerin & his wife Margarete von Mecklenburg (-after 25 Aug 1295).
- 8. JOHANN von Sachsen (-30 Jul 1286, bur Wittenberg Franciscan Monastery). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names (in order) "Albertum et Iohannem" as the two sons of "Albertus dux" & his third wife[620]. He succeeded in 1263 as JOHANN I Herzog von Sachsen, Engern und Westfalen. Titular Burggraf von Magdeburg 1269.
- 9. ALBRECHT (-killed in battle near Acre, Palestine 25 Aug 1298, bur Wittenberg Franciscan Monastery, transferred 1883 to Wittenberg Schloßkirche). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names (in order) "Albertum et Iohannem" as the two sons of "Albertus dux" & his third wife[621]. He succeeded in 1266 as ALBRECHT II "Degener" Herzog von Sachsen. Titular Burggraf von Magdeburg 1269. Graf von Brehna 1290. Herr zu Wittenberg und Brehna 1295-1296.
Albrekt I of Saxony, by Wikipedia
Duke Albrekt I supported until the end Emperor Otto IV against the Staufers and fought above all the Staufers' husband Archbishop Albrekt of Magdeburg . In these battles the duke lost, among other things. a. Stassfurt . At the death of Emperor Otto in 1218 , Duke Albrekt passed to Staufisk Emperor Frederick II and had his counties, rights and herdsmen confirmed by him.
Albrekt stayed several times in Italy . In 1226 he was elected Duke of Albingen, which is why he was drawn into Holstein-Schauenburg's war against Denmark . Albrekt took part in the Battle of Bornhöft south of Kiel on July 22, 1227 , breaking the position of the Danish great power. He then regained Lauenburg-Ratzeburg along with the land of Hadeln. The Saxon claim to Holstein-Wagrien, Schwerin , Dannenberg and Lübeck was secured. From his Welfish opponents, Duke Albrekt was able to win the breeding farms Bergedorf, Hitzacker and Sachsenwald.
1228/1229 Duke Albrekt was with Emperor Frederick II in Jerusalem and in 1231/1232 mediated peace between the emperor and his son King Henry (VII). 1240/1241 Albrekt was again in Italy . Then, however, he resigned from the emperor and instead recognized the heirs to the throne Willem of Holland and then (1257) Alfonso X of Castile .
During Albrekt's time, anarchy prevailed in the Saxon-Westphalian region. He won counties and possessions there in Engern . In some records, Albrekt is described as Duke of Engern, which may be considered an unofficial title. Shortly before his death, Albrekt divided his land between his sons, from which the lines Saxony-Lauenburg and Saxony-Wittenberg arose.
- https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albrecht_I_af_Sachsen
- https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albrekt_I_av_Sachsen
- http://finnholbek.dk/getperson.php?personID=I13147&tree=2
- http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00029979&tree=LEO
- http://www.dr-bernhard-peter.de/Heraldik/sachsen.htm
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Bernharddied1212B
- http://ru.rodovid.org/wk/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%8C:590820
- http://historic.ru/books/item/f00/s00/z0000119/st212.shtml
Hertig av Sachsen Anhalt Albrecht von Anhalt, Herzog von Sachsen:s tidslinje
1175 |
7 oktober 1175
Aschersleben, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany (Tyskland)
1216 |
Aschersleben, Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR)
1222 |
Saxony, Germany
1225 |
Saxe Lawemburg Hanover Prussia
1228 |
1229 |
Saxony, Germany (Tyskland)
1230 |
Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany (Tyskland)