Jeanne I, Queen of Navarre
(1273 - 1305)
Joan I de Navarre, also known as Joanna or Joan of Navarre (c. 14 January 1271 – April 4, 1305), Queen regnant of Navarre and Queen consort of France, was the daughter of king Henry I of Navarre and Bl...
Dronning Mechtild af Danmark
(c.1220 - 1288)
Mechtild von Schauenburg-Holstein, Dronning af Danmark=* Daughter of Adolph IV, Herr von Schauenburg, Graf zu Holstein und Stormarn and Heilwig Gräfin von der Lippe* Mechtild von Holstein , (även Mecht...
Custennin ap Cadwy, High King Of Britain
(525 - 589)
Hoël III ap Alain I, Emyr Llydaw
(c.580 - c.612)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Family of Emyr Llydaw; (Steven Ferry, October 7, 2022.)
King of Brittany Hoël III ab Alain de Bretagne1
b. circa 580, d. 612
Casimir I "the Restorer", Duke of Poland
(1016 - 1058)
I Karol Odnowiciel (ur. 25 lipca 1016, zm. 28 listopada 1058[1] w Poznaniu) – książę z dynastii Piastów , władca Polski w latach 1034-1058 (z przerwami), syn Mieszka II i Rychezy. Po śmierci ojca, w 10...
Sveriges Drottning Margareta Eriksdotter Leijonhufvud, Queen of Sweden
(1516 - 1551)
Sancha Rodríguez de Lara
(c.1160 - c.1209)
According to Salazar y Castro[1135], she was SANCHA Rodríguez de Lara, daughter of RODRIGO Rodríguez de Lara & his wife ---. #According to Salazar y Acha[1136], she was SANCHA Rodríguez, daughter of RO...
Charles-Joseph, VII Prince de Ligne
(1735 - 1814)
 "File:James Murdoch 2008- NRKbeta (cropped).jpg" by NRKbeta is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Via Creative Commons Search at https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/1375327d-7abd-4eac-acbd-19b32138153f
James Murdoch
James Rupert Jacob Murdoch is the younger son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch and the deputy chief operating officer of News Corporation. He is the former chairman and chief executive of News Corp., Euro...
Euphemia de Ross, Queen Consort of Scotland
(b. - 1386)
"Euphemia de Ross (died 1386) was the second wife and first Queen consort of Robert II of Scotland, and a member of Clan Ross." Euphemia of Ross Leslie, was the Countess of Moray, after 02 May 1355.Dau...
Thomas Perrin
(1585 - 1625)
I cannot find a Thomas Perrin listed in any Jamestown Colony or Virginia documents. If someone has, please share the source of documentation === GEDCOM Source ===@R1603696126@ Ancestry Family Trees Onl...
Adelheid van Gelre
(c.1035 - 1083)
Cécile de Provence, vicomtesse consort d'Albi
(c.1070 - 1150)
Engelbert I von Sponheim, Markgraf von Istrien
(aft.1040 - 1096)
See for more information,speculative research of Rob Salzman ( I. (Spanheim)aus Wikipedia, der freien EnzyklopädieWechseln zu: Navigation, SucheEngelbert I. von Spanheim als Stifter des Klosters St.Pau...
Siemomysł, Duke of the Polans
(c.900 - 961)
Siemomysł w Wikipedii po Polsku
Siemomysł on Wikipedia in English
Siemomysł is the third legendary Polish duke, and said to be the father of Poland's first historical ruler, Mieszko I. Siemomysł ...
Bava von Wassenberg
(c.993 - d.)
Frans Emil Sillanpää, Nobel Prize in Literature, 1939
(1888 - 1964)
Syntymä Frans Emil sai syntymässä sukunimen Koskinen. Hämeenkyrö syntyneet 1888-1889 (AP I C:8) Sivu 358 1888 Syyskuu ; SSHY / Viitattu 31.10.2022
Kummeina talonpoika Juho Kustaa Ollila ja Kaupin ren...
Ralph II le Boteler
(c.1125 - c.1207)
Boteler1M, #14645Father Robert Boteler1Note* He was one of the barons who took up arms against King John, and had his lands seized. On the accession of Henry III, they were restored upon 40 mark fine....
Michael VII Doukas, Eastern Roman Emperor
(c.1050 - 1090)
Michael VII Doukas 'Parapinakēs ' From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMichael VII Doukas or Ducas (Greek: Μιχαήλ Ζ΄ Δούκας, Mikhaēl VII Doukas), nicknamed Parapinakēs, Byzantine emperor from 1071 to 1...
Gödeke Henriksson Fincke
(c.1390 - bef.1467)
Maanomistaja. Omisti Poikon ja Viljaisten tilat Rymättylässä. Jordägare. Ägde Poikko och Villiais i Rimito socken, Finland. 'Landowner. Owned Poikko and Viljainen in Rymättylä, Finland. Fincke- suku po...
Siemowit, Duke of the Polans
(c.845 - 891)
Siemowit w Wikipedii po Polsku Siemowit on Wikipedia in English Siemowit (also Ziemowit) was, according to the chronicles of Gallus Anonymus, the son of Piast the Wheelwright and Rzepicha. He was con...
Jakob Olofsson Horn
Tab. XVIII.Jakob Olofsson (tab. I) till Toijala i Halikko socken. Sålde 1438 med sina bröders samtycke Littois i S:t Karins socken till Åbo domkyrka (5). Sigillvittne 1448 (6). — Gift med Kristina, do...
Gunnora d'Aunou
(c.1020 - 1047)
Notes from Curt Hofemann posted to the webpage of Ivor Jones regarding Gunnora d'Aunou ( ):
parents: Gonnor (Gunnor) was the daughter of Baldric the Teuton, and a niece of Gilbert, Count of Brionne . ...
Märta Margareta Stenbeck
Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, Jr., PhD
(1910 - 1950)
Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, Jr., PhD
O'Neill was an American professor of Greek literature.
O'Neill was son of Nobel Prize-winning playwright Eugene O'Neill and the elder O'Neill's first w...
Captain Samuel Doty, II
(1679 - 1741)
Sam Doty was the grandson of Edward Doty, of the Mayflower * Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jan 9 2024, 20:53:45 UTC
Ita von Öhningen
(c.965 - 996)
von Öhningen (-16 Oct ----). The Genealogia Welforum names "de Oningen Itam…cuius pater fuit Chuno comes, mater vero filia Ottonis Magni imperatoris" wife of Rudolf[152]. The Historia Welforum refers t...
Elin Gödekesdotter Fincke
(c.1430 - 1464)
Linnaläänin päällikkö Kastelholmin linnassa Filpus Ivarssonin vaimo. Kastelholm, Ahvenanmaa. Hövitsman på Kastelholm slott Filpus Ivarssons hustru, Kastelholm, Åland, Finland. 'Captain at Kastelholm Ca...
Dr. James Craik
(1730 - 1814)
DOCTOR JAMES CRAIK British Army Surgeon (1751) General Practitioner (1751-54) Surgeon in Colonel Joshua Fry's Virginia Provincial Regiment (1754) Physician General of the US Army (1798) Doctor James Cr...
Heini Wathén
Oxted, Surrey, England, United Kingdom
Heini Al-Fayed (Wathén) is the Wiking Girl of the Apu Magazine in 1972, and the Girl of Baltic Sea 1972. She participated in Miss Finland contest in 1977, and in La Maja Contest with no success.
She ...
Gerhard I, count of Metz
(875 - 910)
GERHARD ([870/75][796]-killed in battle 22 Jun 910). The De Rebus Treverensibus sæculi VIII-X Libellus names two brothers "Gerardus et Meffridus" specifying that Gerhard married Oda, widow of King Zwen...
Queen Mary of Denmark
Copenhagen, Hovedstaden, Denmark
Mary Elizabeth, Hendes Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsessen, , grevinde af Monpezat, er født den 5. februar 1972 i Hobart, Tasmanien, Australien.
The Peerage
Princess of Norway Ulvhild Olavsdatter, Duchesse of Saxony
(c.1020 - 1071)
Ulvhilda Olavsdotter, Duchesse of Saxony= av Norge of Norway Ulfhilde Olavsdotter av NorgeStammor til fyrstehusene Oldenborg og GluckburgNotes for Ulvhild Olavsdatter (Spouse 1)
Anne of Cleves
(1515 - bef.1557)
Anne of Cleves (1515-1557), Fourth Wife of Henry VIII-------------------------------Known for: safely divorcing from Henry and survivingAlso known as: Anna von Jülich-Kleve-Berg------------------------...
Thibaut, Count of Blois & Champagne
(1012 - 1089)
Theobald III, Count of BloisParents: Eudes II de Blois & Ermengarde d'AuvergneSpouses: 1. Gersende du MaineChild: Etienne Henri de Blois2. Gundrada3. Adela/Alix de ValoisChildren:* Eudes* Philippe* Hug...
Antti Isotalo
(1831 - 1911)
Antti Heikinpoika Isotalo eli Isoo-Antti (30. elokuuta 1831 Alahärmä – 8. elokuuta 1911 Alahärmä) oli härmäläinen maan-viljelijä ja puukkojunkkari, joka syntyi Alahärmässä, Hanhimäen kylässä. Yhdessä A...
Almveigu the Wise Eymundsdatter, Queen of Ringerike
(c.455 - c.499)
BarnSkelfi HalfdanssonAudi HalfdanssonBragi HalfdanssonDag HalfdanssonSiggari HalfdanssonLofdi HalfdanssonNefli HalfdanssonHildi HalfdanssonBudli Halfdansson TO BE MOVED:Almveig Eymundsdotter was the w...
Neriyah, 18th Exilarch
(c.-290 - c.-227)
1 Chronicles 3:22.
Paavali Ollinpoika Halonen
(c.1560 - c.1642)
Huom. korjaus!!! Niska eli Niskankylä sijaitsee Utajärven pitäjässä, joka kuului silloiseen Oulunpitäjään. Paavali ei siis asunut Muhoksella! - Tosin kuntien rajat ovat aina muuttuneet . Ei voida totee...
Baldwin de Reviers, First Earl of Devon
(c.1090 - 1155)
William de Redvers, surnamed Vernon, 6th Earl of Devon. This nobleman, upon the second coronation of King Richard I, was one of the four earls that carried the silken canopy, then being styled "Earl of...
Duncan MacDuff, 4th Earl of FIfe
(b. - 1154)
1. GILLIEMATHIL [Gilliemichael] Macduff, son of --- (-before [1135]). Earl [of Fife]. "…Gillemichel Mac duf…" witnessed a charter dated to [1128] by which "David… Rex Scottorum" made grants to the chur...
Isabella Neville, Duchess of Clarence
(1451 - 1476)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia # ID: I24154# Name: Lady Isabell Nevill# Sex: F# Birth: 5 Sep 1451 in Warwick Castle, Warwick, England# Death: 21 Dec 1476 in Warwick Castle, Warwick, Englan...
Bertila of Spoleto
(c.850 - 915)
Bertila of Spoleto (also Bertilla ) (c. 860 – December 915) was the wife of Berengar I of Italy, and by marriage Queen consort of Italy and Holy Roman Empress.[1]
Bertila was a member of th...
John Bourchier, 1st Earl of Bath
(1470 - 1539)
John Bourchier, 1st Earl of Bath (20 July 1470 – 30 April 1539) was created Earl of Bath in 1536. He was feudal baron of Bampton in Devon.==Links==* wikipedia.org * thepeerage.com John was Created Earl...
Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland, "Mayflower" Passenger
(bef.1607 - 1687)
Elizabeth Tilley
BAPTISM: 30 August 1607 at Henlow, co. Bedford, England, daughter of John and Joan (Hurst) (Rogers) Tilley.
MARRIAGE: John Howland, about 1625, at Plymouth.
CHILDREN: Desire, Joh...
Joosep Kristenbrun
(1839 - 1917)
Käsmu purjelaevastiku grand old man Joosep Kristenbrun sündis 7. veebruaril, 1839.a. Käsmus kõige suurem laevaomanik ümbruskonnas. Laevade ehitaja, Käsmu merekooli asutajaid ja hoolekandekomitee kaua-a...
Creator Creator BRAHMA
Brahma (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मा; IAST:Brahmā) is the Hindu god (deva) of creation and one of the Trimurti, the others being Vishnu and Shiva. According to the Brahma Purana, he is the father of Mānu, and fro...
Baldur/Bældæg, king in Westphalia {Norse God} Odinson
Balderby Micha F. LindemansThe god of light, joy, purity, beauty, innocence, and reconciliation. Son of Odin and Frigg, he was loved by both gods and men and was considered to be the best of the gods. ...
Charles de France, duc de Basse-Lotharingie
(953 - 991)
CHARLES (Laon summer 953-in prison Orléans 12 Jun 991, bur 1001 Maastricht, St Servatius)
Twin of Henri
s/o LOUIS IV "d'Outremer" King of the Franks & Gerberga of Germany
x ADELAIS de Troyes d/o ROBE...
García Jiménez de Pamplona
(835 - aft.885)
García Jiménez de Pamplona (835-after 885) was a high-medieval knight of the kingdom of Pamplona, who is mentioned with that surname in the Roda Codex. He was co-regent of the kingdom during the reigns...
Sir Thomas de Clare, Lord of Thomond
(c.1245 - 1287)
Sir Thomas de Clare, Lord of ThomondM, #3571, b. circa 1245/46, d. 29 August 1287Sir Thomas de Clare, Lord of Thomond was born circa 1245-'48 at Tonbridge, Kent, England.(4) He was the son of Richard d...
Victoria Eugenie, Queen of Spain
(1887 - 1969)
Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg (Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena), *By Marriage Queen Consort of Spain== Royal house ==* House of Battenberg (Cadet branch of the House of Hesse-Darmstadt)==Links:==* The Peer...
Erik the Red
(c.940 - c.1003)
Erik Thorvaldsson was born (according to Icelandic tradition) about 940 in the Jæren district of Rogaland, Norway, as the son of Thorvald Ásvaldsson and died during an epidemic in Greenland after 1002....
Hubert de Vaux, of Gillesland
(1105 - 1164)
from GILSLAND (VAUX) FEUDAL LORDSHIP * Hubert de Vallibus, commonly called Vaux, (elder son of Harold de Vallibus from Normandy). William the Conqueror dispossessed the Thane of Gilsland to reward a No...
Sueva Orsini
(c.1365 - 1422)
b) SVEVA (-after 28 Jan 1398).
m (8 Dec 1381) FRANCESCO del Balzo Duca di Andria, son of BERTRAND de Baux Conte d'Andria e Montescaglioso & his second wife Marguerite d'Aulnay ([1329/30]-1422)...
Robert de Brus, 4th Lord of Annandale
(c.1195 - bef.1245)
ROBERT [IV] de Brus (-[1 Apr] 1245) Lord of Annandale
s/o WILLIAM de Brus & Christina
x ISABEL of Huntingdon d/o DAVID of Scotland Earl of Huntingdon & Matilda of Cheshire (1206-1251, bur Sawtrey Abb...
 Photo by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of California. Public domain.
Gavin Newsom, 40th Governor of California
Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, United States
Gavin Christopher Newsom (born October 10, 1967) is an American politician and businessman. He is the 40th governor of California, serving since January 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, he previ...
Somerled, “King of the Isles”
(b. - 1164)
Somerled son of Gilbert (Somhairle mac Gillebride) 1st Lord/King of the Isles Gillebride, or Gilbert , who is mentioned by the oldest Highland genealogist as "rig eilean Shidir," that is, King of the S...
 Signature taken from his marriage certificate: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:HB3X-GDT2
Original file: https://ibb.co/8401pzM5 or https://imgbox.com/Ve5xqtaG or https://pixhost.to/show/731/573523562_antonio-hate-escudero-s-signature.jpg
Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Antonio_Hate_Escudero%27s_signature.svg
This signature is believed to be ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it falls below the required level of originality for copyright protection both in the United States and in the source country (if different). In this case, the source country (e.g. the country of nationality of the signatory) is believed to be Philippines.
Antonio H. Escudero
(1915 - d.)
Antonio H. Escudero was a Filipino politician. He served as mayor of Casiguran, Sorsogon, and provincial board member of Sorsogon.
Marriage certificate
John Morton, signer of the "Declaration of Independence"
(1724 - 1777)
Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA - SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. DAR Ancestor # A081814 John Morton (1725 – April 1, 1777) was a farmer, surveyor, and jurist from the Pr...
Donald Sutherland
(1935 - 2024)
Wikipedia (en) Page
IMDb page
Find A Grave
Donald McNicol Sutherland is a Canadian character actor with a film career spanning over 50 years. Some of Sutherland's more notable movie roles includ...
Pépin I, king of Aquitaine
(c.797 - 838)
PEPIN ([797]-Poitiers 13 Dec 838, bur Poitiers, église collégiale de Sainte-Radégonde). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig...
Sprota de Bourgogne
(c.890 - 945)
Sprote "de Bourgogne" was possibly married to Renaud de Meulan and Bernard "the Dane" de Harcourt; seigneur de Pontaudemer. Some posit the two men as the same. There are no known primary sources for th...
Margaret of Clarence, Countess of Salisbury
(1473 - 1541)
Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of Salisbury was born on 14 August 1473.3 Last of the Plantagenet family line. Henry VIII was determined to get rid of her; trumped up charge of treason; death on the sca...
Violante de Aragón, reina consorte de Castilla
(c.1236 - 1301)
Violante de Aragón y Hungría De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
nacio en Junio 8 1236 Violante de Aragón y Hungría (Zaragoza, 1236 – Roncesvalles, Navarra 1300/1), infanta de Aragón y reina consorte...
Rabbi Binyamin Shimon Zeev Wolf Ashkenazi, [of Vilna]
(c.1615 - 1682)
1913--1996- The Eger Family Association- pg.11913--1990- The Eger Family Association-אילן א Rich well to do and learned director of the Jewish community in Wilna (ii.56 vii 96). R' Shimon Wulff was als...
Wilhelm Bodewin Keitel
(1882 - 1946)
Hamelin de Warenne, Earl of Surrey
(c.1130 - 1202)
Wikipedia, Medlands and various notes below state that Hamelin's mother was Adelaide of Angers.
Primary Sourced Information and Rationales
Medlands: Anjou: Comtes d’Dnjou, Ducs d’Anjou .
Sophia of Hungary
(aft.1044 - 1095)
([1045/50]-18 Jun 1095, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis).=SOPHIA ([1045/50]-18 Jun 1095, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis). The Annalista Saxo names "sororem Ladizlai regis Ungarie Sophiam" as wife of Ulrich, and i...
Geoffrey E. Hinton
Toronto, Toronto Division, ON, Canada
Geoffrey Everest Hinton CC FRS FRSC (born 6 December 1947) is a British-Canadian computer scientist, cognitive scientist, psychologist and most noted for his work on artificial neural networks, which h...
Sir Owen Tudor
(c.1400 - 1461)
Please see Peter Bartrum: St. John 1; & Marchudd 13 (A); (Steven Ferry, December 24, 2024.)
several sources give 2 death dates
2 February 1461
4 February 1461
Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond
(1430 - 1456)
Please see Peter Bartrum: St. John 1; & Marchudd 13 (A); (Steven Ferry, December 24, 2024.)
"Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond (1430 – 1 or 3 November 1456), also known as Edmund of Hadham (Welsh: Ed...
Eystein "kráku Konungurinn" Adilsson, King of Uppsala
(c.594 - c.655)
concerns== This Eystein is the same as Eystein "kráku Konungurinn" Adilsson, King of Uppsala biography==King of Uppsala==comments==Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be c...
Svadi "the Giant" Hjovardsson, of Dovre
(c.430 - d.)
Figure of the Orkneysaga.The mention of him is brief; when introducing Hrolf of the Hill, it says "he was the son of Svadi the giant from north of the Dovrefell".Date of birth is totally undocumented, ...
Archibald Campbell, 2nd Earl of Argyll
(c.1465 - 1513)
Gillespie Archibald Campbell , 2nd Earl of Argyll (c. 1465 – 9 September 1513) was a Scottish nobleman and politician who was killed at the Battle of Flodden.
Archibald was the eldest son of Colin C...
Rongomaiwahine was the principal ancestor of the people of the Māhia Peninsula. She was ariki tapairu (a woman of very high rank), descended from both Ruawharo, the tohunga of the Tākitimu canoe, and P...
Carin Larsdotter Teit
(c.1547 - aft.1610)
Elossa vielä 6.8.1610.
Nils Andersson Boije
(c.1490 - 1568)
äs)* Suomen käskynhaltija* Sotaeversti, Suomen käskynhaltija, Gennäsin Herra Pohjalla, mainitaan 1530 Raaseporin isäntänä, määrättiin 1537 pitämään aateliston kilvenkatselmusta sekä kruunun linnojen ta...
Leuthard I, count of Fézensac
(785 - 813)
LIUTHARD (-3 Jan [813] or after). See Parentage Discussion LIUTHARD (-3 Jan [813] or after). "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis" subscribed the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudi...
Aethelswith, Queen of Mercia
(c.838 - 888)
Suggested birth years: 833, c. 838, 840, c. 846Suggested death years: 888, 889 IMAGE: Ethelwulf ring:AD 839-858, Laverstock, Wiltshire, EnglandEthelswith ring: AD 853-888, Aberford, West Yorkshire, En...
Charles II "the Lame", King of Naples
(1254 - 1309)
Charles II , known as "the Lame" (French le Boiteux, Italian lo Zoppo) (1254 – 5 May 1309) was; King of Naples (7 Jan 1285 - 5 May 1309); King of Albania (1285 - 1294); Prince of Salerno, Prince of Ach...
Guillaume I, comte de Nevers
(b. - 1098)
GUILLAUME [I] de Nevers (-20 Jun 1098, bur Nevers, Saint-Etienne) Comte de Nevers, Comte d'Auxerre. Comte de Tonnerre, de iure uxoris in 1040
s/o RENAUD I Comte de Nevers & Hedwige
x c1039 ERMENGARDE C...
Louis IV, Duke of Upper Bavaria
(1282 - 1347)
Ludwig der Bayer Louis the Bavarian Links:
The Peerage
Wikipedia: English Deutsch
King of the Romans Reign 1314–1347 Coronation 25 November 1314 (Aachen) until 1330 with Frederick "t...
Isabel de Beaumont, Concubine #15 of Henry I, Countess Of Pembroke
(aft.1102 - c.1172)
Do not confuse with her neice, Isabella (Elizabeth) de Beaumont, who married Simon De Saint Liz, Gervase Paynel, and, William. [ ]Isabel (Elizabeth) de Beaumont (after 1102 – after 1172), daughter of R...
Sir James “The Good” Douglas, Lord of Douglas
(c.1286 - 1330)
Not to be confused with Sir James Douglas of Hermiston and of Lothian
Sir James Douglas (also known as Good Sir James and the Black Douglas; c. 1286 – 25 August 1330)[1] was a Scottish knight and fe...
Private Michael Kihirini Mahuika (62600)
(1919 - 1942)
====MAHUIKA, MICHAEL* Rank: Private* Service No: 62600* Date of Death:18/08/1942* Age: 23* Regiment/Service: New Zealand Infantry 28th (Maori) Bn. * Grave Reference: 2. G. 11. * Cemetery: FAYID WAR CEM...
Judith von Marchtal, duchess of Swabia
(c.925 - 992)
Judith von Marchtal Herzogin von Schwaben -25.12. Tochter des Grafen Adalbert von Marchtal Nch Jackman/Fried Gemahlin des Herzogs Konrad I. von Elsaß (+ 982) Glocker Winfrid: Seite 314 ************** "...
Johann Paul Trump
(1727 - 1792)
Great Great Great paternal Grandfather of President Donald J Trump.
Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jan 30 2019, 0:46:26 UTC
Ristiäiset: 6. elokuuta 1727 Weisenheim Am Berg, Rhénanie...
Johannes Sebastian Trump
(1699 - 1756)
Johannes Sebastian Trump, son of Philip and Juliana Trump, was born about 1699. He was christened on October 22, 1699 in Evangelisch-Lutherische, Battenberg, Pfalz, Bavaria. Johann Sebastian Trump, son...
Mary Helme
(1646 - 1712)
She did not, as some have surmised, marry Benoni Gardiner , and is not the same as Mary Gardiner
Mary Eldred
Gender: Female
Birth: June 15, 1646 Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
Ermengarde de Bourgogne, Daughter of Boson
(876 - 935)
Daughter of Boso, Comte de Vienne, King of Provence, and his wife Ermengardis (who was daughter of Emperor Louis II King of Italy & his wife Engelberga).The FMG lists her as an unnamed daughter, though...
Niall Caille, High King of Ireland
(791 - 846)
of IrelandBefore the English conquest Ireland was divided in several different kingdoms which were subordinated to a common high king. Exactly how much power they had and how long Ireland had been rule...
Geoffrey IV "Ferréol", count of Gâtinais
(aft.1000 - c.1045)
Attention: shifted numbering.
Wikipedia: Geoffrey II, Count of Gâtinais
Please NOTE: Geoffroy II was NOT the son of Geoffroy I Comte de Gâtinais. Rather, his mother, Beatrix, was first married to Ge...
Hugues du Perche, Comte de Gatinais
Hugues du Perche was a 10th century French noble. He was the youngest son of Fulcois, the Count of Perche, probably of the family of Viscounts from Châteaudun, and his wife, Melisende.
He was also one...
Constantine IX Monomachos, byzantine emperor
(c.1000 - 1055)
It is believed that “the Russian bride” was either a legal daughter from the wife Elena Sklirena , or illegitimate from Maria Skleraina ; however, there is no mention of the birth of children by Consta...
Barnabas Skipper
(c.1740 - 1810)
Barnabas is not mentioned in the will of Moses Skipper. Only wife Kezzia and daughter Sophy Jane are mentioned. The will does state that if Kezzia and Sophy Jane pass away, then his "two sons" would in...
Otto von Bismarck, Reichskanzler (Chancellor of the German Empire)
(1815 - 1898)
Otto von Bismarck ;
Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck, Duke of Lauenburg (1 April 1815 – 30 July 1898), simply known as Otto von Bismarck, was a German statesman who unified numerous German sta...
John Rizzo
(1918 - 1992)
John Rizzo was born in Chicago, Illinois and he celebrated his birthday as November 11, 1918, however his baptism record at St Philip Benizi says his date of birth was November 10, 1918. His birth reco...
NN, Mistress of Rainulfe II
(854 - c.910)
Looking for documentation before I can support naming this person. -Ben.Alternative Data from merges: Alice von Babenberg (de vermandois) b 864 Germany d 915 France or Adelaide Alsace; d Acquitaine; im...