Duncan MacDuff, 4th Earl of FIfe

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Duncan MacDuff, 4th Earl of Fife, Regent of Scotland (b. - 1154)

Also Known As: "Donnchadh"
Birthplace: Methil, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom
Death: 1154
Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:

Son of Gille Míchéil MacDuff, Earl of Fife and N.N.
Husband of NN
Father of Duncan of Strathbogie, 5th Earl of Fife; Adam of Fife and Aufrica
Brother of Hugh (Eoghin) of Fife and Ete ingen Gillemichael

Occupation: 4th Earl of Fife, Regent of Scotland
Managed by: Joshua
Last Updated:

About Duncan MacDuff, 4th Earl of FIfe

1. GILLIEMATHIL [Gilliemichael] Macduff, son of --- (-before [1135]). Earl [of Fife]. "…Gillemichel Mac duf…" witnessed a charter dated to [1128] by which "David… Rex Scottorum" made grants to the church of Dunfermline[286]. "Gillemichel comite…" witnessed a charter dated to [1130] by which "David…Rex Scottorum" made grants to the monks of Dunfermline[287]. m ---. The name of Gilliemathil’s wife is not known. Gilliemathil & his wife had [three] children:

* a) [DUNCAN (-1154). No primary source has been identified which confirms Duncan’s parentage but as, apparently, he was the successor of Earl Gilliemathil it is likely that he was his son. Earl of Fife. "…Dunecano comite…" witnessed a charter dated to [1135] by which "David Rex Scottorum" granted Swinton to "Arnulfo…mee militi"[288]. David I King of Scotland granted protection to the clerics of Deer by undated charter, witnessed by "Donchado comite de Fib et Malmori d’Athotla et Ggillebrite comite d’Engus et Ghgillcomded Mac Aed…"[289]. He may have been Regent of Scotland in 1153 during the minority of King Malcolm IV[290]. m ---. The name of Duncan’s wife is not known. Duncan & his wife had [three] children:

i) DUNCAN Macduff (-[Aug/Dec] 1203). He succeeded his father in 1154 as Earl of Fife. "Duncano comite de Fyfe…" subscribed the undated charter under which "Comes David frater regis Scottorum" founded Lindores Abbey[291]. - see below.
ii) ADAM ). "William Masculus de Foules" donated "capellam de Foules" to the church of St Andrew’s by undated charter witnessed by "Comite Duncano, Adam fratre comitis…"[292]. "Dunecanus comes de Fif" donated "ecclesiam de Cupre" to St Andrew’s priory by undated charter witnessed by "Hela comitissa, Adam fratre comitis…"[293]. "Dunecanus comes de Fif" donated "ecclesiam de Marchinch" to St Andrew’s priory by undated charter witnessed by "Hela comitissa…Adam clerico fratre comitis…"[294]. "Malcolmus filius Dunecani comitis de Fif" confirmed the donations of "ecclesiam de Cupre…Marking…Sconin, capellam de Katel" made to St Andrew’s priory by "Dunecanus comes pater meus", by undated charter but presumably dated to soon after his father’s death, witnessed by "…Adam fratre comitis…"[295]. "Nesius filius Willelmi" donated "ecclesiam de Lochres" to St Andrew’s priory by undated charter witnessed by "Dunecano comite de Fif…Adam filio Dunec et Horabili sponsa sua…"[296]. The date of his death is not known. m as her [third] husband, ORABILIS, separated wife firstly of ROBERT de Quincy, widow [secondly] of [MORGUND] Earl of Mar, daughter of NES of Mar and his wife --- (-before 30 Jun 1203). "Nesius filius Willi et Orabile filia sua heres" donated "ecclesiam de Losresc" to St Andrew’s priory by undated charter[297]. Her first marriage is confirmed by the undated charter under which her son "Seherus de Quency comes Wintonie" donated "totam terram de Duglyn", held by "Nesus filius Willelmi avus meus" to Cambuskenneth priory[298]. Her second marriage is indicated by the undated charter under which "Orabilis comitissa de Mar filia Nesii filii Willi" confirmed the donation of "ecclesiam de Lochres" made by "pater meus Nesius filius Willi" to St Andrew’s priory, witnessed by "Duncano comite de Fif…"[299]. The question of the precise identity of Orabilis’s second husband is discussed below. Her third marriage is indicated by the undated charter under which "Nesius filius Willelmi" donated "ecclesiam de Lochres" to St Andrew’s priory witnessed by "Dunecano comite de Fif…Adam filio Dunec et Horabili sponsa sua…"[300]. There seems little doubt that the witness was Orabilis, daughter of the donor, and her third husband, as the name is so unusual. "Orabilis filia et heres Dñi Nesii" donated property to St Andrew’s priory by undated charter witnessed by "…Patricio filio Nesii, Dunc filio Elin…"[301]. "Orabilis filia et heres Dñi Nesii" donated "Davach ictar Hathyn" to St Andrew’s priory by undated charter witnessed by "…G. com de Mar…Patricio filio Nesii, Duncan filio Emelin…"[302]. Pope Innocent III confirmed the possessions of Inchaffray Abbey, including the donation of land "in territorio de Gasgt" by "quondam Orable matris Seer de Quinci", by bull dated 30 Jun 1203[303]. Orabilis presumably died before her first husband, given the undated charter under which her son "Seerus de Quinci" confirmed the donation of "Davac Icthar Hathyn" made by "matris mea" to St Andrew’s priory which was witnessed by "…Roberto de Quincy patre meo…"[304].
iii) [AFREKA . Orkneyinga Saga records that Earl Harald married “a woman called Afreka”[305]. Balfour Paul’s Scots Peerage states that she was the daughter of Duncan Earl of Fife but cites no primary source apart from the Orkneyinga Saga, as shown previously which does not state the parentage of Jarl Harald’s wife[306]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. m (repudiated [1154/55]%29 as his first wife, HARALD Maddadsson Jarl of Orkney, son of MADDAD [of Scotland] Earl of Atholl & his second wife Margaret of Orkney (1134-1206).]

  • b) HUGH . His parentage is confirmed by the undated charter, probably dated to [1165/66], under which William King of Scotland confirmed the property of St Andrew’s priory, including a donation of "ecclesiam de Marchinche" by "militis…Egii filii Hugonis filii Gillemihel comitis de Fif"[307]. m ---. The name of Hugh’s wife is not known. Hugh & his wife had one child:

i) GILES . William King of Scotland confirmed the property of St Andrew’s priory, including a donation of "ecclesiam de Marchinche" by "militis…Egii filii Hugonis filii Gillemihel comitis de Fif", by undated charter probably dated to [1165/66][308].

  • c) ETE Macduff (-after 1132). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the Book of Deer which records the donation made by "Gartnait son of Cainnech and Ete daughter of Gille Michel" for "the consecration of a Church of Christ and Peter"[309]. m GARTNACH Mormaer of Buchan, son of CAINNEACH [Kenneth] & his wife (-after 1132).


From Scots Peerage: DUNCAN, fourth Earl of Fife, succeeded sometime before July 1136, and was probably, though not certainly,the son of Gillemichael. He is a constant witness to charters of King David i. to religious houses generally. In 1147, as Comes Duncanus, he is found witnessing the foundation charter of Cambuskenneth. About 1150 he is a witness to King David's charter to the monks of Deer, declaring them to be free from all lay duty or exaction. He was himself a benefactor to the church, and in an especial degree to the Benedictine Nunnery of North Berwick, of which he would seem to have been actually the founder. Immediately after the death of his son Prince Henry, King David i. sent his grandson Malcolm, in charge of the Earl, on a solemn progress through Scotland, and ordered him to be pro- claimed heir to the crown.

' And als he depute hys Counsale The Erie of Fyffe mast specyalle All governyd by hym to be In his state, and hys reawte.'

Earl Duncan is said to have died in 1154, and was certainly dead before 1160. By his wife, whose name is unknown, he had issue at least two sons and a daughter 1. DUNCAN, his successor. 2. Adam. In 1163 or 1164 'Adam, son of the Earl/ witnessed the confirmation by Richard, Bishop of St. Andrews, of the church of Oupar to the church of St. Andrews. His name occurs third in a list of sixteen witnesses. He may have been the 'Adam, son of Duncan,' who, with Orabilis his wife, witnessed about 1172 the grant of the church of Lochres by Nes, the son of William, to the church of St. Andrews. Orabilis his wife apparently survived him. She had previously been the wife of Sir Robert de Quincy, from whom she was probably divorced, and she married thirdly Gilchrist, Earl of Mar. 3. Afreka, wife of Harold the elder, Earl of Orkney,and mother by him of two sons and two daughters. Some writers have held that the families of Spens r M'Intosh, Duff, and Fife, are descended from this Earl of Fife, but without proof, and it is now certain that the origin of the M'Intoshes is to be looked for elsewhere

5th Earl of Fife, Regent of Scotland, 1153.

Donnchad, Earl of Fife (held the title c. 1133–1154), usually known in English as Duncan, was the first Gaelic magnate to have his territory regranted to him by feudal charter, by King David in 1136. Duncan, as head of the native Scottish nobility, had the job of introducing and conducting King Malcolm (IV) around the Kingdom upon his accession; however, [Duncan] died not long after [Malcolm was] crowned.[1]

The name of Duncan's wife is not known. It was his son Duncan who had a wife named Ela (or Ada), last name NOT known.

He is known to have fathered two sons and one daughter:

Duncan II, his son and heir, succeeded his father in 1154. Adam of Fife. In 1163 or 1164, 'Adam, son of the Earl' witnessed the confirmation by Richard, Bishop of St. Andrews. His name occurs third in a list of sixteen witnesses (Reg Prior St. Andrews, No 137). He may have been 'Adam, son of Duncan,' who with Orabilis his wife, witnessed about 1172, the gratn of the church of Lochres (Lewchars) by Nes, the son of William, to the church of St. Andrews. Orabilis his wife apparently survived him. She had previously been the wife of Sir Robert de Quincy, from whom she was probably divorced, and she married thirdly Gilchrist, Earl of Mar. Afreka, wife of Harold the elder, Earl of Orkney, and mother by him of two sons and two daughters.

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Duncan MacDuff, 4th Earl of FIfe's Timeline

Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom
Fife, Scotland
Methil, Fifeshire, Scotland
Methil, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom