Daughter of Boso, Comte de Vienne, King of Provence, and his wife Ermengardis (who was daughter of Emperor Louis II King of Italy & his wife Engelberga).
The FMG lists her as an unnamed daughter, though most sources provide the name of the wife of Manasses as Ermengarde.
Daughter [of Boso and Ermengardis]([after 882]-after 11 Aug 887). The existence of more than one daughter of King Boson & his second wife is confirmed by the charter dated 11 Aug 887 under which Emperor Karl III confirms a donation by "neptam nostram Hermingardim…filioque suo Hludouuico nepoti nostro et sororibus eius"[72]. It is not known how many other daughters there may have been. The Annales Bertiniani name "Richardus frater Bosonis" when recording that, after the capture of Vienne by the forces of King Carloman, he took “uxorem Bosonis et filiam eius” back to “comitatum suum Augustudensem” in 882[73], which suggests that any other children were born after the siege of Vienne. same person as…? [ERMENGARDE (-after Jun 924). One version of the Series abbatum Flaviniacensium, as reproduced only in a 17th century secondary source, records that "Richardus dux et Ingelbertus" installed "Vualonem, fratrem Manasserii comitis qui gener erat B fratris Richardi ducis" as abbot of Flavigny[74] which, if correct, means that the wife of Manassès was the daughter of King Boson. If this is right, her name suggests that she was the daughter of his second wife, although Chaume proposed that she was the daughter of his first marriage[75]. m MANASSES Comte [de Vergy], son of MANASSES & his wife --- (-925 or after).]
IF Manasses Comte de Vergy is the same person as Manasses Comte de Dijon (a fact which is not clear from the FMG), then the following provides an account of her children:
(from http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BURGUNDIAN NOBILITY.htm)
MANASSES [II] (-925 or after). Comte de Dijon. The Vita Sanctii Viventii Presbyteri records that "Manasses" built "monasterium in territorio Augustudunensi in loco montis Vergiaci castri" with the advice of "suæ uxoris Hermengardis fratrisque sui Walonis Æduorum urbis pontificis"[710]. The Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon records a donation dated 925 confirmed by "Manasse comite"[711]. m ERMENGARDE, daughter of --- (-after Jun 924). "Heriveus…Eduorum episcopus" donated property "villam Tilionacum" to the canons of St Nazaire by charter dated 31 Oct 920 which names "genitricis nostræ domnæ Hirmingardis comitissæ et fratrum nostrorum…[et] Walo presul et noster avunculus", signed by "Hirmingardis comitissa, Walonis filii eius, Gisleberti filii eius alterius, Manassæ filii eius"[712]. The Vita Sanctii Viventii Presbyteri names "Manasses…suæ uxoris Hermengardis"[713]. "Warulfus…virum nobilem…filio equivoco eius Warulfo" petitioned "Ermengardis comitisse…seu filii eius Gisleberti comitis" for some donated property of Saint-Marcel-lès-Chalon by charter dated Jun 924[714]. A possible origin of Ermengarde is suggested by one version of the Series abbatum Flaviniacensium, as reproduced only in a 17th century secondary source, which records that "Richardus dux et Ingelbertus" installed "Vualonem, fratrem Manasserii comitis qui gener erat B fratris Richardi ducis" as abbot of Flavigny[715]. If this is correct, she was Ermengarde, daughter of Boso King of Provence & [his second wife Ermengardis of Italy]. Manassès & his wife had [five] children:
a) WALO (-after 924). "Hirmingardis comitissa…Walonis filii eius, Gilleberti filii eius alterius" subscribed the testament of "Heriveus…Æduorum episcopus" dated 1 Nov 919 which names "genitricis nostræ domnæ Hirmingardis venerabilis comitissæ et fratrum nostrorum…domnus Walo pius Præsul et noster avunculus"[716]. Flodoard records that in 924 "Raginardus" captured "castellum…Mons sancti Iohannis" supported by "nepotum suorum, Walonis et Gisleberti", but that "Rodulfi rex" recaptured the castle later in the same year[717].
b) HERVE (-after 31 Oct 920). Bishop of Autun. The testament of "Heriveus…Æduorum episcopus" dated 1 Nov 919 names "genitricis nostræ domnæ Hirmingardis venerabilis comitissæ et fratrum nostrorum…domnus Walo pius Præsul et noster avunculus", subscribed by "Hirmingardis comitissa…Walonis filii eius, Gilleberti filii eius alterius"[718]. "Heriveus…Eduorum episcopus" donated property "villam Tilionacum" to the canons of St Nazaire by charter dated 31 Oct 920 which names "genitricis nostræ domnæ Hirmingardis comitissæ et fratrum nostrorum…[et] Walo presul et noster avunculus", signed by "Hirmingardis comitissa, Walonis filii eius, Gisleberti filii eius alterius, Manassæ filii eius"[719].
c) GISELBERT (-Paris after Easter 956). The parentage of Giselbert is confirmed by a combination of documents. "Hirmingardis comitissa…Walonis filii eius, Gilleberti filii eius alterius" subscribed the testament of "Heriveus…Æduorum episcopus" dated 1 Nov 919, which names "genitricis nostræ domnæ Hirmingardis venerabilis comitissæ et fratrum nostrorum…domnus Walo pius Præsul et noster avunculus"[720]. Flodoard records that in 924 "Raginardus" captured "castellum…Mons sancti Iohannis" supported by "nepotum suorum, Walonis et Gisleberti", but that "Rodulfi rex" recaptured the castle later in the same year[721]. The Vita Sanctii Viventii Presbyteri names "Manasses…filius Gislebertus eiusdem Burgundiæ Dux"[722]. Comte d´Autun: "Gislebertus…comes Heduensis" granted property to "suo fidele Guitbaldus…nec non eius coniuge Rutrudis" by charter dated 11 Dec 934, signed by "Gisleberti comitis, Ermengardi, Adaledis filiam eorum…"[723]. He became GISELBERT Duke of Burgundy, after his brothers-in-law Raoul and Hugues "le Noir" ceded him their rights to Burgundy in [936].
d) MANASSES (-after 31 Oct 920). "Hirmingardis comitissa, Walonis filii eius, Gisleberti filii eius alterius, Manassæ filii eius" subscribed the charter dated 31 Oct 920 under which "Heriveus…Eduorum episcopus" donated property "villam Tilionacum" to the canons of St Nazaire which names "genitricis nostræ domnæ Hirmingardis comitissæ et fratrum nostrorum…[et] Walo presul et noster avunculus"[724].
e) [ERMENGARDE (-before [941]). She is named as wife of Letaud in the latter's charter dated [12 Apr] 935, which also names both his and her parents[725]. Manassès Comte de Dijon & his wife Ermengarde are the only contemporary noble couple with these names which has so far been identified in the region, but it is not certain that they were the parents of Ermengarde wife of Letaud. m (before [12 Apr] 935) as his first wife, LETAUD Comte de Mâcon, son of AUBRY [I] Comte de Mâcon & his wife Tolana de Mâcon (915-3 Nov 961).]
860 |
876 |
Châlons-en-Champagne, Champagne-Ardenne, France
878 |
Arles-sur-Tech, Pyrénées-Orientales, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
890 |
Chalons-Sur-Marne, Marne, Champagne, France
896 |
Vergy, Cote d'Or, Bourgogne, France
900 |
Châlons-sur-Saône, Saône-et-Loire, France
920 |
Vergy, Cote d'Or, Burgundy, France
935 |
April 12, 935
Age 59
Reulle Vergy, Cote d'Or, Bourgogne, France